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This could have been the MMO King...


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I disagree with the OP. I've played most of the AAA titles and as far as I'm concerned, this IS the MMO King. Whats also fantastic is this game is going to get better and age well over time. Its all good.



Just my opinion of course, but its the only one that matters to me :)

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Uhm sorry but you make zero sense.


Rift had absolutely no bugs that could hinder gameplay in any way on day one.


Rift is what you should compare SW:TOR to, not WoW. Rift came out 2011, not 2004.


Er I actually DID play Rift at launch. It certainly did have bugs - especially with tier first World event that they had to cancel after about 12 hours because the servers were crashing and people were getting disconnected all the time. Rift wasn't a bad game, just too much like WoW for its own good.

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I don't care what he thinks about SWtOR, I love this game.

But if he thinks that GW2 is going to be a special futuristic god mmo, he's wrong. It's a step backwards for thiefy class class mechanics, that's for sure

The grass is always greener on the backpeddling side for bads like this, I suppose


I haven't played or followed Guild Wars 2 much, but if it is any good I'll be pleasantly surprised. On the other hand I'm surprised that SW:TOR with 150 million funding, EA/BW and Star Wars didn't manage to make the game incredible. It's good, but just that. Good. It could be insanely good.

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Er I actually DID play Rift at launch. It certainly did have bugs - especially with tier first World event that they had to cancel after about 12 hours because the servers were crashing and people were getting disconnected all the time. Rift wasn't a bad game, just too much like WoW for its own good.


I actually didn't play Rift at launch, but I beta tested it for months, and trust me when I say it had a lot less bugs than SW:TOR 3-4 months prior to release than SW:TOR does right now.


At the very least it had no severe memory leaks and other technical errors, those are the most annoying ones and SW:TOR is packed. It is no surprise cause Bioware games are kinda Notorious on the technical side but I was expecting it to be more polished.


I did play SW:TOR beta since October too, and the game was the exact same as it is right now, I don't think I've seen anything fixed.


And yea Rift was 100% WoW clone with a couple extra features that were not enough to break the mold, that's why I didn't buy it.

Edited by yomanaaiton
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Uhm sorry but you make zero sense.


Rift had absolutely no bugs that could hinder gameplay in any way on day one.


Rift is what you should compare SW:TOR to, not WoW. Rift came out 2011, not 2004.


First rift had problema i played off launch just saying....


second i wasnt comparing tor to wow.... why would i? thats like conparing a old car to a new car

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Actually that video is a demo player... most likely an IGN employee. Also he did get hit, and so what? Do you think you'll be able to back-peddle like that in an instance and not get hit, or in PvP, or in a raid? That was a freaking mob. Look at the smuggler... yeah it's real fun having to stay stationary to use your ranged abilities...



Is a much better video.


lol, have you played a smuggler?

If you sit still while a mob is smacking on you, you're gonna drop. fast.

Outside of that, the energy bar mechanic is exceptional. You have to actually focus on burst or on sustained damage, and the consequence for overextending your burst is a major damage loss.

But okay, conjecture away based on the fact that they're a ranged class and must be like WoW classes :rolleyes:

I saw a character smashing a few faceroll abilities on a gcd without taking ANY damage. That means he can use it on any mob without a gap closer or that isn't immune to stuns

So basically, the entirety of the leveling experience is backpeddling and spamming one and two.

But keep dreaming on about endgame, brother! Tell me when they release any meaningful information on what high end PvE is like, and until then, dream on.

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I'm glad you have the self esteem to so highly regard your own opinion. However, it'd be who of you to keep your comments to yourself. Nobody really cares how much you don't like this game. If you don't like it, go play another game. That's what normal people do without having to put their two cents in. People like you are just getting in the way and cluttering our forums and server ques. You know, the funny thing is that a lot of these whiners are still playing.


This wasn't meant to be a second WoW. It's meant to be a good game, and that's what it is. If you don't agree, go play something else.

