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2.0 pvp, rewards, bolster!? whats the deal?!


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Not exactly....If bolster holds true all it will do is to pefectly show which classes totally suck in pvp, which classes are actually OP, and which classes are fubar, from balance, spec, and design standpoint. The argument of "Its your gear, of course your going to suck" isnt going to hold anymore.


When the hoards of dps merc/commando, dps sorcerors and others who think thier class is gimped in pvp start crying about the entire class is the suck in pvp and not even the best of them can get on a rated team to save thier life...no longer can anyone claim its thier gear. Thats all this really cements.


Well then if everyone is on a more "equal level" in terms of gear than hopefully it will help out in terms of class balance.


I hear where you are coming from though in terms of classes seem to be performing on a certain level only because they have some sort of gear advantage. Also DPS mercs might suck but I would not say the same for DPS sorcs, at least not lightning im hearing good things from people who tested it.

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Well then if everyone is on a more "equal level" in terms of gear than hopefully it will help out in terms of class balance.


I hear where you are coming from though in terms of classes seem to be performing on a certain level only because they have some sort of gear advantage. Also DPS mercs might suck but I would not say the same for DPS sorcs, at least not lightning im hearing good things from people who tested it.


Is that why I saw a lot of imps leveling sorc this past weekend? Hmmm. Maybe I should go finish that sage.

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With bolster, why PvP at all? There is nothing to gain anymore...


Hum... let me wonder...competing against players ?


The feeling of achievement when you won against other real persons ?

Edited by Altheran
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Hum... let me wonder...competing against players ?


The feeling of achievement when you won against other real persons, and not a scripted IA ?


Now now. Don't be crazy and spill the beans.


We all know that pvp is about having 50% more hp,damage and resistance to smash newbies in recruit gear, and hopefully, one day, get that 1 solo medal.

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If the only reason you PvP is to make numbers on your stat sheet bigger, then you missed the point. The reward is only a part of the fun, it's not the fun. I PvP because it is an engaging form of recreation. Back in the 90s I played Street Fighter against my college buddies for hours for nothing more than bragging rights and a way to avoid studying. MMOs have been a great evolution to gaming, but the reward pellet mentality is out of hand.


I have learned from these posts that the people against bolster have a few things in common.


#1 they liken their gear to skill.

#2 The don't care about competition just dominating.

#3 the don't like PvP, They just do it as something to do/bullying


The third point boggles my mind. So many of these guys say the same thing. "If I don't get gear then why PvP?"


I for one am glad BW is not listening to the people that dislike PvP, and catering to the people that love PvP, competition, team effort and who's favorite matches are the close back and forth battles. Win or lose.

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Is that why I saw a lot of imps leveling sorc this past weekend? Hmmm. Maybe I should go finish that sage.


Well I would have done work on my sorc but I still need my agent buff which I should get Friday then back to my sorc.

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I have learned from these posts that the people against bolster have a few things in common.


#1 they liken their gear to skill.

#2 The don't care about competition just dominating.

#3 the don't like PvP, They just do it as something to do/bullying


The third point boggles my mind. So many of these guys say the same thing. "If I don't get gear then why PvP?"

I for one am glad BW is not listening to the people that dislike PvP, and catering to the people that love PvP, competition, team effort and who's favorite matches are the close back and forth battles. Win or lose.


The same could be said of raiders.....I doubt many are raiding because they want to see Story content.


PvP is just as much a legitimate...and i might even say bigger part of the game to many as raiding is.

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The same could be said of raiders.....I doubt many are raiding because they want to see Story content.


At least, we can't blame them for wanting better gear as it's their way to access the next content.

That is with the classic "get stats to pass" MMO programmation. Alternatives exist but are not exploited in SWTOR.

Edited by Altheran
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I have learned from these posts that the people against bolster have a few things in common.


#1 they liken their gear to skill.

#2 The don't care about competition just dominating.

#3 the don't like PvP, They just do it as something to do/bullying


The third point boggles my mind. So many of these guys say the same thing. "If I don't get gear then why PvP?"


I for one am glad BW is not listening to the people that dislike PvP, and catering to the people that love PvP, competition, team effort and who's favorite matches are the close back and forth battles. Win or lose.


Very well said. I could not agree more.

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I'm all for the bolster system, but if it's as bad as people are making it out to be, then why is there even PvP gear at all?


PvP wouldn't work in PvP and It'll suck in PvE

PvE gear would be similar to PvP gear in PvP but would be good in PvE

Seems PvE gear would be the best choice


Someone please tell me it's not that bad?

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Back in the 90s I played Street Fighter against my college buddies for hours for nothing more than bragging rights and a way to avoid studying.



My buddies and I to this day thanks to PSN.. SSFIV ftw!!!

But Ryu's fireball is OP, but Ken's need a buff :-|



Oh and stop dating yourself/us....:D



↓↘→ FP

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I'm all for the bolster system, but if it's as bad as people are making it out to be, then why is there even PvP gear at all?


PvP wouldn't work in PvP and It'll suck in PvE

PvE gear would be similar to PvP gear in PvP but would be good in PvE

Seems PvE gear would be the best choice


Someone please tell me it's not that bad?


Because many people hate PvE. PvE is only a means to an end (PvP)

Also Having to PvE to get gear to PvP is just wrong.

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I'm all for the bolster system, but if it's as bad as people are making it out to be, then why is there even PvP gear at all?


PvP wouldn't work in PvP and It'll suck in PvE

PvE gear would be similar to PvP gear in PvP but would be good in PvE

Seems PvE gear would be the best choice


This is the real question.


↓↘→ FP


Hadoken !

Edited by Altheran
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I'm all for the bolster system, but if it's as bad as people are making it out to be, then why is there even PvP gear at all?


