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Read in the Paper: Ea is going to add P2W to all their games

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Nothing in this game is P2W. You can come back and say you win if it ever happens. But right now you are wrong, and it doesn't look like EA is dumb enough to place P2W items in CM. So just take the fact you are wrong and move on.


Not sure how many times I have to say this but yes they are that dumb.

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Yes they have and it was even listed as so.

The article even started with it.




The article is labelled:




Nuff said me thinks!


You sir, are reading "De Telegraaf" a newspaper known for flashy titles and a lot of hot air.

Meddling with the truth is also a favorite past time of this rubbish paper.

Pay, to not have to grind is not pay to win.

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Not sure how many times I have to say this but yes they are that dumb.


No. They really aren't. The only way they would do that as a company is if it 100% will bring them profit. The CM is already bringing in that profit with reskins and random bs that people just want. Nothing on the CM really pisses off the customers, but putting a lightsaber or cannon or pistol that will break the game in the CM for purchase would piss off about everyone and make them stop paying or just stop playing regardless.


As a company who wants to make profit, no they are not that dumb to risk the awesome amount of profit they are making right now to even try that.

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Yes they have and it was even listed as so.

The article even started with it.




The article is labelled:




Nuff said me thinks!


And you think headlines in newspapers are that accurate?


EA have said that they will put micro-transactions in their games, that does not automatically equate to P2W.


There ya go, make up your own mind


Thanks for the translation, the author's bias was abundantly clear and he provided no evidence that EA were adding P2W in all their games. "Pay-to-not-have-to-run-around-picking-up-resources" is not P2W.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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The only problem with p2w if it does exist in swtor is that it would be temporary.


For example; buying the best pvp gear would only be seasonal for one patch until the next one. So what is it worth to 'pay to win' for only 2 months?


In a way the method of getting pvp gear and having to redo it every 2 months with having alts actually encourages a p2w system if it were priced right.


And without a p2w system you have several alts not able to compete in pvp, and doing a long gear grind for top gear which will get reset in 2 months.


So without the p2w its not fun and too much gear grind.


And even with p2w its only time limited until the next patch.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Right, the other aspect of that, is in MMOs, people need reasons to keep playing. If you could buy all your top tier gear, it would limit playtime significantly. People would clear content too fast and then have nothing left to do. That's not what you want in MMOs.
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The New game from Lucasarts Star Wars 1313 is put on hold due to the takeover by Disney.


You say that like George didn't willingly go into it... Way to try to stir the pot with all the fear mongering.. And a Dutch paper? Really? What, was it written on the inside of a Zig-Zag?

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Micro-transactions does not equal Pay-to-Win.


Said Jorgensen, “We are building into all of our games the ability to pay for things along the way; to get to a higher level. And consumers are enjoying and embracing that way of business.”


So buying levels isn't Paying to Win?

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I am not an idiot, and I believe the things written in the paper.

I have been around along time, and can quit make the shift between fake and real.

So do not assume something you can't. It is disrespectful.


I bet he dates a French model he met on the internet.

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Things in the newspaper are 99,99% fact...only 0,01% is fabricated stuff.


And that article is not in the 0,01%.


Considering the article is about gaming industry i wouldnt assume those numbers.


In anycase the official news is every EA game will have microtransations. If those are P2w or not is impossible to say. They are diferent things in the end.


Anyhow here from IGN


they dont mention any pay to win feature. Only microtransactions. Wich can well be not pay to win.

But instead it seems even more milking the consumer. wich is anoying. In anycase i rarely play EA games. safe for swtor.

So buying levels isn't Paying to Win?
If the game is free no. Its paying for playing the game.

In anycase EA sucks overal so. With or without this policies. They are one of the worst companies in the industry.

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Question for OP: How can you P2W in a Single Player game? Because that is the Dead Space 3 example, is it not?


Levelling faster, or getting materials or weapons faster, in a single player game is nothing more than paying for convenience. Paying to not have to spend hours of work on achieving the same item. Trading time with money.


