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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I Feel Bad Queuing Now


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More likely scenario -- headless chickens running the field...

"Stick together" in red text is often a magical word combination that can turn the tide. Don't believe me - try it. Doesn't work all the time, but it won me more than a few battles

Furthermore - there is several guilds on our server taht when i join and see a premaid in our Group - i leaving even if they have 20K HP each..

Does it occur to you that the opposing side may have the same awfulness on their team? Once I dropped silly gear and team preconceptions, I started having tons more fun in warzones, in both, victory and defeat.


A losing battle is as fun as you make it. Getting farmed by a superior force is definitely not fun. But picking off targets of opportunity, while ready to retreat, is very fun and relaxing. It's tactics, positioning and situational awareness. Very nice for practice, actually.

Basically the situation is simple enough — some people like PvP and dont like do PvE.. Such people displeased when they are forced to do PvE.

The same is with «leavers». Some like to do WZ but not with 15K HP people. Why do you need to force them to play the WZ match they do not like?

PvP is PvP. One plays the cards that he's dealt. You have no way of knowing the enemy team doesn't have udergeared people, or plain poor players.


Anyhow, I can sympathize with the desire to even the playing field. Premades should fight premades, BiS people should fight BiS people.

Edited by Helig
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A losing battle is as fun as you make it. Getting farmed by a superior force is definitely not fun. But picking off targets of opportunity, while ready to retreat, is very fun and relaxing. It's tactics, positioning and situational awareness. Very nice for practice, actually.


Some people are like to gamble no doubt. But why the Casino is always wins?

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The honest and hard truth is that you look like a subpar player who needs statistical advantage and getting carried to even participate in competitive-type gameplay.


Quite the opposite, he doesn't want the statistical disadvantage of having players below the curve on his side. You see a 16k recruit player go burn them down quickly now the fight is in your sides favor numerically as he is back at spawn.

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Quite the opposite, he doesn't want the statistical disadvantage of having players below the curve on his side. You see a 16k recruit player go burn them down quickly now the fight is in your sides favor numerically as he is back at spawn.


Well, recruit is 14k about

I always say, augument your pvp gear. 10 auguments = 1200 more HP and 180 extra power or main stat... sounds like not much, but it can make a difference, plus it shows that you are didicated to improve.

PS. if you are below 17k not stealth, don't go guard a node. you may think that you are not much gain for team on front lines, but in fact, you are very fast to die by dps stealther.

and if you get the ball, pass it, you will die faster then I type 'pass the ball dammit please'.

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this will happen- nothing personal and nothing to worry about


just go about your business and collect your comms

as long as you can call incs and generally do the correct things you are an asset to your tem

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Basically the situation is simple enough — some people like PvP and dont like do PvE.. Such people displeased when they are forced to do PvE.

The same is with «leavers». Some like to do WZ but not with 15K HP people. Why do you need to force them to play the WZ match they do not like?

And why do you so unhappy with leavers? The spot is instantly filled with another player...


While i dont complain about ppl leaving a Warzone, i do think it should be due to valid reasons - and a recruitgeared player is not a valid reason. Simple as that in my eyes.


1. You have no way of knowing if the other team has the same ammount or more recruitgeared players.

2. You have no way of knowing if the other team is remotely as good players as your teammembers.


Those 2 points above makes any argument i can think of obsolete; I play for MY fun, i want an even match or whatever - you dont know that before the match starts, period.

The only valid reason i can think of is: I dont find this map fun - and hey, thats Ok. Sometimes i leave due to that too, if i get say Hypergates for the 5th time in a row.


Tbh, i dont get the "I play for my fun blahblah my entertainment blaha wheeee" argument, when we're talking about leaving BEFORE the match starts!?


What exactly is it "you" find fun in grouping up with 7 random WH's? Is that what you find entertaining? Not playing the warzone with a good team, but grouping with certain armortype -Is that what's entertaining?


