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Official launch in Australia/New Zealand


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I see one down side...as a player on a West Coast Server, right now we have queues, but by spring I would like to think it will have smoothed out. But with a major Aussie presence on my server I sure hope we don't lose half of community and make our server a ghosttown, especially with free transfers.


What server would that be?

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We can confirm that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be launching in Australia and New Zealand in the spring of 2012.


Right now we are targeting March 1st, but that could change as our number one priority is making sure that customers have a great service to play on.


For those of you who may have already imported the game, we will be investigating solutions to allow you to continue to play on a local server once they come online in March.


So where does Mexico stand in this?


Given I already have my copy, but I know a fair number down here that were not willing to jump through hoops to get it.

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... we will be investigating solutions to allow you to continue to play on a local server once they come online in March.


Wait Stephen just to clarify, does this mean that previously named US West, East, or EU servers that have a large Australian and New Zealand population will be renamed "Oceania"?


just trying to understand



Edit2: wait i think i get what you meant. :o


Edited by MasterMartinez
fixing spelling
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Oceanic servers would be cool...But I'm already playing with friends from the states I made in previous games on Bondar Crystal. I'm getting 246ms playing from NZ :( lol (It's actually relatively normal considering) What's the latency you guys are getting and are they USEAST/WEST?


I thought I was the only Oceanic player on Bondar but I found another Kiwi. :)

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Oceanic servers would be cool...But I'm already playing with friends from the states I made in previous games on Bondar Crystal. I'm getting 246ms playing from NZ :( lol (It's actually relatively normal considering) What's the latency you guys are getting and are they USEAST/WEST?


I thought I was the only Oceanic player on Bondar but I found another Kiwi. :)



Im getting about 250-350 on Nadds sarcophagus, still topping in pvp and having a blast so, all good for me haha, would be lovely to sit at 50ms but >:3

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Well, if you read his post it does state they are looking at ways to let players continue playing on local servers.


Yes but if you could think about it for a second, if a bunch of them had a presence on the server, friends and what not, they'd still be hard up to leave the server.


It isn't just a straight 2 dimensional solution there is a third one that most people forget about.

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I'm hopeing for physically local servers, but if blizzard couldnt organise it then i worry about EA/bioware organising it, time will tell. i'll assumably be level 50 by march at least on my main


EA/BioWare have already organised it once in the past, they had Australian located servers for WAR.

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I've only ever played wow and the best latency I've had via Smoothping was 290, but I often had to play with 700ish. I'm already happy with TOR as my latency is often 250-300 with no Smoothping.


It would be amazing if we had AU located servers...50 latency...omg (if htay is what they mean by 'local')


Thankyou for the great news Stephen.

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Just so you know, March 1st is actually Autumn (or Fall) in Australia and NZ!


If you're going to officially launch in a country you should probably figure out when the seasons are!

You'd think! I guess I'll have to ask to go on a fact-finding mission. :D


I'll correct. You're right, we're thinking of this from a US perspective; Q1/2 of 2012 is more accurate.


Collectors Edition for Australians?

We'll have more details on the retail offering closer to launch. I've got no info on that right now.


How about the rest of the world?

We continue to look at all potential markets for the game - we'd love to bring the game to as many places as possible, but we don't have any official announcements on this just yet.


Please don't listen to any whiners about this, this would have to be the greatest thing ever for any MMO player if we get actual Australian servers. People who whine can stay put with their 200ms+ pings.. sub 50ms pings would be just amazing.

We are planning on actual servers located in the area. The final location is being locked down, but when we say 'local' we don't mean 'in the US but with a label'.

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We are planning on actual servers located in the area. The final location is being locked down, but when we say 'local' we don't mean 'in the US but with a label'.


Alright you pretty much just made up for the whole "no release in australia yet" debaucle :D


In my head anyway.




Happy aussie is happy.

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