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Rome-fu's Resolve Guide


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PVP is broken. CC or not facing off with someone with more abilities will end in failure. Add brackets Bioware.



The logic behind no-brackets at release is to make sure there are plenty of warzones with minimum queue time. In that regard, BW gave you a buff to at least narrow the gap a little bit.


Now, 'PvP' itself does not equate to warzones and brackets. What you just said there is literally "If my level 30 char gets ganked on Tatooine by a level 50, this games pvp is broken".


I'm all for more options pvp wise and a more resolute system, but comments like that make me shrug. At the end of the day, it's the community and players that ruin a promising game, not the devs.


On topic: Resolve has issues beyond how well people understand it, as mentioned before. It's buggy and doesn't seem to work as 'intended' and the intended should be a bit revised imo.

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the only problem with resolve is when you have a heavy stun team as opponents, and they focus enough to kill you while stun creating a vvicious circle as your death get the resolve bar to 0.


MAybe keeping half you resolve would help this problem. (or inflicting rules on warzone compositions...)

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To the OP Youre post are useless TOTAL useless , Can u tell mé mé this plz plz tell mé



4 Healers on mé ... I been stun 4 times my bar is max out. Healers spaming healing mé. I use cooldowns ect ect i still get stun When the bar ia max out. THERE IS NO DISSMISS RETRUNS............


I even wondering if you are pvping or have a battermaster rank... Sigh

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To the OP Youre post are useless TOTAL useless , Can u tell mé mé this plz plz tell mé



4 Healers on mé ... I been stun 4 times my bar is max out. Healers spaming healing mé. I use cooldowns ect ect i still get stun When the bar ia max out. THERE IS NO DISSMISS RETRUNS............


I even wondering if you are pvping or have a battermaster rank... Sigh





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Again i say:


Pvp was much more fun at lower levels, like 30, 35

Why this happens? I think is because pvp designers base it on wow, slow, roots, stuns all the time. And that's exactly why wow pvp sucks. Don't copy wow's bad things.


Why people love FPS multiplayer game's? Cos' it's dynamic, fast, with mobility that enhances tactical manuvers and movment to get better positions on map. With slow all the time, and roots once you got target by someone you can't move.


For me pvp should be dynamic, with mobility, players should have more freedom to move on the map. Nerf roots and slows, it should have higher cooldowns so people use it on key moments, not all the time. Those type of things people should think and know when to use it, not spam it.


Other thing Ii just thougth is could have another "resolve" bar, a speed reduction bar only for slows. Working like resolve but it could be, more the higher the bar higher is your speed, so it mitigate the slow.


It can have formulas like zero to 20% you still fully slowed. 20% to 100% your speed when slowed rises. The more bar you have higher your speed. So with 21% you'll have something near 1% faster. 100% you'll have your full speed for some time like resolve.


This bar could fill not when you got hit by an ability that slow, but each time you have slow.

It could be not the only the time, but if you actually try to move and you're slowed. So if you slowed but keep still casting or firing it do not raises the speed reduction bar, cos you didn't move at all.

Edited by Benets
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I can't remember it ever preventing any CC on my toon, or stopping me getting killed while in chain CC.


Diminishing Returns are needed.



I'm sure there was one time you were able to take 3 steps and use 1 ability before you were vaporized by 5 enemies. During that time, you immuned 8 stuns because of your resolve bar, you just didn't realize it.

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But if you got a CC, stun, and you're being vaporized by enemies and use the ability to get free, your resolve bar isn't full, so you're not immune. Other play can stun you again and you'll not be able to take the stun off again. If you wait the first stun ends, When it end you'll be dead or near dead. That's his point.


Resove ideas not bad. Kinda diffrent. But it's a new game, probly will have a lot of balance actions yet.


I posted an idea for some similar, roots and slows in a thread (Slow Resolve System)


It could have some similar with normal resolve. The more resolve you have in bar you could be less time CCed. Or some marks in the bar, if you pass the mark reduce the time of CC.


An exemple. A mark in 80% of resolve. If you got more than 80% resolve the CC you got is diminished to 1/3 of full time. A stun of 6 second you'll be only 2 seconds stunned.


Some cases diminsh returns better and fair and others' resolve.

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great post


I hope you're talking about my post.


I would like people to see, and comment. New ideas, something's that people disagree or agree. More people seeing and commenting more likely for bioware to notice. A thousand minds think better than one. So everybody is invited to post there "Harder to have a great idea is recognize one, specially if it's from other person" (Washington Olivetto - Brazillian advertising agent).

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I have another ideas i posted too. For Ilum (Benet's Ilum Map) for exemple. To see if people comment and see, so new ideas for open pvp could have some impact and other ideas for bioware, I really want this game to get it right. I want this game to be exceptional, amazing, but a lot of work needed yet.
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The first post is an awesome wall of text in order to help less experienced players. I appreciated that but i do not agree that system is fine. For a pvp game, no stun should allow you to receive damage and still be in stun. The most terrible thing what is happening over and over again is you are stunned, you get toons of damage and dead. my defensive ability with 2min cooldown doesnt make difference in most cases. So while im wathing my character doing nothing then receiving damage.. i can read some books, talk with wife, whatever.. is pretty much BAD SYSTEM FOR PVP..

