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Recap of Q&A from last night's cantina?


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-Rakgoul event will be returning! (not from Q&A, but from chatting with Blaine)

-Ready check will be here sooner than you think

-User created mods not anytime soon

-Moving bound, empty armor shells to other legacy toons is something interesting (see how they’re trying not to say soon?)

-Why does the warrior suck? (everyone laughed)

-Companions wearing event gear is a go

-No comment on Tauntaun mounts

-Everyone laughed when Damion failed to see the connection between “Tron” armor and Disney buying LucasArts

-Gray alignment coming soonish (does this count as soon?)

-Having a third faction would break stuff

-Duel spec is high on the wall of crazy (yes, it’s still on the wall of crazy)

-Armor dyes soon? Answer: That’d be really neat wouldn’t it? (yes, Damion answered a questions with a question)

-One-click switch from PvE gear to PvP is on wall of crazy

-Damion thinks Gault is the funniest companion

-There are plans to use social media etc. to stream community content (details were vague)

-What’s up with escape pod doors on ships? To let hijacked players escape!

-Appearance tabs are not in immediate future

-One free transfer when transfers go live? They know how important character transfers are

-Concerns for PvP? Go to PTS and test warzones!

-More Huttball maps? There are other priorities at the moment (still not sure what this means)

-I asked if datacrons/codex etc. will be added to legacy in future. Datacrons no, achievements yes.

-Will there be bikinis for men? (A good chuckle was had by all)

-Damion commented that if a new player completes the first planet they usually stick around



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I was suprised to see no mention of a same sex companion storyline like uhh chosing a companion between a guy or girl, with both having the option of going in that... direction...



Sad to see no mention of being able to get new ships, Trade my jedi fish shaped ship for the XS FREIGHTER any day of the week, even if it means selling Kira to the hutts.


Saddder to see they didn't even ask them if there was any luck with the hood toggle, even if their attempts at the issue. Because personally, I wish we had one so I can get rid of one of the two on Revan's Chestplate. xD


saddder-er to see no question about getting more different shades of hues for color crystals. Love a Dark Blue Dark Red, Bright Orange, Banana Yellow... ya know Real possible crystal colors. Dual Cores are cool, but I would like the variety.

Edited by Magnusheart
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Wow what a whole lot of literally nothing...


I have to wonder why they even do such an event if they are going to remain as vague on answers as they already do on the internets.


At least the utter non-answer comment about transfers implies its actually at least still coming. Eventually. In some form. *sigh*


I really hate how tight lipped Bioware have become. Its one thing to not want to promise what you might not be able to deliver, its another to not even want to talk about what they are at least trying to accomplish. If we could just know how close we are to things like transfers (just the example im using, replace it with whatever you want), and what the issues are thats holding them back, it would go a long way to give people more patience and trust in the company. Instead we get a blank wall response to virtually everything. "Keep paying, keep playing, don't worry about the future."

Edited by Doctoglethorpe
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I was suprised to see no mention of a same sex companion storyline like uhh chosing a companion between a guy or girl, with both having the option of going in that... direction...



Sad to see no mention of being able to get new ships, Trade my jedi fish shaped ship for the XS FREIGHTER any day of the week, even if it means selling Kira to the hutts.


Saddder to see they didn't even ask them if there was any luck with the hood toggle, even if their attempts at the issue. Because personally, I wish we had one so I can get rid of one of the two on Revan's Chestplate. xD


saddder-er to see no question about getting more different shades of hues for color crystals. Love a Dark Blue Dark Red, Bright Orange, Banana Yellow... ya know Real possible crystal colors. Dual Cores are cool, but I would like the variety.


You can try and post your questions here,they may answer them.


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-Armor dyes soon? Answer: That’d be really neat wouldn’t it? no damion, it would be really neat if this game had developers who actually developed things instead of just acting like a arrogant ***...


Damion Schubert is the worst thing to ever happen to this game he litteraly said the same thing about guild ships and pazzak. maybe he should get on developing these things instead of stupid speeders and the super awesome inventory sorting that is the most awesome thing ever and obvious why it took a year to get in to the game and was a huge priority over clipping issues, terraign bugs, companion lightsabers, line of sight bugs, respawn bugs... just add armor dyes now to the list to the things the community constantly asks about and wants that bioware austin will just ignore. but hey, it would be cool wouldnt it...

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Wow what a whole lot of literally nothing...


I have to wonder why they even do such an event if they are going to remain as vague on answers as they already do on the internets.


