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Question of the Day


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Hey Everyone,


It's time for our daily SWTOR question:


What is your favorite Flashpoint in The Old Republic?


My Personal Answer: This is really difficult to me... but I think I have to go with Directive 7.



Fighting Mentor is just so much fun. And I love running from the claaaaw.



Story wise though, Maelstrom Prison is up there.



I love the final confrontation with Kilran. The Butcher of Coruscant is one of my favorite characters so it was hard to take him down... but satisfying.

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I really enjoy Directive 7 as well, it is one of the best bosses in this game! (operations bosses included!). So much running around, so many sounds, aoes everywhere, just so much run!


Story wise, I enjoyed the foundry on my imperial alt.


The HK47 fight is tons of fun but nothing beats defeating Revan, one of the most powerful Jedi in all of the Old Republic...other than the Jedi Knight who *defeats* that person Revan couldn't.


Edited by Ludwig_VanCover
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False Emperor - Lots and lots of bottomless pits to toss enemies into.


Every flashpoint should have more bridges/cliffs/bottomless reactor pits that we can use to dispatch enemies. There's something extremely satisfying dispatching an enemy in this manner.

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HM Lost Island - Best boss fights, one of the fastest to complete... But also the most challenging and fun to do!


Unfortunately Project Sav-Rak tends to be buggy, but usually not to the point where you can't complete the FP.

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I'll have to go with Kaon Under Siege for this one.


It is hands down the most atmospheric MMO set piece I've seen in a long time, only trumped by the desolate feeling on the Theoretika. While the influence of a certain well-konwn game is very clear, it is something of its own, cleverly using known building blocks and some new ones, lighting, and some of the best audio design in the entire game.


While it may be a bit short on storytelling, and the boss fight somewhat anticlimactic, it is very fun to play (if you bring a good tank).


Now can we please get something ripping off, uuuuuh sorry, paying tribute to the Stargate "replicator" bug settings? :)

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I am tied between the Foundry, and Maelstrom Prison. For obvious reasons.



I loved Kaon, the Rakghoul Invasion, Battle against the False Emperor... But I don't think anything beats the one and only dynamic duo up in the Foundry.

Edited by Magnusheart
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I'll have to go with Kaon Under Siege for this one.


Ugh. Everything you said about it is true, but the rng is so weighted towards it that I have played this one at least three times more than the others. Just tired of it and since it doesn't count toward the weekly, I loathe seeing this one pop.


I really enjoyed the false emperor FP. Killing the boss there is sooo satisfying. And when I am queued for HMs, I smile every time Black Talon HM comes up, just because it was the first one I played so long ago.

Edited by BobaScott
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My favourite is Battle of Illum, I like the way it makes me feel heroic fighting groups of mobs and the battle raging all around.


Also Like the foundry a lot of the same reasons fight groups of republic soliders and feeling heroic, and its a nice map.

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D7, LI, and Kaon are all great. I think my favorite though is The Foundry. It is a nice walk down memory lane for us KoToR veterans, and catches us up with what happened to all of our beloved companions.


Also, you don't /run/ from the claw....you CC it and ignore it. :p

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really liked red eaper last boss in terms of mechanics... also the droid boss with the colors was awesome.


in terms of story. false emperor and foundry/malestrom. FE because it puts a nice twist in the swtor arc, and the other two because im a huge fan of kotor.


shout out to kaon. the first time i did that fp it felt like i was playing the first resident evil for the first time. super creepy with nice suprises.


so... favorite... hard to say.

Edited by dipstik
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I have to go back to the first one the esseles for me on the republic side. It's your first foray into a FP and you have some nice fights there. you can use terrain to your advantage. plus it's the first time you encounter a sith really. Having it as an HM is also nice too and i remember when you first tried to do it again after 40 lvl's it came as a shock how much more difficult it could be if you weren't careful.


Oh btw i'm really glad you answered my prayers with making athiss, hammer station, cademimu and mandalorian raiders as HM's now. I can't wait to kill warleader kreshan in HM now :p

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Esseles. We can't forget about that one.


As the first real challenge from a grouping/teamwork perspective on the pub side, it has a great story which includes light or dark decisions which have a real impact on the flashpoint narrative. The drama, the tension and the overall game mechanics were an eye opener as the first flashpoint even though players can only use core low level attacks. Esseles affirms that SWTOR is the game for me.


I haven't found a flashpoint that is more engaging the first time through.

Edited by Rafaman
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Kaon Under Siege, hands down.


tho I have never done Lost Island yet, I quit shortly after Kaon came out, and just came back recently. Havnt got a new toon to that level yet cause I cant figure out what to play, hit 50 on 3 character almost at the same time XD.


But Kaon was SO fun. The only thing that would make it better is MORE darkness. I love sneaking around with that flashlight being my only source of light. As it is, its just there for story purposes cause you really dont need it to see.


All the cut scenes were awesome, the boss fights were fun (bit too easy, cept the bonus robot boss).

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As far as enjoying the story and the cinematics, I like good ol' Black Talon. I like that you get a slightly altered instance depending on whether you kill the captain or not. It kind of set me up for a little bit of disappointment later on when no other flashpoints has that kind of variety. (though I realize giving flashpoints and raids too much diversion could be a lot of work)


For mechanics, I'll go with Lost Island. It was a royal pain in the *** to do in the beginning, but the boss fights are fun, challenging, and interesting. Also, it always cracks me up watching Dr. Lorick do a little butterturn dance and fall over at the end if you spacebar through his dialogue. :D Not sure how that happens but it cracks me up every time.

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Like: Kaon Under Siege, I just had a good time, I found it very unique and fascinated by the design of the flashpoint. :rak_03::rak_03:


Dislike: The False Emperor, I just didn't like how it was too similar to the movies.

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