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In Game, Don't Be A Jerk And Heal Mobs!


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LOL didn't even know you could do this in this game. You want to talk griefing though...Let me tell you a tale from the good ole days in Lineage II. See there was a dragon in L2 that took 200+ people usually 3 to 4 hours to kill. Now in L2 you could heal anything and any one...including mobs or bosses, it was after all an open PvP game. The tale includes two super alliances on a particular server. One day word got out to one of the alliances that their enemy was planning to kill the dragon. So they managed to sneak a bishop into the raid going into the dragons lair. Now bishops had a 90% heal...would heal 90% of the total health of their target. So this bishop took his time and helped out for about an hour and the raid had the dragon down to around 55%. Suddenly everyone attacking sees the dragons health go from 55% to 90%. Then they realized it was our bishop friend and promptly killed him. So our heroic bishop logged out. Waited about 2 and half hours or so and logged back in. Dragon was now around 30% health. He managed to get someone to rez him (how short some peoples memories were). As soon as he was rezed he targeted the dragon and boom dragon was now back to 90% health. Of course they killed him again but by that time he had managed to cause the enemy alliance almost 4 hours of their time and so they called off the raid. Which worked out for our bishops alliance because they went in a few hours later and got the kill for the week :)


Now that could be considered griefing but in L2...it was par for the course Muhahahaha


That's the type of thing I would actually like to see MORE of in games. Think how perfectly this would fit an Imperial Agent character acting as an under cover agent or doing espionage.


Used to be a big thing in the old Star Wars Galaxies also. Since you could play both factions and talk to everyone, players used to infiltrate enemy guilds by having under cover characters in them. If the guild was planning on attacking one of the home guilds bases the under cover guy would tip them off so they could all be hiding inside the base when the attack came.


Was some of the best times I've ever had in an MMO.

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Depending on what side of the coin you are on, this can be very funny ... or very irritating.


For those that didnt know, you can heal NPC's....

If you are ever a healer and on Tatooine with a quest ("Military Training"), than you may know that while you are leading the men and battling the sandpeople, you can heal the men you are leading, thus making the mission a lot easier to defeat. There is also other quests ingame like this as well.


# 1.

As far as your Alderaan issue, I heard about a similar issue last week on Tatooine,. Evidently, an Empire person was trying to turn in a quest in Mos Illa, and a Republic toon kept killing the NPC, that the Empire person needed to turn in the quest to. I am still wondering how long they had to wait to turn in the quest. Seems like everyone on Tatooine heard them complain in general chat for a good long time.


# 2.

I know, from personal experience, I was trying to help someone out on Voss once, and a few Empire players decided to ransack the speeder camp in the nightmare lands, so I and another decided to heal the NPC's standing guard, just to keep them back...It was interesting ...




---> to either kill an NPC or heal an NPC so someone cant turn in a quest...just despicable..


Do it once...its funny...

Do it twice...its just not right...

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Ahahahahahahaha! I've done this sooooo many times. Me and my guildies love ganking lowbies too, it's just hilarious fun :jawa_biggrin:


We do make a point though that we kill you once and that's it, unless you try and kill us upon respawn. At that point it's just self defense. ;) And if that doesn't make you feel any better, well all my chars are in my sig and you can feel free to hunt me down :jawa_angel:


lol, ur guild must be losers in RL so the the guild love to gank lowbies, rofl.

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well if your on an rp server,


im walking along, and I see you (the opposing faction) trying to kill my allies. what would you have me do? Ignore my allies who are in distress? Maybe you would. Not I. Since I cant attack you, I can heal my allies.


stop crying and move on.

This is no different than standing in a group of your allies, telling your companion to go attack an enemy, and aggroing your allies on the enemy.

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so someone was healing an npc so what change instances or wait but apperently you cant do that and thus you rant on forums about this person being "Immature" and "harassing" you, well the reason this post was made is immature


i find that this is a bit funny since it made you this mad :D

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I've seen this done. Never been tempted to do it, but it had me chuckling a bit.


In my opinion, doing so should flag you for PVP.


In some games it will.

And I've done this a few times WAY back during Lineage, it was pretty funny to see someone keep swinging at that same mob while it just refuses to go down! :p

But yeah, definitely immature.

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Trust me, I would be playing a single-player game if I hadn't played KOTOR 1&2 and then felt like giving this a try.


