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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sniper/Slinger next FoTM


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If you have any views or concerns about anything regarding 2.0, it will be heard more on the pts subforum. It has been acknowledged by BW that at the moment the pvp subforum does not get a lot of attention, as they are focussing on the pts subforum.


EDIT: here is BW forum post http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=5924498&postcount=18

Edited by MusicRider
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I know someone who is just wrecking it in lowbies. Always upwards of 350k-400k damage no issue and he laughs about how easy and strong the class is.

This has always been the case, especially in lowbies.


You would be surprised at the amount of people that either ignore us or don't even realize we are wrecking their team 1 target at a time uncontested.


You should really be worrying about PTs come the expansion.

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there's always been a large number of snipers/'slingers in lowbie wz's on PoT5 server but they taper off in 50 wz's. Not too many ppl main one atm, but who knows, maybe that will change later.


They're also a very strong class at low level because they get abilities and multiple CCs early. They scale well with the bolster system as well, especially Marksman spec. At level 20+ with updated "blue" armorings and mods, I was getting 4.5-5k ambush crits; able to burst ppl from 100% to dead in seconds. I don't think any other class hits that hard at those levels.

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I can't think of any thing worse than a sniper FOTM, it will just wreck wz.


I don't know. They don't exactly move the Hutt ball. I have a sniper which is my "main" in the academic sense I guess. Area denial? Check. Advancing to take and objective and moving forward? Ehh..

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They are an alt-itis class. Tons of players already leveled their force users and now want something different. Most of the new sniper/slinger players will never keep them as their main.


The play style of the class will never make it the mainstream fotm others will continue to be.


When out gearing your enemy in pre-50 though they rock. My slinger is named Demane on BC (rp but oddly a very busy pvp queue server with some pretty serious pvp guilds) and seeing 300+k damage per warzone is common. I've been Sab spec since level 41. It is a seriously solid class but with all classes I often see a ton of certain types in different warzones and very few actually shine, It's more about who bothers to keep decent gear up when leveling and typically those are the experienced players who already have bank roll. Mine will hit 50 today actually as I grind out my comms. Facing other near 50's in good gear are the most fun fights though.


I find the class excellent on nearly all warzones and especially fun on voidstar and huttball but as another already mentioned they are an area denial class in huttball and not the ball carrier. I play a ball passer if needed as I am on the upper platforms most of the match anyway but the class is amazing at slowing enemy advance and find combat hungry teams get so entirely pissed off at sniper/slingers that they often ignore the ball and team gank me. I laugh at this every single time as they likely are all giddy over killing me while I make fun of them to my team for spending so much resource and time on one player often allowing us to score. Whenever a team uses 4 or more players to take out one other they have already lost the fight.

Edited by Tamanous
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combat hungry teams get so entirely pissed off at sniper/slingers that they often ignore the ball and team gank me. I laugh at this every single time as they likely are all giddy over killing me while I make fun of them to my team for spending so much resource and time on one player often allowing us to score.


This happens fairly often to me I love it. It usually comes after getting a few solo kills, because you know how pissed off ppl get when they lose a 1v1 fight; especially if they get blown up badly.


I can recall a Voidstar game where we started on defense and I was wrecking the other team on the door. They never got past the first area. When it was our turn to go on offense, as soon as I dropped out of the spawn gates, at least 6 of them attacked me. While they were killing me, our team planted a bomb on the other side for the quick win.

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This happens fairly often to me I love it. It usually comes after getting a few solo kills, because you know how pissed off ppl get when they lose a 1v1 fight; especially if they get blown up badly.



The great thing about a slinger (because of their range advantage) is that if you do a perfect fight you often can win without taking nearly any damage at all. Of course this requires full range, no los issues and nobody else jumping in. Basically the perfect sniper fight. This pisses the epeen players off so badly that they then go often go after you the entire warzone. It is rather funny yet sad at the same time.


I've learned to not hold grudges. I play for my team and consider myself support dps. I've also learned that our aoe shield can often turn the tide of a battle like few other powers in the game. I can't wait for the 2.0 version. Just last night on Alderaan we ran into a pre-made of decently leveled and geared players. They took snow and quickly came mid from the back. We had about 5 in mid but some still hurting from taking mid and most lower level. I took the brunt of the assault because I was in the rear anyway nearer out spawn. I popped every damn cooldown I had and despite 4-5 semi-twinked players pounding on me our lowbie healer and meager support kept me alive (had about 5% health when the last enemy died). We ended up losing a very close match but I know we would have been walked over in that fight if it weren't for the slinger's short term ability to tank without interupts and the aoe shield helping my entire team out.


