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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please Allow Companions in Warzones


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Only problem with that, is it would be over tuned with healing companions. so Tanks would suck even more.


I understand reasoning behind it, but end result would hurt healers and tanks and leave warzones just for burst dps classes and their companions.


I still lol'ed about 'companion guarding node and typing incs in /ops chat', but again, recently equipped my jugg and assassin with tank gears, and can stand alive to interrupt a minimum 30 secs if 2 stealthers pop out on me, which should be more then enouth for atleast one team member to come.

note 30 sec said is minimum, depends on who attacks, and on which char I'm on, and other circumstances, usually I stand at least 45 sec.

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Only problem with that, is it would be over tuned with healing companions. so Tanks would suck even more.


I understand reasoning behind it, but end result would hurt healers and tanks and leave warzones just for burst dps classes and their companions.


I still lol'ed about 'companion guarding node and typing incs in /ops chat', but again, recently equipped my jugg and assassin with tank gears, and can stand alive to interrupt a minimum 30 secs if 2 stealthers pop out on me, which should be more then enouth for atleast one team member to come.

note 30 sec said is minimum, depends on who attacks, and on which char I'm on, and other circumstances, usually I stand at least 45 sec.


That's why PUGs should not be forced vs Premades, because it makes a HUGE different if you have the right team mates, plus vent. So at long as PUGs are forced to entertain Premades, the least BW can do allow Companions in WZ.

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I was just in a lowbie match in "Ancient Hypergates" on my level 39 dps sage that we got UTTERLY WRECKED IN. I was 2nd place healer overall (top for my team) and I was 4th place DPS overall (top for my team)....the ENTIRE rest of the enemy team beat my entire team in dps.


1st, 2nd and 3rd place DPS was close 150k down to 120k. I was 4th place with 110k dps (65k healing).

Top healing was 150k (their team).


Want to know how the rest of my team did? oh well stand by because i'll tell you.


2nd place dps on our team = 46k dps 0 healing

3th place dps on our team = 42k dps 0 healing

4th place dps on our team = 16k dps 0 healing

5th place dps on our team = 12k dps 0 healing

6th place dps on our team = 8k dps 30k healing

7th place dps on our team = 6k dps 0 healing

8th place dps on our team = 3k (he guarded the node the entire match)



..........thats right. 3 players on my team couldn't even break 10k dps. Another 2 BARELY broke it. And the 2nd and 3rd place guys couldn't even get to 50k dps.


@#*$(@%*@(^@ing PATHETIC


Want to know who had the most deaths in the match? ME....I had 7 deaths. The next highest deaths on our team was some other guy with 4, the rest had only 1, 2 or 3 deaths. WHAT WERE THEY DOING THE ENTIRE MATCH?!?!?!?


...yeah i also got no MVP votes :confused:

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Too much stupid number obsession.


Yes, some people (cough, myself) tend to tunnel the numbers and ignore the objectives because doing 800k in a warzone is a regular occurance, and doing that much damage usually helps the team quite a bit.


Frequently, after a wz I'd look at the numbers and be like "wow, three people had 50k damage are you kidding?". Fact is though, those people are usually guarding a node. There would have to be 1-2 who were just afk morons, but since there's no way to tell which was the moron there's no point calling them out on it.


What pisses me off though, is when the game is still winnable and 5 people are camping the off node because we lost the initial battle. *********** retarded.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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interesting and i didn't notice that u r in server of Prophecy of the five. LoL, im in The Bastion server.... I think they shouldn't leave until they beat the game... it's really ridiculous that they only stayed for 10 seconds. But our server "The Bastion" usually played on PVP/ WZ. I'm on empire's side and i usually helped empire to win the game however, sometimes Ops group r complaining... it annoys me. I tried to make them quiet but it was impossible. And I notice most of kids are playing Empire while adults r playing Our Republic. It's just my assumption... i have no idea if im right or not... in either way, i don't care who plays in SWTOR. I'm playing here for fun. Also, I agreed with you about adding companions but i don't think SWTOR Server will accept that because of other server... they might complain that SWTOR Server allows when others doesnt allow to add companion... they want it to be fair... I wish they would allow us through... :jawa_smile:




:sy_republic: 42 Commando / 3 Jedi Knight


:sy_empire: 37 Sniper


:sy_republic: Glory of the Republic :sy_republic:


This is literally the best post on any swtor board. A+++++++++


I logged in during class to *********** make sure this was read over and over again.


~* xoxo liek *dis if u cri evry tiem *xoxo *~

Edited by Razgriz_tree
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Too much stupid number obsession.


Yes, some people (cough, myself) tend to tunnel the numbers and ignore the objectives because doing 800k in a warzone is a regular occurance, and doing that much damage usually helps the team quite a bit.


When someone gets that much damage in one match, I'm inclined to believe it was because they were Tunnel Vision someone who was getting healed the entire time from a guy standing like 10 feet away that you ignored.


He was probably even marked for you.

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Strange though that often a good team in huttball has the lower DPS and kills because they are playing the objectives. DPS means nothing if your objectives are not being completed.


I realize you aer just trolling and crying about PUGs, but a warzone with companions for everyone would be pretty neat IMO.

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Can someone good with photoshop please photoshop me a picture of 4 people and companions in a warzone for the lulz to go along with this thread? :D


Maybe we can use it to spread some rumors of a new update haha


the easiest way to do that would be to roll 4 lowbie alts that look like companions, then join a wz with them and simply photoshop text over them that identifies them as companions

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Because seriously some of the pugs that i've been rolling with on PoT5 can't even beat 50k dps and 100k healing. Please allow me and a friend to queue up in a 2man+2companion group to bring in Dorne as a healer or Nadia for DPS.


Im confident my companions would be better teammates.


It's funny cuz it's true lol

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