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I Feel Bad Queuing Now


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Here is the answer to all the whiners in "leaver thread" at this forum. Why should I waste my time for YOUR entertainment when I can leave and team up with guys who love to win and ready to contribute their time and skill to achieve victory.
^this^ while I do agree that if a group leaves just because of 1 recruit its an exageration , hell with my premade we don`t leave when we got 3-4 recruits/pve geared(hoping the enemy has recruits too or that our guys atleast know what to do in the wz even if low geared) If our guys play super bad/die like dogs/run headlessly on the map we leave. I play to win.
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Yesterday I joined wz, 5 guys in recruit. 3 of us in proper wh/ewh gear. I had feeling we would be crushed. Started bad - they caped south in novara, but we manage to recap it somehow. And we kept it all fight. All 5 guys in recruit called in time, interupted, doing everything by the book, they died all the time but they came back and kept their team busy long so I can kill them (vanguard).


In the end we won against imp team which had just 1 recruit. And we all know recruits die in seconds (I burned sorc in that wz in 5 sec, every class can do that, gear differenc is just huge)


So, gear is important, but skill can fill in where you lack gear. Keep on gurading nodes, calling in time etc, no need to rush into heat of battle. Yes, some people are terrible, but ignore them.

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If you're running into 50 wz with pre lvl 50 levelling gear,then people have a right to complain,but if you're in the wz wearing the recruit+few wh pieces??Well like the other poster said....


You need to tell them to fec k right of don't bow too their rubbish they forget they had too start from where you are just now
Edited by biguydeadd
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I understand it's hard, but if you can do it, you MUST push through those 4 games per day (when losing) so that you can get that 100 comms / 100 ranked comms each day. This is vital for gearing yourself up to War Hero and stopping the endless stomps...


I disagree. I must do nothing.

It will simply take me longer to gear up.


Endurance stims is a good idea though, I wouldn't have thought of that on my own. But if someone is suggesting I augment recruit gear, forget it. What a complete waste of credits. I'll augment the WH gear as I get it.

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Yesterday I joined wz, 5 guys in recruit. 3 of us in proper wh/ewh gear. I had feeling we would be crushed. Started bad - they caped south in novara, but we manage to recap it somehow. And we kept it all fight.


There's no way this story is true. We all know that if the enemy caps 2 in NC that 1/2 your team immediately leaves. So you could not have ended the game with all 5 of those recruits you started with. Admit it, 4 of those recruits left and you got some unstoppable premade in as a replacement, didn't you? :D


(But really, congrats on the win, and on getting a team that didn't bail at the first sign of trouble.)

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I disagree. I must do nothing.

It will simply take me longer to gear up.


Endurance stims is a good idea though, I wouldn't have thought of that on my own. But if someone is suggesting I augment recruit gear, forget it. What a complete waste of credits. I'll augment the WH gear as I get it.


I'm with you on not augmenting recruit. I can even make the kits and augments, but it still isn't worth the mats or the charge to install the suckers. Mute point anyway as Recruit is going away.

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I have never heard of a premade quitting over one dude in recruit gear, that just sounds silly. Not saying it didn't happen or anything though.


I would be willing to bet if they left because of one person in recruit gear, then you guys probably didn't miss out on much. ;)

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I'm with you on not augmenting recruit. I can even make the kits and augments, but it still isn't worth the mats or the charge to install the suckers. Mute point anyway as Recruit is going away.


I wouldn't even bother augmenting wh gear except for a few slots that I know are going to stay with me for a while (ear, implants, relics...maybe wrists/waist cuz the mods can't be ripped).

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I wouldn't even bother augmenting wh gear except for a few slots that I know are going to stay with me for a while (ear, implants, relics...maybe wrists/waist cuz the mods can't be ripped).


Couldn't disagree more. In fact, I typically augment the war hero gear and drop the 63 mods in as I acquire them so I am not augmenting twice.

