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Tired of carrying scrubs.


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Why don't you just run Rated Warzones instead then? Problem solved.


Easier said then done.

Rateds have their own artificial/non-skill based gates, specifically group makeup and the 8 man queued at once.


I agree with the OP in concept. I don't feel like I'm really learning much in my warzones anymore - and haven't for weeks. I've been looking to participate in rated warzones for almost two months. It's not that I'd be dominating them....not at all. I'd be mediocre by rated standards. However, it's the only way I'm going to continue to improve myself as a player. Not everyone in rateds has a 2000 rating.


Rateds, as currently constructed, are simply inaccessible to a lot of people who are good enough to participate and not be terrible in them. It drives me nuts.


First rule of PVP:


Never PVP sober.


and this, +1 I'm a better PvPer with a mild buzz.

Edited by islander
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I do apologize for not reading the OP correctly in my first response. I had been awake for far too long, is all I have to give as an excuse to that.


But even so, if we are talking pre-50 (or 55), then it makes even less of a sense to have 8-man premades being able to queue! There are only three reasons that you should lose in a 4-man premade in pre-50 PvP, and those are as follows:


1) You're facing a superior pre-made.

2) The other 4 have either a) low level or b) very low skill, while the other team is at least mediocre all around.

3) You're off doing stuff you're not supposed to be doing.


Or any combination of the above. I cannot stress this enough. If you have just 1 guard on an objective and are using some kind of voice program, that person can easily call incomings and keep them occupied until reinforcements arrive. And not only that, you'll know he'll do it. Add to that another guard and that objective becomes pretty much untakeable by the enemy if you are able to respond to incoming-calls.


Everyone just needs to relax and stop throwing their e-peen around and realize that what the OP is asking for is not feasible or fun. I might be the only one, but I'm often having the most fun when the opposition is challenging, and it would either not be that unless you faced another 8-man premade or it would become a slaughter if you were on the receiving end of it.

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Lowbie PvP in this game is some of the most horribly balanced MMO PvP in existence. It's just a fun leveling alternative to insufferably dull planetary questing and space missions on rails. Permitting 8-man premades in lowbies would only make it worse.


Regs are Regs. Fortunately at 50, you have the option to create your own 8-man premade. Unfortunately, most peeps are either too lazy to also do so or scared, so you will just sit in a queue that will never pop for long periods of time.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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spiderman derail is much better than OP.


As for OP ... there is a long list of good ideas to improve WZ infrastructure. About the only think likely to happen in 2013 is Season 1 of rated WZ.


I think everyone is in favor of allowing full 8-mans to queue in all WZs as long as the match scheduler can make a challenging match. Better match making is the foundation of PvP WZ. Building on top of a bad foundation (e.g. the current matchmaking algorithm) is pointless.


We and do not lack good ideas for how to do this. What we lack is BW prioritizing PvP WZ infrastructure improvements high enough to actually implement them. There always seems to be something else more important...

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I feel that Star Wars The Old Republic needs to have the ability for full 8 man grouping in pre 50 PvP (and pre 55 after patch) . I am tired of losing hard fought games because one or two people refuse to play the objectives properly. I dont personally feel that carrying bad players through warzones is a good thing. I have personally tried on countless occasions to enlighten said scrubs on the tips for each different warzone, but no one listens. People that enjoy PvP shouldn't have to drag along people who don't deserve a win because we are limited to 4-man premades. If you can't play the objectives in a warzone why play at all?


As an Elite player it's your duty to make up for the deficiencies of the less skilled. That's the attitude you must take into each and every warzone. It also provides a greater challenge for you to execute your tactics flawlessly.

Edited by Odyseus
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As an Elite player it's your duty to make up for the deficiencies of the less skilled. That's the attitude you must take into each and every warzone. It also provides a greater challenge for you to execute your tactics flawlessly.


wrong... I take in the attitude that If I am going to lose I am going to take down as many mofo's with me as possible. Everything must die, even me.

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wrong... I take in the attitude that If I am going to lose I am going to take down as many mofo's with me as possible. Everything must die, even me.


