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So who else got their free 50?


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Long term it does hurt everyone.


Why would anyone bother leveling anymore by doing missions on various planets, doing heroics, doing flashpoints, or running warzones if they could just afk on Ilum for the weekend?


Heh okay listen mate you might be right for althe "new players" but look at my view:


Ive done Marauder , Operative , Assassin and Powertech on lvl 50 , doing all the class mission , planet missions AND Warzones.

I im really really pi55ed that i have to do the same missions again and again only to level up.

i hate being lowlevel because on lower level i dotn have all my skills and spec points...

i just want to push some alts to lvl 50 so that i have all imperial jobs to offer for OPS and so on.. means i wish to switch my chars to support with any jon is needed in OPS or FPs... but i dotn want to use another 2 weeks each class....


and NO i dont play republic..not even if you offer me money..lol



Maybe double exp is bad for all the newcomers...because they would learn nothing about their class.. but for someone who has already completet all the class mission she wanted it is a very welcome function to lvl up to 50 in 2 days.


Also it is no exploit, there is another thread here in the forums where a dev/mod commented on and he said nothing about exploits or that it is not working as intended...


means.. its working as intended :)



oh and


P.S. It was awesoem how friendly and social people were when we had a full OPS to level up together.. everyone was nice and helpful.. and even the HOLOSTATUES and other spawnable NPCS became of use...


This game needs more things like that where people come together and be nice to eachother...leveling up , spawning repair , mail or skill npcs for their mates.. it was so awesome ^_^

Edited by Prysha
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I don't care. I'm perfectly fine with my ways to lvl up toon. If somebody like to lvl up in couple of hours from 1 to 50, be my guest. I don't like it, i don't do it, i enjoy another ways to lvl up. If BW will fix that exploit, good. If not, no big harm.
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Because A) It imbalances the game.

And B) It's cheating.


acually no developwer said its forbidden...so.. its legit


peopel bought xp boosts with cartel points.. it generates cash = legit.. cry as much as you want... noone can get banned for this.. deal with it....



noone forced you to NOT powerlevel like this.. also noone forces you to do ...

since you get lvl 50 gear for free at lvl50.. there is no dfference at all..

No developer has said that is isnt legit...

no matter if u powerlevel with planet mission in 1-2 weeks or in 2 days through illum... make no difference.. stats are the same....


so what are your tears for ?

Edited by Prysha
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For me, the whole point of doing new classes (in my case, pub side) was two fold: 1) Experiencing the stories and 2) Learning how to play said classes.


I'm not sure how you do either by powerleveling in 7-10 hours from 1 to 50. I mean, in my case, I really don't play any class at 50 actively besides my sniper anyway, so...


Yeah, same here. For those of us who like the story content and enjoy leveling alts, there's not much appeal to double XP. It really only appeals to power-levelers and the end-gamers who want to a get an alt to end-game status quicker. Of course, the irony is that the power-levelers are usually the people who get to end-game and then complain there's nothing to do, lol.

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acually no developwer said its forbidden...so.. its legit


That logic will land you in jail.


It's an exploit. You know it. Just be real about it. But all this rationalizing just makes you look like an even bigger fool.


Yeah, same here. For those of us who like the story content and enjoy leveling alts, there's not much appeal to double XP.


When you've done Trouble in Deed seven times, I don't begrudge you wanting an XP boost so you can stick to the class storyline and only the sidequests you prefer. I can tell you it's made my alt experience grandly better.


See? I'm not a fanatic. I just am not trying to delude myself or anyone else into believing that taking advantage of a clearly unintended game mechanic to power level is anything other than cheating.


ITs not an exploit. You can't exploit bad game design, you can only exploit bugs. =)


Say that with an Arkansas accent and people might believe you.


After all, this all depends on what your definition of "is" is.

Edited by Jeca_Cutrer
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Don't take this personally, but I hope they change the mechanics so this is not possible next weekend - maybe by disabling the ability to gain XP if less than 45 or while in an Operations group.


Also, I wouldn't mind if they suspended the players that did this and rolled back the levels gained.


Seriously, with double XP and all the XP buffs passed out now it was silly easy to gain levels without afk exploiting Ilum bolstering and the Gree event.


Though I concede expecting players NOT to be so lazy as to use such an exploit is naive.


ITs not an exploit. You can't exploit bad game design, you can only exploit bugs. =)

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That logic will land you in jail.


It's an exploit. You know it. Just be real about it. But all this rationalizing just makes you look like an even bigger fool.


What exactly is the exploit???


look at this... i reach level 10 then i go to fleet select class.. then i get my ship at dromund kaas, then i can fly to illum and take a speeder to gree area.. without any tricks.


then the game gives me a bolster bufff again no trick used...

then i join ops and let people kill things.. again no trick...



no admin said "we are going to fix this"... means its okay...


also it makes peopel buy cartel coins for xp boosts... so.. it seems legit to do so...


this is legit.... 9 instances did it .. there were no emergency patch .. so that means it is intended...



also..why do you care?


jelly? or whatis it?


i found it great.. it brought people together...everyone was nice and social..why youw ant to make it fishy?



