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PVP Premades!!!!


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is there any freaking solution for the problem Bioware, we solo players who don't have a PVP guild are getting smashed by all the dame premades, you ruined ilum and our only choice for PVP is WarZones so please fix it and give the premade group their own queue, let them play against each other not against us Solo players.


you can call this thread what ever you like trolls, it doesnt matter for me i just want a dame FIX.

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is there any freaking solution for the problem Bioware, we solo players who don't have a PVP guild are getting smashed by all the dame premades, you ruined ilum and our only choice for PVP is WarZones so please fix it and give the premade group their own queue, let them play against each other not against us Solo players.


you can call this thread what ever you like trolls, it doesnt matter for me i just want a dame FIX.


MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER games is not for you.

Try Mario or Zelda.

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is there any freaking solution for the problem Bioware, we solo players who don't have a PVP guild are getting smashed by all the dame premades, you ruined ilum and our only choice for PVP is WarZones so please fix it and give the premade group their own queue, let them play against each other not against us Solo players.


you can call this thread what ever you like trolls, it doesnt matter for me i just want a dame FIX.


The solution is to implement the "WoW" solution and force premades into "rated battle grounds". If said premades are soooooo ad bass then it shouldn't be a problem. There are too many that want an easy win and will QQ if this happens. ;)

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The solution is to implement the "WoW" solution and force premades into "rated battle grounds". If said premades are soooooo ad bass then it shouldn't be a problem. There are too many that want an easy win and will QQ if this happens. ;)


Indeed. Since this game takes a lot from WoW This feature would be cool or at the very least cross server.

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is there any freaking solution for the problem Bioware, we solo players who don't have a PVP guild are getting smashed by all the dame premades, you ruined ilum and our only choice for PVP is WarZones so please fix it and give the premade group their own queue, let them play against each other not against us Solo players.


you can call this thread what ever you like trolls, it doesnt matter for me i just want a dame FIX.


im not sure if you knew this was a multi-player game? Just because there are pre-made groups does not mean they are good or will win? dont worry, if you L2P things will pan out for you.

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The solution is to implement the "WoW" solution and force premades into "rated battle grounds". If said premades are soooooo ad bass then it shouldn't be a problem. There are too many that want an easy win and will QQ if this happens. ;)


i agree , BW can lower the the group requirement for ranked WZ so premades can queue up for them and in that way only premades gonna face each other.


for those who say play another game or what ever empty talk, well i have been playing enough to know what an MMO is and i don't want an easy win cause iam an Operative healer so its not really heaven for me in WZs but i want to have a chance of wining, there is no DAME way that you can win in Huttball against a premade, they can coordinate them self much better while me as a "Healer" try to tell people to pass or not to stand at the edge when a Jugg/ guardian has the ball or what ever other class that can jump to distance, iam sure some will say then role a dps or tank, well healing is something i really like to do but we must have equel chance of wining not just straight loose.

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im not sure if you knew this was a multi-player game? Just because there are pre-made groups does not mean they are good or will win? dont worry, if you L2P things will pan out for you.


another ignorant replay!


see if there was an open world pvp then it wouldn't be a problem cause you can just avoid them and pick you battles else where but in SWTOR you are forced to enter a War Zone with people you don't know and try to win, BW messed up A LOT in ilum because the last "revamp" was just another BIG bad joke from them and it look like they don't even have an idea about a good and decent PVP.


if they really think a bit then they would find a good way to make even more people sub, with a Real good Ilum PVP where you really enjoy PVPing while getting some nice rewards they can restrict it so only a Sub can enter Ilum or part of Ilum like the west side, so people who like to PVP other than WZ can go there and those who want can Sub.


dont know what iam talking about? go see th PVP in Lotro in the Ettenmoors!

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is there any freaking solution for the problem Bioware, we solo players who don't have a PVP guild are getting smashed by all the dame premades, you ruined ilum and our only choice for PVP is WarZones so please fix it and give the premade group their own queue, let them play against each other not against us Solo players.


you can call this thread what ever you like trolls, it doesnt matter for me i just want a dame FIX.