I still do not see how that is paying to win? You aren't really combatting anything than the game, are you? And were you so much against cheats in 90's games as well? They were basicly also shortcuts to get stuff easier or faster. The service is still in games (because cheats were also programmed in), but now you pay for them instead of find out about them.

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The only problem with p2w if it does exist in swtor is that it would be temporary.


For example; buying the best pvp gear would only be seasonal for one patch until the next one. So what is it worth to 'pay to win' for only 2 months?


In a way the method of getting pvp gear and having to redo it every 2 months with having alts actually encourages a p2w system if it were priced right.


And without a p2w system you have several alts not able to compete in pvp, and doing a long gear grind for top gear which will get reset in 2 months.


So without the p2w its not fun and too much gear grind.


And even with p2w its only time limited until the next patch.


This is actually interesting.. for the matter of debate: Would you consider it P2W if you had a system in place where, through legacy, you were able to buy the same level of gear for an alt that you already did the ingame 'work' for on another character?

So say: you have a full Dreadguard main, would you consider it P2W to be able to buy gear to make your alts also full Dreadguard?


I am personally not decided yet if I would consider that P2W or P4C (Pay for convenience) or not..

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Ok, this is an over-reactionary response to their use of "all their games." Sure, the stand alone games will have that option. They will be charging for cheat codes, in effect. If you have ever used a cheat code, you can't, in all fairness, comment on this aspect.


As for MMOs, everyone with a brain the size of a grape knows that is game death. How many MMOs have gone down this path and closed up shop because of it? Of course, if you are of the opinion that they want to effectively treat SWTOR as a hostile takeover, get as much out of it as they can in the short term. Then when it's all used up, sell off the physical assets and send the staff on to other projects, you might be on to something.


Not saying that is the case, but is a possible scenario. Not as wild as some ideas going around the forums.

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I read it in the Dutch paper that Ea is going to add P2W to all their games, exisiting and new ones...


It spells not a good thing for this game.


We already have Micro Transactions in this game, I don't believe that they give a significant Pay to Win aspect. So maybe you should count to 10 and calm down a little!

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Can anybody here actually Define P2W ? What constitues P2W ? I've googled it and can find nothing concrete, just personal feelings and agenda based arguments. If there are no clear cut defintions, how do you know you don't already have it ?
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This is the reason why I rarely play Star Trek Online...hell they sold Veteren Status for $300 not that long ago...you could have just installed the game for the first time, but you'd be recognized as a 1000 + day veteren and get all the perks that came with it...
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This has been discussed to death in multiple threads since last summer. One as recently as a few days ago.


What EA said was they are putting micro-transactions into all of their games. ;)


EA has said nothing about putting P2W into their games, and so far there is no evidence that they are/will.


There is a difference. Not all microtransaction models in internet games = P2W.


Except the part that you're missing is that p2w is already in this game.


The +41 crystals that are equippable at level 10 are a good example. They are created exclusively via the real money shop, which means EA gets $ for every single one of those things that exists.


Nobody seems to be complaining about them, but that doesn't make them any less p2w.



Can anybody here actually Define P2W ? What constitues P2W ? I've googled it and can find nothing concrete, just personal feelings and agenda based arguments. If there are no clear cut defintions, how do you know you don't already have it ?


Using IRL money to gain an ingame advantage over other players, whether it's for PvE or PvP play. See my example above.

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Can anybody here actually Define P2W ? What constitues P2W ? I've googled it and can find nothing concrete, just personal feelings and agenda based arguments. If there are no clear cut defintions, how do you know you don't already have it ?


And here, my friends, is the main reason using a term like P2W is ridicilous to begin with.


There is no clear definition of it. It is merely something used by someone to make some kind of stand in a debate around micro transactions. P2W has too many definitions to even be a term people should use.


But well, if we are talking about term abuse in MMO's.. some people still call the Guild Wars 2 business model F2P, instead of the actual model it has: B2P (Buy to Play). So yeah, our 'community' of MMO gamers have a history of abusing terms for personal gains in arguments.



