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Day 1 player here!


Been playing almost the whole time, a a short three month break when GW2 came out.


Played on two or three servers each one died soon after I got on, then I landed on Canderous Ordo, and got in league with a really great guild, played that server and then we all got moved over to Jedi Covenant. and thats my current server where we Imperials fight to rid the Galaxy for the Jedi scum!

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I have paid my monthly all the way through but is really worth it?


No one can answer that for you. YOU are paying and YOU are playing, so YOU decide if you think your money is worth the level of enjoyment you get from the game.

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Hard to say whether investing into any online only game is worth anyone's investment. My main reason for saying this is that once the game gets "shut down," you will no longer have it or be able to play it.


The pro's of this game are numerous and only with a few con's. Which is generally pretty good.

1. f2p players can play the game through its storyline.

2. story mode is the one of the best amongst other games.

3. lots of various classes in which to play with.

4. lots of species available.

5. various means of activities in which to enjoy the game (space battles, fp's, ops, etc...)

6. lots of cosmetic options in the real life market for the game.

7. and a lot more, but to save a long read......



1. The game can get redundant. Repetition is relatively high.

2. f2p aspect ends at storyline. only paying players after that for the most part....

3. classes are a bit too similar to its opposing faction....

4. lots of glitches in the game. some may be exploitable, but most are just frustrating.

5. Customer service has yet to fix a problem for me. 1 of which was a glitch with the game's glitches and receiving a response saying basically "to bad so sad." Another is to the point of not actually listening to the question, and something else.


I am sure that other pro's and con's can be found for the game. But, in my opinion, they did extremely well with the game. I am currently a premium subscriber and may very well likely drop to preferred status as the storyline is the main reason I play. However, I may continue depending on whether I can start running with a group or not. All depends. Most often, I am not very social.... The end game for me (after the storyline is over) would only interest me if I were to run with friends/groups.


So, in my view of things, paying for a premium account is more for the end game. Granted it has its benefits with the lower levels with exp gains, money, and all that, it isn't really needed for that. However, it is absolutely needed for hard mode fp's, operations, etc... in the end game.

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Closed Beta tested 3 or 4 builds. Early Access and been here since. No collectors edition though.


I still really like the game. It has its issues, but what game doesnt? Over all though Im happy with it.


Now if they would just add in Class specific missions I would be over joyed.

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been here since Beta and day 1 like you got one or two things that are starting to get on my nerves like how all the new items are going into the cartel market and how the new race and barbershop is going to be cartel market too meaning even subscribers will have to pay extra for them


but apart from that enjoyed the game

Edited by Genuine
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I first played the game during the November beta weekend, and I was playing the game for early access. Still here, still enjoying the game, though I feel there's still lots of room for improvement. I have my periods of doubt about different changes and directions the developers have taken, but I'm mostly optimistic about the future and regardless, I'm enjoying the game in the present.
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been playing from day 1 while i feel like the game was missing a chunk of content (like group finder) i stuck with it and i was a bit put off that while it was announced on the forms that cathar were going to be a playable race but are only now being put into the game with the new expansion that game has been getting better and i blame EA for that (always pushing for the faster release) but i still play on and off and i am still a sub and still love the game
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been around since beta,subbed since launch.i have a love/hate relationship with the game,everyday i feel more and more like sub's are getting screwed more as time goes on.I considered going prefered all the time but realize with the restrictions I wouldn't even play.Pretty much I'm bidding my time til wildstar comes out than i'm gone.


honestly I've never liked F2P always felt it just whores out a game and cheapens the experiance,i like to pay my fee and get everything not pay my fee and either save up coins for months or spend even more money just to truly enjoy a game.


beyond disappointed but i'm still here for now....