Realistically this is an issue not likely to be resolved for a significant period of time. Ranked pvp was supposed to be the equalizer however it quickly devolved because people became so composition and performance centric that the non-top tier folks simply wrote it off as being inaccessible. As the pvp 'middle class' dropped off it became that much more inaccessible for anyone looking to break into the rated bracket.


Now this creates hypercompetitiveness at the top bracket among the 'elite' teams who then refuse to queue unless they have their perfect 8 on, so they'd rather break into smaller queues and pound through the regular queue then risk going into rated with 7 + a commando dps.



As this happens the team fielding their perfect 8 then doesn't get a queue pop and because the queue is them and no one else. So that they actually get into a warzone they proceed to queue into a pair of four man groups.



With the life-support status of ranked pvp you then have the audience intended for it and the 'casual' audience cross-competing at the regular queue level. If you separate them what do you get? Longer queue times that draw away the playerbase and harm pvp overall.



The game is not presently built to support cross-server queueing and without that cross-server queueing most would lack the sufficient pvp population for queue times to effectively work.



So what could resolve this? The simplest fix would probably be to remove rating away from rated, rename in into ops-queue or any other term but the point being that it remains an 8v8 queue and the comm rewards are in fact greater, but people no longer have a competitive pvp rating that they fear going down to the point where they don't queue unless they are fairly certain they can win.

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It's just the nature of the beast. I was where you are for a while. But there is nothing you can really do about it that would be fair for everyone. Try logging on at different times. I find that in the afternoon, there are less premades on and PVP is a little more balanced. Alot of PVP guilds run WZs late at night, and during that time it can be frustrating. Just keep plugging, with the perspective that getting facerolled sometimes is just part of PVP.
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There are actually some really great threads about this issue on the PvP section of the forum, some of it is actually CONSTRUCTIVE!!!


The best solution to this "problem" that I have encountered so far, and one I whole-heartedly support, is of implementing a match-making system. This would require you to play a certain amount of matches, 5-10 for example, at which point you will only be matched against opponents within your skill level. Of course, this matching algorithm would have to take into account many different factors (e.g. everyone's medals/contributions/duration of match, etc.) as well as the volatility of wins & losses. As you gain better and better gear, or become more and more skilled, won more matches or won against favored opponents, your MMR (matchmaking rating) would adjust accordingly, and you would be moved up in brackets.


SC2's ranking system is one of the best I have ever experienced, and I hope it is eventually implemented in MMOs. It would take quite a lot of effort to develop something like this, yes, but in my opinion, the potential rewards of having more people (read: new players coming into the game + current ones) playing the game for the ENJOYMENT of PvP (i.e. against people of your equal skill/gear level) far outweigh the associated costs.

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I doubt BW will care. The war zones are the problem here, in open world PvP you arrive at a battle ground and see 20 people on the same guild all waiting for you you have 2 choices 1) Run 2) Die. In a warzone match you arrive, you see 8 people on the other side in a guild talking on vento (or what ever) and look at your group in miss match PvP and PvE gear and you just know your infotr 15 minutes of really unenjoable PvP.


Personally I see PvP in TOR as a bit naff. Warzones have their place but when they are the only PvP avaliable its a bit poor. When the gear gap determins who wins more than skill you know PvP really needs a shake up.

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Did he say you can't win in huttball against a premade? I think a lot of people confuse premades for random groups of veteran players being grouped together. I know I que with one friend usually, and only one instance did I que with 3 other people. There have been at least 10 matches in huttball I can remember that I randomly was grouped with a team and we absolutely smashed the opponents. Like over in the first couple minutes. I experience winning at a high clip I think. I can usually get the weekly done in two days and about 15-20 matches. I think that's a pretty fair ratio. So from my seat, I think a lot of people who pvp misconstrue a random group of people who know how to get everyone to work together from a premade group. There certainly are premades, but I don't think it's such a big deal. If you're in full recruit gear you won't win much. Once you get mostly war hero gear you'll find yourself winning more and more. If you're wearing PvE gear you will never win and you shouldn't be in the warzone period.
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I think a lot of people confuse premades for random groups of veteran players being grouped together.


