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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No one votes for - Healers in WZ's


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I am a bubble stun spec healer for WZ's, just in a game i just played I did 560k healing 2nd healer was 200k


Not 1 vote, I have been playing healer for last 2 weeks and I think in that Time i have gotten 3 votes, I can understand not voting for a DPSee, or a HUTBALL capper, as you do not really know who did what to help the game, a 1st place DPSer just may have been out for kills teh whole game not helping I have done that and come 1st in DPS.


and in hutball you cannot tell who did the capping at the scoreboard, but healers are eveident, VOTE FOR EM or you will probably start losing healers. After every game when i get no votes i feel like never healing for a PYG ever again, but i also like it, it's frustrating. Show some appreciation guys & gals.


don't have probs voting for op/merc healers or healers that heal me specifically, but for sorcs, more often than not, I see sorcs camping the node, consuming, then healing themselves to get medals. Typically I'll vote for a healer if they specifically kept me alive during a fight and I saw their heals going off. If there's a healer who got 200k heals camping a node and contributing nothing to the team, not gonna vote for him.


But I think the bigger problem here is the anger mvp votes in general create. In games like that where you get 500k heals, you're obviously healing the group/contributing to the team, so if you don't get 1 vote, it's probably just a bunch of idiots in the match, which isn't uncommon, or premades, who all vote for each other, even if they all contributed least to the match.


But yeah, if I see you healing me in the match, as in, direct heals, not dropping a bunch of aoes, or even just throw a few heals to keep me alive in just 1 fight, I'll throw my vote to you.

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Kinda unfair to demand healers get the MVP votes :/ As much as I dislike being the only healer on our team and also apparently the only person who can pay any attention to sneaky cappers, I wouldn't tell people to MVP vote me for my heals lol. A healer can be just as tunnel-visiony as a DPS and just run off on their own and heal someone or themselves through a bunch of damage nowhere near the objective.


yeah had a match like that earlier, we got 2capped in civil war initially, then rushed mid, killed everyone but a sorc, who was at about 90% hp, he ran behind one of the ramps, started healing himself, we followed him, he kept trying to heal himself, we capped, then everybody killed him, ended up winning the match. He may have been able to stall a bit more if he stayed on the move, he may not have, but he definitely got tunnel vision trying to heal himself/stay alive and ignored the objectives and lost the node for his team.

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lol - tanking sucks. I mean, if you're into it, that's great. but for most ppl, it's just not fun to wave around a wet noodle AND not be able to heal. this, of course, means very little glory (protection is a distant 3rd). but before I cry a river for the plight of every WZ tank, I can't help but notice that they tend to be the top medal winners. the game recognizes you. I'd rather spread the wealth to other useful players - unless I witness something specific, but that applies to voting in any situation, does it not?


Oh, man, when you team up with a good healer that you're actively protecting, it is a ton of fun. You can practically feel the rage and frustration of your enemies across the interwebs. Tank/healer combo at a contested node is a blast, I'm sorry you don't see it.


You're right about medals though. I'm only miffed if I do amazing protection and don't get any votes, and even then I'm not that miffed.

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Oh, man, when you team up with a good healer that you're actively protecting, it is a ton of fun. You can practically feel the rage and frustration of your enemies across the interwebs. Tank/healer combo at a contested node is a blast, I'm sorry you don't see it.


You're right about medals though. I'm only miffed if I do amazing protection and don't get any votes, and even then I'm not that miffed.


all I hear is "it's fun for trolls." yes, of course it's effective. the slow they give to guardians is bs, imo. spammable? srsly? who needs stuns. it's like walking backwards.

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I am a bubble stun spec healer for WZ's, just in a game i just played I did 560k healing 2nd healer was 200k


Not 1 vote, I have been playing healer for last 2 weeks and I think in that Time i have gotten 3 votes, I can understand not voting for a DPSee, or a HUTBALL capper, as you do not really know who did what to help the game, a 1st place DPSer just may have been out for kills teh whole game not helping I have done that and come 1st in DPS.


and in hutball you cannot tell who did the capping at the scoreboard, but healers are eveident, VOTE FOR EM or you will probably start losing healers. After every game when i get no votes i feel like never healing for a PYG ever again, but i also like it, it's frustrating. Show some appreciation guys & gals.