At least the utter non-answer comment about transfers implies its actually at least still coming. Eventually. In some form. *sigh*


I really hate how tight lipped Bioware have become. Its one thing to not want to promise what you might not be able to deliver, its another to not even want to talk about what they are at least trying to accomplish. If we could just know how close we are to things like transfers (just the example im using, replace it with whatever you want), and what the issues are thats holding them back, it would go a long way to give people more patience and trust in the company. Instead we get a blank wall response to virtually everything. "Keep paying, keep playing, don't worry about the future."


Because, while they may not give lots of answers, it still allows the devs and community to get together and chat. It may not give you the answers you're seeking, but it shows the devs willing to mingle with their fans/audience/customers.

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But if we just think something we really want is coming soon then that will keep us interested and speculating about the game! Its called smrt public relations. Even if they aren't gonna do something, it doesn't hurt to make us believe they are. What could possibly go wrong? Right?
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wow, was it worth the bus fare to get there and home?


seriously BW, stop with the wall of crazy crap, these are things we want, you're opinion of them is somewhat secondary to be honest. If you say something is 'low' on the list if priorities please just be truthful and say you are not even considering it at all, or present the list of priorities so we can se what is taking precedence, I dont think Ive ever seen you mention anything that is 'high' on the list of priorities, only high on the wall of crazy!


this game has still got the same basic problems as it did in beta and at launch, lack of professional management, the game itself is slowly improving and it shows when you come back after a break but the number of dumb things still broken, or not even in game makes it look like whoever is supposed to be running the show has been on spring break for 12 months.

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No-one asked about future expansions, continuing story or the secret space project?


I know every time I see questions, and seeing all the concerns here in the forums about issues that effect us all in the long run, given the chance to ask these questions no one does, I don't expect them to answer many of them, but for the sake of the maker if you go to one of these ask some hard hitting questions, something other than about fluff.. :( fluff is important but fluff is not going to retain players for the long run.

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But if we just think something we really want is coming soon then that will keep us interested and speculating about the game! Its called smrt public relations. Even if they aren't gonna do something, it doesn't hurt to make us believe they are. What could possibly go wrong? Right?

Not sure if serious, either way, I ain't going there... :rolleyes:


wow, was it worth the bus fare to get there and home?


seriously BW, stop with the wall of crazy crap, these are things we want, you're opinion of them is somewhat secondary to be honest. If you say something is 'low' on the list if priorities please just be truthful and say you are not even considering it at all, or present the list of priorities so we can se what is taking precedence, I dont think Ive ever seen you mention anything that is 'high' on the list of priorities, only high on the wall of crazy!


this game has still got the same basic problems as it did in beta and at launch, lack of professional management, the game itself is slowly improving and it shows when you come back after a break but the number of dumb things still broken, or not even in game makes it look like whoever is supposed to be running the show has been on spring break for 12 months.



The wall of crazy is just that, it was explained in the last Q&A, its for systems or ideas that they like the sound of, but may never make it into the game for a multitude of reasons that do not concern the customer.

For content they are working on, you must realize most of what they are doing was probably mapped out 2 years ago, with different people at the helm and in the engine room, so what may have been feasible then may not be salvageable now. For now, Makeb is the priority for the team as a whole, you don't need anyone to tell you that.

For future content, I'm sure once they are satisfied with the progress of each project to the stage that they can commit to a reasonable time frame, we'll hear all about it.


Hey, I'm not breaking your balls here, but If you're not happy with the way they run the business, you may as well leave, because posts like yours will do nothing to change it, that, you can be sure of.

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wow, was it worth the bus fare to get there and home?


seriously BW, stop with the wall of crazy crap, these are things we want, you're opinion of them is somewhat secondary to be honest. If you say something is 'low' on the list if priorities please just be truthful and say you are not even considering it at all, or present the list of priorities so we can se what is taking precedence, I dont think Ive ever seen you mention anything that is 'high' on the list of priorities, only high on the wall of crazy!

this game has still got the same basic problems as it did in beta and at launch, lack of professional management, the game itself is slowly improving and it shows when you come back after a break but the number of dumb things still broken, or not even in game makes it look like whoever is supposed to be running the show has been on spring break for 12 months.


Things that were on their high list of priority:

Server Merge/Transfer

Group Finder

Things that are on the list atm is:

_Makeb/2.0 (class balance/pvp ,bugs,...)

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... for the sake of the maker if you go to one of these ask some hard hitting questions, something other than about fluff.. :( fluff is important but fluff is not going to retain players for the long run.


