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Any tips on dealing with Smash Maggots?


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Your math is still the most retarded thing I've ever seen.


Only because you don't know the difference between a Marauder and a Juggernaut.


0% of Marauders (Sents) have that immunity ability since its not available to them

Roughly 50% of Juggs (Guardians) have that ability. The other 50% is a different spec.


Assuming Marauder (Sent) and Jugg (Guardian) exist in roughly the same numbers, we (most of us) can conclude that the chance a random "smasher" has it is 25% of the time. (X + Y) / 2

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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They don't use cover? Either way, they aren't a tank. Going toe to toe against a tank while unsupported is almost always a fatal mistake.


Smashers aren't tanks.. I really wish people would learn the difference. Tank has defensive stats, defensive skills, has good armor mitigation due to stance and hits you with what amounts to a wet noodle. Smasher doesn't have defensive stats, only 1 defensive cooldown, gets the same use out of heavy armor that a commando does, and hits you like 3 mack trucks. K, all on the same page now? Repeat after me, smashers aren't tanks.

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If it is a jug he will have a big red shield up if he specc'd into no cc after leaps. If he's a guardian he'll be all flowerpower glowy. Just watch for this.


Also, I'm not so sure that any good jug would spec that way. If you are a good jug you don't need it and it keeps you from getting a great smash ability. Although If you playing smash in huttball then it is usually worth a quick respec.

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As a sniper, if I am caught off guard (maybe I am moving to a better position) and a smasher leaps to me, I cover and coverpulse > flashbang (I normally play engineering spec with 2 points in flash powder that reduces the targets accuracy by 20%) - Smasher is now out of melee range and stunned. I then drop an orbital on myself (as a discouragement to keep attacking) and if he still wants to kill me I pop TA\Ambush, EP,IP and takedown (at the same time popping shields\entrench and evasion. Simple :D


But seriously, Agents take skill to play well, Smashers get a very easy I win button and we have to use all of our very useful abilities to counter that. Just need to know what is at your disposal. My method above relies on a lot of CD's being unavailable and I know that is not always the case, so I have to think on my feet at times and use what I have to get out of trouble. FB on CD?, then I use legshot or debilitate and then LOS and use my dots. Sometimes when I am running I will drop a plasma probe on my feet, the target will have to run through it to get to me (as his leap will be on CD) he will be slowed and I can turn, pop cover and start a rotation. All this time, I might not get to kill the smasher, but with his determination to get me, I have removed him from the game as he is not smashing groups of my team mates. Which is how you win games.

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Another tip is to save your Stuns and Knockbacks ONLY for smashers. When a smasher leaps at you....you knock back or stun. Always. First thing. Don't try to squeeze in an attack, because the smash is coming!


I never Sweep/Smash immediately following a leap because 9 times out of 10 you WILL get knocked back as it is a defensive reflex. I wait for the knock-back leap again then Sweep/Smash.


Anyways, here are my stats self buffed.


1687 STR

1652 END

1143 EXP

974-1143 Damage (Pri)

1175 PWR


Here is one of my Sweeps that hit for 7,712 and the hardest one I have ate has been around 7k (since I've been parsing my logs)

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Smashers aren't tanks.. I really wish people would learn the difference. Tank has defensive stats, defensive skills, has good armor mitigation due to stance and hits you with what amounts to a wet noodle. Smasher doesn't have defensive stats, only 1 defensive cooldown, gets the same use out of heavy armor that a commando does, and hits you like 3 mack trucks. K, all on the same page now? Repeat after me, smashers aren't tanks.


What? Juggs have 3 defensive CDs, regardless of the spec.

Endure Pain and two red barrier thingies.

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As a sniper, if I am caught off guard (maybe I am moving to a better position) and a smasher leaps to me, I cover and coverpulse > flashbang (I normally play engineering spec with 2 points in flash powder that reduces the targets accuracy by 20%) - Smasher is now out of melee range and stunned. I then drop an orbital on myself (as a discouragement to keep attacking) and if he still wants to kill me I pop TA\Ambush, EP,IP and takedown (at the same time popping shields\entrench and evasion. Simple :D




Why are you fellow snipers so eager to fill resolve of melee right from the start of a fight is beyond my understanding. :( your opponents reolve bar is one of your most precious resource.

Against a full resolve carnage mara, the only thing that can save your butt is evasion. Do not force yourself in such a situation.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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As a sniper, if I am caught off guard (maybe I am moving to a better position) and a smasher leaps to me, I cover and coverpulse > flashbang (I normally play engineering spec with 2 points in flash powder that reduces the targets accuracy by 20%) - Smasher is now out of melee range and stunned. I then drop an orbital on myself (as a discouragement to keep attacking) and if he still wants to kill me I pop TA\Ambush, EP,IP and takedown (at the same time popping shields\entrench and evasion. Simple :D


Or even better, as you see them root them. Start shooting them, when they come close you knockback, shoot a little more and then re-root., gain more distance and continue shooting Then when he comes close again stun, move then re root when stun is going to be over and shoot him again, if he is still alive, flashbang his face go far, start shooting, re-root and /dance.


The root is our best crowd control. People should abuse the crap out of it. It's the primary reason i hate dirty fighting/lethality.


And that's if you don't decide just to facetank them if you are a MM sniper when they don't have saber ward.

Edited by Keldaur
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What? Juggs have 3 defensive CDs, regardless of the spec.

Endure Pain and two red barrier thingies.


