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I just got tired of this game


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I have been playing this game since early release and just 2 days ago i ended my subscription



I dont see the game expanding with other types of content such as pod racing, pazaak etc.


All i see coming is more raids, warzones, and flashpoints



and beleive me, i have cleared all the content in the game on all difficulties, but the sheer fact that everytime i log into the game, i only have a couple of options: raid, pvp, do a flashpoint or log off


and that right there really bothers me, i even checked out 2.0 on the PTS, its essentially the same thing


new raid, new abilities, new gear to grind, the cycle starts all over again


before you know it, its the same thing, run the new raid, get the new gear, run the raid for next 3 months only to get ready for the next raid with its own set of gear


there needs to be a change in pace to this system, its just too boring and predictable


especially when u know that the 9 hrs a week you spend to get the current tier gear will be a waste when the next set comes out.


so with that rant, i dont see swtor as a revolution to the MMO genre, they could have banked really high by expanding the class story every month, that kind of stuff would have retained their playerbase,

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I love the part when you give a great constructive portion on....oh wait nvm. :o


i dislike post like this.. constructive or not.. it dont matter. Even if it had, it wouldn't make a difference in EAwares mind, sadly.

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To be honest I am with ISD. My sub runs to the 24th Mar. I have prepaid Hutt (mistake 1 ... and I would rather lose $10 than pay for another 2-3 months subs to get it). I think there is a natural lifetime for limited games like this, sadly after than there is nothing to retain players.


Safe Journeys ISD

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I have been playing this game since early release and just 2 days ago i ended my subscription


No, no you havn't been playing since last December. I know this because like many other players who got the game at launch, we all cancelled our subscriptions and did our "swtor sucks goodbye!!" threads before 1.3 came out. So no. stop bull********. Guess what, no one cares. Go bounce to another game. You'll bounce around until you bounce right back here.


I played wow this summer and I noticed a trend there that is picking up in this thread. "I've played wow since vanilla." Like it's an argument that means something. Now I'm guessing this guy has an esteemed "FOUNDER" title and some how thinks that means something. It doesn't. You don't have any unique insight to this game, it is what it is. It's a theme park that gets old after about 2 weeks of back to back playing. That's pretty much the same as any other mmo. The point I'm making is it's not a big deal someone is leaving. Just leave.

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I'm wondering why you expect mini-games and racing games in a MMO centered around raiding, pvp and group questing.




Space Missions? Did you forget about those?


There is also this thing called "KOTOR" that BioWare made. It had pod racing and pazaak in it. It's what this game is based on.



No, no you havn't been playing since last December. I know this because like many other players who got the game at launch, we all cancelled our subscriptions and did our "swtor sucks goodbye!!" threads before 1.3 came out. So no. stop bull********. Guess what, no one cares. Go bounce to another game. You'll bounce around until you bounce right back here.


I played wow this summer and I noticed a trend there that is picking up in this thread. "I've played wow since vanilla." Like it's an argument that means something. Now I'm guessing this guy has an esteemed "FOUNDER" title and some how thinks that means something. It doesn't. You don't have any unique insight to this game, it is what it is. It's a theme park that gets old after about 2 weeks of back to back playing. That's pretty much the same as any other mmo. The point I'm making is it's not a big deal someone is leaving. Just leave.


I don't remember making that post.


Also, technically, for the OP, they should be able to adapt the space combat engine to offer pod racing. It's not that big of a stretch.

Edited by EJedi
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Meh, I don't play a game for fluff like pazaak or podracing. It would become this game's Tetra Master: a few people might enjoy it, but ultimately many players will ignore it for the real content and it goes the way of the dodo eventually.


So if you're unsubbing for something hardly material to the game, OP, then....good luck and may the Force be with you. But you'll probably be back.

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I have been playing this game since early release and just 2 days ago i ended my subscription



I dont see the game expanding with other types of content such as pod racing, pazaak etc.


All i see coming is more raids, warzones, and flashpoints



and beleive me, i have cleared all the content in the game on all difficulties, but the sheer fact that everytime i log into the game, i only have a couple of options: raid, pvp, do a flashpoint or log off


and that right there really bothers me, i even checked out 2.0 on the PTS, its essentially the same thing


new raid, new abilities, new gear to grind, the cycle starts all over again


before you know it, its the same thing, run the new raid, get the new gear, run the raid for next 3 months only to get ready for the next raid with its own set of gear


there needs to be a change in pace to this system, its just too boring and predictable


especially when u know that the 9 hrs a week you spend to get the current tier gear will be a waste when the next set comes out.


so with that rant, i dont see swtor as a revolution to the MMO genre, they could have banked really high by expanding the class story every month, that kind of stuff would have retained their playerbase,


Ok, bye.



