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Calling ppl useless in pug WZs.


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Since it doesn't help winning the match at all, the comment itself is useless. It would be better to tell to the "useless" player how to make himself more useful.


Except nobody in WZs (or on the internet, for that matter) can conceive of possibly being wrong, to say nothing of accepting advice to resolve the deficiency.


I used to try to correct people by saying things like "hey X, I see you're leaving the node and thereby making it empty. Please don't abandon nodes" or whatnot, and all you get for your trouble is "**** noob." It's just not worth it. Now, if someone is worthless, they're just worthless.

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Except nobody in WZs (or on the internet, for that matter) can conceive of possibly being wrong, to say nothing of accepting advice to resolve the deficiency.


I used to try to correct people by saying things like "hey X, I see you're leaving the node and thereby making it empty. Please don't abandon nodes" or whatnot, and all you get for your trouble is "**** noob." It's just not worth it. Now, if someone is worthless, they're just worthless.


Unfortunatly though, all too many of those vocal fellas are infact the ones being useless.


I know my game and sometimes i've been called worthless, idiot or worse for completly moronic reasons. For example yesterday someone lashed out at me and called me an idiot for not catching a huttball pass....thing is though, he passed towards me from behind in -Mid- while i was forcerunning away to get to the upper levels. To complete the irony the reason i was forcerunning up, was in an attempt of making myself more available to passes forward lol..


Another few days ago i was asked to leave the warzone since i would just ruin it for everyone else. This was because of my lousy stats in a previous WZ with the same guy who called me out...thing is, i entered that -losing- WZ as filler for someone who quit with 2-3min left and -still- i managed to heal around 30k as a level 15ish.


I know how to play and Im allways an asset and contribute to my team....Do I really deserve being called worthless? Were these cool kid pvpers entitled to make such statements?


I think not. In fact i think the only time someone is entitled to call out morons before giving advice, is when someone proves himself lacking intelligence, by wrongly accusing other players for being bads.

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Your definition of "True" is a lie.

"This statement is false"

No, we should give them medals for trying, tell them they are doing their best and give them no reason or ability to improve. Trust me, it works well.

Isn't that how modern education/upbringing works?


Oh, wait... *crawls into a corner, hugs his knees and starts shivering at the horrifying realization*.

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"This statement is false"



So you think the definition of True is: "In an offensive manner pointing out when someone is making a mistake or is bad"


-Thats more the definition of rudeness and possibly the symptom of a few mental disorders...which would explain some of the cases i've seen =)

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No, we should give them medals for trying, tell them they are doing their best and give them no reason or ability to improve. Trust me, it works well.


No we should call people stupid and bash them. That way they will get the incentive they need to improve...in fact why limit ourselves to just lashing out at those who are being bad? -With this breaking psychology even the great PvP'rs out there will be encouraged to become even better! WE CAN CREATE SUPERPVPERS!! =O

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So you think the definition of True is: "In an offensive manner pointing out when someone is making a mistake or is bad"


-Thats more the definition of rudeness and possibly the symptom of a few mental disorders...which would explain some of the cases i've seen =)

I've got mild asspie, sue me.


Anyhow, "useless" isn't half as offensive as calling out someone's poor performance usually gets both on the Internet, and in a highly competitive work environment.

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I don't even talk in bgs unless it's to make tactical calls or mock someone who is being an ******e. This often gets me bashed by those people, which affects me exactly not at all.


I mean, look, I take the game seriously when I'm playing it. I'm not doing propeller spins in my chair during a WZ. I try to do my part. But people who take the game THAT serious, to sit and berate everyone else for often completely made-up or totally assumed reasons to get the rage out, are hilarious.

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Question of the week:


It should be ok if its true!




New question next sunday.


No, it is counter-productive. It evolves into a rage ****** fest clogging up the ops channel. Insulting someone public will only result in them replying in an undignified manner. This kind of behavior never helps anyone get better. It only forces them to entrench themselves becoming defensive and ignoring anything and everything you say to them. That helps no one and certainly does not promote a learning experience for the offender…ever.


The tried and true way to help any one person is by 'praising in public and correcting in private.' If you want to help someone by showing their error (i.e.: leaving a node unguarded, breaking someone's CC with a direct attack or AoE or for not wearing gear with expertise), do so via a whisper in such a manner that "should" be received as helpful. If they respond like an arse hat, then you know what you're dealing with. Nominally, most people with common sense will respond with a thank you or some kind of excuse. If that's the case just reinforce what you said and offer to help them if they need it. Being confrontational never increases productivity nor will it help others improve.


Regardless how someone responds to you, if you remain non-confrontational and respectful with that person, I can almost guarantee you they'll come back later and apologize for being an arse hat. I've seen this personally when I've encountered a few people in PvE and helped them out offering some pointers. At the end of the day, you have to live with yourself. If you are happy to be confrontational with others because you like pushing buttons, then my message falls on deaf ears. However, if not, then you can help improve our own community environment one person at a time.

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You sir are useless.


You, sir, should be guarding a node right now.


I personally love pocket-healing the most useless person I can find in a warzone and try to inflate their ego. I found a 17k hp focus guardian in Soresu form, wearing a mix of tank and dps recruit gear, and pocket-healed the hell out of him :) He never died and did 34k damage.

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You, sir, should be guarding a node right now.


I personally love pocket-healing the most useless person I can find in a warzone and try to inflate their ego. I found a 17k hp focus guardian in Soresu form, wearing a mix of tank and dps recruit gear, and pocket-healed the hell out of him :) He never died and did 34k damage.


You sir are awesome.

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Another few days ago i was asked to leave the warzone since i would just ruin it for everyone else. This was because of my lousy stats in a previous WZ with the same guy who called me out...thing is, i entered that -losing- WZ as filler for someone who quit with 2-3min left and -still- i managed to heal around 30k as a level 15ish.


this is why i will leave a losing warzone if i join it with 3 minutes or so left. i dont want to get a reputation of being bad because i dont put out enough damage in 3 minutes.


no one is going to know that you were the late joiner. that would require attention to be paid.

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Question of the week:


It should be ok if its true!




New question next sunday.


Absolutely. PvP is not where you get your free xp. I am sure in Flash points morons get kicked, if they show up in freaky gear, or have no clue what to do. I don't know why peeps think everything goes in PvP.

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Absolutely. PvP is not where you get your free xp. I am sure in Flash points morons get kicked, if they show up in freaky gear, or have no clue what to do. I don't know why peeps think everything goes in PvP.


I just don't get you people. If someone is new to pvp, is it a good reason to start mocking him/her? Pvp is not where you can freely bully people.

And I haven't seen a single person kicked from a lowbie fp for not knowing tactic or not having the greatest gear.

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