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confirmed: Gree event is PVP


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"they're better left unused during these dailies. "


this is very good advice...unfortunately what it means is that you cannot play your character as designed for the entire event.


so you are saying pvpers don't deserve an event? not at all?

Edited by lucotas
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I do PVE and PVP and find them both fun(okay, truthfully, I just recently started to like PVP but I'm in full WH already) . In fact I did all of the dailies in the event just a bit ago and it was a blast. But I understand how this event and the other things you listed can be frustrating for PVEers. There is nothing wrong with liking only PVE or PVP. Everyone has different tastes, and to be rude to someone who doesn't do one or the other is simply obnoxious. And I agree that a PVE sever should be PVE only, but I doubt that will ever happen.


But more on subject, you can do the event and get all the items without PVPing, as pointed out.


This post is directed more at various posts in here than the OP.

Edited by Radzkie
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If you don't want to PvP, don't. There's noone forcing you. I've smashed my way through multiple dailies today, right in the middle of other players. I wasn't flagged for PvP, and that didn't change either. You have to use a single target ability on them in order to become flagged, so I don't see the issue. Maybe turn off "auto target closest enemy", that can lead to some unintentional shooting, but otherwise you will not be flagged, no matter what you do.
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World PVP in MMOs with stats like Expertise is completely moronic. If you're a PVE player, you have NO chance of defending yourself.

I agree, somewhat. However, before Expertise (or the PvP stat) it was anyone with the best endgame gear just rolled anyone who didn't have that kind of gear.


What's your workaround? My personal belief is that all gear should be equal with no special stat for either. Instead you have something called "+ PVP Stat" and "+ PVE Stat". In Warzones, gear with the "+PVP Stat" gets bonuses to healing, damage, damage reduction, health, etc. Everywhere else, the stat does nothing and does not function. The same goes for "+PVE Stat" for FP's and Operations. Once again, anywhere else, the stat is useless.


So someone who's in their PvE gear will excel at doing FP's and Operations while someone in PvP gear will excel at WZ's. In the world, the stats don't work so someone who is in Lvl 63 PvP gear has just of good of stats as someone in Lvl 63 PvE gear, that works for both the world mobs and world pvp.

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Lol! It is not a PvP only event. It includes some PvP, which you can opt out of, but a majority of it is PvE.


Wow... fear is an amazing extrapolator.


"lol" I was doing a PVE quest and was killed by players...cool PVE bro.

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I don't want to do PvP. I hate PvP. Please, SWTOR guys, when do you realize that not every player digs this stuff. And not everyone loves group quests. It seems like there's nothing in this event for me, which sucks. :( Edited by Lent_San
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I don't want to do PvP. I hate PvP. Please, SWTOR guys, when do you realize that not every player digs this stuff. And not everyone loves group quests. It seems like there's nothing in this event for me, which sucks. :(


" It seems like there's nothing in this event for me,"


and this is why this event is a massive failure.

Instancing the 2 types of zones would have prevented this clusterfrig but the hero engine probably cant handle that...

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Perhaps just perhaps Bioware should make one change to OPVP remove the expertise requirement. Make it so Expertise stat only works in Structured PVP. Warzones and such. When out in the open world you use regular armor.

If there will be more event like this then lets put everyone on an equal footing. Of course if someone is in dreadguard armor and you only have columi then your still gonna get owned but at least better armor can be gotten in a PVE fashion.


I still say this whole expertise stat was a mistake from the beginning.

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I like the way they have it up, to be honest. The two zones being split, the availability of missions that you can do while unflagged so you can choose not to pvp. I did all the pve missions this morning with no problem whatsoever, no flagging.


However, people being unintentionally flagged is a problem. If aoe's can flag an unflagged player, that's a problem. People should be *choosing* to pvp, not being tricked into it.

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What are you all talking about?


I just played with my juggy he is not PvP speced and wears BH gear I did no pvp with him here.


There is a cap on rep you can obtain so you dont have to do the pvp quests because you have a week to obtained the cap, so there is no need to rush to the cap, we have to wait till next week to buy the tron gear anyway.


Now, I realize that you can flag a pvp person by hitting them by accident, but it happens and you should just be more careful.


On the plus side death by PvP has NO PENALTY and its a fast way to get back to the main area to hand in your dailies when you are done.

Edited by kirorx
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I don't want to do PvP. I hate PvP. Please, SWTOR guys, when do you realize that not every player digs this stuff. And not everyone loves group quests. It seems like there's nothing in this event for me, which sucks. :(


You dont want to do Group Content or PvP? What do you want to do....this is a multiplayer game, group content is kind of a large part of the genre.

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What are you all talking about?


I just played with my juggy he is not PvP speced and wears BH comms. I did no pvp with him here.


There is a cap on rep you can obtain so you dont have to do the pvp quests because you have a week to obtained the cap, so there is no need to rush to the cap, we have to wait till next week to buy the tron gear anyway.


Now, I realize that you can flag a pvp person by hitting them by accident, but it happens and you should just be more careful.


On the plus side death by PvP has NO PENALTY and its a fast way to get back to the main area to hand in your dailies when you are done.


If you're solo, unflagged and not in the central PvP zone they can run through your AoE all day and you don't get flagged. That was my experience this evening when players deliberately ran through my Orbital Strike at least. When it came to the PvP quests, I teamed up and had a few skirmishes but most players were content to just get on with the missions without bothering others.


