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Do NOT Remove Ilum Boosting! I Am Against It!


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Because doing the same thing on Ilum over and over again wouldn't be boring.................?




It would be "different". It's not that it doesn't/wouldn't become tiresome, it's that it was an alternative to tons of travel and loading screens, doing missions we've all done numerous times already. It's a drop-in/drop-out system, which makes it convenient and it allows you to grind as a group, not a solo player. It worked well and was a good alternative to questing.

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You know.. in any large audience... what some people think is fun, others will be appalled at, and every feeling in between.


Terrible though it is... some people feel it is fun to be cruel to animals.


TL;DR: local authority is there to protect the overall welfare of the community. As is true in real life, so it is true in virtual life as well. Bioware is the local authority in matters such as this thread topic, not the OP.


You're equating grind leveling to being cruel to animals?? Not quite Andryah. It's more like going 10MPH over the speed limit in a group of cars on the Interstate...yes, it's speeding, but we've all done it. Nobody is harmed and we all get to the same destination we would have had we gone the speed limit, we just get there a few minutes earlier.

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I'm disappointed. I think that this weekend was the most fun many people have had in some time. Leveling in SWTOR can simply be boring as hell and an alternative was obviously welcome.


I would echo this sentiment. It was actually rather fun with the non-stop stream of mobs and a very large group to kill them. It was a welcome break from the very mission-centric leveling in this game, and I think it should stay as an option.

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You're equating grind leveling to being cruel to animals?? Not quite Andryah.


NO... I am pointing out that in a large community of people... there is no concensus as to what = fun and that what is fun to one person may be appaulling to another (which is why I used an extreme example as analogy to break the local thinking around the passion of this particular topic).


You are too close to the topic IMO, and deliberately mis-represented what I wrote.

Edited by Andryah
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BW's response to this was perfect as far as I am concerned. In 3 or 4 hours last night with no double XP or XP buffs active my scrapper got 5 levels (into the 40s) which saves me about a week in my plan to get him to 50. At any time, at least 1/4 of my raid was afk - sometimes it seemed like it was more than half afk. No one had at level gear and sometimes my scrapper was the only one healing. There's no way that wouldn't be dumb to let it go on.
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Gotta love these forums...




Bioware fixes a game breaking bug.



Except I, nor any of the players that were for this, never, ever cried for a fix. That was all for the leveling carebears. :rolleyes:

Edited by HomicidalWhales
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NO... I am pointing out that in a large community of people... there is no concensus as to what = fun and that what is fun to one person may be appaulling to another (which is why I used an extreme example as analogy to break the local thinking around the passion of this particular topic).


You are too close to the topic IMO, and deliberately mis-represented what I wrote.


I'm "too close"? What do you mean by that exactly?


And I didn't mis-represent what you wrote, I found it terribly inappropriate though because you equated grind leveling to animal cruelty. One is SICK, one simply saves time...there's no way to make that a decent analogy.


A large portion of the community seemed to enjoy themselves. I enjoyed myself. I liked the alternative to quests and obviously I'm not alone...which is why so many freaking people did it.

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I'm "too close"? What do you mean by that exactly?


And I didn't mis-represent what you wrote, I found it terribly inappropriate though because you equated grind leveling to animal cruelty. One is SICK, one simply saves time...there's no way to make that a decent analogy.


A large portion of the community seemed to enjoy themselves. I enjoyed myself. I liked the alternative to quests and obviously I'm not alone...which is why so many freaking people did it.

I think Andyrah might be running out of some good comparisons to use with big words to justify EAWare's actions, so she has to result to animal cruelty! :p

Edited by HomicidalWhales
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Except I, nor any of the players that were for this, never, ever cried for a fix.


Who ever complains about something they themselves find beneficial? If people found a way to duplicate Gray Helix Components they probably wouldn't "cry for a fix" for that either.

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Who ever complains about something they themselves find beneficial? If people found a way to duplicate Gray Helix Components they probably wouldn't "cry for a fix" for that either.

I posted that because the person I quoted posted something that didn't make sense. He made it seem like we wanted this fix, but are now complaining that they implemented this fix. No logic in that. :confused:

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I absolutely support EA in this. It's very clear that leveling this way was never an intended effect. I'm glad they're not actioning accounts for creativity, because that creativity didn't hurt anyone. But I'm equally glad they're removing the ability to exploit it.


It's about the integrity of the game for me. There are "legitimate" ways to level, and do so quickly. Lots of them. But this wasn't one of them.

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You're against it? Well too bad. Grinding in that manner was never intended and it's being removed. Deal with it.


If you want to do something constructive ask Bioware to implement something that allows for very large groups to grind mobs in a similiar fashion. Perhaps create spawn points on the planets that create herds of animals or droids that have to be stopped from reaching the base.

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really dont get why this is being patch but yet you can pvp and get upto 60k xp tell me bioware what the differnce between pvping and grinding mobs to hit 50 i find it sad and a joke that you have to patch it when its only a 3 week event .....



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If you want to do something constructive ask Bioware to implement something that allows for very large groups to grind mobs in a similiar fashion. Perhaps create spawn points on the planets that create herds of animals or droids that have to be stopped from reaching the base.

I don't mind this at all if the experience leveling through this is no less than planet leveling.

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Please, for the love of bantha poodoo, do NOT implement this emergency patch. I am totally against it,


I am totally for it.


Seems our opinions cancel out.


If it wasn't intended but you don't consider this an exploit ... why develop a patch to "fix" something that really doesn't need to be fixed?


You already said it: Because it isn't what they intended.


They made the game. They get to decide what features are in it. It's their job to control how players play the game. They don't want it, they should remove it.


Please post if you're against this! Hopefully we can stop EAWare from implementing a patch that is NOT needed.


Let's be honest: Post if you're for or against it. Lets see if more people are against it. From what I've seen: You and the "I don't want to play the game" crowd are the minority. Your opinions aren't more important than anyone else's.

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Oh, yes! Patch it! Patch it! The main appeal of this game is the story. If you skip most of it, even the side quests, you're missing over half the game. If it wasn't intended they want to remove it because it wasn't intended. How does that not make sense to you?


I don't understand the logic of people boosting. Play the game and skip through it, then complain about no end-game stuff. If you don't want to play the majority of the game why play at all?

Edited by Pingonaut
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Oh, yes! Patch it! Patch it! The main appeal of this game is the story. If you skip most of it, even the side quests, you're missing over half the game. If it wasn't intended they want to remove it because it wasn't intended. How does that not make sense to you?


I don't understand the logic of people boosting. Play the game and skip through it, then complain about no end-game stuff. If you don't want to play the majority of the game why play at all?



Some of us have already played EVERY story and just want to level a different AC. It's bad enough having to do anything other than class story quests for xp, but after seeing EVERY story, believe me, it gets pretty repetitive and boring, as does lowbie pvp. The XP farming on Ilum was a dream come true for those of us in this situation. It boggles my mind that anybody would whine and cry about other players leveling on ilum. If it doesn't effect you, WHO CARES.

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