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2.0 What's in it for me?


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Are 2.0 and ROTHC one in the same?


It's sort of confusing the way people have combined ROTHC and 2.0 discussions.

I see a lot of discussion about what ROTHC offers but, what does update 2.0 bring for me and anyone else that isn't buying the expansion. What does it offer people below level 50?


I don't do OPs so I'm just curious if there is any new content that I don't have to purchase (hopefully some bug fixes) .


Seems sort of silly to say "Game Update 2.0 introduces Operation: Legions of Scum and Villiany (sic) for level 55 players." which to me translates to "With this new free update we offer a new OP that you can play if you have paid for the expansion and leveled a character to 55".





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All mechanics (achievements, ability changes, class changes, commendations etc.) are available to everyone, barring of course abilities that appear level 51+. All content (the planet Makeb, new flashpoints/operations, Makeb gear, story etc.) and new levels is for people bought the expansion only.
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I've budgeted for three mmo's in my life with no-holds barred. Whether or not all three of them are paid subs, f2p or a hybrid makes no difference to me, I'll buy full access to those games no matter what comes along. In the case of SW:TOR, I've been a subber since launch and am dedicated to simply buying whatever expansion or update they roll out. It makes the question of "what's in it for me?" mute. My answer is: I'm all-in, so let's roll!


Sure, there may be a time when the direction of the game veers so far off of what I want to spend my down-time playing that I'll move on, but it is not this day. Just support the game, buy what you need to buy to have full-access and enjoy.




PS-When ESO comes out, no matter what model, something is gonna hafta go... though I doubt it will be SW:TOR. Most likely it will be Tera. ;-)

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Are 2.0 and ROTHC one in the same?


It's sort of confusing the way people have combined ROTHC and 2.0 discussions.


Then it might serve you well to click on the pages here at the site that explain these two updates for you.

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Then it might serve you well to click on the pages here at the site that explain these two updates for you.


What links would those be, please show me.

That is what I'm trying to find!

I know all about Makeb, ROTHC but I can't find what is actually in 2.0 that isn't just fixing what was broken, thanks!

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The biggest thing I can think of that you will get without buying the expansion is re-done skill trees and new or changed talents/powers.

Unless one of the changes in the expansion is adding "talents", I think you're referring to Skills.

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2.0 and the expansion are not the same.


If you do not get the expansion you can level to 55 and do the new ops and level 55 fp's that come with it. Skill trees etc are all part of that.


What's in the expansion isn't entirely clear yet but we know it means access to the planet Makeb and all that goes with it. So more story line for reps and imps and new features like scavenger hunts for gear on that planet.


So whereas 2.0 allows you to level on with existing content and get the level 55 ops and fp's, the planet Makeb with everything on it (information is limited on what that all means atm) will not be available unless you purchase it.

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PS-When ESO comes out, no matter what model, something is gonna hafta go...


lol YEP! I feel a great disturbance in the world of MMO when this comes out. A lot of games could lose a lot of players...I only allow myself to sub to one game at a time.....hmmm....

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2.0 and the expansion are not the same.


If you do not get the expansion you can level to 55 and do the new ops and level 55 fp's that come with it. Skill trees etc are all part of that.


What's in the expansion isn't entirely clear yet but we know it means access to the planet Makeb and all that goes with it. So more story line for reps and imps and new features like scavenger hunts for gear on that planet.


So whereas 2.0 allows you to level on with existing content and get the level 55 ops and fp's, the planet Makeb with everything on it (information is limited on what that all means atm) will not be available unless you purchase it.


Wrong. If you don't buy the expansion you are stuck at 50.

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2.0 and the expansion are not the same.


If you do not get the expansion you can level to 55 and do the new ops and level 55 fp's that come with it. Skill trees etc are all part of that.


What's in the expansion isn't entirely clear yet but we know it means access to the planet Makeb and all that goes with it. So more story line for reps and imps and new features like scavenger hunts for gear on that planet.


So whereas 2.0 allows you to level on with existing content and get the level 55 ops and fp's, the planet Makeb with everything on it (information is limited on what that all means atm) will not be available unless you purchase it.


No, 2.0 does NOT allow you to level to 55 without buying RotHC. RotHC and 2.0 both add 51-55 content, but it's only accessible if you own RotHC. If you don't, then the only 2.0 changes you get to see are the revamped mechanics. No new content without RotHC.

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Isn't this standard for pretty much every MMO expansion?


Yes, every single MMO out there have expansion somewhat with a 1,5 years = 1 expansion ratio.


If you dont get the expansion you wont be able to get further from the point the previous expansion point allows you to, at the moment the "vanilla" swtor.

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Well after scanning around the boards, (and even in this post) I see I'm not the only one that is confused!


I would like to know what is reportedly in 2.0 and separately I would like to know what is in ROTHC.