I finished up watching a great FFA at the base of the Republic camp. Best day of grinding I have had in a while :)

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I like the way they have it up, to be honest. The two zones being split, the availability of missions that you can do while unflagged so you can choose not to pvp. I did all the pve missions this morning with no problem whatsoever, no flagging.


However, people being unintentionally flagged is a problem. If aoe's can flag an unflagged player, that's a problem. People should be *choosing* to pvp, not being tricked into it.

I couldn't have said it better. AOE-flagging should simply NOT be possible. EVER.

For all I care, if a PVP flagged player constantly runs through my AOE's, hoping to get me flagged, then I'll gladly see that player die. Still, the AOE should never ever cause a player to get flagged.

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I go to the pirate section and am grabbing the equipment and killing the pirates when a flagged member from the opposite faction unsealths into my AOE...then his 5 friends kill me.


I manage to get the quest done but die 3 more times...all the while these guys are ganking anyone they can trick into the AOE flag thing.



On this page of another thread, there are two folks who say that they used AOEs around another faction and did not get flagged. My experience was similar--On two characters I managed to do the PVE event quests without getting flagged. Once I was even grouped with someone who was themselves flagged, and I know that the opposite faction was targeting our targets with AOE attacks as well.


Maybe there's some bug which means that certain folks are getting flagged by the AOE trick; I don't think it's supposed to happen anymore. Or maybe it's only the stealthing-method which can activate it.


In any case, for others who are worried, I had no problems today remaining unflagged, though I do play on a PVE-RP server. Doing only the PVE missions for this event is do-able.

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You dont want to do Group Content or PvP? What do you want to do....this is a multiplayer game, group content is kind of a large part of the genre.


Quests, skills and events. None of that should require PvP or Group Quests, Event Bosses aside. You do realize that most other MMOs have a large portion of solo stuff, do you?

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I don't want to do PvP. I hate PvP. Please, SWTOR guys, when do you realize that not every player digs this stuff. And not everyone loves group quests. It seems like there's nothing in this event for me, which sucks. :(

You don't want to play against other people...

you don't want to play with other people...


Perhaps it's not the event? Perhaps MMORPG games are just not for you?



Back on topic. THIS EVENT is awesome!


Balanced PvP for the sake of PvP and a story based event rolled into one! Nice Job Bioware.

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"lol" I was doing a PVE quest and was killed by players...cool PVE bro.


Not my fault you don't know how the PvP flag works. Too bad for you. "lol!"


Just ran through with 2 more alts btw without issues or worries. Can't wait to see the OP content related to the ship.


tpryan, this is obviously not going to work for you. So.. walk a way. It's a fail. Don't mind us...

Edited by Rafaman
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You don't want to play against other people...

you don't want to play with other people...

Perhaps it's not the event? Perhaps MMORPG games are just not for you?

Perhaps this is not for you to decide? I've played MMOs for years, hun, and they need a healthy mix of solo vs group content. This fixation on PvP and Group content is seriously worrying and will lead to unbalance in the playerbase. Nobody should want that.

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Perhaps this is not for you to decide? I've played MMOs for years, hun, and they need a healthy mix of solo vs group content. This fixation on PvP and Group content is seriously worrying and will lead to unbalance in the playerbase. Nobody should want that.


Well be happy, there is a good amount of solo PvE missions in the Gree Event. And as long as you stay out of the PvP area, you will not flag even if you use AoE skills.

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you could always play on a pvp server where that is ok.....unless that is only for people that are real pvpers.


Your argument is invalid as server rule set is irrelevant. The only thing that PVP servers do is let you kill people out in the open (Which barely happens anyway) the majority of the content / progress is still done through questing/pve.

Edited by Ratham
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I have personally found this event, extremely boring and very frustrating! It is a massive mess! I know Ilum was an incredibly huge failure in terms of PvP up until now and BioWare are scrapping the barrel to make it remotely interesting, but I find the latest event a big yawn!


My guild mate and I found ourselves being ganked by teams of opposing factions. Yes we're on a pvp server, but the very second transfers become available, I'm moving. We found ourselves clicking on things to do a quest that didn't work. We found ourselves killing mobs with no registered kill! So after an hour, we only managed to do 2 quest out of the 6!


I think BioWare really dropped the ball on this one. The quest are unclear and either badly designed or buggy. Sticking quest labeled PvE in a PvP area is pretty stupid!


Dull, boring, yawn!

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Maybe there's some bug which means that certain folks are getting flagged by the AOE trick; I don't think it's supposed to happen anymore. Or maybe it's only the stealthing-method which can activate it.

It could also depend on the ability being used, or the exact timing (was the player in the zone when the ability was played or right after it went off?), or a matter of who's closest to the center of the target reticle: a flagged player or a mob?

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OP, its an EVENT. Events are special occurances that pop up and cause a different type of gameplay for a short period.


You need to adapt to the event if you want to participate, not expect the event to adapt to you.


This event encourages PvP and grouping up. But it sounds like you just want to cruise along with your wife, not group with others, not PvP, and even not avoid using some attacks.


You obviously wont do well in this event then, which is purely your fault. A learn2play is almost in order, but I hate that term.

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I´am sorry but even as a player who likes PvP and especially open world PvP, I can not enjoy this crap.

There is absolutely no purpose to fight other players, you just don´t get anything usefull out of it.

It would have been far better if it was a faction vs faction thing and your side can take control over the pylon and denie the other faction´s player the possibility to complete the quest. That would be proper world PvP.

But FFA? This is just a lousy and lazy design...

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