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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warning on high population servers


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Not that I want to scowl or anything, but these super-over-populated servers are the result of the pre-launch guild programmes. Peeps just got together and selected a server to play on, but guess what? That server was also selected by several other guilds and voila, The Tomb of Freedon Nadd server issue was created. Same is with mine, The Ravager (though the ques there are never higher than an hour). I started on Tuesday with an early access, but over time more and more people came swarming in, mostly from Russia and only three days later did we find out that The Ravager was selected by several Russian guilds to play on. Now... I'm just finishing my about an hour long que and just waiting too see the scores of people from RUScorp or Russian Empire guilds :(
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Why not temporarily remove the ability to create new characters on the servers with heavy loads (unless they already have a character on the server) and then you can raise the caps without a fear of an influx of new players? Existing players (a known quantity) are then able to get in and enjoy the game with their guild/friends.


Obviously there will be the odd case of someone who wants to get onto that server because the rest of their guild are on there... perhaps those could be dealt with by CS on a case by case basis (requests logged by the guildmaster perhaps?).


Just a thought...

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i went to the red eclipse because the spanish population was gonna be there, but if you offer a FREE change of server i´m willing to do it if i don´t have to wait a queue, because everytime i want to play i have to wait at least 60-90 minutes, and sometimes you just want to check something quick, or have like 1-2 hours to play but can´t because of the queue, it´s getting really annoying :(.


set the status on FULL for the server that have that problem so people don´t add characters there but add more capability for the people that is already in.

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Nightmare Lands - 2 days before launch developed a 1 hour queue, that queue is now 3-4 hours at all times of the day (inc 6am). The main issue though is that you get dc'ed in the queue with error 1002 and have to start all over again.
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I logged today and found out that my server, Trayus Academy EU, which was only Very Heavy yesterday is now Full!


15 minute queue. Not exactly much and I can handle that, but please BioWare, do something! :D


It's only 13:00. I can only imagine what queue will be at peak hours.

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Hahah with all those bugs and queues it looks like open beta not actual game, so i would like my free month when game will start ;]

I Also wonder if ea/biowere read anything on forums cuz it doesn't look like this, so another points for sandwiching ur customers in pumpkin.

Also i bet it was Ea who made Biowere AGAIN release game before its done.... ah so greedy sandwiches ure ^^

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I'm sorry Bioware/EA, that is completely unacceptable. Queues on Frostclaw for the foreseeable future? Sort it out NOW. Maybe I should hold back my sub for the foreseeable future as well until the issue is solved?


Completely, utterly unacceptable. You had pre-order numbers, you KNEW how many guilds were being placed on those servers, so how could you NOT foresee this? Incompetence is what this is called.


I am NOT going to accept having to spend weeks in a queue for this game just because I had the audacity to take part in early access and be a guinea pig for your 'Staggered launch and guild deployment' program. STOP new people joining these servers. NOW.

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Hey all.


What's wrong with you??

Queues? Do u understand, that if Bio will raise caps on servers, it will be full again??

Here is a formula:

(Raised caps -> full servers -> queues again -> flood on forums) x Just released game = closed cycle


Just wait and cap will be raised. But now Bio doing all right. And all of you, who complaining about queues, you are just trolls or nobrainers.


P.S. Sry for my english, not my native lang.

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Simple fix to this:

lock all full server, up the pop caps so they aren't full anymore (but keep them locked), add in friend invites to servers (so your friends can join you on a locked server) and have free server transfers for anyone that wants them (to non locked servers or ones you have invites to).


I think everyone will be happy with this i cant see any reason why you wouldn't be. I get that its not the easiest thing to implement but I'm sure that it could be done pretty quickly if they wanted to.

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Looks like ToFN recieved huge pop cap rise. I hope it will not atract new players so tomorrow we will have exactly same problem as today
They should have added a warning when you create your first character on a server which has queues. New people may roll on those at off-time (6am this morning Frostclaw was "Light") now knowing that they will get huge queues later.
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Thought I would jump on and play a bit before work this morning, 10am GMT, 290 in queue, not too bad I thought, 10 minute queue it said, 1 and a half hours later I am leaving for work and I didn't get in game.


BW you must have known how many pre orders you had, you MUST have seen this coming.


I have stupidly paid for this game for the next 4 months (month 1 game) and I cant play it, you going to to refund my next 3 months subscription or let me play?


No one should have to queue, they have already paid to play, everyone until the 20th January has paid, you have to deliver what you sold, ie a playable game, queuing is NOT playing.


In the UK there is a wonderful thing called "the sales of goods act" goods must be as described or a full refund is warranted for not being able to use the goods, this to me is not being able to use the goods.


Sort it out and quickly, very poor show for something you had complete control over. You should have seen it coming, Jedi can sense the future you know, you had all the numbers, you should HAVE known the future.

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I joined The Red Eclipse server with my guild from early start.

The queues then started, no way was I waiting 1-2 hours just to play a game so I re-rolled onto a different server (Rogue Moon).

At peak times there have even been queues on this server too, not as long as 2-3 hours mind you but queues none the less.

Like most people I'm limited to game time so when I get a chance to play I want to get straight into my chosen server.

I've already re-rolled once, resigning myself to the fact that for the "forseeable future" I'm not going to get a chance to play with my guildmates because I refuse to wait in a queue (they don't like it either but are prepared to wait 'cos they have high level toons on that server).

I wouldn't expect anyone else to move servers just because I'm not prepared to queue wait, similarily I wouldn't expect to pay a subscription for a game I want to play, just to be greeted with the queue waiting screen for xx minutes/hours.

I've played numerous mmorpg's in the past (WOW,EvE,Warhammer,LOTRO,Fallen Earth,Star Trek,Tabula Rasa to name a few) and never once had to queue, maybe I've been fortunate, maybe those games were better organised, I don't know but , I know one thing.....I'm not going to put up with queueing to get into a game.

This game is great fun and I believe will get better but in my opinion the main thing is to get rid of the queues, why should people have to keep re-rolling onto a low pop server to escape the queues? I don't think they should, if I want to reroll it should be to experience the merits of a different class/race or faction, not merely to acces the game to play it!

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Not that I want to scowl or anything, but these super-over-populated servers are the result of the pre-launch guild programmes. Peeps just got together and selected a server to play on(


Actually the sad thing, and I think the thing that people are upset about, is that they didn't select a server to play on, they were assigned servers. And now it's those servers that are experiencing the problems and we're kinda stuck on them because that's where our guilds were put and we've already spent a week levelling! :(

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