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Warning on high population servers


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Issue is, i took the advice and until i can get on my guilds server, i created a new character on a light server. Played for 1/2 the day, got up to cl7.

Following day, went to work, came home from work and guess what, Light server is now full with a lenghty que.

So last night made a 3rd character, on another light server, wondering if thats full when i get home from work tonight.


So no, 1) We have played as a guild for 7 years so i want to play with my guildmates on the server you assigned us too and 2) Moving servers does not even help as how long till the same issue happens on that server as i have had already in 24 hours.


Are we contstantly meant to roll new level 1 characters on new light servers you add and only play till level 5 until the server shows as full

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But locking servers is even worse! I have guildmembers incoming that want to play with us!


An option would be lock servers BUT we all have Tor guild pages, let members who join guilds via these guild pages get flagged as able to play on locked servers

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But locking servers is even worse! I have guildmembers incoming that want to play with us!


ok, but in a server as Frostclaw where the pop cap is reached not "limited by BW" but simply reached.. no more.. nada... niet.... niente... instead of getting worried about otehr player still to come ... get worried about the player of your guild already IN. It would be, at this point, with frostclaw current situation, senless to say someone "hey create a pg on this server"... you'll only get worse an already tragical situaztion: the only solution for Frostclaw is migration so please NO MORE pg on the server!!

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ok, but in a server as Frostclaw where the pop cap is reached not "limited by BW" but simply reached.. no more.. nada... niet.... niente... instead of getting worried about otehr player still to come ... get worried about the player of your guild already IN. It would be, at this point, with frostclaw current situation, senless to say someone "hey create a pg on this server"... you'll only get worse an already tragical situaztion: the only solution for Frostclaw is migration so please NO MORE pg on the server!!


Sorry I have a friend joining the Frostclaw mess tonight ... although I'll hate them for you if that helps?:cool:

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Can anyone report on the status of Legions of Lethow (EU) ?


My friend just called me and said he entered automatically and one guild said he was on 1500 queue and 2 minutes after, was in game.

He said the game installed something when he logged, so i don't know.


Also, compared the server status on EU and at 10 AM we were on 19 servers FULL and now we have 6. Some of them, known as the most critical, are already on "Very Heavy" at this time.


Can anyone give some feedback please ?

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I think that is now too late to implement a transfer tool in a few days... It will cause only bugs and more problems...

BW had to forsee and test a transfer tool in beta period and give the possibility to transfer for free for about two weeks so all the server will become balanced.

In this way instead having some servers with 3h queues and some other with low population they would have all the server with about 10 min queues.

Done this the last thing to do is to expand the player CAP where possibile.


Another solution should be to lock the character creation for the first character in the queued server but giving the possibility to the remanant guild members to enter in the crowed server as well for example by joining the guild from outside the game (can you remember the guild launch on website? kinda like that).


In conclusion... there are a lot of solution and new ones can be thought... If there are queues now is because THEY WANT the queues, maybe for a commercial strategy like showing that a lot of people want to play this game, of maybe for the hype, I'm not sure...

Edited by XargonWan
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They did raise caps and alleviate much of the queue problem.


However, I still maintain they could have taken a much smarter route and avoided queues altogether by locking server and providing a mechanism for people to apply for access to servers if they had a guild or friends there. Those people would be a small minority of the total player base, so having them face a minor inconvenience in the form of some red tape would have been far better than the vast majority of players facing the major queue debacle.


Like most past MMOs, though, they took the easier route instead of applying more brain power.

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Like most past MMOs, though, they took the easier route instead of applying more brain power.


I think most of us on these forums just playing the frontside of the games dont even have a tiny little bit of insight of the complexity of the "hard route" one have to go to solve the problem "the right way". The need for fast troubleshooting often leads to easy workarounds. If it buys developers time, that is the right way to go.

Edited by grytulv
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Can anyone report on the status of Legions of Lethow (EU) ?


My friend just called me and said he entered automatically and one guild said he was on 1500 queue and 2 minutes after, was in game.

He said the game installed something when he logged, so i don't know.


Also, compared the server status on EU and at 10 AM we were on 19 servers FULL and now we have 6. Some of them, known as the most critical, are already on "Very Heavy" at this time.


Can anyone give some feedback please ?



Just 50 people in LOL, yesterday at this time was like 600+, seems to me that the cap was raised or people stopped playing in the server

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I think most of us on these forums just playing the frontside of the games dont even have a tiny little bit of insight of the complexity of the "hard route" one have to go to solve the problem "the right way". The need for fast troubleshooting often leads to easy workarounds. If it buys developers time, that is the right way to go.


