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Warning on high population servers


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Server Nightmare Lands: 13PM, 60min 700 ppl in queue.. good morning swtor!


Me and my small guild left this server last night. There's only 5 of us all friends in this guild and we were all in our low 20's with hours put into crafting.


But as we were leveling on the new server one of my mates said sod this i cba to level again. He will not play again until they bring in server transfers. Which i doubt will be before christmas.


He hasn't cancelled his subs " yet " but he isnt happy.

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I did not see Shadow Hand on the list (US-East Coast). When trying to log in last night at 1900, stated I was #346 in queue with a 25 min wait time. Hmmmm, 25 min, not too bad considering. Well 25 min turned into an hour. Every minute it was updating by quantities of 4-10.


After 45 minutes of waiting, the ETA at the top still said 30 Min. Well, that is completely incorrect.


Based on the queue's, I would have to say that Shadow Hand has to be close if not already at max. If offered a guild transfer, I know nobody in our guild would refuse it.

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Hex Droid server is the bomb.

1:30 PM on a working day, 1000 que, around 2 hours waiting time. Please do something about this, I can only imagine how it's going to get when holidays start. Also, is using macros a bannable offense? Because if this keeps up, theres no way I'm not going to do just that.

Edited by Schnerf
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Don't know if this is mentioned earlier, but the frustration when you get a dc, bluescreen, while playing and then have to reque for 60 mins... Think you should implent some kind of system that lets ppl with common dcs back in the game instead of requeing.


Sry for my bad english, hope you got the message atleast:)

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I think this is a disgrace and i don't feel there is an acceptable apology for the server issues.

I'm currently waiting to get on the Trask Ulgo server of which there is a 30 minute wait, I have two characters on - I've already spent the past few days levelling the toons.


I don't want to have to put time and energy into joining another server and starting all over again.


Spent the last 8 years playing Anarchy Online to which all players be they American or European can play on the same server without a problem what so ever.


If this continues i shall be cancelling the subscription to the game.


It just isn't worth the hassle!

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The queue times are total ***** as well; they are at least double if not treble or quadruple the listed time (I can understand a margin of error on a 20 minute queue of 100%, fair enough, but on a 1h queue a 400% margin of error? Frankly, sort your selves out, this is the sort of thing I can code as a rank amateur; I expect better from a multi-billion pound company).


Actually i'll take this one step further; i'm now pretty certain they are deliberately fiddling the displayed queue length formula to generate visibly lower (but in reality still extremely bad) queues for PR reasons, as i've just been told the same thing by several friends who play on US servers.

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Many of you who are already playing on these servers are asking for solutions, and we understand your frustration. At this time we can only ask for your patience. Population caps are being gradually raised on these servers, but raising them too fast will create an influx of new players and perpetuate the problem. We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the foreseeable future. If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues.


Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.


Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.


I picked my server because it was Light and so did my friends, now because idiots didnt do the same, im having to sit and wait for 2 hours to log in..... :o put more resources into Server transfer please, i want to play :(

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yes but I do not understand something, we find ourselves on Hex Droid, the guild now has several players at level 30, but we have to queue up to 60m .... and we had early access to the 13 and 14 .. . because it is not free but paid a game, you will be able to solve this problem? Or there will be transfers of players to other servers?
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I can't say I'm happy. I was "luckily" in the first wave of pre-orders and since my guild was assigned to a server: Legions of Lettow I didn't choose anything. Worst since I was in the first wave I only realize the queue problem after 2 days.


I already played too many hours to start again, so a no solution to a problem they cause itself (yeah because they assigned a lot of people to servers and most of those servers now are unplayable!) for me it's a bad solution.


Hope they bring fast those chars transfers or I fear a lot of players that are testing if the game is worthy will not play it, and that is a shame because the game is quite good!



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Is there going to be an effort in opening more RP-PVP servers? They're all full and there are only one for each language in EU, and three in US! It's not really as if I could pick another server because there are no other servers, and I play in french with friend that don't speak english, so I can't even think going in another language. Please bioware, I want to kill repbulicans in RP without queing for each head I tear off :D
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yes but I do not understand something, we find ourselves on Hex Droid, the guild now has several players at level 30, but we have to queue up to 60m .... and we had early access to the 13 and 14 .. . because it is not free but paid a game, you will be able to solve this problem? Or there will be transfers of players to other servers?

Well said!

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So this means that you guys don't even consider Helm of Garuth to have a problem?


There is a MINIMUM 45 minute queue every evening. And that's if you start it before 7PM. After that it goes well over an hour. If that is what you consider ACCEPTABLE service, Bioware, you have another thing coming.

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I've tried so hard to be positive about the queues, but this post has knocked my confidence substantially.


I have a guild which was assigned by the pre-launch system to Frostclaw. My guildmates and I are understandably up in arms over the queue times. I now have new players (who didnt pre-order) not wanting to queue and going to play on another server for a while whilst queues die down. I also have players in Frostclaw who are at various levels and are not keen on re-rolling, even though we hate the queues.


I was holding out for character transfer but today I find out that the system has not even been built yet. To make matters worse there is not even a mention of guild transfer.


What the hell am i supposed to do? We dont want to re-roll, but we want to play with our friends as we are all from the same guild from another game.


Its seriously bad planning to put all the guilds on so few servers. What the hell were you thinking? I really would love to know where the logic was as i just cannot see it.


Please get a guild transfer system out soon - or raise caps to alleviate the queues before the players that are playing elsewhere end up wandering off and joining other guilds.


From one stressed GM trying to hold a guild together.

Edited by Fu-bear
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It's a joke. 'We do not expect these queues to alleviate for the foreseeable future.' Not good enough.


All that effort to have a smooth launch and then they go and screw things up with shoddy server management. I have four characters on an EGA server, and I'm supposed to just toddle off and create toons on new servers if I don't want to queue?


No thanks. Instead, what I think I will do is cancel the subscription I set up and go play something else. EA/BW are forgetting they aren't the only show in town.


And I'll also be advising my friends who are still on the fence about SWTOR to avoid it. Queues or not, the customer service and community management is pathetic.

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They must be kidding? Instead of locking the full servers they recommend new players not to create characters on full ones???


This game was to be a WoW killer and it faces issues that WoW faced for 15 days at 2005. This is totally unacceptable. THEY HAVEN'T DEVELOPED CHARACTER TRANSFER!!!!




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Increase RP-PvP server cap please... Since you only made one English/Euro RP-PvP the wait is building up, this could've been avoided easily by adding one more RP-PvP server IMO. Our server Lord Calypho was having queues during early access, yet no new english/european RP-PvP at launch? What the hell?
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