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What the heck is this?! This is a joke! New armor models up. Gremlins and moths :l:l


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Yay, more crappy armour to grind for and spend a fortune swapping mods into good looking armour.


Also, PvP armour would appear to look the same as the PvE armour. Wow, someone's getting lazy. Also, what a rip off. :\


I don't think I'd call it lazy. Didn't previous tiers also have two designs per class? It's just they had one for PvE and one for PvP. This time, they both appear to be available for both styles of play.


It's also possible that they plan to make one style PvP and the other PvE somewhere down the line, and just haven't decided which is which yet. Personally, though, I'd prefer both designs to remain available on both playstyles.


Apologies if my understanding of previous tiers is faulty. I haven't done any ops, myself.

Edited by nateslice
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I don't think I'd call it lazy. Didn't previous tiers also have two designs per class? It's just they had one for PvE and one for PvP. This time, they both appear to be available for both styles of play.


It's also possible that they plan to make one style PvP and the other PvE somewhere down the line, and just haven't decided which is which yet. Personally, though, I'd prefer both designs to remain available on both playstyles.


Apologies if my understanding of previous tiers is faulty. I haven't done any ops, myself.


When the game first launched, Rakata/Columni/Tionese (pve) looked far different from Centurion/Champion/Battlemaster (pvp) gear. There where also appearance differences between the armour for advanced classes within the same class tree. Basically, end game gear for sent's looked slightly different from a guardian's end game gear.


When War Hero and Black Hole/Campaign gear came out, both looked different from each other. However, the only difference between the advanced classes under the same class tree was only in the colour of the gear.


With this new gear, the PVE gear looks just like the PVP gear except for the colour scheme. My marauder can now look exactly like my jugg complete with the same colour armour.


See, they have progressively gotten lazier with their armour designs. Instead of making unique looking armour for each advanced class, they are just making it look the same for each basic class, i.e warrior. This kind of pisses me off. The medium armour my marauder wears should not look the same as the heavy armour my jugg wears. My jugg's gear should look more armoured than what my marauder's is and my marauder's should in turn look less armoured than what my jugg has.


Also, why does the new operative armour look like light armour? :/



Republic armour mostly looks quite good. I particularly like http://imgur.com/a/wJ9oA#6 and http://imgur.com/a/wJ9oA#2 - silly headgear aside.


Yes, rep armour looks better this time around...I think BW may be trying to sabatoge the look of the imp armour in an desperate attempt to get people to play on the rep side more. >.>'

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Bits and pieces of it I like (particularly the new Inquisitor belt) and will use .


Given that set bonuses will be all tied to the Armour mod it gives you complete freedom to design a look you like.


So a lot of complaining in here over what amounts to nothing.


Standard MMO forum really ;)

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Really can't we just get like...robes??


What's with the one-eyed thing and the Alien helmets?


I guess it's better than the socerer swamp thing outfit but that's not saying much.


Use some of the low level greens that never get worn. Some of them are nice designs but they're only good for a few quickly passing levels.



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And the agent gear looks like a mix between lvl 1 gear and an ant eater. Horribke. The end game gear in this game is so incredibly bad it's unreal. Now there are a couple sets I really like in there, and one where I absolutely dig the helmet,. So at least it's looking like this whole gear thing is going in the right direction. God though, I'm an agent and I would never in a million years want any of t hose armor sets.
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Dude, I think those looks are shared between either faction.


dude, read the top of the page.


NOTE: ALL MODELS ARE EMPIRE ATM. Having issues getting my republic character copied over. Will update with republic pics as they become available.


Thats only imp stuff. Why would the same armor types be shared over imp and republic?

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Its all so so bad! How in the **** can a dev look at this and say "Looks great, the fans will love it" Each new set gets a backlash from the majority of the players, and yet they keep designing terrible looking endgame gear. They even changed some of the Cartel gear because the players hated big shoulder pads and over the top designs. I will say the Agent looks good, but the BH has big shoulders (documented the players hate it), Warrior big shoulders. Inquisitor spikes on the shoulders (documented the players hate it), all the helms are crazy over the top (documented that players hate it). I mean one of the BH helms has one eye covered lol. Who sits down to design a helm and thinks "Hey lets wrap the players head with a *********** ace bandage" Idk, I think I might be done with this game.


Also, there is a difference between big shoulder pads (like the BH WH sets) and pads that stick straight out parallel to the ground. I mean where else do you see shoulder pads that stick straight out, and in some cases in this game, *********** up in the air!

Edited by CharleyDanger
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