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Is F2P Creating divisons in the servers?


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I just did a WB ops in Alderaan. As usual it was a pick up group, not a scheduled guild activity.

I remember these were fun when the game had no f2p option. Bunch of people shouting out in General chat and gathering around to take the world boss. I have been a Sub since day one. But I have friends who are F2P and I usually enjoy game-play with them when they are online.


This is what happened today. The group had F2P players and Subs as well. All of us fought very hard and finally got the Boss down, after 15 mins of fight.

Now it came to the loots . To start with the boss dropped unusual number of Artifact loot. 7 (Pink/Purple) Artifact drops. I saw each of them and greed -ed on 6 of them. And Needed on one level 300 Mission Discovery. When the roll completed, I didn't get anything. But as been part of lot of other MMO , it doesn't bother me at all. However the rest of started fighting on the chat including the Ops Lead. The Needers were F2P players and two Subs.. They were going at each other. They were swearing at each other, and somehow I felt that the F2P players were very desperate about those loots.

IMO, I feel that this is because of few restriction posed on them. Like limit on Credits , unable to wear orange gear etc etc. I can understand both parties . The Sub said he had the right to Need on a item if he really needs it. The F2P players said that you can throw some credits and get it off GTN. Well they are right as well.


So I don't know, I love this game but I don't like to be part of these incidents! So Bioware if you are reading this, I hope you will have some plans to resolve such issues. Hopefully we can have a friendly and enjoyable environment. We have enough fighting in the world over resources like oil and gas etc. We don't want that in a Game :) .

Edited by comebui
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I can understand why the subbers mighta been displeased. F2Ps can't equip purple quality gear and thus when someone needs on it whom cannot use it. someone else has a right to be a touch disgruntled.


on the other hand a F2Per might subscribe the next day (or puy artifact equipment authorization) if he has the right incentive.

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Free players only need to purchase artifact equipment license to equip purple gear, which isn't that expensive.

(edit: already was said, sorry)


I think some people just like finding reasons to be hostile towards other players....some subbers feel like f2p people are leeches and horrible players and use that in their minds to justify treating them poorly.

Edited by chuixupu
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Honestly the only issue I have when working with F2P's is not the players themselves, it's pre-level 25 when they don't have mounts and/or sprint.


Everything is so sloooooww. :p


Other than that haven't had any problems.


Hehe....welcome to everyone's world prior to, I don't remember exactly when they gave everyone sprint at level 1 and put in the legacy perk to get speeder piloting at 10 and then when f2p launched, knocked the regular level down to 15.

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I was avoiding f2p players as much as possible. I leveled one character since f2p and I had very bad experiences early on doing heroics. After that I made sure that players I group up with are sound and subbed...


Lack of medical probes is extremely annoying to someone a freep is grouped up with.


Regarding the loot - if f2p can prove he is authorized to wear epics then let him have'em.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Both can need on it if they need it.

Throwing some credits on the GTN? really? Is he going to pay for it? sub helped down the boss and is as entitled to loot as he is! let him go throw some creds on the GTN.


Both are wrong

Need what you need, greed/pass otherwise. That's the rule.

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Coming from WoW I operate under the following rule when playing with people I dont know:


I am here for the experience, fun, achievement, etc NOT the loot. If I get loot that is a bonus.


If other people want to argue over it more power to them, Im already off on my own adventure by the time that happens. Its not just Freeps that do this, its a whole lot of subbers too. Sorry you had to witness people fighting over pixels but it is what it is.



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Honestly the only issue I have when working with F2P's is not the players themselves, it's pre-level 25 when they don't have mounts and/or sprint.


Everything is so sloooooww. :p


Other than that haven't had any problems.


Watching F2P'ers run from the pylon explosion in Ancient Hypergates is almost sadistic :(

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F2P...SuB... stop creating warantless accusations against people for being different. So because they are not subscribed, that makes you better or makes them a different type of gamer. There really is no difference and if someone has concrete data that proves when people stop subscribing, they become different a type of gamer; I would like to see it.