If im not with friends/guild my vote goes to the healer depending on the amount of heals done. Your just getting in games where there are friends and guilds and votes goto them.


also,, whats the point of MVP votes anyways? we dont get anything for them

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If im not with friends/guild my vote goes to the healer depending on the amount of heals done. Your just getting in games where there are friends and guilds and votes goto them.


also,, whats the point of MVP votes anyways? we dont get anything for them


1 comm and 62 valor. it's an epeen thing mostly.

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Oh, man, when you team up with a good healer that you're actively protecting, it is a ton of fun. You can practically feel the rage and frustration of your enemies across the interwebs. Tank/healer combo at a contested node is a blast, I'm sorry you don't see it.


You're right about medals though. I'm only miffed if I do amazing protection and don't get any votes, and even then I'm not that miffed.


Yeah running with a good healer and protecting them while they keep you up also is an amazing feeling, like you are invincible. Sure you may not be killing the enemy team but while you are racking up the points you are keeping their attention on you and preventing them getting objectives and it is indeed a blast of fun. :)


I usually get at least 1 vote if I have done a good job protecting a healer, and it will be from said healer. (They also get my vote)

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That also annoys me lol. Heal and dps during down time = no vote because 200k healing + 100k dmg is way worse than 250k healing and 0 dmg.

People probably think that a healer with dps is actually a dps who heals mostly himself.

And I don't think its that different from pve really, a dedicated healer is much better than a dpsing one who throws lazy heals here and there. Some pro players could probably do both roles decently at the same time, but its hard to tell just from numbers and most probably assume the most common = worst scenario. )


Also the randomness of MVPs is due to lack of general awareness of the wz flow, its hard to tell who did what unless you witnessed it personally, and what you can witness is limited. So unless you've noticed someone performing exceptionally on the field you're left with a bunch of numbers which may not reflect any real contribution, so its normal to vote for those who did best in any of the categories or for some undergeared people you pity.

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People probably think that a healer with dps is actually a dps who heals mostly himself.

And I don't think its that different from pve really, a dedicated healer is much better than a dpsing one who throws lazy heals here and there. Some pro players could probably do both roles decently at the same time, but its hard to tell just from numbers and most probably assume the most common = worst scenario. )


Also the randomness of MVPs is due to lack of general awareness of the wz flow, its hard to tell who did what unless you witnessed it personally, and what you can witness is limited. So unless you've noticed someone performing exceptionally on the field you're left with a bunch of numbers which may not reflect any real contribution, so its normal to vote for those who did best in any of the categories or for some undergeared people you pity.


Lack of awareness is usually the main problem for just about everything we see in WZs, tbh. Haha, but that's meant for a whooole new thread.


I think being a good healer is going to boil down to knowing when to help dps vs when to focus on heals. If your team outnumbers the others and everyones above 50% then why not toss out some dps to help get rid of those last few people? Or if you tag along with someone to go get a node, things will probably go faster and give the other team less time to react if you are able to help dps that defender down.


But on the other hand, ofc, if everyone's at 20%, the number of people present from each time are about even, and you're just dpsing like some blind chimp... then yeah, there's a problem. Versatility is a great thing, as long as you can pay enough attention to know when what is needed.


Forrrr example I've been in a Civil War on my assassin with a healer and got knocked back and stunned without my cc break, and there was a sorc who sat there topping me off instead of preventing the cap he was in los of >.> Because healers heal, was his excuse.

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My personal experience on my Sorc: I get more votes as a DPS oddly enough than I ever do as Heals. Then again, as Madness I can put up silly high numbers (ditto w/healing). I have no idea why people vote how they do, other than I know friends vote for friends and guildies for guildies.


I tend to vote for people that I see making a genuine effort, even if they get pewpewed quite a bit. The ones that aren't afraid to jump right in and take the heat so the team can score, etc.

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DPS cannot exist without healers, just as healers cannot exist without DPS. There is nothing special about being a healer. What I do vote for are those who spend their time guarding the objective.


I wish you were in this Novare Coast were I got 0 dmg 0 kill 0 death 0 protection 1 billion objective points and ZERO mvp lol (we won)

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I wish you were in this Novare Coast were I got 0 dmg 0 kill 0 death 0 protection 1 billion objective points and ZERO mvp lol (we won)


That's like every other game and then some that I am in. If you are defending for a game you never get any mvp votes unless they attack the point and you actually have to defend.