SOME people found it an exploit to break the weekly reputation limit by using a purple boost at the last few points... just to get the gree weapons faster.. almost all of you were using this technique.. when they said its exploit you all said " NONONONO its no exploit its just beng smart"


now people can powerlevel and you al come here and QQ.. lol

Edited by Prysha
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i found it great.. it brought people together...everyone was nice and social..why youw ant to make it fishy?



SOME people found it an exploit to break the weekly reputation limit by using a purple boost at the last few points... just to get the gree weapons faster.. almost all of you were using this technique.. when they said its exploit you all said " NONONONO its no exploit its just beng smart"


now people can powerlevel and you al come here and QQ.. lol


It's normal gamer hypocrisy. They don't like it so no one else should be allowed. I didn't do this but I will next weekend to PL the toons I won't spend the majority of my time playing. But it's nice to have them up there in case I need one to fill a spot.

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Don't take this personally, but I hope they change the mechanics so this is not possible next weekend - maybe by disabling the ability to gain XP if less than 45 or while in an Operations group.


Also, I wouldn't mind if they suspended the players that did this and rolled back the levels gained.


Seriously, with double XP and all the XP buffs passed out now it was silly easy to gain levels without afk exploiting Ilum bolstering and the Gree event.


Though I concede expecting players NOT to be so lazy as to use such an exploit is naive.


Suspend the players? thats rediculous they would have to suspened so many people and than follow that with a rollback on the level? they would loose alot of subs. there where 3-4 groups on illum of 25 people constantly all day

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While I did not take part in this myself this weekend, IF Bioware decides not to change the mechanics of illum and gives the "OK" or even a "We don't give a ****" then I might do this next weekend for an alt or two.


But until such a decision is made by the powers that be, I'm gonna bow out and not take part. Because Lord knows with BW love of random unannounced rollbacks all that work could end up being for nothing...or worse...get you banned.


That's my 2 cents

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If they suspended and rolled back I would quit, that would be 2 accounts as my wife would probably not play still without me.



I know people don't like the power lvling part of it but look at these points:


Alot in my guild rolled pubs after only playing imp for over a year.


People where playing together and chatting in /ops, you know the MM part of MMO that is lost in so many games.


It will help to equalize population between the factions.


It is also good for bioware as leaving this in game for the next few weekends will ensure that they have a huge influx of 50s that need to play/pay and level up to 55 to consume the content.


The f2p that lvled like this will need to pay to get to 55 and they are full of fresh level 50s.



About lvling too fast. You level fast in this game as it is. You could have a new 50 every few days as it is.


The big thing I liked about this is it got people to lvl and group with people from the other realm and get to know people.

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The only way this effects me is if these 'free' 50s end up on my groups in LFG and screw things up because they don't know what they're doing.


Otherwise...While it's disappointing that some people are so eager to 'win' the game that they skip through the best part of the game...the story...If BW isn't upset by this, then why should I be upset by this?


The idea that we should be upset by power-leveled 50s is based on the idea that everyone should have to do the 'hard way', but I rather enjoy leveling on my alts. So, I find it hard to be upset when people avoid something that I actively enjoy.

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The only way this effects me is if these 'free' 50s end up on my groups in LFG and screw things up because they don't know what they're doing.


That's why they give you the handy "Vote to kick" option




Otherwise...While it's disappointing that some people are so eager to 'win' the game that they skip through the best part of the game...the story...If BW isn't upset by this, then why should I be upset by this?


For me, it's not that I am eager to skip the story and "win". I still do the full class quests and enjoy them immensely. However, what I don't enjoy is the fact that I have done the planetary missions so much that I can literally say the quest-giver's lines from memory. That get's just a mind-numbing as killing bots for 10 hours on the pylon.


And for the guy that has a Clinton fetish, you are weak. This isn't rationalization. Back in the day, pre-50 level character's couldn't go to Ilum. If it was unintended, they would just revert back to that or make the line 45. It's not an exploit, it's working as intended. Bioware wants 50's for their new content. The more 50's they get, the more chance there's someone behind that 50 who is not a current subber or has not bought the x-pac. They don't care how you get to 50, they just want you there. And they get extra money from everyone buying the crap out of the xp boosts. So for them, win-win.


The crybabies shouting about exploits, suspensions, roll-backs and the like need to get a life. It literally does not affect you. If you don't like it, or find something morally reprehensible about it, don't do it. This is not going to tear the fabric of space time and lead to destruction of the universe. Dumb players who don't know how to play their char or role in group finder? Already there, so a little late for that. Gold farmers? Been there since launch; they are a part of any MMO because people will pay for gold they don't have to grind. Imbalance the game? Not real sure how this works. Everyone that is against anything always cites game imbalance but never gives a concrete example of what exactly it is imbalancing. I call BS. It's cheating? How is it cheating exactly? Because they are leveling in a manner different from the holy grail of quests? You can already do that. I have friends who leveled strictly though WZ's. This isn't cheating. Below you will find the definition of cheating:


Definition of CHEAT


transitive verb


: to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud


: to influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice


: to elude or thwart by or as if by outwitting <cheat death>

intransitive verb


a : to practice fraud or trickery

b : to violate rules dishonestly <cheat at cards> <cheating on a test>


: to be sexually unfaithful —usually used with on <was cheating on his wife>


: to position oneself defensively near a particular area in anticipation of a play in that area <the shortstop was cheating toward second base>


The only category this could possibly fall into is to practice fraud or trickery. This was neither. Nothing that was required for the power leveling was done by fraud or trickery. Closest thing to that would be needing the 45 to click the panel, and I wouldn't call that fraud or trickery.


