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3 major problems for the game


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Ok so I'm starting to get really tired of SWTOR, really fast. The game in my view is pretty good, but self imposed limitations are needlessly making the game bad.

1) Crew Skills. Firstly I would like to say that I like the crew skills that are available to you right now, they are good. However, they constrict themselves in many ways. Why do you have to just settle with 1 craft and 2 other skills? why can't you master all of them? I find myself constantly aggravated over the many hours spent switching between characters and sending different characters credits through the mail in order to fund the various skills that my characters employ. One of the very appealing attributes of Guild Wars 2 in my opinion was the fact that if you dropped one of your skills that you wouldn't lose all of your levels gained while using that skill. Why, then, when you remove a skill in SWTOR, you magically contract alzheimer's disease and lose every last level that you gained, even if it was at cap? Also, you really need to make the skills more relevant. My level 44 Jedi Sagehas only 150 biochem skill. Make the skills a more integral part of the game and leveling up process, right now it's just a neat little add on. Lastly, you need to really look at all the top level gear and weapons made through the skills. They pale in comparison to the PVP armor and weapons as well as the Hard mode Flashpoints weapons and armor. Make skills other then Biochem, Cybertech and Slicing the most important skills of the endgame. I honestly don't use my Synthweaving on my Jedi Guardian anymore. It was helpful for me to be able to make my own armor as a Tank, but now that I'm at level cap, there is nothing besides doing hard mode flashpoints and PvP and getting the respective armor and weapons associated with these tasks.

2) Binding. I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE BINDING!!!!!! I HATE IT WITH A PASSION!!!! I can understand between separate players, at a very low level such as equipment for hard mode flashpoints and pvp, but to bind almost every single thing in the game?!!! ABSOLUTELY STUPID AND INFURIATING!!!!! I can't even make a set of armor with synthweaving on my level 50 Jedi Guardian and send it to one of my other characters for them to use! WHY???? WHY DO YOU NEEDLESSLY RESTRICT THE MARKET?! (as you can tell I am extraordinarily angry about this issue...) Removal would be ideal, but I don't see that happening any time soon. At least allow me to send my own characters stuff that one character can't use. It's really stupid. Example: I just recieved a biochem recipe on my Jedi Guardian, who has synthweaving. I am unable to send this item to my Jedi Sage because it is bound. I cannot sell it to other characters, because it is bound. The best I can do with it is sell it to an NPC vendor for 1,000 credits, while it is a purple recipe worth 10 times what I'm being offered. This is unneccesary and wasteful.

3) Tanks in PVP. I feel that Tanks are extraordinarily useless in traditional pvp. The only thing that I do with my Guardian is die. dont do anything but throw your body up against the meat grinder. Sure in games like Huttball and Voidstar you are somewhat useful, but not really in Denova and Alderaan. All you do is sit there and die. Jedi Guardians are supposed to be "Protectors of Galactic Peace". Well that implies that they are able to actually protect against something, not just slow something down. I can see some benefits in tanking, but the negatives that I see far outweigh the positives.

Please at least look at these, I am a very upset player and I am very seriously considering just leaving the game. If that doesn't mean crap to you, well then you've already lost and you aren't worth fighting for. I still like the game though, and I find it enjoyable to a certain extent, even with the apparent flaws in the game. I still want to fight for it.

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I haven't got synthweaving at the moment but everything I have made in armormech, artifice and cybertech is not bound unless I equip it. I assume you aren't putting mods into the armours before sending them as I believe that does bind them? Also, all recipes I have received are unbound but I haven't had drops of purples so perhaps that is different? Edited by wanttornow
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The recipe is bind on pick-up. And as for the synthweaving, I am not sure. Still, you should be able to sell to other people or give to other people with the mods already attached. Saves them the trouble plus it would more than likely sell for more on the GTN.
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3) Tanks in PVP. I feel that Tanks are extraordinarily useless in traditional pvp. The only thing that I do with my Guardian is die. dont do anything but throw your body up against the meat grinder. Sure in games like Huttball and Voidstar you are somewhat useful, but not really in Denova and Alderaan. All you do is sit there and die


You clearly aren't a competitive player. Tanking is essential to any decent team build. You go into a rated match up against a team that has a good tank and you don't have one, you're done. A good tank should be swapping his shield to players being focused using a combination of staring at your ops frames and having a decent view for the field. On top of that you should be single target taunting, and looking for groups to aoe taunt. Most importantly, and I believe this seperates the good tanks from the great tanks, you should be cc'ing for whoever is getting focused. If you feel like tanks are useless you for one don't have a healer, two you aren't doing your job as a tank well, and three you probably aren't popping your defensive cd's or don't have them because you're still a lowbie.

