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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Plz Stop Insults in WZs


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Clearly you dont know me at all. I have no filter. I think it I say it. You dont like it too bad. The only thing I fear is never dying. I mean what could be worst then being forced to live for an eternity and having to play games with all the bads forever. I mean no thank you.

A DICK in Game,

A DICK in Life,

And God Willing A DICK in Death




Um.. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzvpdmVQA81r2i2e6.gif

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Is it too much to expect others to be able to press buttons? 30k damage when you've been fighting all game long isn't acceptable. Every single class in this game can do more than 100k damage at level 11. All it takes is pressing buttons. When the round ends and I see 6 or 7 players with 30k damage it frustrates me no end. 30k damage is like 10 - 15 buttons. How is it not possible to press 10 - 15 buttons over the course of a 10 or 15 minute game? it's 1 button per minute for ****s sake! Mashing your face into your keyboard would net more damage.
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A couple things always drive me insane in pvp. The truth is its not loosing, loosing you can handle, sometimes the other team just does things better then your team and win oh well. What really gets me peeved is the players that always come on when things are not going well and say give up or we cant win, or I calculated we already lost. Then what makes it worse is when some moron comes on and says this strategy would have one it for us, like pvp was pve, and you can plan out every possible scenario and come out with the ultimate winning strategy. Then to top it off is the guys that give up about a quarter way through the match and sit their worthless hides at a node. The thing that makes pvp even worse is the guys that as the op pointed out start saying l2p and all this other bs. If all these things never happened pvp would not be nearly as stressful as it is now in the mmo community.


Some of this could be wiped out if they created a real pvp map. As long as developers continue to use resources and nodes as the key in a pvp maps. People will continue to exploit and give up when they think they have crunched the numbers correctly. The one pvp map that I have heard pvper after pvper say they enjoyed was the original Alterac valley. Real simple battle you have two sides, only way to win kill the enemy general, problem you have to get through the other teams lines. Result endless killing= endless fun. I understand if something like this might tick someone off looking for a quick win, but we sure would loose the worthless trash that enters pvp now and days. The people that would enter a warzone like this would be interested in one thing, not victory, not loosing, not complaining, but killing as many as possible on the other side. The question is, is that even allowed now and days, or is too politically incorrect. Not to say their was not cheats you could use to shorten the battle, you could summon some nasty npcs. That could crush several players at once. I think if Bioware wants to make a name for themselves bringing back the old way of pvp, would be a good start. Meaning pvp serves the purpose of killing the other player in game.

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I hate the name calling myself and wish everyone could just enjoy the game and not rage. Of course there will be times when you think what the heck is everyone else doing... but really, stop raging and acting like some hairy turds that think you are soooo awesome. Edited by Orlesian
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A couple things always drive me insane in pvp. The truth is its not loosing, loosing you can handle, sometimes the other team just does things better then your team and win oh well. What really gets me peeved is the players that always come on when things are not going well and say give up or we cant win, or I calculated we already lost. Then what makes it worse is when some moron comes on and says this strategy would have one it for us, like pvp was pve, and you can plan out every possible scenario and come out with the ultimate winning strategy. Then to top it off is the guys that give up about a quarter way through the match and sit their worthless hides at a node. The thing that makes pvp even worse is the guys that as the op pointed out start saying l2p and all this other bs. If all these things never happened pvp would not be nearly as stressful as it is now in the mmo community.


Some of this could be wiped out if they created a real pvp map. As long as developers continue to use resources and nodes as the key in a pvp maps. People will continue to exploit and give up when they think they have crunched the numbers correctly. The one pvp map that I have heard pvper after pvper say they enjoyed was the original Alterac valley. Real simple battle you have two sides, only way to win kill the enemy general, problem you have to get through the other teams lines. Result endless killing= endless fun. I understand if something like this might tick someone off looking for a quick win, but we sure would loose the worthless trash that enters pvp now and days. The people that would enter a warzone like this would be interested in one thing, not victory, not loosing, not complaining, but killing as many as possible on the other side. The question is, is that even allowed now and days, or is too politically incorrect. Not to say their was not cheats you could use to shorten the battle, you could summon some nasty npcs. That could crush several players at once. I think if Bioware wants to make a name for themselves bringing back the old way of pvp, would be a good start. Meaning pvp serves the purpose of killing the other player in game.


I agree about quitters. Once I played a match of Novare Coast and we came back to just barely win with about 4 shield left.

It can be done, so it's annoying to see how easily people give up and decide to just camp at one place for defense medals (not bashing defense---it's important. but 6 people just sitting there instead of going where they should be is annoying).


As for insults in general, in the worst cases I do end up just blocking people. If they aren't contributing, or aren't acting like decent people, maybe being ignored by enough people will eventually make them rethink their attitude. Maybe.

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I hate the name calling myself and wish everyone could just enjoy the game and not rage. Of course there will be times when you think what the heck is everyone else doing... but really, stop raging and acting like some hairy turds that think you are soooo awesome.


you just insulted me you are no better then me :)

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I agree about quitters. Once I played a match of Novare Coast and we came back to just barely win with about 4 shield left.

It can be done, so it's annoying to see how easily people give up and decide to just camp at one place for defense medals (not bashing defense---it's important. but 6 people just sitting there instead of going where they should be is annoying).


As for insults in general, in the worst cases I do end up just blocking people. If they aren't contributing, or aren't acting like decent people, maybe being ignored by enough people will eventually make them rethink their attitude. Maybe.


I wouldn't even know you ignored me. its not like I take the time to try and whisper someone to insult them. way to lazy. Ignore away I promise I will survive.



Edited by rlamela
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Its frustrating i know. Im usually pretty good at letting that stuff roll off my back when it does occur. Altho (i say with a small degree of hubris, i know) im not often in the position that i'm targeted by these comments.