^ Agree wholeheartedly.




To the OP, not to be rude but stop pugging PvP. Join a Guild. Communicate, make friends in game.


To be honest, this is the only game with PvP content I've played that has such a negative view on premade groups. It does not matter if the match is ranked or not, a team that communicates and knows each others play style will far outshine a random pop in group finder.


Why would you ever want to pop in a group with folks you don't know, players who may or may not know their class, have decent PvP gear, fail to communicate, or have those "Elite" folks who drag your team down, then PM everyone on how much they sucked. Why deal with it period?

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I agree with the OP. I see nothing wrong with being in a premade and it is way more fun than solo playing. At the same time, groups of 4 take up have of the team and this is the problem. They have their own gameplan and sometimes it does not involve the rest of us or they expect us to follow them like they are special.


Get rid of the 8 man requirement for ranked or add 4 man queues to ranked as well.


One issue I have that is worst than a team of veteran players in a premade. Premades full of Noobs. All man do I hate this. They all have crappy gear, are useless as back up, and talk like they make a difference. I rather have a random team and get some good players, than have a team full of people gearing up their toons by taking up four of the slots.

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OP, are you queuing for RATED WZ's? If not, there's no such thing as a "premade", as all other WZ's are limited to groups of 4 people, not 8.


I play this game to play with my friends. When we PvP, we often have 2 or 3 or 4 people running WZ's. We don't pick classes that compliment each other, we play the class we want the wins on (for weekly). I also solo queue the second I log on. I've been in complete PuGs (8 from completely random guilds) and won against some of the better groups we fight...I've also gotten destroyed by those same groups when 4 of us queued and met up with 4 from another guild.


My point is - premades are not your issue. It's naturally limited by Bioware as it is to be 4 at most. I suggest you find other like minded players, put them on your friends list, and try to form your own premade PuG prior to PvPing if this is such a big deal to you. I assure you, just because you enter with 3 other friends, you're most certainly NOT guaranteed a win.

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Why would you ever want to pop in a group with folks you don't know, players who may or may not know their class, have decent PvP gear, fail to communicate, or have those "Elite" folks who drag your team down, then PM everyone on how much they sucked. Why deal with it period?


In the days of arcades, you could go by yourself and would meet random new people to play with. You did not to bring friends to enjoy gaming. People have been multiplayer gaming with strangers long before MMOs became a popular mainstream genre.


I see this mostly in only this MMO. People mostly only want to play with their friends and with no one else. You might be able to name some other games but I can't. I can log into my favorite shooters right now and play with people not in premade groups. I can jump into a fighting game and play with people all over the world. I can jump into Champions and DFO and find people willing to play together.


IMO, a few bad apples do not spoil the bunch. You should not need a premade to enjoy a pvp match. Refusing to play with only a small group of players is kind of antisocial.

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freaking Premades just facerolling every single pug team in my server


find a F###### way to fix it!

Edited by saremun
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freaking Premades just facerolling every single pug team in my server


find a F###### way to fix it!


Make your own premade team.

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freaking Premades just facerolling every single pug team in my server


find a F###### way to fix it!


I solo queued entirely on Tuesday and finished my weekly in 1 day. 9 wins, 6 losses. I don't think the issue is premades.

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Premades need to be stopped from joining normal WZ's. The only reason it is done is to roflstomp the other team and get quick wins.


Limit the premade group size to 4, at least the other team may have a chance.


Force the full premades to fight other premades, if you think you are that good you should prove it. Stomping on recruit geared players isnt fun for anyone.


Well maybe it is for you, if you feel your e-peen isnt big enough. Compensating much?

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