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Couldn't disagree more. In fact, I typically augment the war hero gear and drop the 63 mods in as I acquire them so I am not augmenting twice.

wh gear is modded. you should be pulling the armorings and mods out and placing them into already augmented orange shells. you have to trade the wh shells back in. it's a waste of time/money to aug them.



Edited by foxmob
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Got my shadow up to 50 yesterday. By the time I joined to my first level 50 warzone he was in full augmented warhero and except for like 4 mods already min/maxed. This was possible because I maxed out comms before and sent over all moddable items except for the mainhand from my main.


I did this (and will do it with any char that I will get to 50), but on the other hand I don't expect people to do the same.


I am also a little pissed off when I have 4 guys with <16k Hp on my team, but as long as they are at least full Recruit they are doing nothing wrong and people don't really have a right to complain. How are those who just do their first step into PvP on 50 supposed to ge better gear if not by doing warzones?


It's the people who leave games because there is a recruit in their teams who should stop playing PvP, not you.They are ignorant elitists.

Edited by iphobia
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Jabul huh? Now, that's a name I've not heard in a long time... ;)


This is exactly right. There's nothing I appreciate more than a fresh 50 doing exactly this. My damage is better than yours, my health higher, my mitigation superior, my healing enhanced - you may be a better player than me as a new 50, but this is a game about gear...and until you have yours, you serve the team better by being the guy Jabul is talking describes above.


Tux! lol I saw you in a wz yesterday and wondered if that was you. Good to see ya bud.

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wh gear is modded. you should be pulling the armorings and mods out and placing them into already augmented orange shells. you have to trade the wh shells back in. it's a waste of time/money to aug them.






What you describe is what I actually do. Brain fart.

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Solution: Remove expertise from PVP altogether. Or, limit it just to ranked WZ's. Make gear worthwhile game wide, and give players the option of how they want to earn it. The biggest boneheaded move BW made was introducing a stat that separates the two elements of the same game, creating exclusivity in both for endgame content. People cry about long PVP queues at 50, but then they complain about people who attempt PVP in anything less than WH gear. What happens is that this removes a lot of potentially good PVP players who prefer PVE but enjoy PVP some too. These folks want to play the WHOLE game, but right now once you hit 50, unless you have countless hours to grind both sides, you pretty much have to choose to focus on PVP or PVE. Since there is a lot more quality content, I can speak from experience that most of us choose PVE. I know countless very good players that won't touch PVP at level 50, because they just don't have the time or the patience to get destroyed mercilessly trying to scrape enough comma together to get PVP gear. It's just not fun getting farmed for medals while getting few of their own. I know this post will get a lot of flak from the leetboys who want PVP to remain an exclusive club that they dominate because they have countless hours every day to grind comma for EWH gear. But if you want to bring in more good players, you can't afford to alienate the largest population of players by creating stupid specialty gear barriers.


My $0.02.

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So I just hit 50 on a new character in the last week. I PvP'd more often than I did other things during the leveling process. I capped out my comms at level 49 in preparation for level 50 and picked up a few WH pieces to go along with my recruit gear.


The trouble is, is that when I join a WZ with my 16k-ish HP, there are usually 2-3 people that leave right away, even if I'm the only person not wearing full WH. And then there's the people that immediately go on to let me know that it's my fault that the 4 man premade that was in the WZ just left. I feel like me joining in PvP which is something that I enjoy is basically the kiss of death for my team. I alone am the reason that we are going to lose.


So, what am I supposed to do here? Slog my way through loss after loss when people leave continuously throughout the match so I can get more WH while at the same time condemning my team in the process? I can't very well ignore people or else I might miss out on an important call later on in a WZ. And I don't really want to just never PvP again.


The funny part is that when I'm in recruit gear on a new toon I'm still usually in the top 1-2 damage or heals depending on what my spec is.


But at the same time I *HATE* seeing others on my team in recruit gear. This is because most people are just really bad at this game - even though its not really challenging to figure out.

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