Their premade portion of the team would have walked us 9/10 times but they made the mistake of trying to focus on me first. Fun battle considering I rarely feel safe with level 11-20's supporting me. They really pulled their weight. This is the very reason why so many players will not end up using a sniper/slinger as a main. In order to truly see their power they have to be played as support dps and most simply want to run in and whack things. Sniper/slingers die horrible horrible deaths using that strategy.

Edited by Tamanous
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I don't know. They don't exactly move the Hutt ball. I have a sniper which is my "main" in the academic sense I guess. Area denial? Check. Advancing to take and objective and moving forward? Ehh..


well, they can't be jumped to or pulled while waiting for fire to go down and smart 2 will leave carrier before pit, other player go thro, gets pass with no risking of getting stunned on fire with ball on you, and 5-6 snipers/slingers can make a pass chain who cannot be broken. (not to mention we'r getting 18 meter roll in 2.0)

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well, they can't be jumped to or pulled while waiting for fire to go down and smart 2 will leave carrier before pit, other player go thro, gets pass with no risking of getting stunned on fire with ball on you, and 5-6 snipers/slingers can make a pass chain who cannot be broken. (not to mention we'r getting 18 meter roll in 2.0)


No one will do this. A GS should never be the one scoring.

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well, they can't be jumped to or pulled while waiting for fire to go down and smart 2 will leave carrier before pit, other player go thro, gets pass with no risking of getting stunned on fire with ball on you, and 5-6 snipers/slingers can make a pass chain who cannot be broken. (not to mention we'r getting 18 meter roll in 2.0)


That would take a lot of coordination and use of entrench. Even then, I don't know how an opposing team wouldn't see what was going on and nuke one of those snipers and break the chain. Assuming you would want to save entrench for when you have the ball, all it takes is a push or KD then focus fire or a bunch of AOEs if it isn't a MM with the AOE defense.

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No one will do this. A GS should never be the one scoring.


A pass chain means they are the one receiving a ball and then throwing it forward. The poster didn't mean they are the ones scoring. Being that close to the enemies end puts a sniper in a very exposed position and few ever want to go past the last fire pit or near their center ramp.


I've scored twice in huttball though. When on upper side ramps near enemy end it works well to receive the ball when a major fight occurs on extreme sides near the health buff. Their team is stuck on side or pit and often you only have to deal with one or two players spawning in time as you near the goal line. Having a stun, root and mezz helps the last few meters. I view this as a last resort though. In 2.0 the roll mechanic will make it much easier for snipers to short rush score and I can see it happening much more.


Sniper/slingers are more of a blocker who assists the runner though. I've killed so many players by snaring, rooting, mezzing or knocking others into traps that I lost count. Massive aoe laid out over choke points helps a lot too.


I agree though that highlighting yourself as a primary passer puts too much of a target on a slinger. Half of my time is finding the best point of attack and stuck in one spot lit up as a ball carrier destroys my ability to provide dps support.

Edited by Tamanous
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Sniper by definition cannot be FOTM. people dont like playing turret classes, yet every melee wants his agent buff.

Snipers rock in lowbie because of how stupid they made leveling up process for many classes.


Giving operatives hidden strike at 36 = stupid

Giving melee their aoe mezz at lvl 46 = stupid

Giving assassins their execute later at lvl ~ 40 = stupid

Giving assassins force shroud as late as lvl 38 = stupid

Giving combat stealth as late as lvl 22 = stupid again.

I mean what are these guys supposed to do until 40? I get basically all the importnt sniper tools, apart from few already by lvl 22.


This is why nobody cares about lowbie balance.

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I play a ball passer if needed as I am on the upper platforms most of the match anyway but the class is amazing at slowing enemy advance and find combat hungry teams get so entirely pissed off at sniper/slingers that they often ignore the ball and team gank me. I laugh at this every single time as they likely are all giddy over killing me while I make fun of them to my team for spending so much resource and time on one player often allowing us to score. Whenever a team uses 4 or more players to take out one other they have already lost the fight.


What you have to understand is that by that time, scoring and winning the game no longer matters. The game for the other team has already shifted from Huttball to Smear The Sniper, which in many cases, is a much more fun and entertaining game than the one we were supposed to be playing... :)

Edited by Kubernetic
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This has been predicted about 30 times in the last year. It's never going to happen; melee/ranged players have hard time giving up their mobility for a stationary-hardcasting-easy-to-los-turret class. Though, it's not impossible as when I look at our guild roster pretty much every melee has a gunslinger alt ... one guy has two.
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