If it was not for F2P, people would find someone else to look down on. Not doing the hardest operations, not playing pvp a lot, not understanding the game....


I remember people needing on items before this game went F2P, I remember people doing that in other MMO's and in F2P MMO's too. It happens in real life, so of course we would find it here.

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Honestly the only issue I have when working with F2P's is not the players themselves, it's pre-level 25 when they don't have mounts and/or sprint.


Everything is so sloooooww. :p


Other than that haven't had any problems.


Not to mention their insanely long QT cooldown.

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Well, the F2P peeps contributed to the win, so they have just as much right to claim loot as anyone else.


As I'm understanding it, the F2Pers were trying to fictaye to the subbers whether or not they could roll on the gear because they can just go buy it off the GTN. If that was the case then they should get told to get bent, who do they think they are to dictate to someone paying for the game what they can or can not roll on especially if its something the subber can use.

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Not sure F2P vs. Subs is the reason OP.


I was running Dreatooth a few weeks ago. Same type of scenario: we gathered and killed the WB without issue. And then... all hades broke loose as peeps started fighting over the mask. There were no F2Ps in the group... so... It seems that your recent experience isn't limited to F2P or Subs in particular.

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Not sure F2P vs. Subs is the reason OP.


I was running Dreatooth a few weeks ago. Same type of scenario: we gathered and killed the WB without issue. And then... all hades broke loose as peeps started fighting over the mask. There were no F2Ps in the group... so... It seems that your recent experience isn't limited to F2P or Subs in particular.


True you'll see this kind of squabbling regardless but in this case it would seem that the F2Pers were using the woe is me we have it worse than you, your a rich subber so you can afford to give us what we want routine to try and get their way. Well my answer to that is: If you don't want the restrictions tan sub up otherwise shut up. You get to play a game without spending a dime, the people who are paying have every rightt to need if they want regardless of whether they can buy the same thing on the GTN or not.


Sadly this mentality of they have more than me so I should get it for free because they can afford to is becoming more and more common and is rather lazy and sickening.

Edited by Hyfy
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I'm not really sure I see the issue. Was it somehow confirmed that none of the F2P's involved had purchased the unlock to use Artifact equipment? If they hadn't then yes, rolling 'need' for something that you can only vendor for minimal credits over someone who can actually use it is poor playing.


But otherwise, F2P's have just as much right to roll 'Need' as Subs.

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Coming from WoW I operate under the following rule when playing with people I dont know:


I am here for the experience, fun, achievement, etc NOT the loot. If I get loot that is a bonus.


If other people want to argue over it more power to them, Im already off on my own adventure by the time that happens. Its not just Freeps that do this, its a whole lot of subbers too. Sorry you had to witness people fighting over pixels but it is what it is.




I agree with you. While I enjoy getting loot as much as the next guy, I stick by the standard generally agreed upon loot rules and take whatever comes without complaint. However, if someone has an extreme reaction to loot: needing on everything no matter what, pitching a fit and arguing, or whatever, I will use that to determine whether or not I might want to group with them again.

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I'm not really sure I see the issue. Was it somehow confirmed that none of the F2P's involved had purchased the unlock to use Artifact equipment? If they hadn't then yes, rolling 'need' for something that you can only vendor for minimal credits over someone who can actually use it is poor playing.


But otherwise, F2P's have just as much right to roll 'Need' as Subs.


You people are missing the problem here. The F2Pers were the ones trying to dictate to the subbers that they shouldn't be rolling on the gear because they can "just go out and buy some from the GTN".


Whether I have the credits to go buy a piece of equipment from the GTN or not, why should I not roll need on something that would be an improvement on what I already have? And I'm not talking about something that I can use on my companion but on something I can use. And that same rule would apply to anyone. I'm sorry but just because they don't want to/can't pay $15 a month I should just give up a piece of equipment because I have it better than them? NO! And to stop anyone ahead of time here no I wasn't in this party nor have I had to have that argument with anyone before in group, but that's just absurd.