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Been following this game when the rumors of a new Star Wars MMO began on the Internet years ago. Did a couple of the Beta tests, pre-ordered CE almost instantly (though now a days that looks felt like a mistake), been playing sinse wave 1 of early access.
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Was in a couple closed betas & open beta. Pre-ordered CE on first day it was available (wish the CE vendor got more stuff to sell though). Started playing live servers on first day of early access. And, have never unsubscribed. Some stuff is annoying; but, overall, I still like SWTOR.
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been here since closed beta and always been subbed, dispite the many bad points this game still has i still find more enjoyable than WoW ever was as long as to doesnt suddenly bomb to its death ill still be here for some time yet


and yes i paid for the makeb xpac on day 1 as well this is still a decent MMO and better than some of the others still hanging on (imo of course)

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Hey all,


Been here since early access and have paid concurrent sub the entire time, no breaks for me. I will admit, I reached 50 within the first two weeks and was let down with things, like a lot were. I went to unsub mid January because I was just not feeling it. I then met some folks, joined their guild and got into raiding. We did all the content and I really enjoyed it. We participated in the Rakghoul event, PvP, and anything this game had to offer to a player at first. Then when they released Denova things began to spiral downward. The patch came out and subs began to bleed very quickly. It seemed like day and night with the turnover in players on the fleet but I still had a group that kept me going.


Server merges happened, guild went separate ways and again I played solo for months. This is when I just took to PvP and gave up on PvE for the time being. After many months and with the upcoming raid coming out, Joined a new guild to tackle 16 man HM TFB and once we completed that, they came out with NiM EC. Again, guild hit the wall and all the officers and GM unsubbed at once stating they didn't enjoy the game and it was a job, just not fun.


I ended up going solo again and have been since early December, not a complaint just an observation. All I do is PvP. That's just it though, there isn't much of an incentive after so long. No new warzones, the gear is maxed and the ones you played with leave.


"You don't need incentives. You should have fun with it" - And I do, but after a year straight the fun starts to lack some and this is normal. While I'm willing to wait and see, I think I'm just waiting at this point :)


I feel like I'm constantly playing the same people and it just loses it's mojo after a while. When the PvP crowd says they know how most matches will end up, they are being honest. It's not hard to determine once you see who is on your team and who is on the other team. Granted things can go differently from time to time but it really leaves little to the imagination when half of your team camps the node once seeing who they are up against .


Also, there isn't much talk with new things coming out for PvP and since I really just don't care for PvE, due to the overturn of PvE guilds, I'm kind of at a loss currently. I am on the verge of taking a break at the moment myself . With that said, the PvP is really good imo, it only lacks diversity to keep me coming back after a year of the same.


Not that the game isn't good, it is...I just don't seem to find groups/crowds that I do enjoy playing the game with very often(could just be me :)). When I do, those players seem to be on their way out as well(never see them again). I am sticking around to 2.0 to test out the changes and level up my 50s to 55. I've tried and am trying again to give this game some chance since I know it takes a while for it to blossom but I'll be honest, as much as I love this game and am proud to have been here the whole time, my interest is fading a little. I have about 3 peeps that really tie me into this game still, without them I'd may have left a month ago.


but is really worth it?

TL;DR This is NOT a QQ post, just going with the thread theme. It's a good game in my opinion, with some improvements needed, but the duration of fun can vary per player and/or experience I think. I'd say it's worth trying out. I feel like I've gotten my money worth but I didn't have any expectations coming into this game!(Did not play WoW)

Edited by Master_Nate
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been here since Beta and day 1 like you got one or two things that are starting to get on my nerves like how all the new items are going into the cartel market and how the new race and barbershop is going to be cartel market too meaning even subscribers will have to pay extra for them

but apart from that enjoyed the game


Same here. I have played thru all but two entire story lines (Trooper and Jedi Knight are in progress) and I enjoy the flashpoints and operations. The cartel market thing is pretty bogus though(even if I don't care about playing a Cathar). Making anyone that BUYS the expansion pay for the new race just plain sucks.

GG EA games.

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Same here. I have played thru all but two entire story lines (Trooper and Jedi Knight are in progress) and I enjoy the flashpoints and operations. The cartel market thing is pretty bogus though(even if I don't care about playing a Cathar). Making anyone that BUYS the expansion pay for the new race just plain sucks.

GG EA games.


Jedi Knight was one of my three favorite story lines, along with Inquisitor and Agent.

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