Speaking as someone that went to the one in NY, there's no purpose to asking these questions because they simply won't answer (as you can see in the original post).


But like others have said the point of these isn't really to reveal new info to a tiny group of people. I went to one and got to talk to the writer of the Trooper story (as well as some flashpoints and an OP) and maybe he was fake but he seemed like he really cared about the story and wanted to hear what people thought. Someone even asked him a question about the end of the Trooper story and he didn't want to spoil it for others but wanted to come over to their table later to hash it out.


Sometimes it's really just about being able to talk to them like real people in a real place, instead of them analyzing metrics or seeing how many posts on the forums a topic has gotten. I know I told them I wanted to see more Huttball maps and they seemed surprised (like they hadn't considered it) but from this Q&A it looks like it's at least on their radar (just not a high priority, and honestly it doesn't need to be).


Also it's for.. like.. fun? You know, where you hang out with people you share an interest in and drink and eat food? I understand getting frustrated at them for always being so cryptic but it doesn't really apply here.

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By grey alignment coming soonish , does that mean my neutral sniper will finally get what she's been waiting months for ? I hope so. It's better than nothing as i haven't heard about it for a very long time from the dev's.





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First off, the Q&A didn't last that long. Maybe an hour....an hour and a half, tops. They also stopped the questions a few times to spout off trivia questions to give away swag. They stuck around until 11 and said that you could come up to them and ask more questions, but I left after the session was over since I had to take bart home (because parking downtown is so expensive...) and didn't want to travel in the dark. Even still, it was completely worth going.


Guild Ships was a big one. One of the Dev's (forget which it was) said that he wanted them to be super ****** and didn't want to cut corners with it, so it would probably take longer but when they did come....it would be awesome. Skimpy clothes for males are coming (everyone got a big kick out of that one). The escape pod doors discussion was pretty hilarious. It's from an old, now non-existent code where players could hijack ships and that would be their only escape or something....I forget now. I wish I had taken notes.


Keep in mind....this is all me paraphrasing. They also did say that they read posts and said they take all of the suggestions into account. Nothing is overlooked...and to keep posting. One of the Dev's even mentioned PMing him suggestions or bugs (I think it was? I don't remember exactly what it was...) so that he could toss it further down the line. They also really want people on PTS to test bugs and such before the launch. That it's better to talk about them and catch them earlier and they hope people participate and help weed them out.


Honestly, what would they have said about FUTURE expansions? We barely know anything about Makeb as it is. Lol. I would have loved to hear about future expansions but....really...doubt they would have said anything. Just "Oh!! I'd love to see Mustafar!" or something. Lol.


As for the Wall of Crazy, that sounded like it was the list of priorities and all of the top ideas. It's not putting the ideas down. That's not what I took from it. The fact that it's on there means it's under consideration.


This was mostly just for fun. Yes, they were pretty cryptic but I expected nothing less. Some of the questions they couldn't really answer because those specific developers who were working on that specific question were not present. The Dev's were very honest and really tried to answer the questions the best they could. I'm just glad they went on tour and that I was able to participate, even if I myself didn't ask any questions.

Edited by blindxsecrets
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Wow what a whole lot of literally nothing...


I think it is important to apply proper context.


These sorts of things are basically "meet and chat" social events between developers and players. More a chance to meet the people behind the game, NOT be design review and disclosure press events.


It's like a "meet the stars" event in Hollywood, where you get to meet and chat with the stars, NOT get to sit in on a script review or editing session for the movie.

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I'm sorry... but... what a bunch of ingrates we have here.


I mean seriously. Do you think in these Q&A sessions they are going to give you the product roadmap and the intimate details therein? Or that your pet cause, whatever it may be, is going to be front and center? LOL!


Err... no. That is not what these events are for. They are meant to be an interaction or dialogue. A dialogue. Not you making demands and them acquiescing to your every whim.


Are the Q&As just PR stunts? Maybe, I don't know tbh. Nevertheless, it is your chance to be heard. It is a perfect opportunity to emphasize to the devs what you think is important. And yes, you get vauge answers an some sense of what might be in the works. But that's it. That is all these sessions are and are supposed to be. I am more concerned with what the devs take away from these sessions as opposed to what we think we should be getting.


As usual... some of you have unrealistic expectations when it comes to these things. Ask yourself, what would be gained if they said yes to everything? What would be gained by agreeing to a mythical schedule that could never be met? Absolutely nothing. And what would they gain by telling you exactly what is going to be coming and when? Well, given the various opinions on the priories and what they should be, nothing! LOL!

Edited by Rafaman
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