So that's your answer to playing with people who're less skilled than you? Just kill with reckless abandon? If killing more people would ensure I win I would agree. Unfortunately it doesn't. So it's your duty as an Elite player to make up for the deficiencies of the less skilled and go above and beyond the call duty to increase your odds of winning. Works for me:)

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So that's your answer to playing with people who're less skilled than you? Just kill with reckless abandon? If killing more people would ensure I win I would agree. Unfortunately it doesn't. So it's your duty as an Elite player to make up for the deficiencies of the less skilled and go above and beyond the call duty to increase your odds of winning. Works for me:)


I've queued with him. Don't worry, he covers objectives quite well.

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The OP has trolled this thread, worse than the one under the bridge with a crack pipe. My guess is that he's B.S.-ing people for a laugh. There's no way anyone could actually hold an opinion like that and not be completely whacked out of his gourd from sniffing glue or whatever.
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The OP has trolled this thread, worse than the one under the bridge with a crack pipe. My guess is that he's B.S.-ing people for a laugh. There's no way anyone could actually hold an opinion like that and not be completely whacked out of his gourd from sniffing glue or whatever.


You are absolutely wrong, since the game went F2P, PvP became catastrophic. I perfectly agree with the OP

Hopefully the new expansion will separate us from the F2P mob.

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OP, do you understand that a lot of people in pre-50 warzones are either new to their class or new to the game entirely? Players don't even have all of their abilities and all bolster does is make everyone appear to have equivalent health.


Pre-50 aka lowbie warzones are meant to be a learning ground but it sounds to me like you want to take in a premade 8-man of level 40+ with most of your abilities and completely stomp on level 15's who have almost no abilities and are probably just learning how to PvP.


I'll bet you sit there and yell and scream at these "scrubs" and complain that they aren't learning but you're not even trying to help them learn. And why would anyone want to learn from someone anyway who has such a bad attitude? For example, in Huttball, I'll say "guys, when we have the ball stop fighting everyone and get open for a pass or protect the carrier." But you probably say "*** NOOB SCRUBS L2PLAY" and leave it at that, then come here and spaz out about how everyone sucks but you.


I feel the people that whine about lowbie PvP are one of the worst aspects of the SWTOR community.

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So that's your answer to playing with people who're less skilled than you? Just kill with reckless abandon? If killing more people would ensure I win I would agree. Unfortunately it doesn't. So it's your duty as an Elite player to make up for the deficiencies of the less skilled and go above and beyond the call duty to increase your odds of winning. Works for me:)


you do that. And I bet you get bent out of shape when you lose or someone does something stupid. I just play for the fun of it.

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OP, do you understand that a lot of people in pre-50 warzones are either new to their class or new to the game entirely? Players don't even have all of their abilities and all bolster does is make everyone appear to have equivalent health.


Pre-50 aka lowbie warzones are meant to be a learning ground but it sounds to me like you want to take in a premade 8-man of level 40+ with most of your abilities and completely stomp on level 15's who have almost no abilities and are probably just learning how to PvP.


I'll bet you sit there and yell and scream at these "scrubs" and complain that they aren't learning but you're not even trying to help them learn. And why would anyone want to learn from someone anyway who has such a bad attitude? For example, in Huttball, I'll say "guys, when we have the ball stop fighting everyone and get open for a pass or protect the carrier." But you probably say "*** NOOB SCRUBS L2PLAY" and leave it at that, then come here and spaz out about how everyone sucks but you.


I feel the people that whine about lowbie PvP are one of the worst aspects of the SWTOR community.


I do understand that alot of them are new players, but when i see their legacy name on 3 different toons.... that is a different thing altogether. Adressing your second point, no i'd like to take an 8man of my lowbie friends ( high teens to low30s) and completly stomp on a group because we out played them. Your third point is completly wrong, at the beginning of matches i ask poeple if they need a clarification on strats in the current WZ, i call out incoming numbers and generally help as much as i can BEFORE i yell **** NOOB SCRUBS L2PLAY". you can only lead a horse to water, you cannot make him drink. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, yours is just wrong.

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