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Your a noob you have no life if all you want to do is kill mobs go to silk road I have played beta and pre and i have 12 years in MMORPG THIS IS THE BEST I HAVE EVER SEEN I LOVE YOU GUYS I LOVE LUCAS KEEP IT UP:)) I LOVE BIO WARE>>>>>> ok 100 Brown side points for me.. but this is the Best i ever saw:)))))) LOVE IT
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lol, have you played a smuggler?

If you sit still while a mob is smacking on you, you're gonna drop. fast.

Outside of that, the energy bar mechanic is exceptional. You have to actually focus on burst or on sustained damage, and the consequence for overextending your burst is a major damage loss.

But okay, conjecture away based on the fact that they're a ranged class and must be like WoW classes :rolleyes:

I saw a character smashing a few faceroll abilities on a gcd without taking ANY damage. That means he can use it on any mob without a gap closer or that isn't immune to stuns

So basically, the entirety of the leveling experience is backpeddling and spamming one and two.

But keep dreaming on about endgame, brother! Tell me when they release any meaningful information on what high end PvE is like, and until then, dream on.


Yes, I have. Have you played Thief?


(Inb4 have you. No, I haven't, but I'm not the one writing off a class currently in beta based on a 2 minute long low lvl youtube video.)

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I actually didn't play Rift at launch, but I beta tested it for months, and trust me when I say it had a lot less bugs than SW:TOR 3-4 months prior to release than SW:TOR does right now.

Ah, so when you claimed that Rift had no bugs at launch, you were kind of making it up - seeing as you didn't actually play it?

At the very least it had no severe memory leaks and other technical errors, those are the most annoying ones and SW:TOR is packed.


I haven't noticed any memory leaks here - I've had a couple of slowdowns that I cured by restarting. To be honest, I've had unexplained slowdowns in WoW as well, but my machine is very fast. So since SWTOR is "packed" with bugs - please list... let's say 5?

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Yes, I have. Have you played Thief?


(Inb4 have you. No, I haven't, but I'm not the one writing off a class currently in beta based on a 2 minute long low lvl youtube video.)

You're right, you're the one bashing an MMO that's not even a day old. :rolleyes:

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Ah, so when you claimed that Rift had no bugs at launch, you were kind of making it up - seeing as you didn't actually play it?


Well, I did play the 7 day trial.


But the thing is, I'd assume that the game is better on release than it is in beta. It was perfect in beta, somehow MAGICALLY it would be full of bugs on release?



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Someone said there's an option to skip all cutscenes through a setting? If that's the case then I might just not quit this game, but I don't think that's true... Pressing space bar 50 times and pressing 1 of 3 different answers occasionally gets boring quick...


ADHD??? Just asking , you seem really impatient lol

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Yes, I have. Have you played Thief?


(Inb4 have you. No, I haven't, but I'm not the one writing off a class currently in beta based on a 2 minute long low lvl youtube video.)


Nope, I'm forming my opinion based on all available information on the class, and my information clearly shows that gunslinger is better. And yet you used the same information to come to the conclusion that GW2 would be the savior of MMO's.

At least show a little reason and restraint given the amount of information disclosed, otherwise you're just making yourself too easy to beat up on :cool:

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This game could have been the best MMO on the market today, it could have stolen a Hell of a lot of WoW subs, if not for the following;


1) The quest system. I'm sure many people enjoy this style of questing, the cinematic voice acting thing which allows you to RP/ feel involved, but really, its just a chore. No one wants to have to take part in a long conversation just to be told to go and kill 10 mobs, collect 10 furs, etc. Part of the fun of an MMO is being able to switch-off sometimes, and just grind out your quests. A large proportion of the MMO PvP community just doesn't care in the slightest for roleplaying and has no patience for this type of thing. I have 5 friends that quit this game within a day simply because of this; they said they'd play otherwise. I fear this style of questing will put off more people than it pulls in.


2) Too much instancing. This feels like a dead game, and my server is apparently 'very heavy. There's no atmosphere. I want to feel like I'm in a bustling environment, not like I'm in a singleplayer game with IM capabilities.


