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Carebears Anonymous


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Well. My eyes were just opened today to a wider definition of Carebear.


Hello, my name is CaptRavenous.

I enjoy PvE coop play, group content, and roleplay.

I tend to avoid Warzones, because competition seems to bring out the worst in people.

Name-calling, exploiting, hacks, anger, rage, hate.....

I prefer the feeling that comes from a team effort against opponents we can hold no real grudge against, because they are not people, only designed by people.

However, I am not against the occasional open world PvP.


I learned today, that this makes me a Carebear.


If this is so, then I am proud to be a Carebear. :w_smile:

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Dude, you really shouldnt care what people on the interwebs might think of you.


Especially on the general discussion forum of a mmo. All people do in here is moan about nothing anyway. Most are trolls so most grown ups just ignore em these days.



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Well. My eyes were just opened today to a wider definition of Carebear.


Hello, my name is CaptRavenous.

I enjoy PvE coop play, group content, and roleplay.

I tend to avoid Warzones, because competition seems to bring out the worst in people.

Name-calling, exploiting, hacks, anger, rage, hate.....

I prefer the feeling that comes from a team effort against opponents we can hold no real grudge against, because they are not people, only designed by people.

However, I am not against the occasional open world PvP.


I learned today, that this makes me a Carebear.


If this is so, then I am proud to be a Carebear. :w_smile:



lol and ppl dont do all those things in fp or opps?


isnt their multiple thread about ninja lootinng, ppl QQing about how to do your role in FP or OPPS and such?:confused:

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lol and ppl dont do all those things in fp or opps?


isnt their multiple thread about ninja lootinng, ppl QQing about how to do your role in FP or OPPS and such?:confused:


Urban Dictionary: Carebear


No, this isn't a serious post, I just think how its funny how a term can change over time to mean so many different things, so this is more of an "ode to the Carebear" thread.


Share your Carebear moments and let the healing begin!

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Well I guess that makes me a Care Bear too. Especially when I complain about looters or lvl 50 people who sit and watch me fighting an NPC after NPC and wait for me to be at a quarter health and then decide, "Hey I'm going to attack you now". But then I can just pull out my lvl 50s and pwn them so.... IDK, moderate care bear? Grumpy Bear maybe?
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No need to be anonymous! Be proud. I played Madden competitively for 5 years. Have even won enough money to buy a video game or 2... :rolleyes:


However, it got old when the competition got to where it would do anything to win. I.E. glitch, cheat and exploit, just for the sole purpose of having their internet handle at the top of some leaderboard. Like it somehow makes their life better or something. It went from having the thrill of out-playing and strategically besting someone to having to stop a glitch play or exploit repeatedly every time your opponent got the ball.


It burned me out of competitive play and it changed my entire outlook on PVP forever. Now I all but solely enjoy co-op play.

Edited by TheBBP
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This forum is getting worse than 4chan by the minute, so much negativity....

1st was TOR shuttdown prophecies

2nd it was Cartel Market and Dev pointless bashing and other crap (still is somehow)

And now some idiot said the something about carebears and the forum sheep followed him all the way.

Can't wait to see what the next topic will be, no wonder Devs avoid their community like the plague with people like this...

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I'm a carebear, and a proud one. There are two reasons I don't PvP in MMOs. 1. Its too restricted to my taste and playstyle and 2. because of that, I'm not good in it. There is one form of PvP where I am rather good, and it is called Battlefield 3. So that and IRL are the only places I PvP. Edited by Kayin
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Well. My eyes were just opened today to a wider definition of Carebear.


Hello, my name is CaptRavenous.

I enjoy PvE coop play, group content, and roleplay.

I tend to avoid Warzones, because competition seems to bring out the worst in people.

Name-calling, exploiting, hacks, anger, rage, hate.....

I prefer the feeling that comes from a team effort against opponents we can hold no real grudge against, because they are not people, only designed by people.

However, I am not against the occasional open world PvP.


I learned today, that this makes me a Carebear.


If this is so, then I am proud to be a Carebear. :w_smile:

Nice to hear you make an epithet good, but I've not come across much name calling on warzones, quite the opposite in fact, little or no chat at all.


Also I would like to propose that people who don't care about whether they are a Carebear or no should be called Dangermouses.

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Hey, I'm only here for the Risha romance . That must make me a Carebear ! :p


Oh, and I play all cutscene conversations. Even if I'm doing them for the umpteenth time . So don't join me for FP or OPs unless you don't spacebar through conversations . Because I will listen to every last freaking word an npc says .

Edited by Ghostbacon
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Well. My eyes were just opened today to a wider definition of Carebear.


Hello, my name is CaptRavenous.

I enjoy PvE coop play, group content, and roleplay.

I tend to avoid Warzones, because competition seems to bring out the worst in people.

Name-calling, exploiting, hacks, anger, rage, hate.....

I prefer the feeling that comes from a team effort against opponents we can hold no real grudge against, because they are not people, only designed by people.

However, I am not against the occasional open world PvP.


I learned today, that this makes me a Carebear.


If this is so, then I am proud to be a Carebear. :w_smile:




Play the game you want to play , the way you want to play it and what ever way brings you enjoyment. IF PVe and co-oping with other players is your thing then all the power to you.


If someone wants to criticise me for my choices and how i choose to play this game ,I'll happily change and play more Pvp and warzones..


My subscription comes Due June 7th ..Its time for them to pony up the $$ for My 6 month sub and until that happens i play the game i want to play since im paying for it.


Signed ,


A fellow "carebear'

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lol "carebear" in a PvE focused MMO.

Get real, if you want to be a real bear, come play eve with me (you mine rocks, someone will shoot at you), you can't really be a care bear in a PvE focused game on a PvE server.


This is by far among the most PvE centric games I have played, so don't worry about how others play. Just enjoy the game.

You don't really even loose anything upon death.

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I just think how its funny how a term can change over time to mean so many different things.


There is a segment of the human population that simply must find a way to take any word or term and turn it into a perjorative attack against other human beings. The internet has accelerated the urge and desire of said behavior it seems as well. A simple example, among thousands: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douchebag

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This forum is getting worse than 4chan by the minute, so much negativity....

1st was TOR shuttdown prophecies

2nd it was Cartel Market and Dev pointless bashing and other crap (still is somehow)

And now some idiot said the something about carebears and the forum sheep followed him all the way.

Can't wait to see what the next topic will be, no wonder Devs avoid their community like the plague with people like this...


Your browser has a really nice feature in case you dont like reading what your reading....


Its called a "go back one page" button.


Use it please.

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