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Increase Guild Cap Limit


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Increase Guild Cap Limit? why? why that limit exists at all in SWTOR?


Most games I have played have them.

Star Wars Galaxies had a 500 cap but you were only allowed 2 characters per server per account so it was not really an issue,

Lords of the Rings Online had a 500 cap but had the same issues we had here which affected a lot of guilds so they simply added a 0 and made the cap 5000.

Tor cap is 500 but you can have 22 characters from one player in that.


Hence the issue here. Either remove/increase it or make 1 legacy name 1 guild spot so players with multiple characters only count as 1 member.

Edited by Ziso
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Please use the number of accounts in guild to compute the guild size cap.


You clearly seem to be able to keep track of the number of accounts, and it is much better way if you want to limit guild size regardless of how many alts various players have.

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Most games I have played have them.

Star Wars Galaxies had a 500 cap but you were only allowed 2 characters per server per account so it was not really an issue,

Lords of the Rings Online had a 500 cap but had the same issues we had here which affected a lot of guilds so they simply added a 0 and made the cap 5000.

Tor cap is 500 but you can have 22 characters from one player in that.


Hence the issue here. Either remove/increase it or make 1 legacy name 1 guild spot so players with multiple characters only count as 1 member.


But what is the point?

Why limit how many people can join a guild?

Is it a measure to avoid having 2-3 mega-guilds and nothing else? I just don't understand why they'd care how many members a guild has.

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Yea I really think they should increase the guild limit.


I do like the suggestion of making one legacy = 1 character type deal on the roster. Either way, they need to increase it, because no guild should have to turn down members due to a cap limit.

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Just like to add my voice to the calls.


I'm in Ziso's guild and last night just managed to squeeze my newest alt into the Imp side of the guild before we hit the cap again - 498 out of 500. I haven't even played all the classes yet, and want to play them all. If I make more alts to do so they won't be able to get into the guild until we have had another cull.


Unless the reason is technical, I can't see why this state of affairs should have carried on so long.

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Within any MMO the long term players are those that seek solitude within a group of like minded players. This helps to keep the game alive and usually changes the minds of those that start as free to play members into long term subscribing members. A small focus team that adds this to their list of objectives for future modifications to the games code should be able to accomplish this without upsetting the game as a whole. I and like so many others from this post feel that it is important to provide some feedback and attention to those that are here to stay for the long term with you. It is in every financial institutions interest to provide repeat customers a little attention now and then to keep them coming back.


Thank you for your support and consideration into this matter.



Unity Gaming Community (Republic Officer)

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It's clear that Bioware don't see this as an issue based on the complete lack of feedback on this thread from them. They should though.


It is a fact of MMO's that the best run, most stable guilds become popular. With that comes increased activity and even more popularity. Putting unrealistic caps on how big some guilds can get while at the same time adding pressure by increasing how many characters each player can have seems like commercial suicide to me. MMO developers fall over themselves to attract and support quality guilds. The simple reason is they make players more active and with that comes increased income from things like the cartel market. Hindering that does not suddenly give you several healthy smaller guilds instead of one large one. Most people don't leave games when a guild is doing well and they are having fun. They leave from small inactive guilds, where there is no sense of community or enjoyment left. Please increase the cap, it makes no sense not to.

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The issue we have is not many players leave us after joining. This is due to us running Ops on same night, same Ops, both factions on Sun,Tue, Thur (Mon for any clean up). We do TC before Ops also. We are also looking at running 50 Ops as well as 55 on same nights to give new 50s experience. That leaves us Wed, Fri and Sat as non Ops nights. Wed and Sat we do social activities, Achievement runs, Codex Runs, pazaak Cantina games and more and on Fridays we run a joint faction planet datacron run.


Due to this members are happy, continue to pay their subs and enjoy the game.

However we love to invite new players to Tor into the guild as we have so much experience to help them grow their characters, teach them about the mechanics and help them enjoy Tor as we do content for all levels. We have always been a new player friendly guild.


With the cap at 500 and many members with us since launch so now have on average 5+ characters it leaves us constantly hitting the cap of 500 and having to stop recruitment for a month every 2 months or so. This means the guild is abit top heavy with level 55 members and mid level players and we have a lack of new players at lower levels.


Every update patch notes I ignore content/cartel/flashpoints/ops information and look through the lists for any guild related content as for me they can add as much content as they want but until they fix the social and guild aspect of the game then with each update that goes by without any such notes my enthusiasm dies abit more.


I mean now 17 months into the game and we still have this issue, a very poor message of the day system, no guild email. its fine adding 5%xp (would not be in the top 50 requests if you asked guild leaders what they wanted) then a rehash of it to 10% but all these not so important perks to guild leaders are no use when the major issues remain.


Guilds are about progression. There will be a time some of our 55s leave the game, its natural and those new level players we wish to take in will replace them and some will become the next set of ops leaders, officers to continue the guilds progression and carry on the content we provide but we need the mechanics to be able to invite these players in.


We did a Codex Run on Tython last Saturday. Some new players commented in general chat and by Pms what our guild was doing as they saw a lot of us ride around together. When we told them we a few requests to join us. Its such a shame we have to tell players "sorry but we are full" when we know we can enhance their gameplay. (note they are still told they can apply on our website and be in a priority waiting list for when we can recruit).

Its the same when we do planet datacron runs. We always ask in general chat if anyone wishes to come with us. Again we get the odd 1-2 requests to join.


Please stop penalising larger guilds who provide players with help/content and more with this cap.

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The Elder knights on Harbinger is also struggling with this. We have capped our guild almost weekly and have to remove unplayed alts (over 90 days) almost every day to make room for our members bringing in new alts. I have some members with 12 55 toons in our guild and play all regularly. I have 107 active accounts (thanks to the guild xp/rep bonus) that I can tell how many active players I have.


Out of 107 active players, we have 497 alts.


Please, change the number in the guild from 500 members to 500 characters since this is clearly wrong. 500 members would mean 500 accounts. If you changed it to active accounts, then we would have 107 members with 497 characters in the guild.


This is really starting to hurt us a guild as we will have to create and overflow guild with more GB tabs and money to supply that guild of crafters and inactive alts.

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Not typically one to necro a thread, but has this been resolved? I'm not seeing much in patch notes that affect it, so I wanted to check. We're in the same boat of lots of alts and not a lot of different accounts behind them (I've currently got 11 characters in guild and most of the long timers have 6-8, at least).
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