PvP wouldn't work in PvP and It'll suck in PvE

PvE gear would be similar to PvP gear in PvP but would be good in PvE

Seems PvE gear would be the best choice


Someone please tell me it's not that bad?


Because it's a cosmetic reward with minimal stat boosts. It's a PERFECT reward imo.

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Because it's a cosmetic reward with minimal stat boosts. It's a PERFECT reward imo.


I think the problem he tried to point was that PvE rewards would be useful both in PvE and PvP (even if not BiS), while PvP ones would be crap in PvE (huge stats difference). It makes wonder if a stat like Expertise is still needed.


But I agree that's the way I concieve how a reward should be in a competitive environment.

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Here is a little hint for all you people that are upset you grinded up War Hero or Epic War hero gear, and its becoming obsolete... THAT HAPPENS IN ALL MMO's. As the game progresses and gets older, the gear you have becomes useless and gets replaced. So what if the bolster system gives everyone the stats that War hero gear had... There is another set of PvP gear that you need to work towards... If a game stopped increasing and progressing the gear levels, people would run out of a reason to play.


Second, I like the fact that the bolster takes away some of the gear advantages and requires people, even with the top end gear to have skill to compete. When 2.0 goes live it will uncover the overgeared baddies for what they really are... Crap players that hide behind their gear to cover their lack of skill.


If I had my way for this game, then the bolster system would balance out all gear and matches would be won by the team with the most skilled players AND not by the team with the best gear.

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The same could be said of raiders.....I doubt many are raiding because they want to see Story content.


PvP is just as much a legitimate...and i might even say bigger part of the game to many as raiding is.

Raiding is a completely different mechanic. Literally it is a gated ladder system designed to keep a player striving for the next plateau. PvP doesn't have that, there is no next goal... no gated content. Ever! Since that game that shall not be named introduced a PvP stat the following suit is...


#1 few tiers of gear.

#2 "Seasonal" rotating gear

#3 Haves, and have nots


You either have the top tier gear or you don't. There is nothing more to strive for (gear wise) at all in PvP even right now. If you have the gear you stomp those that don't (with different degree of effectiveness based on game/patch we all remember pre 1.2 battlemasters right? ;) ) So it is a completely different system, apples to oranges.


Just because there is a gear treadmill for PvE raiding does not mean there needs to be a gear treadmill for PvP content. It doesn't make sense, they are completely different game types. In fact I would go so far as to say there shouldn't be a gear treadmill in PvP just like there shouldn't be loot rolls at the end of a match to see who gets the tokens that drop from a win. Or Respawn timers (forcefields) in boss-fights during operations in case you die mid fight... they are not the same game content and people should stop treating them as mutually exclusive because they are not.

Edited by Emencie
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Any game that has to rely on bolsters like the one coming in 2.0 is:


a) grossly unbalanced

b) has lazy or incompetent developers who don't want to balance


All these whiners who say PVP should be about skill not gear, have neither skill nor gear!


It's about getting freebies without doing the work and Bioware is catering to them.

Yes yes, it will improve their scoreboard numbers and that's all that matters to these lazy whiners. :rolleyes:


Being here since launch, I have seven 50, all at least WH geared, all Battlemaster or higher.

For my DPS Merc, I kept my old recruit gear set and sometimes I still use it in warzones just to prove a point.

You CAN play the objective and you CAN help your team win warzones if you know what you are doing.


Lazy Developers and lazy players - PVP in this game will always be just a sideshow attraction.

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All these whiners who say PVP should be about skill not gear, have neither skill nor gear!


Yes yes, it will improve their scoreboard numbers and that's all that matters to these lazy whiners.

And I still have no idea how people can post things like this. :confused:

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And I still have no idea how people can post things like this. :confused:


TT is a "glass almost empty" kinda guy..


"Jaboo needs a Refill!!" :D


Gear and/or Bolster won't fix bad. Gear has never really been an issue in 50PVP. Its about class balance, resolve, and, L2P issues...


I rolled out my fresh 50 (I was "PVE twinked", since I have all crafts needed to do such things)sniper and promptly dished out 300k damage. EXP: ~300


Since I have been playing my knight so long, I know all the melee tricks and I pick them apart...

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That would be understandable if high end pvpers actually played better than lower level. There are some that do but very very few. I don't mind the grind if it wasn't torture to have some idiot just standing taking massive amounts of dmg and not really doing anything then after 10 sec of me whaling on him/her finally figure how to turn ur toon around and kill me in 2-3 hits. I want to reach that level that he/she is at but it shoudnt be totture to do so. Sp the new bolster in 2.0 will put skill ahead of someone who spends all day grinding war zones not really learning anything from it. And if u say ur experience gives you skill then there shouldn't be any problem for you to easily take out a newly bolstered player with your "skill" .


That's the fun of playing an MMO. Every MMO I've played I got rolled in PVP once I reached max level. After I started to grind, I could see my character getting stronger and stronger, and once I fully geared the character I could really appreciate the accomplishment because I HAD TO WORK FOR IT. Something you kids today least desire.

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That's the fun of playing an MMO. Every MMO I've played I got rolled in PVP once I reached max level. After I started to grind, I could see my character getting stronger and stronger, and once I fully geared the character I could really appreciate the accomplishment because I HAD TO WORK FOR IT. Something you kids today least desire.




on PTS, you could PvP naked and be expertise effective. that's ridiculous.

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Anything that puts more emphasis on pvp skill and less on gear is good in my book. If you need the grind for a reason to pvp you don't really enjoy pvp that much. My toons are geared but it can be frustrating when you are grouped with people that have no pvp gear and are virtually worthless in a WZ. THAT is an imbalance.
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