And as I said before unfortunately this mindset of "they have more than me so they should just give it to me" "It is owed to me because I have less" is becoming more rampant these days. And people wonder why the F2Pers are getting a bad name...this is a prime example.

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You people are missing the problem here. The F2Pers were the ones trying to dictate to the subbers that they shouldn't be rolling on the gear because they can "just go out and buy some from the GTN".


Whether I have the credits to go buy a piece of equipment from the GTN or not, why should I not roll need on something that would be an improvement on what I already have? And I'm not talking about something that I can use on my companion but on something I can use. And that same rule would apply to anyone. I'm sorry but just because they don't want to/can't pay $15 a month I should just give up a piece of equipment because I have it better than them? NO! And to stop anyone ahead of time here no I wasn't in this party nor have I had to have that argument with anyone before in group, but that's just absurd.


And as I said before unfortunately this mindset of "they have more than me so they should just give it to me" "It is owed to me because I have less" is becoming more rampant these days. And people wonder why the F2Pers are getting a bad name...this is a prime example.


How do we know that the subs weren't pulling the "we pay a sub, so F2P'ers can't roll"? I'm seeing the attitudes of "you don't pay to play, so you should just give it to me" or "I pay a sub, so it's owed to me" more and more often. Those kinds of attitudes are just as wrong as the F2P attitudes of "they have more than me, so t hey should just give it to me" and "it's owed to me because I have less" are.


Bottom line is everybody contributed to the world boss's death, and the loot being produced, so all have the right to roll for any and all loot.

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Master Looter is you best friend.


I used to be leery when a PuG group leader would set Master Looter (were they planning on ninjaing everything for themselves?) but now I wouldn't have it any other way. If I pug Ops or world bosses, I always ask the leader to set master looter. After all, if they do turn out to be a ninja, they will get on a lot of ignore lists very quickly!


As for F2P vs subs, I have noticed an increase in ninja looting since F2P came out. In a lot of cases it can be explained as ignorance rather than malice, however, which is inevitable when you have an influx of newbies in the game (and it's likely that the non-subs are also younger and less experienced players). The gear system in SWTOR is quite complicated, and is not at all well explained in the help system. So you often have knights, for example, needing on consular sabers because they don't know enough to check on the main stat of the weapon. They just see "that's a lightsaber, I use a lightsaber, so I'll need on it."

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How do we know that the subs weren't pulling the "we pay a sub, so F2P'ers can't roll"?


Simple, we read the OP. As the story is told, the conflict was that F2Pers were complaining about subbers needing(no mention of subbers complaining about f2p rolling).

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Simple, we read the OP. As the story is told, the conflict was that F2Pers were complaining about subbers needing(no mention of subbers complaining about f2p rolling).


No. You can make that assumption, but that does not make it true. The fact that the OP did not specifically mention it does not mean it didn't happen. I'm not saying that it did happen, only that we don't know it didn't. All we know from the OP is that both parties were going at it, cursing at each other, and that the F2P's said that the subs could buy it on the AH. Since both parties were going at it and cursing at each other, they were both wrong. They both had equal rights to the loot.

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How do we know that the subs weren't pulling the "we pay a sub, so F2P'ers can't roll"? I'm seeing the attitudes of "you don't pay to play, so you should just give it to me" or "I pay a sub, so it's owed to me" more and more often. Those kinds of attitudes are just as wrong as the F2P attitudes of "they have more than me, so t hey should just give it to me" and "it's owed to me because I have less" are.


Bottom line is everybody contributed to the world boss's death, and the loot being produced, so all have the right to roll for any and all loot.


Did you not read the OP? Going off of what he said the Subbers were just trying to roll on it if they needed it and the F2Pers were the ones giving the subbers grief. So unless you are privy to info the rest of us are not or unless the Op wishes to come in and revise his OP the info given shows that the F2Pers were the ones pulling the "I'm entitled" routine.

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