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  1. Had this happen to me a few times now, I would suggest people save the boxes until a fix is applied. Second combat style, loot disc correctly set. All new gear equipped, no 306. GSF/PvP boxes: I've opened several. Some have given me gear (Armor and relics) I've never had a weapon or offhand from them, this maybe where the bug occurs. I've had a few bug out and drop nothing, including the last one I opened, I only have 2 armor pieces and weapon/offhand to go, so the guy above saying about offhand may have caught on to something
  2. Just checked 6.2.1 patch notes, no mention of this being fixed When can we get an update? Is this ever going to fixed?
  3. Can we get an update if this is even in the queue to be fixed? Just been told I can't get a refund for a bugged item. Come on BW, sort this out please. If you cant remove the bug, just remove the holster, I'd be happy with that. Every cutscene triggers it, its unusable!
  4. Think I'll just request a refund of my cartel coins and buy something else. Had I known this had been bugged for so long I wouldnt have bought it in the first place
  5. Think I'll just request a refund of my cartel coins and buy something else. Had I known this had been bugged for so long I wouldnt have bought it in the first place
  6. Any time I enter a cut scene with these equipped the holster end up on the floor following me around. Unequipping them and re-equipping them fixes the problem. People have paid real money for these items, please can we have a fix?
  7. Its sad isn't it. I'm another riding the quit train, I have a couple of days left on my sub and I can't even be bothered to log in. I've been playing on and off since launch, have founder status and I even subbed for the entirety of KotFE. But I can't, in good faith, grind all the same content as before, for LESS REWARD per time spent. I didn't play to gear. I played because it was FUN. Now you lock the gear behind a grindwall? F*ck you BW. This change is NOTHING that people were asking for. I like many others will take our money elsewhere. I may even log in from time to time (as F2P) out of morbid curiosity to watch a game in its death-throes.
  8. So I thought about it. And thought about it some more. The only thing that I was looking forward to in 5.0 was the new Merc DCD. That was it. I just don't think I can stomach months of grind, to be at the mercy of the RNG gods for gearing. It sucked the first time BW did it and it will suck again. Implementing ANOTHER system where people play all the same tired old content just to fill another 'XP' bar just doesn't cut it for me. First you re-released the planetary heroics as 'Weekly content', then we had the DvL event where we played the same content again. Now you ask us to do it AGAIN. I know recycling is cool, but there is a limit. I won't go on, as many others have expressed the same views. I've said in the past SWTOR was the best 'Sci-fi-ish MMO' out there. I think the scales have tipped against it. So I've cancelled and have 9 days left. No you cant have my stuff.
  9. For a moment, your well reasoned non ad-hominem rebuttal almost made me consider the error of my argument.* *Parts, or all of this sentence may include sarcasm
  10. A Solo queue and a Group queue for regs. I don't see a problem with that. The only people who seem to see a problem with it are those that run premades. I wonder why? This guy gets it. I will agree that matchmaking is sorely lacking in regs. However that is part of its charm, sometihng which keeps it fresh and makes you adapt to your teams structure. Separating premades would solve the problem. Queuing solo would mean being queued with other solo people of all skills, all classes etc. The other side has the same chance as your side to get a group of good, bad or undergeared players. A real level playing field. Yes you still have some teams who are better than other teams, but that is then down to the random queue and not whether someone has decided to stack the deck beforehand and queue with a premade. Thanks for the constructive input! No thanks. I won't be part of the problem. This is as bad as saying: "There is currently an exploit to get more WZ comms. Everyone is doing it so it's OK. You should too or you will be at a disadvantage." No reason we cannot ask for both. A simple algorithm that spreads tanks and healers evenly between the two teams would solve it. Premades currently screw with this. Any group queuing gets put on the same team. Stack a couple of premades on one side and you have a stomp-fest.
  11. Hate to be that guy but the mount is still exclusive, is it not? The EC mount is different. Even if you don't like the differences. Yes there are other examples where BW has changed direction on certain things. But changing direction is not lying.
  12. This, at its core, is about creating balance and removing imbalance. By creating a premade group, with tanks, healers, dps, node guards, voice comms, you ARE stacking the deck in your favour. Especially if the other team is a group of disorganised solo queuers, with no trinity balance or even a common language. Do you see that as wrong? I do, people are gaining an unfair advantage in winning games. People complain about Class stacking. Or FotM classes. Or Tank/Healer synergy. This premade problem is simple an extension of seeking that balance. Imagine if grouping gained you a flat increase in WZ comms per match. That would be unfair, yes? So what is so different about grouping to work the percentages knowing that more often than not, grouping will result in a win. It would be very simple to BW to implement. A flag here, a separate queue there and its done. WIll it happen? Who knows. Even if it NEVER happens, it still wont stop me from thinking it is unfair.
  13. I think someone got triggered. But, since you are triggered and receptive, I'll happily queue with solo players. As long as it's vs other solo players. Premades get put in their own premade bracket. Have fun with that
  14. Its not a 'Learn to play' issue at all. How can a disorganized group of solo players possible hope to compete against a balanced premade of people who know their role and are suitable equipped with gear and voice comms? Yes its group content. You are playing with other players. The game provides that framework. We shouldnt have to pre-group to be competitive. This needs fixing. So why the hostility towards a premade ONLY queue? If people want to play together they can. Away from the solo queuers. If people are grouping for 'your' reasons stated above then this can only lead to things being better for the premades and the solo queuers. I've played PvP since launch. I know that communication is sometimes the only thing that separates two teams. Calling INC on a node/door. Calling that you are in the end zone for a ball pass. Do not underestimate its power. This is completely unfair and leads to bitterness. Those solo queuers who don't want to group up for whatever reason, are resigned to losing. We can change that by putting the people who want to group against each other. Of course this leads to bitterness. Solo queuers stand very little chance of winning if a premade is on the other team. So what do they do? It leaves a sour taste for new or casual PvP'ers, so they don't bother queuing again. Just as people are complaining about being FORCED to trust the RNG, Solo queuers are being FORCED to pre-group to be competitive. No it isnt. How is a premade team of healer/tank/DPS with voice comms or preplanned objectives LEVEL against a group of random players who may not even speak the same language. This isnt about learning to play a class or objectives. This is about premade imbalance. This isnt about dumbing the game down. Premades will fight premades. Solo queuers will face solo queuers. If solo queuers dont have fun in PvP they will quit. Queue syncing already happens, but it at least guarantees some RNG. A chance. Let me re-iterate. I don't want people to stop queuing together. I just want those that queue together to be put in their own bracket. Grouped Unranked call it. I get the feeling that it would soon die a death however. Simply because premades would realize they are no longer in for an easy win. So perhaps premades just need banning completely.
  15. I've seen it a thousand times. Team one: Random solo queuers. Team two: One or Two premade groups. With healers and a tank. Possibly voice comms. At least a common language. Guess which team wins. Every single time. Now I don't want to stop people from playing together, so Bioware, could you please put premade groups in their own queue, away from Solo queuers. You have the mechanics in place for group ranked and solo ranked. Make a grouped regular and solo regular. Coming up against a premade isn't fun for those of us who solo queue. Since you seem to be catering to a more solo based playstyle, constantly losing to premades is going to leave a sour taste in peoples mouths. People who group to play regulars know exactly what they are doing. They are stacking the deck. Making sure they win time and again with no hope for the other team. This is completely unfair and leads to bitterness. Those solo queuers who don't want to group up for whatever reason, are resigned to losing. We can change that by putting the people who want to group against each other. Give solo queuers a fighting chance in PvP by levelling the playing field.
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