For people that don't like it, don't do it. For me, it's a way to level without re-doing the same quests I've done countless time, or exclusively using WZ's which I don't like enough to do that much. It is seriously not affecting you. You play the game your way, everyone else can play it how they see fit. A lot of people in MMO's I think are closet fascists.

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People worked for those levels, they didn't "afk"



On my server, if you afk'd in the group, they would kick you and get someone else because the speed of the leveling was directly in line with how many people were participating. Faster mob kills = more experience.


They won't roll back characters, or ban anyone because they didn't do anything when people exploited valor at launch. It's not even an exploit, it's just a clever way of getting fast experience.


The whole point of the double xp weekends is to get more people max level so they can be 50 for the new expansion. They also will make more money off the cartel market from all the people buying xp boosts and items for their new 50s.


It's a win-win for Bioware, and if they did a rollback or banned any of these players, it would only hurt them.


To be honest, it just seems like everyone else against this, either didn't know about it till now or didn't get invited to a group and they're mad.

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Agreed Khea. I know on my server and in the groups I was in, people only went afk long enough to smoke or bio or such. Anyone that was afk, whether alive or dead, for s substantial amount of time was removed from the group to allow another player who was going to help the group get the mobs down quicker. This method actually got multiple 24 man groups together with the people cooperating and working together with a single goal in mind: leveling. Our server yesterday had 7 instances for ilum. All 3 pylons stayed full. That means you had a total of 21 pylons with 24 players = 504 players. And with people still spamming in general looking for a group.


Wow, group socialization and cooperation. We should certainly stamp that out immediately. There is absolutely no room in my MMO for that stuff. I want it to essentially be a single player game with a global chat box. For all the people who are whining about how bad it is for the game, I would say the opposite. It's actually getting people to play an MMO as if it were an MMO i.e. grouping together, cooperating, working together. How people think it's bad is beyond me

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Why would you expect power leveling on an RP server? On an RP server, people should be more in character and enjoying the quest lines, that's what RP is. You are your character.


As far as power leveling goes, anyone who wants to should be able to. It's just their enjoyment that they're screwing with, not anyone else's.

Why wouldn't you? Enjoying quest lines? ok... first time I enjoyed it immensely. Second time it was fun to hear/see my favorite parts again. By the third time I could recite lines of dialogue because it was all the same. Yes the ~50 (entire games worth of) class quests are different but The other ~50 (per planet) quests are the exact same. It's mind numbing to have to go through this again an again. And to make matters worse the class quests are shared between advanced classes. so my Shadow went through the exact same story as my sage. This wouldn't be as rough on a player if your choices actually changed your story more than a single line of dialogue latter that is immediately forgotten and irrelevant to the ending of the story.



for example:

No matter how LS my Sage was and how DS my Shadow was they both had the same exact story points. Both of them saved the Jedi order from Lord Vivicar, both became Barsen'thor, both of them led a group of politicians from different planets against the sons and daughters of the emperor, and both of them received accolades for their services. Not a single person I let live came back and effected anything in my story, so they were not missed at all when I killed them in my DS playthrough. Every companion was the same and all of them loved me 10000/10000 and the girl still married me. This even though every single dialogue choice (besides the romance ones) were completely different.



I loved my first play through, but sorry after the third character on Pub side I cant stand those planet quests. Imp side was a breath of fresh air again... at first. But the repetition has hit there too. Honestly the only thing I want to see is the remaining 2 base class stories I haven't seen yet. And I'm sorely sorry I missed the XP farms I have only 2 more characters I want to get to 50 Lucky for me one is a story I haven't seen yet. but the Idea of going through all those planets again makes me just say F*#@ it and log back onto a 50.

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Yeah, same here. For those of us who like the story content and enjoy leveling alts, there's not much appeal to double XP. It really only appeals to power-levelers and the end-gamers who want to a get an alt to end-game status quicker. Of course, the irony is that the power-levelers are usually the people who get to end-game and then complain there's nothing to do, lol.


You kidding? The main appeal of power leveling to 50 for me (apart from getting the Trooper Tionese set before it's gone) was so that I could go back and experience the class story un-interupted.

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personally i really dont care about the power leveling. if people want to then fine. if not that is ok too.


just please know your class and abilities before you queue for hm fp and ops. there are enough of you that dont via leveling up the regular way. we dont need any more.

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