But seriously tho... this is like going on the Call of Duty forums and saying they mishandled their IP by not making it more like skyrim or fallout...

This is a themepark MMO, and raids, warzones and flashpoints are where its at... the gear grind is the endgame of themepark MMO's


Also, saying that they could expand the class story every month is completely delusional. Have you got any idea how much work it takes to expand 8 class stories each month? (unless you mean by one single mission each month, but in that case it would be pointless)

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Your right, BioWare really dropped the ball in terms of longtime-playability.

What BioWare has to get is that Dungeons and Raids are no longer the primary source of endgame. Its 2013, not 2005 anymore.

There need to be Achievements, Minigames, Treasurehunts, Reputation Factions with actual Gear, Housing, Social Events, Openworld-PvP which makes sense, OpenWorld-PvE (think Guild Wars 2 on that), Barbershops, way more Character Cusomization, Skirmishes (PvE-Instances for 1-12 Players), Class-Storyprogress and and and and.


Unfortunately BioWare sticks to classic mmo-development. The problem is, WoW already has picked clean the playerbase for that kind of Endgame.

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OP you seem tired of themepark mmos. Might I suggest EVE or Second Life?


SL looks awful,

im tired of MMOs too,

i think a lot of ppl are waiting for next generation MMO,

but nothing new in this market right now.

Edited by oakamp
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SL looks awful,

im tired of MMOs too,

i think a lot of ppl are waiting for next generation MMO,

but nothing new in this market right now.


Go tell NCSoft to hurry up with Blade & Soul, try TERA which doesn't use a tab and target combat system, sign up for Scarlet Blade CBT. I'd suggest Neverwinter, but it's pretty much standard fare.

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I never understand how people get so annoyed with the game if it doesn't have the background stuff like in this game's case: Pazaak and Pod racing.


I haven't done everything this game has to offer. I've been a sub since the game came out. It's my opinion that if you have done everything in this game (ie you've experienced all the class stories, leveled up all alts, geared all alts, beaten all space missions, done every planet quest) then you have way way way too much time devoted to this game. Step back, take a break. And get back to enjoying everything life has to offer outside of the digital world. Hell, sometimes I don't even do much on the game outside of playing on the GTN while I talk to guildies over team speak.


It sounds like the OP just hasn't quite found the right spot for themselves in the game. Experiment with a different guild maybe. Do some PvPing. If you're that bent on leaving then I'm sorry to see you go as I absolutely love my time in the game. Hopefully you'll find something you miss in your break and come on back.

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OP, if you actually have beaten every single aspect of the game...then go do something else. No one is holding your hand asking you to stay.


If you seriously put so much time in that you have every HM and NM mode on lockdown then take a damn break! I don't understand this mentality if coming to the forums to validate your opinion. You don't need us to make a decision. Stop your sub and try out some new games. If you feel so compelled then come back later.


You're a grown up (assuming) so make an adult decision.

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I have been playing this game since early release and just 2 days ago i ended my subscription



I dont see the game expanding with other types of content such as pod racing, pazaak etc.


All i see coming is more raids, warzones, and flashpoints



and beleive me, i have cleared all the content in the game on all difficulties, but the sheer fact that everytime i log into the game, i only have a couple of options: raid, pvp, do a flashpoint or log off


and that right there really bothers me, i even checked out 2.0 on the PTS, its essentially the same thing


new raid, new abilities, new gear to grind, the cycle starts all over again


before you know it, its the same thing, run the new raid, get the new gear, run the raid for next 3 months only to get ready for the next raid with its own set of gear


there needs to be a change in pace to this system, its just too boring and predictable


especially when u know that the 9 hrs a week you spend to get the current tier gear will be a waste when the next set comes out.


so with that rant, i dont see swtor as a revolution to the MMO genre, they could have banked really high by expanding the class story every month, that kind of stuff would have retained their playerbase,


Your dead on, I remember when they said they knew the downsides of a pure theme park game, but they have made no effort to do anyting about it, scripted content can only last so long, that has been one of my complaints, this is a great theme park game, class stories are awesome, but it lacks diverse game play, different things to do outside of combat and daily gear grinds, this is the Star Wars Universe, there should be a universe of things for us to do, cantina game, pod swoop racing quests to gather parts to build your own speeder, cross server racing and leader boards, open world dynamic flowing pvp, there are a ton of things this game could use to make my toon feel like it lives in the world and not juts playing though it, I know this version of the hero engine is keeping them limited and in the longrun thats gona hurt..:)

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