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No class story for Makeb = me unsub


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While blunt, this is the truth. Thing is that the expansion was probably first being developed last summer (as the F2P patch was being finished). EA/BW had a decision to make at that point - class stories or no? As others have said class stories take a lot of time and resources. So, I ask a general question - would you be OK if RotHC was delayed for six months so that class stories could be produced for that one planet? And that is probably an optimistic time frame.


If there was another chapter over 2-3 planets costing $40 I would have waited another 12 months and still be subscribed now.


As some have said WoW does this type of end game better than SWTOR, I left that game for the stories.

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They made it clear months ago that there would be no specific class stories for Makeb....and all of the comments they have made leading up to ROTHC have made it pretty clear that it is doubtful we'll ever see any new class specific stories. So you might as well have unsubbed 3-4 months ago.
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While blunt, this is the truth. Thing is that the expansion was probably first being developed last summer (as the F2P patch was being finished). EA/BW had a decision to make at that point - class stories or no? As others have said class stories take a lot of time and resources. So, I ask a general question - would you be OK if RotHC was delayed for six months so that class stories could be produced for that one planet? And that is probably an optimistic time frame.


Well, in the interview with Daniel Erickson from last summer about Makeb he said there would be no class stories then, so yeah. This isn't anything that happened recently.

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As much as I've enjoyed the class stories (and I have at least one toon of every class), the class stories have done nothing at all for the cohesion and over arching story of TOR. In fact, if anything the class stories have splintered/fractured up and really divided the over all feel of the game, making it feel really small in scope.


Really there is very little connecting each individual story arc to a major concept for this first "Vanilla" pack. I mean in a game like WoW, each person follows a major story arc of the expansion pack to reach a final destination where they encounter a big bad villain who has been making things tough on both sides. iilidan, The Lich King, Deathwing... Can anyone say who the main big bad villain of vanilla TOR was?


I took my knight from 1-50 and not once did I ever encounter Malgus. Now my knight would wonder who is this Malgus guy? He's on the cover of the TOR box and not once did my knight encounter him. At this point up to level 35, my consular has not encountered him in the Consular story either?


So what has been the over all bridge that has been holding all the class stories up to this point together? Well, nothing so far. My BH wants to fight in the Great Hunt; my smuggler wants his ship back; my agent is investigating hidden Imperial political agendas. Rise of the Hutt Cartel looks to possibly change all this story fragmentation, and that's a good thing over all for main story cohesion in this MMO.

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I was being sarcastic about the pesky habit.


Developers are designing games that can be "finished" in a month and wondering why they can't keep subscribers.


If you do not skip the story (the best part of leveling imo) then it should take you 150-200 hours to get to 50. This is the same for just about every other MMO out right now (150-200 hours to finish the vanilla version anyway, and SWTOR is still in tis vanilla stage)


If you are knocking out 150-200 hours in a month... well... you have a lot, I mean a lot, of free time lol

Edited by CharleyDanger
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Well, in the interview with Daniel Erickson from last summer about Makeb he said there would be no class stories then, so yeah. This isn't anything that happened recently.


I knew that there wouldn't be any specific class stories in Makeb but I was holding a small hope for something in the future.


Hope that they will continue with companion-convos and such. For me it isn't a BioWare-game if I cannot get to talk and interact with them. Mass Effect without Liara, Garrus and Kaidan. Dragon Age without Varric, Daisy and Aveline. Still have plenty of classes to see yet, hoping that they will bring in more companion-material before I run out of class-stories. Well, this is just how I feel, have guildies who doesn't even talk with all their companions which for me is unthinkable. Different people like different things as always.

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Sucks but not really surprising.


Class quests are "too expensive" for Blizz to make. And implementation there is dirt cheap compared to TORs quest design.


If TORs playerbase hadn't dipped 75%, then maybe. Now? Can't see class stories making a comeback. Heck at this stage it's up in the air if we ever even get a "proper" boxed expansion, nvm class stories.


Coming from KOTOR that's bitterly disappointing but I understand. I'm giving Makeb and the story forward a shot. If it retains a high quaility and appropriate quantity (the section X approach of one VO-ed quest, rest pick up at terminals is REALLY worrying me) then I'm sticking around, if not, bidding adieu. Shame the grand story mmo experiment ended this way but what can ya do.

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I just can't get my head around the fact that Bioware aren't implementing class story through the cartel market. I'd happily pay $10 per class story that I want to continue (assuming it continues for at least two chapter worth).
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I just can't get my head around the fact that Bioware aren't implementing class story through the cartel market. I'd happily pay $10 per class story that I want to continue (assuming it continues for at least two chapter worth).


It probably has a lot to do with the fact that the class stories are...well...done.


The characters have been explored, developed, their legend grown and their personal demons conquered or harnessed...and now, they're out there in a larger story.