You have a valid general point, but my years of IT work allow me to comment with some awareness even if I don't know the details of their infrastructure. Having both programmed web applications and managed hundreds of servers, I know some of what is possible. I do take your point about how the ability to effectively troubleshoot can factor into design.


I just can't believe that there isn't a better way to distribute players among servers without causing most of them to wait in queues for extended periods.

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Actually i'll take this one step further; i'm now pretty certain they are deliberately fiddling the displayed queue length formula to generate visibly lower (but in reality still extremely bad) queues for PR reasons, as i've just been told the same thing by several friends who play on US servers.


I must agree, yesterday I was somewhere around #400 in the queue, and then it suddenly dropped down to 16. And then I had to wait another 30 minutes to get in... that is simply BS, as the queue did not drop a bit, since a guildmate mentioned that he is 1000+ in the queue. So it did not drop, they simply messed with the numbers.

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You have a valid general point, but my years of IT work allow me to comment with some awareness even if I don't know the details of their infrastructure. Having both programmed web applications and managed hundreds of servers, I know some of what is possible. I do take your point about how the ability to effectively troubleshoot can factor into design.


I just can't believe that there isn't a better way to distribute players among servers without causing most of them to wait in queues for extended periods.


This isn't a question of technical expertise on their part.. Or technology available. I'm sure they have both in spades.


It's as the lead guy said: part science and part art. They have the science down, it's the art that is the struggle.


If you just all of the sudden released all caps on servers you would quickly see servers like mine (Legions of Lettow) race to their hard capacity very fast. This is bad news because it means server performance will suffer.


It also means people will dodge other servers to go to the busier ones too leaving some servers completely abandoned.. So the people on full servers are now struggling with server performance and the people on abandoned servers are either quitting the game because there's no one to play with or they're now too moving to full servers, thus perpetuating the issue. People inevitably will choose the fuller server given the option; that's just people on the whole.


It's a social issue we're experiencing here - Bioware are trying to think of the long-term and not the short-term, of which they know the customer loss won't be great in the short term. Even if they bleed 100k customers from this (a lot of which would come back later anyway imo) that is still a very generous number from myself and not a great deal to Bioware.


However if they bleed 30k a month for the next year on servers that are dead or busting at the seams - well, that's significantly more damage control...

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Me and a few of my guild members came to SWTOR EGA from wow. You put us on Frostclaw.


Now, I log into the queue when I get home, minimise the app., and play Warcraft. I'll check the queue if I finish whatever I'm doing in wow. Other guildies have been known to log from wow, queue in Swtor, then give up 10 mins after getting in, cos it's too late to play. I don't think our non-swtor guildies are tempted to join us because of this queue problem.


So SWTOR is not currently a viable replacement to Wow for me. It's in danger of just being a brief interlude, which is a shame 'cos I've enjoyed what I have done with it, so far. I'll drop my sub when I've had some short term fun.


We'd really like you to institute free guild transfers or something, pronto. Because I won't ditch my years of invested time in warcraft for a game where I have to queue for hours just to get in. Cheers.

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Me and a few of my guild members came to SWTOR EGA from wow. You put us on Frostclaw.


Now, I log into the queue when I get home, minimise the app., and play Warcraft. I'll check the queue if I finish whatever I'm doing in wow. Other guildies have been known to log from wow, queue in Swtor, then give up 10 mins after getting in, cos it's too late to play. I don't think our non-swtor guildies are tempted to join us because of this queue problem.


So SWTOR is not currently a viable replacement to Wow for me. It's in danger of just being a brief interlude, which is a shame 'cos I've enjoyed what I have done with it, so far. I'll drop my sub when I've had some short term fun.


We'd really like you to institute free guild transfers or something, pronto. Because I won't ditch my years of invested time in warcraft for a game where I have to queue for hours just to get in. Cheers.


So you have to put up with queues for a few weeks. How does cancelling your sub and not playing SWTOR anymore really make you any better off?


I hate queues just the same but stopping the game because of them means I don't get to play anymore at all.


It's like getting in a queue to see a movie and your solution to that queue is not going to see the movie. Makes no sense at all.


Granted yes, if things are still this bad come Feb when you actually start paying for the game, by all means take a month or two off to let it cool down but the threats of "I AM QUITTING FOREVER" are bizarre.


Sorry but this crutch of thinking idle threats and ultimatums will get you what you want only serves to make BW employees less inclined to reply.

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This isn't a question of technical expertise on their part.. Or technology available. I'm sure they have both in spades.


It's as the lead guy said: part science and part art. They have the science down, it's the art that is the struggle.


If you just all of the sudden released all caps on servers you would quickly see servers like mine (Legions of Lettow) race to their hard capacity very fast. This is bad news because it means server performance will suffer.


