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This could have been the MMO King...


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This game could have been the best MMO on the market today, it could have stolen a Hell of a lot of WoW subs, if not for the following;


1) The quest system. I'm sure many people enjoy this style of questing, the cinematic voice acting thing which allows you to RP/ feel involved, but really, its just a chore. No one wants to have to take part in a long conversation just to be told to go and kill 10 mobs, collect 10 furs, etc. Part of the fun of an MMO is being able to switch-off sometimes, and just grind out your quests. A large proportion of the MMO PvP community just doesn't care in the slightest for roleplaying and has no patience for this type of thing. I have 5 friends that quit this game within a day simply because of this; they said they'd play otherwise. I fear this style of questing will put off more people than it pulls in.


2) Too much instancing. This feels like a dead game, and my server is apparently 'very heavy. There's no atmosphere. I want to feel like I'm in a bustling environment, not like I'm in a singleplayer game with IM capabilities.


3) No addons. This is critical. Part of the success of WoW is due to people being able to mod, within reason, the game to their tastes. I personally hate the custom WoW UI. I might not have played the game if not for addons that enable me to change it. How many people do you think chose not to play SWTOR because of something similar?


4) 1.5 second GCD/un-responsive system. Need I say more? Everybody wants an MMO as responsive as WoWs, and with the resources at Biowares disposable, I'd say they had the opportunity to make it.


5) The little things; honestly, did you not listen to your beta testers? Tracking buffs/debuffs on the UI is horrible, there is no targets target, there's no way to turn off the smart camera, too much CC, there's no scoreboard during Warzones, intros/voices at the start of Warzones. I mean come on, seriously? No targets target in an MMO? I don't care if they plan on adding it later, this is an important feature. Many of these small gripes could be solved by solving #3... implementing addons.



There are many things this game does right. The combat looks amazing, the talent trees/classes are well-designed and fun. The world is beautiful and interesting, and the graphic style colourful and fun, but this is not an innovative MMO, nor one that improves on the current standard for MMO's. This is the most expensive video game ever made, but it seems they spent 90% of that on voice acting...




Edit: I am also well aware that many of these things might be solved further down the line, but this is not the way to release a game... you'd think EA have pretty good people working in market analysis... people will not come back, buyers have very little patience. No excuse. Release a finished product and people will stay.

Edited by sanzuu
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you can press the spacebar and skip the dialog if you just want to speed through questing.


and it is either ctrl+t or alt+t (I don't remember which) that is Target of Target.


Also, instancing is usually for class quest and minor quest things to let the environment change for just YOU and whoever you are grouped with and not have people have sit out and wait 20 seconds for it to reset or something.

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Less QQ more Pew Pew..


No but seriously you can skip the cutscenes if you like, you even have the option to auto-skip in menu. You very quickly start to have significant quests that aren't simply go kill 10 rats and come back, the game builds up. It sounds to me like you are still on your starting world.

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You should've done your research. This game is clearly not for you. Pretty much everything you listed are personal tastes. And I disagree with all of them, considering I was a hardcore raider in WoW from vanilla to end of Lich King (consistently a top 50 guild). Don't blame Bioware simply because you didn't like the way they did certain features in the game. Not to mention it's only a day old. They never lied to you, everything they said they would do is there.


And what unresponsive GCD? I haven't had a problem with it at all.

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Pretty much all the things mentioned in the OP is why I'm here and not following another MMO.


I hope they don't change the GCD, I hope they don't allow add-ons (but do look forward to a customizable GUI), the story telling is fantastic and a huge boon etc.


It finally doesn't feel like a chore levelling and enjoying a MMO. No need to rush to 50. No need to go grind a zone for hours.

Edited by xandax
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This game is easily the best MMO out at the moment. I have been burned out on MMO's for the past 2 years and this game has me back and more addicted then any game I can think of in recent memory. I even have a crappy PC and I still enjoy playing with 30-60ish fps. Star Wars the Old Republic is the Iphone of MMORPGS, the future. IF you don't enjoy this game then you might as well stop playing MMO's because this is the future you are witnessing. Edited by carrylot
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You are basically complaining this game isn't an exact copy of World of Warcraft with Star Wars characters.


Not to mention I disagree with all your points and so do many others.


This game basically IS a copy of WoW with Star Wars characters, its just the things it does differently, it does very poorly. The quest system is a bit of joke.

Edited by sanzuu
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This game could have been the best MMO on the market today, it could have stolen a Hell of a lot of WoW subs, if not for the following;


1) The quest system.


If the voice acting is really that big of a deal, you can always press spacebar a few times to get to the decisions, and ultimately the end of the conversation. And have you really done more quests than just whats given to you at level 1-5? Because if you have, you'll notice that questgivers don't just give you the "kill x of this" or "collect x of that", it's usually having to deliver something, speak to someone, activate hot spots, etc... and the "kill x" quests are bonus quests you can choose to do or not to do.


2) Too much instancing.


I don't understand what you mean by this. Seems just fickle.


3) No addons.


You obviously were not around WoW when it launched, because it didn't launch with addons either. Sure some addons helped, and were a nice personal touch to your game... but some just turned it into easy mode. How about learning to play the game, and getting good at the game, instead of relying on the equivalent of cheat codes to make it so you don't have to think or use strategy.


4) 1.5 second GCD/un-responsive system.


I've noticed this slightly, but it's something that can be fixed via patch, and if you're on top of your stuff, it won't matter.


5) The little things; Tracking buffs/debuffs on the UI is horrible,




there is no targets target,


There is.


there's no way to turn off the smart camera,


There is, look at the settings.


too much CC,


Really? This is a problem?


there's no scoreboard during Warzones, intros/voices at the start of Warzones.