The one that always pisses me off is the paired team that sit at grass/snow if we are 2 nodes down in Civil and give a running commentry on how **** everyone else is for not taking the required other node. They usually arc up even more when I tell one of them to get off their arses and help.... Wish more people would realise that 2 defenders at a held node when chasing a game is bad play.

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Its funny because the ones complaining about their teams are usually the ones who are not doing anything, getting the least objective points and coming in last with healing/damage/protection...its quite funny.


see thats just one of those things that people say that just isn't true. like theres no such thing as a stupid question. false stupid people ask stupid question all the time.

now back on topic, I talk crap to my team when they are complete fails. Usually I do not refer to the whole team but moreso pick out the one that completely failed (didn't call an inc etc.) I will also call out a guild and talk trash on the entire guild when they are supposed to be a "pvp" guild but lose every match their premades are in. Won't post names but hopefully they know who they are. Fails are fail and people will be people. if you want to play with nicer people join a care-bear server or an RP one.

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If you ignore someone, how will you see their call?




Well, the thing about calls is that if you can count, you don't really need them.


Take Novare Coast-

See 4 of the enemy at south? Okay, well that means there's one guarding their node and 3 about to gank your node. Don't wait for the call -> Get moving.


That pretty much applies to all warzones if you are aware of where their team is and approximate respawn timers.


I put rude people on ignore with abandon and enthusiasm. Care about winning and worried someone might miss your call? Well, don't be a jerk.

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If you ignore someone, how will you see their call?




they won't.. they will **** about no one calling incs...


but smart people don't need calling incs. mostly you can tell (and luckly, since 34% people are not bloody calling incs until they die...)

Edited by Atramar
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So how to you equate 'bad' from inexperienced? I've played so many wzs, across 12 characters, I've lost track. But there are still subtle things i learn from time to time that i didnt know (like the ledge in huttball to hide the ball). And quite frankly, WZs can be a bit complicated to learn on the fly with smashes killing newbies every few secs.


So to call someone bad is just not right. If it bothers you what some inexperienced folks do in a wz, you have choices: (1) leave the wz. (2) take charge and ask folks to do something specific (eg. players x & y got snow, rest mid, call out incs etc) or (3) watch what your teammates are doing, and try to compensate. Playing so many WZs myself, i can tell after a few minutes who is gonna play the deathmatch in space game, whose gonna stay at a node, whose gonna be padding stats, etc. While not fool proof, its enough alot of times to compensate and pull out a victory. anotherwords, lead by example and show them what needs to be done.


but the constant griping about how people should quit the game, never play pvp again, get out of their basements, etc is just plain wrong on so many levels. I think vets forget from time to time what it was like starting out in WZs not knowing what to do, and while learning having 6k+ smashes/mauls/etc in their face...


I agree that for completely inexperienced players, there is a lot of learning to be done. I don't really mind helping new players as long as they're willing to learn and listen to advice.


But then there are players who have experience of some sort and are consistently bad. I have no clue as to how they reached 50 because they seem to struggle getting any attacks off, which is bad considering you need to hit a stationary target that is capping on a node.


Or lie. You want to talk about weird things - people who lie about being at a node when it gets ninja'd.



They shut up pretty quickly when I tell them I moused-over the purple derp icons in the minimap and saw their name.

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Just put them on ignore if you dont like the insults.


Civil War- I am thinking "If you want somethign done right, do it yourself" So i have every intention of heading to grass to make sure we cap it. I am the 2nd one off the platofrm towards grass and i immediatly B line to cut off any atatckers (Blocking). To my horror, the ENITRE TEAM went grass..... Let me repeat it, the entire *********** team went grass. what has to be going through your mind to be the 4th-8th person to head to grass.



I feel it is my social responsibilty to let these people know that know that theya re abd players. If i do not provide this valuable service, how will they ever know they are terrible? I should be rewarded for preforming this civil service.

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Just put them on ignore if you dont like the insults.


Civil War- I am thinking "If you want somethign done right, do it yourself" So i have every intention of heading to grass to make sure we cap it. I am the 2nd one off the platofrm towards grass and i immediatly B line to cut off any atatckers (Blocking). To my horror, the ENITRE TEAM went grass..... Let me repeat it, the entire *********** team went grass. what has to be going through your mind to be the 4th-8th person to head to grass.



I feel it is my social responsibilty to let these people know that know that theya re abd players. If i do not provide this valuable service, how will they ever know they are terrible? I should be rewarded for preforming this civil service.


Ah yes, the fabled 8-0-0 opening gambit. Probably induces similar levels of '***?!?' in the enemy as it does to me.


You get my +10 internet points for the day.

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As the title says, please stop insulting others in WZs when your team loose. Let's assume that all those players who insult others are really good skilled players. But if "really" the team fails then just quit or silently wait the torture to end.

"Morons", "Srsly L2p", "ffs quit game", "go play wow" etc... do these insults make u any better than the team? No. You may be a looser in RL and try to satisfy yourself by this way but it has no use.


By the way at the end of the WZ when u see the list most of these insulting players are below average (protection, damage, healing). You may say that they just give up and don't play. Ok let's say it is so, then they also deserve to be insulted as they do nothing but just talk.


This is a game if you can not accept loosing, don't play. Or just group up with your elitist, super skilled friends and play with them, do not pug.


Briefly, yes there are morons or players can sometimes do unbelievable mistakes (which they may also be aware of the mistake they've done) but nothing gives you the right to insult.


Please stop playing poorly in warzones. Stop being a leap target for your opposition in huttball, stop giving up a node, over-rotate,etc Stop filling ball carrier's resolve. You start playing well, I won't insult you.

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