Reading the forums has only confused me more!

It gives the appearance that BW is trying to say "Look at this great 2.0 update that came out as promised", when the 2.0 update is fluff and the real stuff is in ROTHC.

I guess I'll just wait and be surprised!

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Well after scanning around the boards, (and even in this post) I see I'm not the only one that is confused!


I would like to know what is reportedly in 2.0 and separately I would like to know what is in ROTHC.

Reading the forums has only confused me more!

It gives the appearance that BW is trying to say "Look at this great 2.0 update that came out as promised", when the 2.0 update is fluff and the real stuff is in ROTHC.

I guess I'll just wait and be surprised!

2.0 gives you the ability to play with the Expansion people. So you'll get the revamped Talent Trees, but you will not be able to access anything that is higher levels such as:

New Lvl 55 FP's

New Lvl 55 Op's

New Lvl 55 Gear

New Abilities earned after lvl 55 (such as Marauder's Dual Saber Throw)


And any new endgame content won't be made for level 50. It'll be made for level 55 content which you won't be able to partake in.

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Here is a bit more clarification on the differences between Rise of the Hutt Cartel and 2.0 put as simply as I can!


What subscribers will get without purchasing Rise of the Hutt Cartel:

  • Class changes and balancing levels 1-50
  • Any itemization/world changes which affect levels 1-50
  • Legacy Achievements


What subscribers will get if they do purchase Rise of the Hutt Cartel:

  • New Operation: Scum and Villainy
  • Nightmare Mode Terror From Beyond
  • Upgraded level 55 Hard Mode Flashpoints
  • Level cap increase to 55
  • All new Makeb storyline

The new Operation and Hard Mode Flashpoints in Game Update 2.0 are Level 55 Elder Game Content. The level cap increase to 55 is included with the purchase of the Digital Expansion: Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Free-to-Play restrictions apply. Visit the Free-to-Play Features Chart for more information.





2.0 and ROTHC are separate. You can have 2.0 without ROTHC.

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I've budgeted for three mmo's in my life with no-holds barred. Whether or not all three of them are paid subs, f2p or a hybrid makes no difference to me, I'll buy full access to those games no matter what comes along. In the case of SW:TOR, I've been a subber since launch and am dedicated to simply buying whatever expansion or update they roll out. It makes the question of "what's in it for me?" mute. My answer is: I'm all-in, so let's roll!


Sure, there may be a time when the direction of the game veers so far off of what I want to spend my down-time playing that I'll move on, but it is not this day. Just support the game, buy what you need to buy to have full-access and enjoy.




PS-When ESO comes out, no matter what model, something is gonna hafta go... though I doubt it will be SW:TOR. Most likely it will be Tera. ;-)


Not related to your post but the word is "moot" not "mute".

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Yea... there is still a good bit of speculation out there. But I think the patch offers more than has been discussed in this thread.


Patch 2.0 introduces an Achievements system. This system is more than reputation as it grants a variety of rewards for accomplishing different things. The achievements range from the mundane, kill x number of mobs with companion x, to the monumental, reach level 50 with each character class on both the Imp side and the pub side. The rewards can vary as well from titles to cartel coins, specialty items, etc. etc. But rewards for the more difficult achievements are tangible which is nice


Now achievements aren't anything new. We have seen similar systems in other games, but if you aren't buying the xpac, this would be an avenue to pursue and continue accomplishments at 50. Ultimately the grind will either drive you away or drive you to the xpac IMO. Nevertheless, there are things to do other than level to 55.

Edited by Rafaman
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Okay, here you go.


Rise of the Hutt Cartel

Game Update 2.0: Scum and Villainy


Basically, they are kind of padding the "features" of 2.0 with stuff that is only playable if you've purchased RotHC.


Others have said it already, but I'll sum it up here.


2.0 without RotHC gets:

  • Legacy Achievements
  • Major class changes and rebalancing
  • Item/gear changes across all levels up to 50


2.0 with RotHC gets:

  • New level cap of 55
  • 1 new Operation for level 55
  • Several Flashpoints and one Operation now have a Hard/Nightmare Mode for level 55
  • New items and gear for levels 51-55
  • Access to Makeb, and all the story/sidequest content on that planet


And now I've realized that I just restated what was in EricMuzco's quote on the previous page. Whatever. There you have it, with links to the two pages about the expansion. Note that they did kind of pull a bait-and-switch by putting the info about Flashpoints and Operations on the 2.0 page even though you can't play any of them without buying RotHC.

Edited by Kurokage
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Thanks to those that responded.

Now that I see clearly how it is broken down, I can make an informed decision about buying it for my regular and my F2P accounts.


I had gone to the Game Updates page but didn't go to the bottom to find the link, I expected it to be on the page with the rest of the current stuff.

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