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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Plz Stop Insults in WZs


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As the title says, please stop insulting others in WZs when your team loose. Let's assume that all those players who insult others are really good skilled players. But if "really" the team fails then just quit or silently wait the torture to end.

"Morons", "Srsly L2p", "ffs quit game", "go play wow" etc... do these insults make u any better than the team? No. You may be a looser in RL and try to satisfy yourself by this way but it has no use.


By the way at the end of the WZ when u see the list most of these insulting players are below average (protection, damage, healing). You may say that they just give up and don't play. Ok let's say it is so, then they also deserve to be insulted as they do nothing but just talk.


This is a game if you can not accept loosing, don't play. Or just group up with your elitist, super skilled friends and play with them, do not pug.


Briefly, yes there are morons or players can sometimes do unbelievable mistakes (which they may also be aware of the mistake they've done) but nothing gives you the right to insult.

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I will say its really funny to see players that are insulting or complaining the most in a wz, end up messing something up themselves. I've seen plenty of players defending our one node/door and while they are busy yelling in Ops chat, they either get ninja capped or ganked and then capped.


So OP I feel ya, sadly most online gamers are pretty delusional and think they are awesome because of a video game and that then gives them the right to talk crap. Most of these players are also the ones that get picked on the most in RL and feel the need to lash out in online games because they feel safe.

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I don't mind the one-off comment, because heck, I make them too.

Usually something along the lines of "early call? hello?" or "communicate please people".


I guess sometimes I hope people will read that and go "Hmm, maybe I better call for help sooner next time, instead of trying to play the duelist hero and cost my team a node"


I totally agree wth the repetition insults though. If a PUG infuriates me that much, I just quit the WZ. There's always another.

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I do notice that most of the blowhards/insulters are generally the least productive in a WZ. That said, I wouldn't put them on ignore. It's not like pve where you'll never get grouped with those on your ignore list again. If you do ignore them and they call for help, you won't see it in ops chat. I never put anyone on ignore but I would recommend not even bothering to respond to what they are saying, just continue doing your best and usually these things work themselves out.


I find when someone responds it just makes everything worse because then we have 2 people not paying attention to what's going on and focusing on the ops chat. Like water off a ducks back, just let it roll off. Also, I don't condone the flaming either but every once in a while there is some constructive criticism in there.


An example may be: "ffs CC HIM!, L2P n00b" roughly translates into "Gee, the next time you see a teammate going for a cap, perhaps it would be best if you used some CC's of your own to prevent them from interrupting said cap instead of breaking other's CC's or DPSing"

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My favorite insulter routine is when after a tirade or two they charge around trying to solo cap whether that makes sense at the time or not. Which with their emotionally driven sense of priorities is a personal win/win.


When I see ops chat clogged by insulters the sage advice of a great philosopher of the 1980s come to mind. I pity da foos... then troll them softly until they rage quit.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I too find it funny that some of the worst insult the most. People, it is a GAME!!!


Well, if 2 guys got ninja capped and they say 'well, it's a game' I bet you atleast 1 team member will say @FFS


It is just a game, but comon, atleast try :rolleyes:

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Its funny because the ones complaining about their teams are usually the ones who are not doing anything, getting the least objective points and coming in last with healing/damage/protection...its quite funny.

that's not true. it's the perception ppl want to have. however, there are plenty of good players - even ok ones - who put up great numbers or know what they're doing but constantly rag on teammates and opposing players. I don't know where the idea that the jerks are bads comes from (other than wish fulfillment), but it's not even close to a reliable rule.


elitist jerks and ppl who just think they're elitist jerks as well as the general babies who can't stand losing all do it.

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that's not true. it's the perception ppl want to have. however, there are plenty of good players - even ok ones - who put up great numbers or know what they're doing but constantly rag on teammates and opposing players. I don't know where the idea that the jerks are bads comes from (other than wish fulfillment), but it's not even close to a reliable rule.


elitist jerks and ppl who just think they're elitist jerks as well as the general babies who can't stand losing all do it.


From my experience the "elitists" usually have quit before the complaining even starts, or leave when they see the team they are on. Not saying the better players don't rag on their own team but I usually see the opposite which is bad players doing this.

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that's not true. it's the perception ppl want to have. however, there are plenty of good players - even ok ones - who put up great numbers or know what they're doing but constantly rag on teammates and opposing players. I don't know where the idea that the jerks are bads comes from (other than wish fulfillment), but it's not even close to a reliable rule.


elitist jerks and ppl who just think they're elitist jerks as well as the general babies who can't stand losing all do it.


QFT. Bad players do insult other players. But so do good or even sometimes great players. I know I've ragged once or twice when I solo qued any my team gave up with 40%+ of the match left. It just sticks in people's memory when someone who does worse than them on the scoreboard insults them and then they generalize it.

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that's not true. it's the perception ppl want to have. however, there are plenty of good players - even ok ones - who put up great numbers or know what they're doing but constantly rag on teammates and opposing players. I don't know where the idea that the jerks are bads comes from (other than wish fulfillment), but it's not even close to a reliable rule.


elitist jerks and ppl who just think they're elitist jerks as well as the general babies who can't stand losing all do it.


The key word was "usually", and it holds true on the 4 servers I've played on in this game. In past games often the biggest personal attackers were good performers, cocky elitist types who'd take it too far. In this one, it appears the general rule is that the most obnoxious *** hats are mediocre at best.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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The key word was "usually", and it holds true on the 4 servers I've played on in this game. In past games often the biggest personal attackers were good performers, cocky elitist types who'd take it too far. In this one, it appears the general rule is that the most obnoxious *** hats are mediocre at best.


you've never played on a server with the <watchmen>, have you?

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you've never played on a server with the <watchmen>, have you?


No, but others that are probably their long lost cousins.


Problem in this thread is experiences vary by server, and we don't preface everything by saying "on ____".


The servers I play/have played on, that rule I mentioned is true far more often than not. I'd prefer to play with jerks who actually perform well, at least our teams would get something out of it.

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It's not something I usually do, and most of the time it annoys me to see it.



However sometimes when I am sitting there capping a node while the enemy is cc'd...and a teammate comes to "help" by attacking him...well that just makes them stupid. No ifs ands or buts about it. I have lost many matches because of one player doing this...

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Just consider this:


It takes a certain kind of person to absolve themselves of blame when they make a mistake. For instance, 95% of the derps that get ninja'd on never admit that they made a mistake (in fact, they'll claim it was my fault when i call them out). These are the kinds of players that get carried day in and day out, yet somehow think they're entitled to be treated like royalty despite having little to no positive impact in a warzone.


On the other hand, I have the humility to admit when I make a mistake and have let the team down. I understand what my responsibilities are in whichever role i'm occupying. Often times, I'm calling inc for nodes that i'm not even defending.


So for those players that feel entitled to never come under criticism despite playing like trash, i will peg them down a notch. For the players that do their jobs without fuss and perform reliably, I always have good words for them and go out of my way to praise that behavior. Don't be a crappy player. 9 times out of 10, you deserve whatever is coming to you.

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