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Everything posted by Formae

  1. Haven't played since launch, which class would be better suited for ranked PvP right now? I played a decent amount of Mage & Rogue PvP in WoW so I appreciate classes that have higher skill caps.
  2. Formae

    Best 1v1 Class?

    I'm a returning player who last played the game when it was first released. Was just curious as to which classes are looking good in duels and 1v1 scenarios.
  3. Then tell me why WoW is basically a runaround where each class gets it's 15 minutes of fame every patch until they're nerfed in the next one and a new flavor of the month emerges. Balancing can still be worked on, it's not like they had one shot at it. Also, that's not really a solution. How would you suggest making balance changes? You're not really being that constructive.
  4. That's true I guess. What I was trying to say, was that having the possibility of being able to chose if you're going to kill this guy or save him is quite exciting. It may not change the entire environment, but its still a nice touch. I just don't see why people buy this game and react in horror when they realize features known from the beginning would be in the game.
  5. No sympathy for you. If you weren't living under a rock for the past 5 years then maybe you would've realized this game revolves around choices and dialogue. I think the story is quite good, and I'm sorry you cant manage to pay attention to it. If it bothers you so much you can continue playing your conversation version of Russian roulette.
  6. I have slicing in the mid 300s right now, and I have to agree. I have about 130k at level 32 right now, but on my level 24 jedi knight, I never had more than 20k at a time. I think Bioware went a little overboard on training and repair prices, but that's just me.
  7. Speaking of companions, I feel like you get your 3rd companion (Counting the ship robot) really late in the story. On my jedi knight I got my third companion at the end of courscant, but I had to go through belmorra and tatooine to get my third one on my inquisitor.
  8. Simple thread, just post what you would want to see for a future sorcerer update. Keep this within reason though! To start off, I would like to see sorcerers getting the ability to use double bladed sabers. I just prefer them over single bladed sabers on the account of looks.
  9. you can also try slicing, apparently it gives you a load of cash
  10. This, I understand the community being unforgiving to actual trolls, but... Come on guys! Hes not doing anything wrong, he's not bashing the game or calling out Bioware. Hes just asking for help on how to make his game experience better. On topic: Maybe you can try a different class if you want to, but this game may not be for you. Can you tell us why you're not having fun? Do you feel like the game is too easy, slow, difficult, etc.
  11. My question to you, sir.... Will there be a sequel?
  12. Critics are raving over Faulken's new hit novel! "Five stars, an absolute master piece!" -The Rolling Stones "I was instantly captured when Faulken conveyed his emotions beautifully with the word, like" -The Washington Post "A jaw dropping story of sorrow, compassion, and happiness. A must read for the end of 2011!" -The New York Times.
  13. Where is everyone getting these fantastic crystal balls? I must have one!
  14. Don't know what you're talking about with buggy quest and all, so I wont comment on that. But queues will happen for every MMO release, as long as it's popular.
  15. alot of the negative posts are just that, negative. Like others have said, most of these posts are structured around typical threats to unsubscribe and insults to berate the game. People seem to think that all criticism is constructive, this isn't true. Just saying that the combat is bad is not enough, maybe they should try to go into detail about what they think is wrong with combat, and even try to help find a solution. Instead, these posts are usually empty complaints.
  16. Hes taking about the collectors edition store that's ingame. I think he's wondering if Bioware will have any incentive to add new items to the store monthly.
  17. I'd suggest sticking to story quest then if it bothers you that much. It seems that all my friends who are doing just the story quest stay in range of the zones they're questing in.
  18. See, this makes people arguing against dual specs look silly. Calling anyone who wants a dual spec a kid... Really? I get that you may not like the idea of it, but trying to berate your opposition isn't going to get you anywhere. Addons and dual specs are two completely different topics, and I agree that addons should remain out of game, excluding custum UI addons.
  19. Don't really care about dual specs either way, but they would probably do more harm than good. Players aren't "missing out" on stories with dual specs. It's not like you're going to be able to switch between two classes, so nobody will miss out on the stories of other classes. Personally I'd rather be able to have two specs for tanking and DPS, rather then having to level up the same class again. And then that forces me to gear up two different characters at the same time. Right now I'm having a blast though, so it wont really change my opinion on the game if Bioware adds it in. If you don't want to dual spec you don't have to. Don't worry about what others want to do.
  20. Im sorry my good tortall, I have to argue with your points. I myself have played two games of counter strike, and I have also obtained one nuke on modern warfare 2, not to mention soloing hogger, I believe I am more experienced then you.
  21. You know servers that start off at low population can gain more players can become full, right?
  22. Haha, my friend. I see what you did thar.
  23. Not that I know of, might be a bug, or maybe all the choices you're making are neutral.
  24. Please remember that SWG did not even have space combat at launch. Give it some time, and be glad that we have a fun mini game involving space right now.
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