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You clearly have no idea what PvP should look like.


I mean, the whole idea of a TANK in Player vs Player is just insane. Is the other team supposed to be hitting on the dude with most survivability while the healers and backline halp him survive all the punishment or are you supposed to ignore the fortress and hit the enemy where it hurts (aka. the healers and the backline)?


Hint: By the time you reach the correct answer it will have been known to humans for several thousand years.

Edited by slafko
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Forgetting of learned schematics is simply to prevent any player from creating a "uber crafter", that could switch professions at will, which would probably undermine the whole market with all the money he would earn. Plus, it is pretty standard behavior of MMOs


Binding of OPS schematics is weird, I will agree to that, and BW should have another look that. However, it should still be kept as a operation reward and it should not be possible to freely trade that.

However, 99% of what you craft from Synth and other profession is Bind on Equip or Usable, so you can send it freely unless you mod it or equip it.


And if you fail as tank in PvP, you have to be doing something wrong. Tanks in PvP are meant to Guard other players, redirecting the damage onto themselves and Taunt enemies, reducing the damage they deal to other players. This gives you points in the "protection" score, which is what the tanks should be best at. And because tanks have several abilities to make enemies attack them, they have abilities to reduce the damage taken (Warding Call, Blade Barrier, etc)

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The recipe is bind on pick-up. And as for the synthweaving, I am not sure. Still, you should be able to sell to other people or give to other people with the mods already attached. Saves them the trouble plus it would more than likely sell for more on the GTN.


Why would anyone want to buy armour with mods already in it when they can buy them separately, especially as different classes want different armouring and different specs want different enchancements and mods? Mods are easy to get. Its getting armour you like the look of that is harder.


And very, very little of what you craft is bound.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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You clearly have no idea what PvP should look like.


I mean, the whole idea of a TANK in Player vs Player is just insane. Is the other team supposed to be hitting on the dude with most survivability while the healers and backline halp him survive all the punishment or are you supposed to ignore the fortress and hit the enemy where it hurts (aka. the healers and the backline)?


Hint: By the time you reach the correct answer it will have been known to humans for several thousand years.


Guard and Taunts. That helps other players be the fortress while the tank is still alive.

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3) Tanks in PVP. I feel that Tanks are extraordinarily useless in traditional pvp. The only thing that I do with my Guardian is die. dont do anything but throw your body up against the meat grinder. Sure in games like Huttball and Voidstar you are somewhat useful, but not really in Denova and Alderaan. All you do is sit there and die. Jedi Guardians are supposed to be "Protectors of Galactic Peace". Well that implies that they are able to actually protect against something, not just slow something down. I can see some benefits in tanking, but the negatives that I see far outweigh the positives.

Please at least look at these, I am a very upset player and I am very seriously considering just leaving the game. If that doesn't mean crap to you, well then you've already lost and you aren't worth fighting for. I still like the game though, and I find it enjoyable to a certain extent, even with the apparent flaws in the game. I still want to fight for it.


The first two are hardly such game-breaking problems IMHO, but I would like to see crafting get a little more robust and have more fun with it than just recipe select, click.


However... the thing about tanks...


You clearly point out that they have their uses in certain maps, like Voidstar and Huttball. That is absolutely true. There's hardly a better ball carrier than a tank. The automatic defense boosts, along with extra damage reduction and even top-end health stat boosts are just awesome for short-term survivability. And a single tank guarding a door in Voidstar is usually enough buffer time to get a few people from the other side over to assist when they get hit.


But the same goes for Novare Coast. In many instances there are 3 nodes, 2 of which are being attacked by various enemy factions, while a third node sits idle. And this is another fine place to spot our tank, standing there waiting, with all cooldowns and damage mitigation ready to defend until help can arrive.


Similarly, I've been the last person at a node on the Civil War map many a time, blowing cooldowns left and right as I keep swatting at the players trying to cap, lasting just long enough to stop them until another wave of reinforcements heads in from the speeder drop.


Hypergates... the same. A tank at the pylon is a good bit of insurance against an overwhelming stealth pop and cap.


But that's not all. Tanks also have special abilities that, when used, are immensely valuable to the entire team.




When tanks are adequately using area taunts, the enemy team's damage output is reduced, sometimes by as much as 20-25%. These are often on a very short cooldown and are best spammed out the wazoo for the entire match. And then there's usually a single taunt, which is especially good for protecting healers.