3) No addons. This is critical. Part of the success of WoW is due to people being able to mod, within reason, the game to their tastes. I personally hate the custom WoW UI. I might not have played the game if not for addons that enable me to change it. How many people do you think chose not to play SWTOR because of something similar?


4) 1.5 second GCD/un-responsive system. Need I say more? Everybody wants an MMO as responsive as WoWs, and with the resources at Biowares disposable, I'd say they had the opportunity to make it.


5) The little things; honestly, did you not listen to your beta testers? Tracking buffs/debuffs on the UI is horrible, there is no targets target, there's no way to turn off the smart camera, too much CC, there's no scoreboard during Warzones, intros/voices at the start of Warzones. I mean come on, seriously? No targets target in an MMO? I don't care if they plan on adding it later, this is an important feature. Many of these small gripes could be solved by solving #3... implementing addons.



There are many things this game does right. The combat looks amazing, the talent trees/classes are well-designed and fun. The world is beautiful and interesting, and the graphic style colourful and fun, but this is not an innovative MMO, nor one that improves on the current standard for MMO's. This is the most expensive video game ever made, but it seems they spent 90% of that on voice acting...



its the first day and you already have a page of ranting, I think you need to re evaluate video games in general if these things bother you that much

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the resources at Biowares disposable


lol wut?


Also, it sounds like you wanted what many of us didn't - WoW with a Star Wars skin. Thank jeebus Bioware DID listen and instead gave us KOTOR with WoW-like mechanics and a dash of ME and DA to flavor.

Edited by SilentbobSC
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You're right, you're the one bashing an MMO that's not even a day old. :rolleyes:


So what? People expect release to be a little different. I'm trying to post constructive criticism, but clearly people can't take it. Fingers in their ears, LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU mode engaged. Some people even get so offended they launch personal attacks! Isn't that cute. I guess doing something helpful for the game, like posting constructive criticism, isn't to be tolerated. I've gotten two warnings so far from a mod on quite tame posts, I'll probably be banned soon. I guess you aren't allowed to criticise this game.

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Nope, I'm forming my opinion based on all available information on the class, and my information clearly shows that gunslinger is better. And yet you used the same information to come to the conclusion that GW2 would be the savior of MMO's.

At least show a little reason and restraint given the amount of information disclosed, otherwise you're just making yourself too easy to beat up on :cool:


Well firstly the information about the Thief class isn't the sole source of information we have about the game, and secondly, I didn't say it will be the saviour of MMO's, I said it has a lot of promise, and I've praised it for at least trying something innovative, because I honestly cannot see anything innovative about this game. Anyway, last post, I'm out, its been fun, and its been sad to see how this community is actually not that different from WoWs, but yeah, have fun with this game.

Edited by sanzuu
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Well, I did play the 7 day trial.


But the thing is, I'd assume that the game is better on release than it is in beta. It was perfect in beta, somehow MAGICALLY it would be full of bugs on release?




I can't be sure, but I'm guessing you don't work in the software industry, or at least have never had to perform unit tests and stress tests on networked systems.


Anyway, a quick Google for "rift crashes river of souls" should be evidence enough if you don't believe me about Rift crashing during the launch event. And that's only one part of it - instability with various video cards, random disconnects - you name it.


I fully expect it though, as I am a programmer who has worked in large networked environments. I currently write games for iOS and Android for a living, along with programming embedded networked systems for some companies you WILL have heard of ;-) In fact, you may be running something right now that runs code I've worked on - hehe!

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Well firstly the information about the Thief class isn't the sole source of information we have about the game, and secondly, I didn't say it will be the saviour of MMO's, I said it has a lot of promise, and I've praised it for at least trying something innovative, because I honestly cannot see anything innovative about this game. Anyway, last post, I'm out, its been fun, and its been sad to see how this community is actually not that different from WoWs, but yeah, have fun with this game.


Don't let the door hitcha where the december date of your joining this website splitcha

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