And the poster above me proves entirely why it's definition is not clear. That is your definition, but not THE definition. I mean, how can you even gain advantage over other players in PVE? Where are other players in the 'versus environment' part of PVE? And how do you define 'an advantage'. Some would say increased gain of experience or commendations would already be an advantage, for others it would only be directly boosting power.

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And here, my friends, is the main reason using a term like P2W is ridicilous to begin with.


There is no clear definition of it. It is merely something used by someone to make some kind of stand in a debate around micro transactions. P2W has too many definitions to even be a term people should use.


But well, if we are talking about term abuse in MMO's.. some people still call the Guild Wars 2 business model F2P, instead of the actual model it has: B2P (Buy to Play). So yeah, our 'community' of MMO gamers have a history of abusing terms for personal gains in arguments.



And the poster above me proves entirely why it's definition is not clear. That is your definition, but not THE definition.


LOL, if that's not THE definition, I don't know what THE definition would be? Some sort of "grading" of ingame advantage that can be purchased? Like, +41 crystals are not p2w but +61 would be? Please. :rolleyes:


Yes, you can get an advantage in PvE. As in "you must have this cash shop exclusive item to be effective in operations". Show me a serious progresion raiding guld that would accept anything less than that +41 crystal right now.

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Except the part that you're missing is that p2w is already in this game.


The +41 crystals that are equippable at level 10 are a good example. They are created exclusively via the real money shop, which means EA gets $ for every single one of those things that exists.


Nobody seems to be complaining about them, but that doesn't make them any less p2w.





Using IRL money to gain an ingame advantage over other players, whether it's for PvE or PvP play. See my example above.


This is way broader a definition than most people use. Under this, subscribing, experience boosters, buying the expansion, buying the gear with blue mods, would all qualify as P2Win. Strictly speaking they could be defined as such, but that's not what people complain about when they talk about p2win.


P2Win is typically considered the selling of end game gear or boosts that increase a player's power in a cash shop.

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LOL, if that's not THE definition, I don't know what THE definition would be? Some sort of "grading" of ingame advantage that can be purchased? Like, +41 crystals are not p2w but +61 would be? Please. :rolleyes:


Let me list some of the 'advantages' you can buy in game here:


- More professions per character

- More character slots for quicker gaining of materials through gathering alts

- More bank slots to put your items in

- Being able to buy/use a mount at lower level

- Being able to have a time limited mount level speed boost that also works indoors (Rocket Boosts)

- Being able to use your bank/mailbox/repairman in your ship

- Receiving Experience/Social boosts for limited amounts of time


and the list goes on and on.. Advantage is a word that is much too broad to use for a P2W definition.


Yes, you can get an advantage in PvE. As in "you must have this cash shop exclusive item to be effective in operations". Show me a serious progresion raiding guld that would accept anything less than that +41 crystal right now.

That is not an advantage, that is an entry level. Two entirely different things. Also, the +41 stuff is easilly crafted or gained through a myriad of other ways in this game. If your gear is on a level where a +41 crystal is 'make or break', then the kinds of content you can raid is not on the level where gear matters that much.

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That is not an advantage, that is an entry level. Two entirely different things. Also, the +41 stuff is easilly crafted or gained through a myriad of other ways in this game. If your gear is on a level where a +41 crystal is 'make or break', then the kinds of content you can raid is not on the level where gear matters that much.


That is not an entry level. Why do you think it's required? Because it gives a measurable ingame advantage!

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That is not an entry level. Why do you think it's required? Because it gives a measurable ingame advantage!

An advantage.. every fresh Level 50 gets.. because +41 is the exact same level of color crystals as are given to any fresh level 50. They get 4 of them actually.. 2 for each mainhand and offhand slot (1 PVP, 1 PVE).


So how is it an advantage, if everyone has it?


Because we are talking about Ops here right, not marginal advantages in levelling?

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