Tanks have Guard. Proper tanks figure out who the healers are and attach a Guard to them immediately before the match begins, and as often as they can when heading back into the match after a respawn. That many tanks don't use this properly doesn't mean it isn't useful and a great benefit to having a tank or two around.




There are additional abilities the tank can use, and I especially love Freezing Force on my Guardian. When I can trap almost an entire Imp attack team in a single hallway by spamming Freezing Force in the midst of all of my defensive cooldowns, while I know my team is arranging themselves around the drawbridge controls (or running ahead to bomb the door on the other side, completely unopposed, as I've got the nasties trapped behind me in effervescent blue coolness), it's hard to describe how delightful it is as I cackle like a SOB.


Additional tricks like Guardian Leap can mean a crucial number of seconds for a healer to recover.


Long and short of it... I think Guardians are immensely useful.

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You clearly aren't a competitive player. Tanking is essential to any decent team build. You go into a rated match up against a team that has a good tank and you don't have one, you're done. A good tank should be swapping his shield to players being focused using a combination of staring at your ops frames and having a decent view for the field. On top of that you should be single target taunting, and looking for groups to aoe taunt. Most importantly, and I believe this seperates the good tanks from the great tanks, you should be cc'ing for whoever is getting focused. If you feel like tanks are useless you for one don't have a healer, two you aren't doing your job as a tank well, and three you probably aren't popping your defensive cd's or don't have them because you're still a lowbie.


I agree with this 100 percent

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Ok so I'm starting to get really tired of SWTOR, really fast. The game in my view is pretty good, but self imposed limitations are needlessly making the game bad.

1) Crew Skills. Firstly I would like to say that I like the crew skills that are available to you right now, they are good. However, they constrict themselves in many ways. Why do you have to just settle with 1 craft and 2 other skills? why can't you master all of them? I find myself constantly aggravated over the many hours spent switching between characters and sending different characters credits through the mail in order to fund the various skills that my characters employ. One of the very appealing attributes of Guild Wars 2 in my opinion was the fact that if you dropped one of your skills that you wouldn't lose all of your levels gained while using that skill. Why, then, when you remove a skill in SWTOR, you magically contract alzheimer's disease and lose every last level that you gained, even if it was at cap? Also, you really need to make the skills more relevant. My level 44 Jedi Sagehas only 150 biochem skill. Make the skills a more integral part of the game and leveling up process, right now it's just a neat little add on. Lastly, you need to really look at all the top level gear and weapons made through the skills. They pale in comparison to the PVP armor and weapons as well as the Hard mode Flashpoints weapons and armor. Make skills other then Biochem, Cybertech and Slicing the most important skills of the endgame. I honestly don't use my Synthweaving on my Jedi Guardian anymore. It was helpful for me to be able to make my own armor as a Tank, but now that I'm at level cap, there is nothing besides doing hard mode flashpoints and PvP and getting the respective armor and weapons associated with these tasks.

2) Binding. I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE BINDING!!!!!! I HATE IT WITH A PASSION!!!! I can understand between separate players, at a very low level such as equipment for hard mode flashpoints and pvp, but to bind almost every single thing in the game?!!! ABSOLUTELY STUPID AND INFURIATING!!!!! I can't even make a set of armor with synthweaving on my level 50 Jedi Guardian and send it to one of my other characters for them to use! WHY???? WHY DO YOU NEEDLESSLY RESTRICT THE MARKET?! (as you can tell I am extraordinarily angry about this issue...) Removal would be ideal, but I don't see that happening any time soon. At least allow me to send my own characters stuff that one character can't use. It's really stupid. Example: I just recieved a biochem recipe on my Jedi Guardian, who has synthweaving. I am unable to send this item to my Jedi Sage because it is bound. I cannot sell it to other characters, because it is bound. The best I can do with it is sell it to an NPC vendor for 1,000 credits, while it is a purple recipe worth 10 times what I'm being offered. This is unneccesary and wasteful.

3) Tanks in PVP. I feel that Tanks are extraordinarily useless in traditional pvp. The only thing that I do with my Guardian is die. dont do anything but throw your body up against the meat grinder. Sure in games like Huttball and Voidstar you are somewhat useful, but not really in Denova and Alderaan. All you do is sit there and die. Jedi Guardians are supposed to be "Protectors of Galactic Peace". Well that implies that they are able to actually protect against something, not just slow something down. I can see some benefits in tanking, but the negatives that I see far outweigh the positives.

Please at least look at these, I am a very upset player and I am very seriously considering just leaving the game. If that doesn't mean crap to you, well then you've already lost and you aren't worth fighting for. I still like the game though, and I find it enjoyable to a certain extent, even with the apparent flaws in the game. I still want to fight for it.