You know, I had this whole rant written down, but I don't think it's really worth it to post it. Basically, it's not this particular example, rather it's the whole attitude of people who know there won't be any consequences and therefore just do whatever they like to do. Yes, yes, 'welcome to the internet', spare me.


Aside from that, I most certainly stand by seeing people who genuinely find this kind of behavior funny as immature.


What people find funny is someone getting incredibly worked up over nothing. A handful of credits to repair - nothing. Having to finish the mission after resurrection - not a big deal. Honestly , if you have a fit because of things like this, you deserve to be mocked. Relax, its a game. You attacked something, someone else healed it, you lost the fight - the world is not over, you didn't go to jail and you still get to collect your $200 when you pass 'Go'.

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I did this during the Gree event. I was in a group with a guildie helping him with his Dailies after I finished mine and he had to kill a Heavy War Droid. He attacked the first one he saw, which was a Republic one. I couldn't attack it so I healed him, then I noticed my Kolto Bomb healed both of them, so I turned on FRAPS and was cracking up during what could have been an endless fight.


He had no idea I was healing the droid, he thought it had an uninterruptable heal. After a minute I told him and he had a good laugh about it too.

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That's a lot of bull. They were doing it to grief. I am a role player and I'd never do that to an opposing faction player.


So, as a roleplayer, you would not try to stop the other side from killing your allies? You must be darkside then.



If its a pvp server, just kill the healer, if not, well thats what you get for choosing to have your actions regarding the other facrion limted by rolling on a pve server.

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I can say something harsher but when someone hasn't done anything to you and they are in an area where they are supposed to be to complete a quest and you are on the opposing faction, don't heal the bloody mob. That's called griefing and next time I see someone do it, I'll report them for griefing.


Edit: I realize that it's probably a F2P player and they can't read and post on the forum but still it's a very immature thing to do.


With regards your edit, the first time this happened to me was pre-FTP so please stop demonising a demographic that doesn't deserve it.

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This is a great idea! I think I'll try it out and have a little fun.


Thanks to the OP for letting me know about this, I've never seen it and never would have thought of it on my own.


That fact that you could not think of this on your own and that you profess that you would do this to folks goes hand-in-hand and is very fitting.

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You know what I would find funny: Someone getting a temp ban for doing this. Hah!


Why? Because its griefing. If you're on a PvP server, then you're fine, because there is a mechanism in place to allow you to retaliate. On a PvE server where the healer won't be flagged, they essentially get to play healer with impervious armor. It's not roleplay because you're not allowing them to play by the same rules. And since you've got nothing to gain and no possible game motivation, then it quickly falls into griefing.


Proof: The fact that all of you are laughing about it. Your primary motivation is to gain entertainment by putting another player into a situation where they cannot succeed, and where you are at zero risk.


Don't claim that you are just playing out the war. You're hiding behind a game-created-shield so you cannot be hurt. The only situation where this becomes legitimate is when its used to prevent even higher levels of griefing (ie: killing quest-givers).


I think the perfect response to this is a nice four day ban. You stopped someone else from playing. The GM stops you from playing. Simple.


Mostly I just find you all rather disappointing. This is the sort of behavior that prevents MMOs from growing. It's downright toxic to new players and gives MMO players a bad name.

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You know what I would find funny: Someone getting a temp ban for doing this. Hah!


Why? Because its griefing. If you're on a PvP server, then you're fine, because there is a mechanism in place to allow you to retaliate. On a PvE server where the healer won't be flagged, they essentially get to play healer with impervious armor. It's not roleplay because you're not allowing them to play by the same rules. And since you've got nothing to gain and no possible game motivation, then it quickly falls into griefing.


Proof: The fact that all of you are laughing about it. Your primary motivation is to gain entertainment by putting another player into a situation where they cannot succeed, and where you are at zero risk.


Don't claim that you are just playing out the war. You're hiding behind a game-created-shield so you cannot be hurt. The only situation where this becomes legitimate is when its used to prevent even higher levels of griefing (ie: killing quest-givers).


I think the perfect response to this is a nice four day ban. You stopped someone else from playing. The GM stops you from playing. Simple.


Mostly I just find you all rather disappointing. This is the sort of behavior that prevents MMOs from growing. It's downright toxic to new players and gives MMO players a bad name.