Who gives a crap? There is a general scoreboard to see if your team is winning or losing, and is it really that important to see your stats in the middle of a WZ? Jeez man, get over yourself.


this is not an innovative MMO, nor one that improves on the current standard for MMO's.


That is your opinion, and I disagree.

Edited by falkerman
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1. You can turn off in settings to skip all cinematics if you wish.


2. I'm not really sure what to even say here except it's a MMO?


3. Mods are coming, but they wanted a smooth launch without mods. (I can understand that). I would love to be able to chage my UI as well.


4. I honestly don't mind the system.


5. Each to their own. :)

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If you and your friends are too stupid to realize you can skip the cutscenes by pressing spacebar, then you are doing the ToR community a favor by leaving.


Bioware will have to add add-on capability. They have never explicitly ruled it out. They have said it is very possible it might be added on at a later time. This leads me to believe it will be released in the future.


All of your other gripes are minor fixes that can be implemented at later time. Bioware has biggest issues on their hands right now....like making all of their paying customers can actually PLAY the game. If you were to highlight a legitimate beef, I would list the queue system and the way they have implemented. So rudimentary and amateurish.

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This game basically IS a copy of WoW with Star Wars characters, its just the things it does differently, it does worse.


Wrong the things it does different make the game a thousand times better kid-o. The game may be similar but it excels in every single place that it compares to WoW. It is launch day, just imagine how much better then WoW it will be a year from now. If you don't like the game , don't let the door hit your fat head on the way out. Bye

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This game basically IS a copy of WoW with Star Wars characters, its just the things it does differently, it does very poorly. The quest system is a bit of joke.


Just because you and the 5 friends that quit dislike story, does not mean it's a joke. It simply means you do not like it. Nothing more.

And that's fine - it just means it's not a game for you. No game can please everybody.

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Edit: I am also well aware that many of these things might be solved further down the line, but this is not the way to release a game... you'd think EA have pretty good people working in market analysis... people will not come back, buyers have very little patience. No excuse. Release a finished product and people will stay.


That's the gameing industry for your... it' been like this the last couple of years. Launch day patches are common policy today, no game is finished when it is released anymore.

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Someone said there's an option to skip all cutscenes through a setting? If that's the case then I might just not quit this game, but I don't think that's true... Pressing space bar 50 times and pressing 1 of 3 different answers occasionally gets boring quick...
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This game could have been the best MMO on the market today, it could have stolen a Hell of a lot of WoW subs, if not for the following;


1) The quest system. I'm sure many people enjoy this style of questing, the cinematic voice acting thing which allows you to RP/ feel involved, but really, its just a chore. No one wants to have to take part in a long conversation just to be told to go and kill 10 mobs, collect 10 furs, etc. Part of the fun of an MMO is being able to switch-off sometimes, and just grind out your quests. A large proportion of the MMO PvP community just doesn't care in the slightest for roleplaying and has no patience for this type of thing. I have 5 friends that quit this game within a day simply because of this; they said they'd play otherwise.


First off, why does SWTOR have to be the MMO king to be successful?


Second, you talk as if 100% of the player player this game are hardcore MMO Traditionalist who DO NOT CARE the slightest about story and interactive dialog. In fact, what will make this game unique and successful IS because it can draw in the single player RPG community such as myself, which gives Bioware a unique market to develop content for.

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Just because you and the 5 friends that quit dislike story, does not mean it's a joke. It simply means you do not like it. Nothing more.

And that's fine - it just means it's not a game for you. No game can please everybody.


Exactly this idiot is some Elves and Dwarf fan boy that can't appreciate the universe and all the things this game does better then WoW. He doesn't realize how many light years this game is ahead of WoW. It is even better on launch day. WoW has had nearly a decade to get things right, this game will swat WoW away like a fly in 5 years.

Edited by carrylot
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Pretty much all the things mentioned in the OP is why I'm here and not following another MMO.


I hope they don't change the GCD, I hope they don't allow add-ons (but do look forward to a customizable GUI), the story telling is fantastic and a huge boon etc.


It finally doesn't feel like a chore levelling and enjoying a MMO. No need to rush to 50. No need to go grind a zone for hours.


Honestly, I don't think we need addons. We just need a macro system, a combat log, and a more customizable UI.


I CAN heal without macros. I do not like it. Having to click the player in the screen or find their name in the ops frame and then click it, then hit the healing keybind, then find the next person so on and so forth takes time. Time that we do not always have.

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Someone said there's an option to skip all cutscenes through a setting? If that's the case then I might just not quit this game, but I don't think that's true... Pressing space bar 50 times and pressing 1 of 3 different answers occasionally gets boring quick...


There's not.

It's space bar or cancel, it seems.

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The UI sucks. I'll give you that. The lack of customisability (why the hell can a group member close my inventory & crafting interfaces by clicking on a quest? seriously?) is a problem that BW ned to address (and probably won't)


The health bars also don't work, which is a real killer. Bioware need to re[lace the UI team, because the current UI is abysmal and buggy as hell.


The rest of your complaints are, well, odd.


PvP can get laggy, especially for the cover classes, where they have to wait for the server to catch up to the fact that they pressed the cover button 30s ago, but in general MMOs have a GCD. Deal with it.


Instancing seems kinda average. Class quests plus group instances. Seems reasonable to me. The populations caps per server do seem really small though. Doesn't seem to be more than ~ 30k people per server, but it's tricky to confirm that.


The quest system though is basically the point of the game. If you want to play a game where you grind to level caps and then go raid a tank 'n' spank boss that takes 14 hours, the asian MMOs are over there. Chill out, enjoy the story, quit trying to race to level cap. You're doing it wrong.



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