I got news for you man, you don't like MMOs.

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The recipe is bind on pick-up. And as for the synthweaving, I am not sure. Still, you should be able to sell to other people or give to other people with the mods already attached. Saves them the trouble plus it would more than likely sell for more on the GTN.


Depends on the schematic. Some schematics are BoP, some are not. Most of the purple ones that you buy with comms or get as drops from OPs are BoP but most others are not and are sold on the GTN.

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Ahhhhh wall of text! :rak_04:


Indeed. That's the most impressive thing about this post. How did the OP put that together without going blind?


Whether you agree or disagree, when people have nothing to go on but written text they will judge you by your writing skill. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are your friends in this.

Edited by uziforyou
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I haven't got synthweaving at the moment but everything I have made in armormech, artifice and cybertech is not bound unless I equip it. I assume you aren't putting mods into the armours before sending them as I believe that does bind them? Also, all recipes I have received are unbound but I haven't had drops of purples so perhaps that is different?


The end game "Rakata" items a Synthweaver can make are BOP, so they bind the moment you make them. I have a maxed out Synthweaver and she's only good for making stuff for lowbie alts. Of bigger concern to me is my Artificer. Ever since all the "uber" +41 crystals began to flood the market from Cartel Packs, there is no point for my Artificer to make level 50 crystals anymore and their value has dropped quite a lot. It would be nice if Artificers could somehow "find" the patterns for these +41/usable at level 10 crystals that are in the packs (make them the traditional colors (blue/green/red) if they want to keep the Cartel Crystals "unique"). I understand the devs introduced them to "equalize" crystals, but in the process they nerfed a major part of being an Artificer. :(

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The first two are hardly such game-breaking problems IMHO, but I would like to see crafting get a little more robust and have more fun with it than just recipe select, click.


However... the thing about tanks...


You clearly point out that they have their uses in certain maps, like Voidstar and Huttball. That is absolutely true. There's hardly a better ball carrier than a tank. The automatic defense boosts, along with extra damage reduction and even top-end health stat boosts are just awesome for short-term survivability. And a single tank guarding a door in Voidstar is usually enough buffer time to get a few people from the other side over to assist when they get hit.


But the same goes for Novare Coast. In many instances there are 3 nodes, 2 of which are being attacked by various enemy factions, while a third node sits idle. And this is another fine place to spot our tank, standing there waiting, with all cooldowns and damage mitigation ready to defend until help can arrive.


Similarly, I've been the last person at a node on the Civil War map many a time, blowing cooldowns left and right as I keep swatting at the players trying to cap, lasting just long enough to stop them until another wave of reinforcements heads in from the speeder drop.


Hypergates... the same. A tank at the pylon is a good bit of insurance against an overwhelming stealth pop and cap.


But that's not all. Tanks also have special abilities that, when used, are immensely valuable to the entire team.




When tanks are adequately using area taunts, the enemy team's damage output is reduced, sometimes by as much as 20-25%. These are often on a very short cooldown and are best spammed out the wazoo for the entire match. And then there's usually a single taunt, which is especially good for protecting healers.




Tanks have Guard. Proper tanks figure out who the healers are and attach a Guard to them immediately before the match begins, and as often as they can when heading back into the match after a respawn. That many tanks don't use this properly doesn't mean it isn't useful and a great benefit to having a tank or two around.




There are additional abilities the tank can use, and I especially love Freezing Force on my Guardian. When I can trap almost an entire Imp attack team in a single hallway by spamming Freezing Force in the midst of all of my defensive cooldowns, while I know my team is arranging themselves around the drawbridge controls (or running ahead to bomb the door on the other side, completely unopposed, as I've got the nasties trapped behind me in effervescent blue coolness), it's hard to describe how delightful it is as I cackle like a SOB.


Additional tricks like Guardian Leap can mean a crucial number of seconds for a healer to recover.


Long and short of it... I think Guardians are immensely useful.


Thank you for your perspective, it has changed mine and helped me immensly. Sorry for being such a noob, this being my first mmo and everything. And I've done what you've done with freezing force :) it was SO MUCH FUN :)

Edited by Saarthalian
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I'm just waiting until the Holy TRiad of Tank, DD, Heal is beginning to infect offline solo player RPGs ...


Ehm, it has ever since pen and paper games, on which are all PC RPGs based on. Heavy armored warriors were trying to prevent as much damage to others, with clerics healing/buffing them and mages casting devastating and crowd controlling spells from afar.

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