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How Much Have You Spent on Cartel Coins?


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I have spent about $80 so far on packs, about $20 on a couple of Armor sets, but thats because I also pay for my wife and she loves to gamble on them packs...


However, I would love to buy more armor, the only reason I do not, is the super high cost to swap out armor mods into another outfit, so I stick with one and dont buy anything extra even though I am more than willing to break open my wallet for more Armor sets.


the new packs are WAY better with their drops then the earlier ones... I am more tempted to buy more as new ones come out now.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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Around $200 too much.


In other words, I've spent around $200 on CC. It feels like a waste of money, but I dont have the time for dailies and all that, so it's nice to be able to buy some packs and sell them for credits. I also opened up some of the recent packs. Really like what they provided in this shipment and I got lucky enough to get a Skiff (to sell), so it made up for the lost credits on selling the packs straight up :D


With that said, I doubt I'll buy much more unless I'm really in need of credits or there is an armor set that feels "must have." I just feel so silly spending that kind of money on virtual goods.

Edited by Tommot
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I spent $40 for unlocks and cartel market outfits for my last two toons as they leveled. I figured I may as well have a toon that looks good if I'm going to spend 100 hours with him or her.


I have all the 50s I want, though, and I've bought all the CM items I want for credits. At this point I'm just spending complimentary coins on cartel packs to sell on the GTN.

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They may or may not remember it, but that $80 grants them a chance at physical interaction with another human being. Sitting home and playing this game virtually guarantees that's not going to happen.


Waht about mumble. I have met some of my very best friends from playing TOR. I have contact with them every single day, hours a day. FB chat, mumble, in game, etc.


BTW, the hero armor looks awesome on my Jedi sage. I love it. And the new black Aratech speeders. I'll have 1 for all of my 9 characters.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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I'm coming up on £80, still no sign of a chair mount D:


I've spent around two hundred in the beginning (in almost a "credit buying" way). What it has done is to allow me to save a ton of in-game time that I really don't have, and having to farm credits. I've have, with some simple techniques, Gotten all the legacy set-ups I need across 12 active alts, and earned around 10 million credits in the process (I've made about 3 million on this latest release, in about an hour).


That Two hundred is small change for me, and small change for a hobby that one enjoys on almost a daily basis (I've spent a hell of alot more then that on hobbies LOL). So, for me, the cartel market has allowed me an option to use real world cash to save me in-game time and credits so that I can further enjoy the content without the drudgery.

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They may or may not remember it, but that $80 grants them a chance at physical interaction with another human being. Sitting home and playing this game virtually guarantees that's not going to happen.


Have to disagree with you there (regarding the bar).


What that would grant you is a night bumping into drunks and dysfunctional.....and the occasional piggy girl in the hiked up dress, smeared lipstick, and trash mouth. LOL I see your point, but gars are not social hangouts, they are mutual dysfunction tanks. ;p


Now I could get on board if one was speaking of a valid function, wedding with family, outing, social event.....but one can do both if they look at the game as a hobby and not an alternate reality. In fact, looking at it as a hobby for one's spare time while continuing one's education, advancement in the working world can afford one the disposable income to support both a social life, and a hobby.


Moderation, planning, common sense....which you and I both know can be absent from these environments. LOL

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^ This


Almost every time something is said or linked in the GC about a CM item, like clockwork, someone says something like "You are stupid to waste money on the CM" or "EA will never get my money" The backlash from players who do not spend money in the CM is so off putting. I can understand people thinking that the CM is silly and not spending money in it, but vocalizing disdain for people that do spend money clearly comes from insecurities.


I do not understand why people spend so much money on diamonds. In my opinion it is just a shiny stone. I do not, however, judge people that do spend money on diamonds. I certainly do not take every opportunity given to put down people that are wearing diamonds. Who am I to say what other people should spend their money on?


I could make a bunch of points about how I spend way more money on golf, or at the bar, or trips to sporting events, but why should I? If I have the cash I can spend my money on over sized monster truck tires or over sized stuffed animals. The point is that no one should judge me for it because no one should care. Its like what Jay-Z said "what I eat dont make you ****"


You sir summed it up perfectly. RL toys or Virtual toys. Are still toys

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They may or may not remember it, but that $80 grants them a chance at physical interaction with another human being. Sitting home and playing this game virtually guarantees that's not going to happen.


$80 at a bar doesn't even guarantee 10 drinks, much less any human interaction.

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Haven't spent a dime and don't plan to. My sub should be more than enough. If Bioware wants more revenue then they need to make this game attractive to more people, not bleed the ones that are already here.
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Waht about mumble. I have met some of my very best friends from playing TOR. I have contact with them every single day, hours a day. FB chat, mumble, in game, etc.


BTW, the hero armor looks awesome on my Jedi sage. I love it. And the new black Aratech speeders. I'll have 1 for all of my 9 characters.


That's why I said "physical". Unless there's a new feature to Mumble, in which case I need to invest!

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I always buy the largest coin pack because it's the best value and I've spent just over $200.

I'm almost out of coins so I'll probably buy some more soon so i can stock up on XP boosts for the next few weekends.


I usually just buy packs to convert them to credits but the market on my server is over-saturated at the moment so those plans are on hold for the time being.

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Didn't say it guaranteed anything but a chance.


Did say the alternative guarantees lack of physical human contact though. ;)


False. My wife has lured me away from the game with the promises of human contact after she felt I was spending too much time and money on it! Best money I ever spent. :D

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