It also means people will dodge other servers to go to the busier ones too leaving some servers completely abandoned.. So the people on full servers are now struggling with server performance and the people on abandoned servers are either quitting the game because there's no one to play with or they're now too moving to full servers, thus perpetuating the issue. People inevitably will choose the fuller server given the option; that's just people on the whole.


It's a social issue we're experiencing here - Bioware are trying to think of the long-term and not the short-term, of which they know the customer loss won't be great in the short term. Even if they bleed 100k customers from this (a lot of which would come back later anyway imo) that is still a very generous number from myself and not a great deal to Bioware.


However if they bleed 30k a month for the next year on servers that are dead or busting at the seams - well, that's significantly more damage control...


Successful deployments of IT assets always requires good pre-planning... Tools such as character/guild transfers should have been foreseen... Also, guilds were preplaced with the knowledge of how many in each guild would be joining the server. This info, along with knowing how popular and a rough estimate of how many people will be trying to join the game after EGA should have told them these things.... Plus, putting a cap on server queues would have helped.... Yeah yeah yeah, you can't have your friends join you right away but isn't that the issue they have anyways while sitting in a queue. With queue/server caps they could have at least had the non-EGA players start to play characters on light load servers and then offered transfers to get you where you're friends are....


A big reason why many people like to participate in the EGA is to lock character names in and get their character leveled up before the general public can access the game... That has happened but now all EGA character are locked up behind big queues!

Edited by Ramuaz
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As many of you know, we're experiencing high load and corresponding queues on some servers. This is to be expected during launch, as a high number of people want to play the game, and for long stretches at a time.


We're monitoring all of our servers around the clock, and we're raising server population caps where required. However, to ensure our long-term goals of server stability and healthy populations, we do not want to raise population caps too rapidly. We want incoming players to populate lower population servers. At the same time, higher population servers will not be 'locked' because we want to allow people to join a server to play with their friends if they wish to.


With this in mind, we wanted to notify everyone of some consistently high population servers. These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times.


We strongly advise you to not create new characters on these servers, unless you are prepared to queue to play.


US-based servers


The Harbinger – US West Coast - PvE

The Swiftsure – US West Coast - PvP


The Fatman – US East Coast - PvP


EU-based servers


Bloodworthy – EU English - PvP

Frostclaw – EU English - PvE

Legions of Lettow – EU English - PvP

The Red Eclipse – EU English - PvE

Tomb of Freedom Nadd – EU English - PvP


Darth Revan's Mask – EU German - PvP

Darth Traya – EU German - PvP

Jar'Kai Sword - EU German - PvP


Hrakert Rift – EU French - PvP


Many of you who are already playing on these servers are asking for solutions, and we understand your frustration. At this time we can only ask for your patience. Population caps are being gradually raised on these servers, but raising them too fast will create an influx of new players and perpetuate the problem. We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the foreseeable future. If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues.


Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.


Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.


This is all we were asking for in the very short term. Feedback, acknowledgement. Thank you.


Next time make sure it doesn't take days and days before getting a response, it costs nothing and it's good customer care.

Edited by MemphisIX
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So you have to put up with queues for a few weeks. How does cancelling your sub and not playing SWTOR anymore really make you any better off?


I hate queues just the same but stopping the game because of them means I don't get to play anymore at all.


It's like getting in a queue to see a movie and your solution to that queue is not going to see the movie. Makes no sense at all.


Granted yes, if things are still this bad come Feb when you actually start paying for the game, by all means take a month or two off to let it cool down but the threats of "I AM QUITTING FOREVER" are bizarre.


Sorry but this crutch of thinking idle threats and ultimatums will get you what you want only serves to make BW employees less inclined to reply.


I'm not raging or threatening anything. Read my post again, in a calmer tone. I just thought I'd point out what seems to be a major problem. They've done a hell of a lot right with this game so far - I just don't want it to be a has-been/holiday game, just because my guild can't establish a beachead here between wow expansions.


If I go to the cinema and see an hour long queue for the film I want to see, I go see a different film. Maybe I'll wait until next week, or the dvd. Or maybe this analogy is breaking down :)


Oh, and I've already paid for the game :)

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The whole queue problem started because they kicked out all the EGA folks 5 hours before launch. That made the already full servers, show up as "light" when people first started logging in at 12:01 AM. So when they asked people to choose a server that was "light," they shot themselves (and those people already only high populated servers) in the foot.


To BW defense though, the server-status page has been up since the 13th (when EGA started). So people not in EGA could always see the status of the servers and choose appropriately. Those with guilds / friends / family already on a particular server would bee the minority - not the majority. Thus, encourage new people to use the lower populated servers.


As far as the EU servers go... they just needed more servers. Sorry, no way to spin that one any other way.

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