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After all this time.


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Played since beta, took 6 months off. Came back, operatives are still the most OP class in the game. ********.


middle tree operatives hit hard but its rare to find players who know the rotation and skills to be effective at it, both of the other trees are like this to a lesser extint, which imo if only 5% of operatives are OP then the class isnt really all that op not like pyros and smashers with their 3-4 button rotations

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OP? If anything they need to hit harder lol. They have zero sustained damage as a scrapper and if they don't kill you fast after their opener they are screwed, especially since dodge and defense screen are a complete joke. Edited by Raansu
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I agree with everyone here. If you play the class very well and understand what you're doing you can be very strong and a hard hitter with a lot of control.


However, like most said if you can survive the opener you should be able to kill them no problem.


I have one and I love it, but if I don't get the kill off before either someone comes to help him, and or a healer etc.. i'll vanish and rethink my next approach.


They're very annoying to play against due to stealth, stuns, roots, burst, and speed buffs. So I can see your frustration. As them being OP? No... if that was the case the they would be all over Rated Warzones as DPS but they're not.

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Problem here is probably that he's in gear from august 2012. Let's say off-the-shelve battlemaster against fully optimized and augmented elite war hero. That's going to hurt, because the operative probably had a lot more stats, a lot more expertise, and a lot more experience.


I don't even want to imagine what that encounter would have been like with a combat sentinel. Probably Master Strike -> Dead.

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I am properly geared. I am not even talking about ranked WZs. I'l admit I have been gone a while. But I have been back at it for a almost 2 months now. Maybe I am running into the few "skilled" operatives. There stun chain is ridiculous. Even before when I played at launch, they were still OP. Still are OP.
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I am properly geared. I am not even talking about ranked WZs. I'l admit I have been gone a while. But I have been back at it for a almost 2 months now. Maybe I am running into the few "skilled" operatives. There stun chain is ridiculous. Even before when I played at launch, they were still OP. Still are OP.


Do you even realize what they sacrifice to chain stun you like that?


They were never OP.


Shoot first > dirty kick = full resolve. The only time they are "chain stunning" anyone is if they do shoot first > disappearing act > shoot first > dirty kick and they have to burn their escape CD which for scrappers is 1:30 to even pull that off. And even then that's not even really a stun lock since they have to wait for the 7.5 sec CD on shoot first before they use disappearing act.


Here's a tip, NEVER cc break on shoot first. At best they will get backblast in before you get off the ground and can pop you CD's. If they feel the need to use disappearing act then they are essentially taking a gamble because they can easily be knocked out of it with a simple AoE.

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I am properly geared. I am not even talking about ranked WZs. I'l admit I have been gone a while. But I have been back at it for a almost 2 months now. Maybe I am running into the few "skilled" operatives. There stun chain is ridiculous. Even before when I played at launch, they were still OP. Still are OP.


Uhm.. How about no?


Stun chain is a total of 5.5 seconds (7 seconds if you time hidden strike well).

If they dont crit with their initial burst, they can't even scratch, well, anything. They have two big hitters that they have to crit with to do high damage, and operatives have nothing to increase their crit chance (Both pyros, assassins and smashers have talents like this).


In other words:

OP is a troll. Operatives are -NOT- OP. I still agree they should nerf operatives, but they are not OP. They should nerf them just to keep the tradition going, anything else would cause the servers to crash and die.

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Here's a tip, NEVER cc break on shoot first. At best they will get backblast in before you get off the ground and can pop you CD's. If they feel the need to use disappearing act then they are essentially taking a gamble because they can easily be knocked out of it with a simple AoE.



not sure about other classes, but snipers have to break their knockdown and entrench + diversion immediately, because if they get crits in the opener you're at 50% easy with a dot ticking before that 4 second stun even hits and they still have probe/sab charge or whatever and evasion and a vanish


i get 100'd to 0'd on my sniper with no trinket by concealment operatives (that admittedly click) in duels all the time


sure the spec isn't as viable in group play, because after their opener their damage isn't absurb, is healable/tankable and they are easy to kill, but in normal warzones the spec isn't remotely fun to face

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They are OP. There melee attacks hit me for at least 1/8th of my health. Just ONE. Stun/stealth/melee rinse repeat and Im dead. With barely scratching them. ********.


then they are matching their defensive cd's to your's. And you are just probably standing there eating everything they throw at you, while we dance around to your backside to give you a good sticking.

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well op/scoundrel is a good counter for gs/sniper, but I find I win out in most 1 vs 1 or sometimes 1 vs 2 (not 2 ops but one dps op one other class type)


The important thing is control the situation, leg shot isn't just for the smashers.


I find that sab/engy tree is better to deal with stealthers as far as I can tell shock charge is a dot they can't cleanse so you have that tool to slow them and keep them out of stealth longer.


I think what most people find OP about operatives is they get ganked by more than one of them that get to open and burst out of stealth. As it has been said tho 2 assassins/shadows are greater imho.


For the lolz in lowbie sometimes we will roll 4 shadows or scoundrels deep....call out targets....dead in 1 gcd.

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They are OP. There melee attacks hit me for at least 1/8th of my health. Just ONE. Stun/stealth/melee rinse repeat and Im dead. With barely scratching them. ********.


0/10, bad troll post... and if you are serious then you don't fully understand your class or you are really under geared and just think you aren't.


I have noticed a huge misconception among PvP'ers, roots and slows aren't stuns... However most players think they are. I can't count how many times I have used my leg blast and just rooted a target but because they cannot move, they think they also cannot attack. So they just stand there for that extra 2 sec root and let me beat on them.


OP, as either a guardian or gunslinger, you have plenty of knock backs and other utility to help you beat a operative or scoundrel.


Of course skill is a huge factor, and skill is always OP.

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For the lolz in lowbie sometimes we will roll 4 shadows or scoundrels deep....call out targets....dead in 1 gcd.


I have done this by just following the other stealth on the team to their target. It is funny watching a shadow spike and beat on them, as they stand up, only for me to fire off shoot first, but anyone when they get focused is going down quick without some assist from their teammates. Only difference is with stealth, they can't see it coming.


Like I said. It amazes me because a lot of times, the targets team just continues on their business without helping their teammate unless I attacked a healer or the healers tank.

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