Yay me! Im in a group of 8 WH's, totally awesome entertainment factor this!!!11! OMG Extacy and joy!!! Now let the Warzone begin...

Awww...im in a group of 6 WH's and TWO recruits! How dare they!? This isn't what i pay for, this isn't entertainment!!1! It's not FUN! Im leaving this WZ right now with 10sec left before start!


Is this how "you" think? It must be since you left before you had any chance of knowing if your team and the opposing were evenly matched!. It's allmost like some weird fetish lol...


If it was equal and fun pvp you were after, then you would have stayed and left if the team proved to be terrible, or if the other team completly outmatches you. But no, "you" chose to quit before the match started sine there were TWO recruits in your team...


-As for the bolded text; Yes, this is true if the quitter leaves while there still is alot of time left before the WZ starts. And in those cases i don't think anyone is upset either. But i still fail to see any logical reason to leave a Warzone before it starts, unless you simply dont like that warzone.

Edited by Twin
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Look - there are good players in PvP, some OUTSTANDING players - and then there is the elitest-snob-set.

Hang with the first group, learn from the second, and tell the last to f' off. Seriously, they annoy me. (and I PvP routinely. I am the first section - usually)


These are the same ones who complain at others, telling them what they should do, when, how they suck, etc. and generally - they are the ones that suck.


Queue up, don't worry about the epeening snob set, and enjoy the PvP matches that are close and not blow outs.

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So I just hit 50 on a new character in the last week. I PvP'd more often than I did other things during the leveling process. I capped out my comms at level 49 in preparation for level 50 and picked up a few WH pieces to go along with my recruit gear.


The trouble is, is that when I join a WZ with my 16k-ish HP, there are usually 2-3 people that leave right away, even if I'm the only person not wearing full WH. And then there's the people that immediately go on to let me know that it's my fault that the 4 man premade that was in the WZ just left. I feel like me joining in PvP which is something that I enjoy is basically the kiss of death for my team. I alone am the reason that we are going to lose.


So, what am I supposed to do here? Slog my way through loss after loss when people leave continuously throughout the match so I can get more WH while at the same time condemning my team in the process? I can't very well ignore people or else I might miss out on an important call later on in a WZ. And I don't really want to just never PvP again.


If a 4-man premade leaves because there is someone with 16k, you need to know, they are bad. They queued up with 4 to win, so there is you, a perfect player to put the blame on. Well, even if they stayed and lost, they would still put the blame on you. You know why? They think, want to think, they are awesome when in reality it is them who are badly hoping to get a good team so they can say: "We carried you guys!"

Happens all the time on my server where 4 pugs are carrying the premade. Not even joking.

Most of the times Pugs make Premades look good, or else they wouldn't been quitting and crying over a guy in Recruit gear.



Keep on playing and try not to care about it just like they didn't when they left the team with 4 players.

For me, a person in recruit gear is worth as much as that other guy in EWH. They both can be good and both can be terrible.



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Amusingly enough i was just on my lvl15 just now, joined Alderaan as filler for someone who left....


And what happens? -I manage to get around 30k healing and 2-3 medals in the 3min that was left, then i queue up for another. There i find this fella that also was in Alderaan, only this time its Voidstar and he says to me in OPS:


Him: Twinmoon please leave, you ruin the game for everyone else.

Me: I will, if you also leave since you lower the intelligence level for everyone else =)

Him: *Silence*


WZ starts and i go about my business, healing everyone including him...during the game i singlehand stopped them from capping the doors twice, and stunned one so we could cap the door once - as well as doing overall maybe 140k healing (Which is quite Ok imo, considering i have allmost no heals at this level =P)


The match ends with us winning by far, and of course i immediatly appologized for ruining the game for everyone. I got 4 MVP's. He then sends me a whisper.


Him: "Y, sry. Was much better now, not as in Alderaan

Me: Mate, i joined the last 3min of that Warzone...