And then there's the fact that Class stories are immensely consuming in terms of money, time and effort. I'd much rather seem them put that money into developing well rounded World stories and faction stories than developing a new class story for my BH to go hunt down another bounty.


It's just a matter of priorities and getting the most out of their time and effort.

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It probably has a lot to do with the fact that the class stories are...well...done.


The characters have been explored, developed, their legend grown and their personal demons conquered or harnessed...and now, they're out there in a larger story.


And then there's the fact that Class stories are immensely consuming in terms of money, time and effort. I'd much rather seem them put that money into developing well rounded World stories and faction stories than developing a new class story for my BH to go hunt down another bounty.


It's just a matter of priorities and getting the most out of their time and effort.


My Agent's story is absolutely not done and my Inquisitor is left with a great deal of ground to explore.


Also, neither you nor I know how time consuming/costly class stories are, so factually stating that 'they cost too much' is a fallacy, at best.

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Hi there.


Just wanted to tell my point of view for you, fine BW people. To give you some feedback on the Makeb expansion and how it ties with my decision to unsubscribe. What I am writing is my and only my personal feelings toward this matter.


First off, let me tell you, that I appreciate the work you put in SWTOR so far, for me it has been the most fun in MMO since ever. The reason, why it was so much fun for me personally, was the class stories. Not just PvE grind, not just cycling the same warzones over and over. Class story was something I looked forward to, a reason to actually DO anything.


For me, the carrot of end-game grind is not something worth pursuing as all the work I put into it is gone after new release/patch with new gear. Discovering some new storyline is THE motivator for me. I was pretty exited for Makeb, as I hoped I would get more of the class story for each of my 8 lvl 50 alts. From what I understand, I will get 1 republic story, 1 imperial story..... and that's it. Something like Illum/section X/Belsavis. Don't get me wrong, I will play the expansion and I will go through the content. Twice. After that, there will be practically zero incentive for me to continue.


I do realise, that the class story is something, that is more costly, than anything. Writing, developing, testing - all that stuff for missions, that will serve just a fraction of player population. I am aware, that some, if not most of the player will skipp the story content to enter the carrot-chase of the endgame-grind. However, the story was (and in my eyes still is) The ONE thing, that sets SWTOR apart from any other MMO. The reason for me to choose SWTOR and not any of the other MMOs, that have better..... other things.


As I stated before, I am afraid, I will not have any incentive to play SWTOR after finishing the 2 storyline on Makeb. As a matter of fact, I logged in about one time for the whole previous week (after bringing my 8th char on 50). That is not something worth a subscription for me. I will stay around and propably renew the sub if new story content gets released, but thats about it. I doubt that I will actually be getting all my chars to 50 as the finish from around 46, when I finished the class stories to 50 was the most boring experience in the game.


I do realise, that I represent just a small minority of the MMO player-base, so I will definitely not go with bad feelings. On the contrary, I would like SWTOR to get more subscribers so all of you hardworking guys/gals can get their well-deserved dough.


So, best of luck.





Are you serious? You think you're going to get epic class stories with an expansion that costs, what, 20 dollars? Do you remember what the development cost of the game was????

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My Agent's story is absolutely not done and my Inquisitor is left with a great deal of ground to explore.


Also, neither you nor I know how time consuming/costly class stories are, so factually stating that 'they cost too much' is a fallacy, at best.


Well, let's see. 8 stories, with permutations based on race and sex, with possibilities for companion comments and reactions...


As opposed to one story with permutations based on race, sex, class and companion comments and reactions.


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that it may be about 8 times as costly to do Class stories as well as Faction story, as simply doing a Faction story.


And I think you should look up what exactly 'fallacy' means.

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If I were writing storyline, I would pick one major event, and then try to present that event through the different points of view. You might do some different things as an Agent than you would a Warrior, but everyone would "gather" at the conclusion, and there would be major plot points that everyone sees no matter what path they choose. They don't need to have 8 completely different paths anymore. Too time consuming if you want regular content updates.


This to me is the happy medium.


Alot of people want to see the class specific stories continue (including me) but the biggest problem is that they have to do 8 different stories and if somebody only plays a single character or at most two how quickly are they gonna burn through that content?


It seems like what people want is Makeb + Class Stories, but realistically it's one or the other. For instance they could spend the resources to do 8 new class stories, and note just the class stories (no new planets or anything else like that) or something like Makeb which will be largely the same for the classes but at the sametime gives you more content to play through than a new set of class missions would.


The game is at a point now where it's one or the other and not both (sadly) I know both was the original vision they/we all had for the game but that obviously isn't happening anymore.