Enure/Endure Pain is a temporary boost to maximum hp, it doesn't give you hp permenantly. Temporarily increases your maximum health by 30% for 10 seconds. When the effect ends, the health is lost. So if you drop them below 30% hp with Enure/EP up, they will immediately drop to 1 hp left when it ends. The only use for it, is with FD/ED (see below), or when popping a warzone medpack. Not a defense skill for smashers.


Enure/Endure Pain is used with Focused Defense/Enraged Defense, is a minor self heal (3% heal per tick once per second, damage causes a tick, 4 focus/rage to activate, 1 focus/rage per tick, it's also a threat dump but that really doesn't affect PvP, lasts 10 seconds). So it's not a defensive cooldown unless you get Commanding Awe/Deafening Defense in the Vig/Veng tree, and that is so high up, you are really specced Vig/Veng not Smash. With Commanding Awe/Deafening Defense, Focused Defense/Enraged Defense now has 15% DR as well as the self heal. Smashers get a reduced inital cost on FD/ED (1 or 2 less focus/rage), no defense buff. Not a defense skill for smashers.


Warding Call/Invincible is 11 points in the Defense/Immortal tree. I haven't seen a smasher take it, especially if they are going to take Unremitting/Unstoppable (12 points in Vig/Veng tree), since trying to take both is a severe nerf to their smashing ability. Even taking Warding Call/Invicible is a nerf to smashing, since they will lose Force Exhaustion/Force Crush, which is a third way to generate Singularity/Shockwave. While I have seen a few smashers take Unremit/Unstop, I have yet to see one take Warding Call. Either way, it reduces their smash rate from 4 or 5 per minute down to 2 per minute (Force Exhaustion/Force Crush - 18 second CD, Force Stasis/Force Choke - 60 second CD, Combat Focus/Enrage - 60 second CD). Remove the top tier skill in smash tree, and it's a severe gimp. Not a defense skill for smashers.


Saber Ward they get as a base Knight/Warrior skill, it lasts 12 seconds, and has a 3 minute CD. Is a defense skill for smashers.


Please, Smashers are not the 31/31/31 tree.. And even if they are 12/0/29, or 0/11/30, they severely cut their ability to smash you in half. They are not tanks, they are DPS and die just as easily as any other DPS.

Edited by Draqsko
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Ave noticed if I am main target and pop dodge I eat about a 4k smash but it needs to be spot on or it's 6k lol


Dodge wont help against auto-crit smash or force scream or riposte. It does help against the rest of the attacks coming though, such as slash which reduces the time of smash or dispatch if you are under 30% health.

Edited by MusicRider
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Why are you fellow snipers so eager to fill resolve of melee right from the start of a fight is beyond my understanding. :( your opponents reolve bar is one of your most precious resource.

Against a full resolve carnage mara, the only thing that can save your butt is evasion. Do not force yourself in such a situation.


egressed force speed *cough* sorry, new roll as of 2.0.

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i'm a scoundrel when i get charged i crouch immediately or roll to get the cover defense buff and pop a defensive cool down most smashing classes will use smash as soon as they can. Then 'll use tendon blast to root them for 2 seconds and heal up. throw out a flash until you have most health then kite the bugger using vital shot and just burn him until you can use dissapear. Or if thats on CD pop flyby/orbstrike. ;) AND DON'T FORGET TO USE CLEANSE Edited by LordZym
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Anyway one smasher is not big sign of concern, especially if he is not used to kiting or being kited. Smash has exactly 2 roots from the two leaps, 1 mezz and 1 channeled stun. The cycle of smash is 12s or around 9s if you sit there taking the slashes which should be your main concern at this stage as they have a crit bonus of 15% so they often crit and when they do so they deal around 2.8k damage each. You should also pop medpack before you go to low, ie 30% health as you give an opportunity for dispatch. Other ranged abilities are force scream which can do fairly good damage (4k) if it crits but it has no crit bonus and the majority of smashers are power built. If you are a healer then expect a deadly throw also for the trauma debuff but other than that it does nothing else.
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I killed the sniper and the smash noob has charged me.


What now?


So what the hell is the issue then?


I know you want the knight to be running from miles away ?


There are plenty of mechanics to counter someone who leaps at you.

Edited by Bigronx
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Cleanse for what? You shouldn't be able as a scoundrel to cleanse force exhaustion/crush. For the trauma buff?


Scoundrels get lucky dodge, which cleanses all hostile effects that are cleanse-able, the sage/sorc's DoT buff thing isn't cleanse-able for example, but nearly everything else is. About the only ability you can cleanse from smashers is force exhaustion/force crush, they'll get a tick off but you can prevent the additional ticks. Of course by this point, you just made him mad, and he'll force choke you, building up shockwave, and smash you anyways, then probably follow up with scream, and dispatch, and have you marked for when you get outta respawn so he can just smash you again.

Personally, I just stun, run and hide, he'll find someone else to pick on.

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Scoundrels get lucky dodge, which cleanses all hostile effects that are cleanse-able, the sage/sorc's DoT buff thing isn't cleanse-able for example, but nearly everything else is. About the only ability you can cleanse from smashers is force exhaustion/force crush, they'll get a tick off but you can prevent the additional ticks. Of course by this point, you just made him mad, and he'll force choke you, building up shockwave, and smash you anyways, then probably follow up with scream, and dispatch, and have you marked for when you get outta respawn so he can just smash you again.

Personally, I just stun, run and hide, he'll find someone else to pick on.


I like your writing. Made me laugh. :)

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