Conclusion: A scary ammount of players are clueless, they lack situational awereness and have for habit to blame others for their own shortcomings. If you play the WZ by objectives common sense and someone rages at you in OPS, chances are very high that they are the biggest drawback for the team =)


Ignore them, prove them wrong and move on =)

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and how can they know that the other team has 8 EWH? the player can count a lot even if you are in recruit gear..do the job your class is built to and you will also get mvp votes in the end..the guy leaping or healing you or dieing to aggro the dps who was going to terminate you or avoiding the capping of a node in the last second remains in mind more than final stats
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In case of the OP. If someone gives you crap when you are AT LEAST in PvP gear. Start telling them "I'm sorry, you don't like my armor. Let me fix that." Then take it all off and run around the warzone naked.


People take it way to seriously to be PUGing at all. If you want to be serious, go make some friends and group with them. Don't even get me started on the sub-50 heroes.

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One person in WZ with 16K HPor less — it sucks but I will not leave.

Two persons in WZ with 16K HP or less — depends on class and WZ and my mood. 75% on that i leave.

More than 2 persons with less than 16K — i leave instantly.


Reasoning? I play to have fun for myself and not to provide fun for others.

That is honest and hard truth.


^ this.

My time, my fun. No fun play together with baddies, who


1. Dont grind 4500 ranked and 2750 regular wz when leveling 10-49

2. Dont augument their gear


- and as final he dont care about team, so i dont care about him.


Ah yes, I'm always # 1 or 2 in dps charts... very very very rarely #3 :D

Edited by TonyDragonflame
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^ this.

My time, my fun. No fun play together with baddies, who


1. Dont grind 4500 ranked and 2750 regular wz when leveling 10-49

2. Dont augument their gear


- and as final he dont care about team, so i dont care about him.


Ah yes, I'm always # 1 or 2 in dps charts... very very very rarely #3 :D


Heh, I hate lowbie WZ... to the bone... even thinking about grinding max comms in lowbies.... :o

on 50s it's much, much faster and pvp is better.


I would agree with augumenting gear though... it does make a lot of difference.


I take trying hard half wh half recruit player over augumented WH/EWH who doesnt do objectives, tries solo 2 defenders in Hypergates, doesnt pass, wonders off from guarding, any day and night.


It's actions not gear which makes person 'baddie'


number 1 in dps charts... yeah, I have a guildie like that. He ignores objectives, blindly follows players, doesnt focus dps... only good thing about him (pvp team wise, generaly he is good bloke) is that he always goes for healers (not always good, as I saw him not interrupting cap just to follow that healer).

Edited by Atramar
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Him: "Y, sry. Was much better now, not as in Alderaan

Me: Mate, i joined the last 3min of that Warzone...


You got an apology!? That, in and of itself, is amazing. Was in a sub-50 last night. Got incoming on the off node. Called "inc 1" when I saw the first guy coming from mid. Call "2" immediately after when saw the second guy following. 1 came to help me. Called "3 at west" after a stealther popped up, and then "4 west!" after a 4th joined them. We two defenders lasted probably a minute or so by they time they got both of us. Then they cap and we get the inevitable "great last minute call idiot". We both type "scroll up" in chat at the same time. Not a word after that.


To the OP - these stories just illustrate that there are always people ready to blame anyone else for a WZ that goes bad. Ignore the naysayers. Tell them if they want to pay your subscription then you'll be happy to play their way. Although, I also really like the idea up there about just taking all your armor off and playing in your skivvies. :)

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The trouble is is that I'm part of a PvE guild that wants nothing to do with PvP so I'm left kind of high and dry there. I've been actively trying to queue with a group for PvP but that doesn't seem to be working out all that well either since I'm not in min/max gear and provide a 100% win chance. lol


Best just to never pvp ever again. Leave it to the professionals.

