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Same gender romance: Which companion would you choose?


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Risha and my Smuggler. Definitely. Can't stand Corso, so I'd totally start up a romance with her.


If my Bounty Hunter wasn't (in my head) in a relationship with Gault (i don't care that in game we can't, she is, dammit), I'd put her with Mako. But as it stands, she's a little sister type.


Totally would have Vette and my Fem!Warrior....if it weren't or the fact that I absolutely adore Quinn. Maybe another toon later...


If I could totally tempt Kira into more dark side stuff, my JK would so totally do her.


Oh oh, back to my Bounty Hunter. I know she's not a companion, but I so wanted to do a mini romance with the Twi'lek secretary in Nemro's palace. :C

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I am sure I will make some mad, but I personally feel some companions should be OGR only. Others SGR only. Others still OGR & SGR. And lastly, some not romanceable at all.


The examples I use are based off my experience playing.


Andros (it's been awhile since I played the SI), came off as hetero. He's strictly there to blow **** up & kill people. Maybe I missed something, but he's differently a bromance (hetero style though).


Kailyo; what can you say in other than her interest in you varies on what time of the day you speak to her.


Mako. What to say other than romancing her (as a straight guy) felt forced. Weird is more better. She is a little sister in my point of view. To be able to knock boots with her creeped me out enough that, I pressed escaped when it faded to black. Logged out. Deleted character and started over. She very well could be (and probably should be) a SGR only romance (I don't play as a female so I can't say for she how she is if you're female).


Khem Val is one of a small handful who joins you because you're headed in the same direction as he is. After awhile, he stays because you're someone worthy (think of Wrex from Mass Effect). I guess he could be made into a SGR; however, I personally feel he shouldn't be. Part of what makes Khem, well, Khem, is he's distant. A romance would remove that bit of mystery, and that's part of the character.


I get others may/will disagree. I just feel not everyone should be romanceable. Either to not being romanced period or strictly because they have a preference.


Edit: there's other companions who I feel are more suited as a SGR, rather than OGR coming from a hetero guy playing as a hetero guy. Some are obvious (like Mako IMO; others not so much).

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Hrm. I'm female and I always play females (when given the option to choose my gender, I do, I just feel awkward if I don't). I don't normally romance females in games, though, despite being bi myself. I probably just haven't found the right pixelated girl yet! ;) Well, if this game pulled a Dragon Age II and all romances were bi, and I could thus choose from any...


My DS Marauder would SO hook up with DS Jaesa, keep Pierce as a FWB, and tag team Quinn with Jaesa for fun. Well, um, fun for the girls, great Dark Side Glee, but true and sheer torture for Quinn. Mua-ha-ha-HA. My LS Juggernaut has adopted Vette as her little sister, and thinks LS Jaesa is a bit too...energetically LS, so she's making googly eyes at Quinn. Poor dear.


My Agent did flirt with the idea of hooking up with Kali, so maybe that would've actually happened had it gone anywhere.


My Sorc only had eyes for Andronikos, though she would be just as likely to stay up all night talking history with Talos. I don't care much for Ashara, so would never contemplate romancing her.


Torian is my BH's cyare and mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde. Yup, she's gone full Mando, but Mako is still her bestest friend EVER.


I haven't played any Pubs aside from my Smuggler, and she thinks Corso is just too gosh darn adorable to look at anyone else, so I can't vote on any of their other female companions. I hope one day though that they'll expand on our current companions, and add more to them, and even add new companions. Companion story is close to player story, and that's the stuff I find most interesting in this game.

Edited by Shaz
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When I learned he was a female character romance, I regretting rolling male on my sentinel. :(


Doc would be hilarious, like his womanising has all been because he's secretly gay...


Have to be Quinn for me, my female Jugg is still trying to bed him :p

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And it was really necessary to bring this tiresome topic up just one more time, right? It's not like this 'same gender' stufft hasn't been rehashed countless number of times


All this does is bring up heated controversy from both sides. I think you just wanted to stir things up and nothing else.


Shows how little you know and how willing you are to presume. I started this thread out of curiosity, I could care less how many previous attempts there were, I don't usually wander in SWToR forums outside of class and customer service.