Quite frankly, I can't see how they can leave some of these stories dangling. Some, such as the Agent and Warrior, pretty much demand continuation given where they left off. Others, like the Smuggler and Inquisitor, leave the player in an entirely new, unexplored role, rife for virtually any kind of expansion.


If you don't mind me asking, which storylines did you consider narratively wrapped up?


Yeah the Agent and Warrior seem like they can continue or feel like they should, but where would you go with the Inquisitor storyline?


Without getting spoilery, what would you do in a continued storyline for that character or rather why would the Inquisitor do anything themselves after getting to the position they are in at the end of the game? It seems like you'd be in more of quest giver or boss character in terms of place/status.


Obviously this is a game first so you have to make those concedes in terms of story, ie you doing what quest givers tell you no matter what status your character may possess.


Now what they could do is try and find common elements between the 8 class stories to tie together a much larger over arching story like RoTHC but base it more on specific elements/events of the class stories. For instance the Emperor plays a major role in two of the classes, so that's one element you could pull in. The Dark Council and it's state, future, plans, etc, is something you could use to further involve both the Sith and Jedi classes. Obviously the force stuff is all easier to tie together than the other classes like the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler who are more about their own thing while the Trooper and Agent are more faction based characters.


Regardless though I feel like you could tie them together (more than they already are) in something like a RoTHC. Basically what I'm saying is to make the next expansion (Chapter 5) based more on the conclusions of Chapter 3, tying in or referencing things like Malgas, Revan, and whatever else they want or need to.

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Well, let's see. 8 stories, with permutations based on race and sex, with possibilities for companion comments and reactions...


As opposed to one story with permutations based on race, sex, class and companion comments and reactions.


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that it may be about 8 times as costly to do Class stories as well as Faction story, as simply doing a Faction story.


And I think you should look up what exactly 'fallacy' means.




fallacy (plural fallacies)

1.Deceptive or false appearance; deceitfulness; that which misleads the eye or the mind; deception.

2.(logic) An argument, or apparent argument, which professes to be decisive of the matter at issue, while in reality it is not. A specious argument.


The argument 'it costs too much' professes to be decisive of the issue 'no more class stories', when in reality we cannot know this. Irrelevant to the point, though.


Of course it would cost more. I never said it wouldn't. It would also serve to keep the game unique beyond it being Star Wars, allow Bioware to charge more for an expansion containing more class story chapters (or charge for each chapter individually) and, on a personal note, would keep me subbed.

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Yeah the Agent and Warrior seem like they can continue or feel like they should, but where would you go with the Inquisitor storyline?


Without getting spoilery, what would you do in a continued storyline for that character or rather why would the Inquisitor do anything themselves after getting to the position they are in at the end of the game? It seems like you'd be in more of quest giver or boss character in terms of place/status.


Getting spoilery,

I'd like to see a story where the Inquisitor guns for the Emperor position, partially through the politics of ordering people around, partially through doing field work herself. I want to get into the shoes of a high ranking Sith Lord being a high ranking Sith Lord.


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you should never, ever, attack a fellow player over something like this. The bad guys are bioware and EA. Yes class stories should be added, the customer is always right. The famboyism on this board is sickening, most of you actually treat a corporation better than a fellow gamer. You use words like "entitled" and "wont miss you" and It's shocking. Bioware should be giving us MORE for our money to make it actually worthwhile and I for one want more class stories.
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If I were writing storyline, I would pick one major event, and then try to present that event through the different points of view. You might do some different things as an Agent than you would a Warrior, but everyone would "gather" at the conclusion, and there would be major plot points that everyone sees no matter what path they choose. They don't need to have 8 completely different paths anymore. Too time consuming if you want regular content updates.

This is a brilliant idea.

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Well, let's see...


Being the epic nutjob I am... maybe the SW and SI can try and become Emperor. Unless they already are, since I haven't yet gotten a character to 50... Or maybe they get to find and strike down Satele (maybe an epic bounty for the hunter?)...


Or the Smuggler finds a way to gain financial control of the galaxy? Perhaps in the far distance, one of the Republic characters finds a way to defeat the Empire. Someone has to between now and Bane...

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you should never, ever, attack a fellow player over something like this. The bad guys are bioware and EA. Yes class stories should be added, the customer is always right. The famboyism on this board is sickening, most of you actually treat a corporation better than a fellow gamer. You use words like "entitled" and "wont miss you" and It's shocking. Bioware should be giving us MORE for our money to make it actually worthwhile and I for one want more class stories.
/cheer's.. Well spoken.. i agree on your views. :)
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They have stated that there is more class story planned in future expansions. With all of the money they are raking in with the Cartel Market, I would be surprised not to see even more class story in the game after the already planned content.


I could've sworn that they actually confirmed the opposite, that there will indeed be no more class stories... this is one of those cases where I hope that I'm wrong, and you are in fact right... =/

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