Guild Wars 2 is comming - my hopes will be there.


You actually just hit the nail on the head with all of this discussion. If CC is meant to be used in a tactical way, and further used by good players/teams to control others, then take away the ability to do be CC'd and damaged. All CC's except slows should immediately break on damage, and slows should have diminishing returns. End of story. Good teams/players will use their CC properly instead of allowing terrible players to burn down an opponent because of insane CC. It's a stupid and terrible game design and this one fix would help a lot of the pvp issues with this game.

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Resolve could work both the way it is and with diminish. The higher the amount of resolve you have it could give resistance to duration of CC. So higher the resolve less is the time you're CCed. So even if you're not immune and use the Ability to break CC and have high resolve, the next CC will not stay full time. So you'll not get two consecutive stun for 6 seconds.
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Regardless of the mechanics, Resolve is still a terrible system.


Getting chain-stunned to death is an epidemic in this game and it's really ruining the fun.


I don't care about the crafty details and finesse of the system. It's failing at what it was designed for.

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I still think the Resolve system could use some tweaks. It is by far the worst system I have seen in any MMO.


The problem is, it takes too long to fill and when it does fill, it goes away too fast. In the middle of all this it does not take effect until the CC that topped it off wears off. Hence having to save your break out ability for that.


But, usually by the time the resolve bar does fill up players usually only have a quarter of their health left or maybe half if they are lucky. So thus, the player gets killed anyways.


On top of that, snares can still effect you even if resolve is full. This wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for the fact that most abilities that snare targets, also have a talent in their trees somewhere to make that snare a root, but still be considered a snare. Thus the resovle system allows it.


Some ideas for some tweaks to the system are as follows.


1. Reduce the time it takes resolve to fill up. Example 4 CC's in a row. With every class having some form of CC, this shouldn't take long.


2. When Resolve is full, make the player immune to ALL movement impairing effects.


3. If each classes breakout is a mandatory tool for Resolve to work correctly, lower the cool down on their break out ability.


I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but I do welcome some feedback and additional ideas for fixes to the system.

Edited by Darth_Victus
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I'd like to see it be a chance to resist CC abilities (including snares, slow effects), so when you're at 50% resolve you have a 50/50 chance of totally resisting the spell or ability. Full bar 100% resistance. At least it'll give you a chance to survive.


I'd also like to see when you use your ability to break CC that you are immune to all slowing/stuns for 4-6 seconds before you can be affected by another ability. The ability has a 2 minute cooldown to break stuns but I can stun someone every minute.

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Thanks again to the original post on this thread. It helped greatly in understanding the way the mechanic is designed. I still think it does not 'work' to make gameplay function as designed, for the many reasons ranted about on this thread.


Make CCs more tactical by making resolve last longer. AoE CC's are important to a lot of PvPers tactics, we can't just ditch them. Opener CCs are important to some class mechanics and flavor, we can't just ditch them.


Make resolve fully functional the entire time it 'tics cown', and allow it to recharge with every CC OR SNARE during that immunity. Thus continued blind CCs will keep your immunity fueled, and AoE CC's will work on 'new' members of the zerg, but fuel the immunity of the main tank or runner in the zerg. This makes CCs more tactical rather than a spam-a-lot mechanic. the CC spammers would quickly become hated by thier teammates instead of thier opponents, but the smart players would still be able to use CC openers, on single targets or AoE. Snares would still work, but that constant slow drag of snares would at least keep you from getting CC'd again immediately, making the tactic a snare OR CC.. but can't use both all the time.


This is a rough idea, and i'm not sure how it works with all of the various classes.

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Hey there Rome-Fu, i'm currently on your RP-PvP server Ajunta-Pa,l I've seen you around and I just stumbled apon this while lurking the forums I'll make sure I let everyone know in my guild that this guide is exactly what they should know about resolve, nice guide and I hope things in Quietus are going well.



~Sith Assassin

<Hate's Vanguard>

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This, to me, is what's wrong with the system: a stun fills half the bar, so in theory two stuns should grant you immunity. In practice it doesn't work that way, because the bar starts ticking down after the first stun wears off. So a second or two after stun #1 wears off, and you're at 45% resolve, you get stunned again, taking you to 95%. After that one wears off, you get stunned again, finally filling the resolve bar after being effectively out of action for ~15s. Not like it's going to do you any good at that point, but hey.


The second problem is that roots do not effect the resolve bar. Snares are fine, but anything that completely roots your character needs to be on the bar. Don't give this garbage about "you may as well get rid of melee then." BS. It's ranged (ok, yes, we all know it's sages) that have all the roots. In addition to the 15ish seconds you can be stunned I mentioned above, (and a sage can get close to that alone) you can be rooted indefinitely. A melee class may as well be stunned.


I kinda hate to pick on sages, but they really are the worst offenders because of the extreme range involved. The operative 3s root no doubt contributes to the problem, since they use it when someone's resolve bar is full to stop them from escaping.

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Resolve does not work, as there is plenty of abilities that ignore it. Want to fix it? All abilities with secondary effects such as slows and roots need to be effected by and effect resolve. Not rocket science, by adding exceptions you may as well have saved yourself the trouble bioware and not made resolve.
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