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And it was really necessary to bring this tiresome topic up just one more time, right?
Are you kidding ! ? ! ! ?

Thousands of boring deadly dull threads on this board, with only a handful of interesting ones... and this thread is one of them !


Sheesh. :rolleyes:


All this does is bring up heated controversy from both sides.
"From both sides" ? ? Weren't you reading? There was no controversy at all. We were all happily talking away about our SG fantasies. Until the weirdos came in, that is, talking about killing SGR NPCs and fetishes and crap like that. And even then, we're not particularly heated about it. You're the one all het up, love ! Edited by markcymru
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Let me see...




Lt. Pierce

Malavai Quinn





Jaessa DS

Lord Zash (that includes my wish that she were a companion)


I don't include Republic ones, because I don't know them yet. My opinion so far is that most female companions are poorly and stereotypically written. Mako, Vette, Ashara, LS Jaessa - sissy whimpering girls who need taking care of like a pet and frown each time your character is not a sparkling Sith. They are all the same like a single character, even their voices are very similar.


I can't say that for the males, though. They are quite distinct and you can really see a unique personality in each of them. Lack of SGR is such a massive missed opportunity, tsk, tsk.

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I can't say that for the males, though. They are quite distinct and you can really see a unique personality in each of them. Lack of SGR is such a massive missed opportunity, tsk, tsk.


For all of 10-15minutes of scenes that don't amount to much in relationship scenes, I wouldn't call it a massive missed opportunity, I'd call it a missed opportunity, and truthfully, a minor one.


And I say that as someone who enjoys them.


Also, agree with you on Lord Zash!

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For all of 10-15minutes of scenes that don't amount to much in relationship scenes, I wouldn't call it a massive missed opportunity, I'd call it a missed opportunity, and truthfully, a minor one.


And I say that as someone who enjoys them.


Also, agree with you on Lord Zash!


Ewww... wouldn't that be pretty darn close to... oh, wait, story spoiler...



...necrophilia? She's practically a Lich! :eek:


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What I really want is the people who wrote Samantha and Steve in Mass Effect 3 to write a same sex only companion for each class/gender. I thought they were done wonderfully where there sexuality was not the main focus but they happened to be gay/lesbian.
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I have to agree with those who say Vette. Due to lack of choice, my Sith developed (in ym mind at least ^^) a kind of best friends/bis sister relationship with her.



By the way ANY Sith Inquisitor (male or female) + Kehm would have been... I dont know, either disturbing or hilarious, defintiely something special storywise ^^.



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What I really want is the people who wrote Samantha and Steve in Mass Effect 3 to write a same sex only companion for each class/gender. I thought they were done wonderfully where there sexuality was not the main focus but they happened to be gay/lesbian.

Most of the romances/companions in ME were brilliantly written. In SWTOR, so far, there's room to improve.

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I have to agree with those who say Vette. Due to lack of choice, my Sith developed (in ym mind at least ^^) a kind of best friends/bis sister relationship with her.



By the way ANY Sith Inquisitor (male or female) + Kehm would have been... I dont know, either disturbing or hilarious, defintiely something special storywise ^^.




They're all actually pretty boring. An attempt at a kiss that clearly doesn't connect then fade to black. Yay. At least DA showed a bit of a cutscene.

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They're all actually pretty boring. An attempt at a kiss that clearly doesn't connect then fade to black. Yay. At least DA showed a bit of a cutscene.
Well, yes… I like the physical intimacy and I’d like to see a bit more of a cut-scene, rather than just a FTB.


But that’s just a bonus. What I really like is the feeling of emotional intimacy. Ashara isn’t just a game mechanic to me – she’s a close friend to my SI, who is (for me) an avatar of myself. As we run around demolishing enemies etc I feel that she’s not only a close friend, but also a lover, and that we’re a team. Us against the world. It would be wonderful if there were more interactions to build that relationship and build those feelings. Not FTB scenes or flirt scenes, but lover-to-lover conversations. Conversations, not about sexual intimacy, but about emotional intimacy. THIS is what I’d like to see in a SGR with Ashara. Probably there are a lot of players who’d like to see it for their OGRs, too.

Edited by markcymru
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