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You got an apology!? That, in and of itself, is amazing. Was in a sub-50 last night. Got incoming on the off node. Called "inc 1" when I saw the first guy coming from mid. Call "2" immediately after when saw the second guy following. 1 came to help me. Called "3 at west" after a stealther popped up, and then "4 west!" after a 4th joined them. We two defenders lasted probably a minute or so by they time they got both of us. Then they cap and we get the inevitable "great last minute call idiot". We both type "scroll up" in chat at the same time. Not a word after that.


To the OP - these stories just illustrate that there are always people ready to blame anyone else for a WZ that goes bad. Ignore the naysayers. Tell them if they want to pay your subscription then you'll be happy to play their way. Although, I also really like the idea up there about just taking all your armor off and playing in your skivvies. :)


Yeah, well i was kinda amazed myself actually...specially since i went on mocking him for that initial comment during the entire warzone...like saying "So sorry, its my fault - i must have ruined it" whenever someone else made a mistake =P


And regarding your last night story, yeah thats a classic...dunno how many times i've been yelled at just because ppl fail to respond to/notice repeated Inc Calls on ops...

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Honestly I am a little shocked at the behavior of these premades. I am part of the core ranked team on the best pvp guid on the shadowlands server, and although when we lose and it is blatantly obvious that our undergeared, low skill or just plain bad players we may complain to eachother in mumble, we have never left a warzone, especially at the start before we even see the other team because of those players. We have a very strong ethic about not leaving a warzone andt always trying our hardest to win, even against terrible odds. Frankly, the behavior of these premades that yiu speak of is shameful. I can't count the number of times that my guildies and I have joined a losing warzone and turned it around for a win. This gives me a great sense of pride, and nothing feels better than joining a warzone and seeing someone type "woot, ID is here, we're gonna win now!" or something similar. If I looked at you in a warzone, I would inspect and see the recruit plus some wh gear and I would know that you are trying, and that is all I can ask for. Those guys are most likely just mediocre players with over inflated egos anyway. Screw em.
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So I just hit 50 on a new character in the last week. I PvP'd more often than I did other things during the leveling process. I capped out my comms at level 49 in preparation for level 50 and picked up a few WH pieces to go along with my recruit gear.


The trouble is, is that when I join a WZ with my 16k-ish HP, there are usually 2-3 people that leave right away, even if I'm the only person not wearing full WH. And then there's the people that immediately go on to let me know that it's my fault that the 4 man premade that was in the WZ just left. I feel like me joining in PvP which is something that I enjoy is basically the kiss of death for my team. I alone am the reason that we are going to lose.


So, what am I supposed to do here? Slog my way through loss after loss when people leave continuously throughout the match so I can get more WH while at the same time condemning my team in the process? I can't very well ignore people or else I might miss out on an important call later on in a WZ. And I don't really want to just never PvP again.


1) Everyone had to trudge through with Recruit gear and lose some battles unless they just outright cheated.


2) You will meet these primadonnas and snowflakes who can't bear to be in a warzone with a recruit-geared player. Don't sweat it. Both factions have the quitters and the quitters will always quit when they think they aren't going to have a 100% perfect match.


3) Anyone blaming you for others leaving the warzones when you are just lining up and getting ready to go (and the WZ hasn't even started) are really just more of the same problem. It's not your fault you're in recruit gear. You're doing what you need to do.


The good news is, with frequent play and finishing your dailies and weeklies, you will only be in Recruit gear for another week or so. After that, you'll be almost full War Hero and can begin having much more fun in the Warzones.


Long Story Short: Just keep going. You don't have that much left until you can attain a certain relative parity with the bulk of players.


And thank you for not quitting warzones!!

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I'm in the same boat, except I didn't start PvP until my mid 40's leveling. I finished my class story at level 46 and had nothing better to do. As of today, I'm in full recruit with WH bracers. I can almost afford another WH piece. I only play 2 or 3 matches a day, because it's just frustrating as hell to get stomped on by both teams. Civil War is painful, I spend more time on the speeder than fighting, because it only takes 2 or 3 of the other team to stunlock and destroy me.


I suck, but I'm trying to get better. If anyone wants more than that, they can kiss my ***.

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