I laugh when I overdrive (knockback) someone into the firepit in huttball. I'd say this was a no risk move as well. Just because someone finds it funny, does not mean it's griefing. They are unlikely to get out of that situation because the fire kills them so quickly, I'd say that's a situation where they cannot succeed, just like you're describing.

Edited by chimex
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So, as a roleplayer, you would not try to stop the other side from killing your allies? You must be darkside then.



As a roleplayer, do you often stand around RPing with NPCs? You don't. So you can quit using roleplay as an excuse for douchebaggery.

Edited by TheBBP
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I laugh when I overdrive (knockback) someone into the firepit in huttball. I'd say this was a no risk move as well. Just because someone finds it funny, does not mean it's griefing. They are unlikely to get out of that situation because the fire kills them so quickly, I'd say that's a situation where they cannot succeed, just like you're describing.


You're picking and choosing the parts of the statement you want to address.


The goal is not roleplay, it's personal (humorous) entertainment in watching someone fail. The statements here gladly admit that. ALSO: the action has no reward for you AND the player has no mechanism to prevent the behavior.


Your example above fails on the other two portions: In a warzone, everyone has equal opportunity to attack each other, and by killing the player, you have quite a bit to gain.


But you already knew that. You're just grasping for a counter-argument.

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You know what I would find funny: Someone getting a temp ban for doing this. Hah!


Why? Because its griefing. If you're on a PvP server, then you're fine, because there is a mechanism in place to allow you to retaliate. On a PvE server where the healer won't be flagged, they essentially get to play healer with impervious armor. It's not roleplay because you're not allowing them to play by the same rules. And since you've got nothing to gain and no possible game motivation, then it quickly falls into griefing.


Proof: The fact that all of you are laughing about it. Your primary motivation is to gain entertainment by putting another player into a situation where they cannot succeed, and where you are at zero risk.


Don't claim that you are just playing out the war. You're hiding behind a game-created-shield so you cannot be hurt. The only situation where this becomes legitimate is when its used to prevent even higher levels of griefing (ie: killing quest-givers).


I think the perfect response to this is a nice four day ban. You stopped someone else from playing. The GM stops you from playing. Simple.


Mostly I just find you all rather disappointing. This is the sort of behavior that prevents MMOs from growing. It's downright toxic to new players and gives MMO players a bad name.


Your proof is with no sense.


You CAN change istance and you CAN complete the quest, just 7 seconds cast... otherwise YOU ARE A NOOB!


We laught because there are so many noobs around!


My proof: BW is not giving to this any answer... so you can do it.


Cheers and good healing

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I do find this a little funny, wrong, but still a little funny.


So my question for you is this:


Was the MOB a normal, silver, gold or elite? If it was silver or below then you should've been able to kill it anyway unless the person healing it was 5 or more levels higher than you. If you couldn't then you probably need to upgrade your gear.


You always have the option to run away until the MOB evades then you can change instances if another one is available. If not and the guy just follows you around to heal the MOBs you fight then report him, otherwise just move on. It's only fictional money and at your level repair costs aren't that much anyway.

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You're picking and choosing the parts of the statement you want to address.


The goal is not roleplay, it's personal (humorous) entertainment in watching someone fail. The statements here gladly admit that. ALSO: the action has no reward for you AND the player has no mechanism to prevent the behavior.


Your example above fails on the other two portions: In a warzone, everyone has equal opportunity to attack each other, and by killing the player, you have quite a bit to gain.


But you already knew that. You're just grasping for a counter-argument.


Well actually, I picked up on the part where you said "Proof", which it clearly is not. Don't simply pluck ideas out of the air and claim them as fact.


Secondly, I never said it was roleplay (I know others have, and I'm on the middle fence with this one).


However, it is not griefing, reading the code of conduct, I see no way this is a definition of griefing by EA/BW terms. If you disagree with that, your argument is with them, not me.


Also, this is not exploting a bug, as it is not a known bug.

Exploit any bug in the Service to gain unfair advantage in the game and/or communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service.


While you may feel this is unfair, it is clearly stated right there in the bubble. Again, better to bring this up with BW/EA.


Now, there is something in the harrassment policy that indicates this may be classed as harrasment.

Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Game mechanics allow players to interact with the world and each other. For example, the ability to block a doorway is a game mechanic. Use of game mechanics like these is by no means considered harassment in and of itself. The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players.


But, we do not know for certain if this is an intended feature or not. For all we know, EA/BW may very well want us healing faction specific mobs.

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