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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 35 and seriously considering rerolling a trooper


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I've been reading all these arguments about whether JK's in general and Sentinels in particular, and I think both sides have a valid point.


On the one hand, playing a Trooper or Smuggler after playing my Sentinel feels like easy mode. It seems fairly clear to me that the Sentinel is both more difficult and not as powerful as other classes I've played.


On the other hand, this isn't causing any particular problem for me. I'm really liking playing the class - I enjoy a bit of a challenge, and even the Sentinel isn't that hard.


Perhaps it isn't that the Sentinel is too hard - perhaps the issue is that some of the other classes are too easy.

Edited by maxlongstreet
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I've been reading all these arguments about whether JK's in general and Sentinels in particular, and I think both sides have a valid point.


On the one hand, playing a Trooper or Smuggler after playing my Sentinel feels like easy mode. It seems fairly clear to me that the Sentinel is both more difficult and not as powerful as other classes I've played.


On the other hand, this isn't causing any particular problem for me. I'm really liking playing the class - I enjoy a bit of a challenge, and even the Sentinel isn't that hard.


Perhaps it isn't that the Sentinel is too hard - perhaps the issue is that some of the other classes are too easy.


I'm level 41 now, the game got a lot more fun with my Sentinel when I got the Doc companion and didn't have to worry about resurrecting T7 after every battle and sitting down to heal, he should definitely be attained earlier on in the game.

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I still manage to do most heroic 2 quests alone with kira. I pick the right fights first and the harder one when i have my cooldowns ready. I'm loving the class and so far have no problems whatsoever leveling. I'm at lv 26 atm though but I can't see this class gettign worse when we start to get soem core talents to tie up everythign for the watchman spec.
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those are the only two possible things right? the class can't actually be underpowered, that's just not possible because bioware are all powerful right? right?




its an extremely high skill demanding class, im running 35+ keybinds, and its still not enough, lvl 46, most class quests are a challenge, and i enjoy it immensely, but yes your assessment is correct, pop every single CD you posses to survive pulls with an elite or strong type, doc helps alot if you have him, pop zen as your doin overload lightsabers an cauterize if watchmen, 2% of your health every tic, i can burst almost anything before lord scourge dies.

looking forward to dispatch, but umm, im experimenting with balancing surge and accuracy atm, increasing my surge went from 400-600 dot tics to 700-900 dot tics, and merciless slash is a nice damage bonus, not gonna lie and say it turns easymode, it really doesnt, but you get used to it haha, rolling a trooper as my next toon though, they where fun in beta.

Edited by HollowVamp
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I am having no problems as long as I keep stay on pace with my class quest. Sometimes I switch forms when I start taking too much damage, and you have to use your defensive cool-downs when all else fails. I use them when my life is low and then pop trans when centering is full and use my dots. That combined with a well timed health stim can make a difference.
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Derian is an old beta troll one of the 2% of people that likes the Sentinels 'as is'.. I played them exclusivly through Beta and will not play one at its state now.. Rather play a Gunslinger or DPS Scoundrel or DPS Commando at least you can off-heal with the two latter classes.
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OP I wouldn't if I were you, Sents and Guards are likely to be buffed up a little bit soon and I don't doubt the trooper/bh will likely come down a peg or two as well.


Admittedly I felt the same a little earlier when I saw a trooper take on 3 other players and come out on top (something we simply cannot do unless we are considerably outgearing our opponents) all because the heals for that class are, and I don't mind stating this clearly....broken as hell right now.


In some small way, I feel bioware did this on purpose to attract the early audience away from Jedi/Sith play and will gradually alter the balance of power, it does feel daunting at times but rest assured at level 50 with the right spec and full gear...no other class will outdps your sentinel!

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I'm starting to feel the same way (level 31). I have no idea what BW is doing making the Trooper SOOOOOO much better than a Sentinel at dealing damage.


The Trooper is better in absolutely all respects in this game.


Want to feel powerful? Roll a Trooper.


I think I will be.

Edited by Xann
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OP I wouldn't if I were you, Sents and Guards are likely to be buffed up a little bit soon and I don't doubt the trooper/bh will likely come down a peg or two as well.


Admittedly I felt the same a little earlier when I saw a trooper take on 3 other players and come out on top (something we simply cannot do unless we are considerably outgearing our opponents) all because the heals for that class are, and I don't mind stating this clearly....broken as hell right now.


In some small way, I feel bioware did this on purpose to attract the early audience away from Jedi/Sith play and will gradually alter the balance of power, it does feel daunting at times but rest assured at level 50 with the right spec and full gear...no other class will outdps your sentinel!


I'm level 43, and it has gotten better. it's still gimped but i'm living with it until they fix stuff.

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Not every class is for everyone, if you are not enjoying the class then play something else. Sentinels are not broken just because you find them too hard or not enjoyable.


I don't understand this mentality of "i do like it to make it simple for me" if you do not like playing something then do not play it, do not whine of the forums about it, just simply re-roll something you enjoy.


Here comes elitist #1

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Level 41 at the moment, and I'm not having any issues. o_O

Granted, I am specced into Watchmen, so I've been steamrolling through Belsavis so far.


Gotta love Doc.


Once you get into the higher levels and get Doc you feel awesome, it's the 20-30s that feel like a quagmire.

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Once you get into the higher levels and get Doc you feel awesome, it's the 20-30s that feel like a quagmire.



For the most part, the 20s were a breeze for me. I hit 30 and I'm Alderaan and it's a joke. I have to rest after EVERY SINGLE FIGHT. Yeah. Real heroic.


My Trooper just mows through so easily. What was BW thinking?

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im level 20 and im currently wrecking in warzones. Unless im completely surrounded by 5 or more people i dont have a hard time 1v1'ing anybody. Im also really strong against healers.


I cant count how many times i watch a healer "la la la" heal everyone and then when i appear you can notice the "oh crap" syndrome where they dont know what to do.


The class is hard, lots of buttons and you need them all. Other than that, its not broken by any means.

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im level 20 and im currently wrecking in warzones. Unless im completely surrounded by 5 or more people i dont have a hard time 1v1'ing anybody. Im also really strong against healers.


I cant count how many times i watch a healer "la la la" heal everyone and then when i appear you can notice the "oh crap" syndrome where they dont know what to do.


The class is hard, lots of buttons and you need them all. Other than that, its not broken by any means.


Obivously you have the whole class figured out by 20.

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