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That's like every other game and then some that I am in. If you are defending for a game you never get any mvp votes unless they attack the point and you actually have to defend.


nah. I'll vote for a guard if he doesn't get a lot of medals for defending. but yeah, if he makes calls effectively, then he's going to get more votes and deserves more votes. working as intended afaic.

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nah. I'll vote for a guard if he doesn't get a lot of medals for defending. but yeah, if he makes calls effectively, then he's going to get more votes and deserves more votes. working as intended afaic.


This is true and probably why I rarely get votes as I defend far enough away so its almost impossible to get sapped and capped which usually means I am outside the area to receive objective points for defending. I really could care less about mvp votes as long as you know that you are not doing anything that is going to directly cause a loss for your team.

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Craziest thing I ever heard. You must be in a bad server. I usually get half the votes. I post somewhere between 400k-600k healing with 100k damage usually. I notice friends/guildies vote for each other consistently. I usually vote for the one that helps me survive the most. I try to throw tanks a bone as much as possible cause I think tanks get the least love in the voting realm as long as the post decent protection numbers.
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i play two healers , one at 50.the majority of my games i'm in the top 3 for healings but i catch votes only when i'm in the top overall, and this is working good for me...you can play the objective or not with every class.

you cannot pretend to be the best if you just kill people as if you only keep them alive.

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Healers shouldn't always get the vote, but I often do(I play as a hybrid Jugg) vote for them if they noticeably keep me alive.



But I just played a Huttball solo queuing, was matched up with this premade that was completely useless. We had one healer and he only concentrated on his friends, we won 2-1 because I scored both points. The premade pretty much didn't do anything except have pretty numbers at the end and fail at advancing the ball. They pretty much failed at defense too because they were constantly fighting a few guys away from the ball.


Just because someone is a healer doesn't mean they actually do anything. I hate the fact that people concentrate on the numbers at the end rather than pay attention to their surroundings in the war zone. If I do 200k damage and kill 40 people, and another guy does 350k yet kills 42-45 people was he really all that more effective? Or is he spitting out useless damage?

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Yes, because they are capable of impacting the game in critical ways outside of pew pewing things. A well timed CC or a stealther stealing a node for example. You could do 1 billion damage and still lose the match because it is not a matter of who did the most damage nor who healed the most but who played the objectives.


Great, so what about the healer that is keeping that DPS alive and allowing them to do those things?

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I always get votes on my healer, except for this one match where only 1 guy voted for me and the healer below me got 3 votes...I wondered why he would get votes when he did half as much healing as I did....then I realized it's because they were guildies and voted for each other -_-. mvp working as intended... Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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in my experience, healers receive a disproportionately high number of MVP votes. Here's the stats from my three main characters:

Character                Role        Wins    MVP     Win:MVP
Derimeth                   DPS         817    982       1.20
Splendora                Tank        686    1229     1.79
RosaLuxemburg      Healer      385   1018      2.64


(Apologies for poor layout - the code tags on this forum are annoying)


I appreciate a fairer ratio would be games played to MVP votes but I don't have that data available. At a guess, I'd say my win:loss ratio is about the same for all my characters, so essentially I've PVP'd more than twice as much (since these stats started) as my DPS vs my healer. But as you can see I've received more MVP votes as a healer, in half as many games.


My tank (in DPS gear) is somewhere between the two - most overall MVP votes but at a slightly lower ratio than my healer. Most of the MVP votes there (I'd guess) are due to finishing with most medals which some players seem to lazily give the MVP vote too.


Clearly my experience may not be universal. I am a basically mediocre player, I queue solo 95% of the time and I lose a *lot* of matches. It might be different for others, but in my experience, healers have nothing to complain about MVP wise.

Edited by DharmaPolice
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Alot of healers over heal and if they are unguarded by a tank will spend alot of the time running around in circles healing themselves due to the two Marauders up there ***.


I vote for objectives... I vote for the poor guy who sacrificed his own enjoyment of the game to stand at a door or node for an entire game on his own while the rest of us wreck face... I vote for the person that contributed the most to the team... not the person who put up the highest numbers.

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