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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Relics of the Gree Event – Sneak Peek Video


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Between February 12 and February 26, visit the in-game News Terminal, located on Carrick Station or Vaiken Spacedock, to begin your adventure in an all new in-game event, Relics of the Gree!


Uncover the real mission of the Gray Secant, an enormous ancient Gree starship that has mysteriously appeared over Ilum’s Western Ice Shelf. The Gree have promised advanced technology, including highly-advanced weapons and armor, to anyone who is brave enough to aid them by taking on an action-packed mission.


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I hate you... My PC is being serviced for two weeks now because the only IT place in my area is full of dumbs T_T I am so afraid I won't make it for the event!


It looks so sweet, wish I could be there from start.


And did I see it right? Pubs and Imperials cooperating together?

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I hate you... My PC is being serviced for two weeks now because the only IT place in my area is full of dumbs T_T I am so afraid I won't make it for the event!


It looks so sweet, wish I could be there from start.


And did I see it right? Pubs and Imperials cooperating together?


If you are lucky this will be the "repeatable" event (monthly) for the Rep grind. If you are not and it runs as the other events in the past, it will be for one week only.


Of course EAware could have been more clear and given more details as to how long the event will last but, alas and true to form, they give next to no IMPORTANT information. :cool:

Edited by Urael
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If you are lucky this will be the "repeatable" event (monthly) for the Rep grind. If you are not and it runs as the other events in the past, it will be for one week only.


Of course EAware could have been more clear and given more details as to how long the event will last but, alas and true to form, they give next to no IMPORTANT information. :cool:


It already says it lasts 2 weeks , but it should come back at some point yes. Cool video and looking forward to it!





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It already says it lasts 2 weeks , but it should come back at some point yes.


I stand corrected. Still it would have been more informative if this event is "the repeatable rep grind gree illum event" to have said ... "The start of uncovering what the Gree are up to ..." or words to that effect to indicate that this will in fact be part of the new rep grind system. :cool:

Edited by Urael
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I only have 1 level 38 character and have not gotten to Ilum yet. I wonder if I am powerful enough for this event or I would I be wasting my time because I am too squishy.


Illum is a level 50 planet. Even if the event is scalable, unless there is a "protected path" to get you to the event, your character's "threat radius" would attract the attention of the NPCs. :cool:

Edited by Urael
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between february 12 and february 26, visit the in-game news terminal, located on carrick station or vaiken spacedock, to begin your adventure in an all new in-game event, relics of the gree!


Uncover the real mission of the gray secant, an enormous ancient gree starship that has mysteriously appeared over ilum’s western ice shelf. The gree have promised advanced technology, including highly-advanced weapons and armor, to anyone who is brave enough to aid them by taking on an action-packed mission.


watch now


i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *____________________*

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Illum is a level 50 planet. Even if the event is scalable, unless there is a "protected path" to get you to the event, your character's "threat radius" would attract the attention of the NPCs. :cool:



Oh well, maybe I can make it to level 50 before the event is up. However, I am just now in the interlude between chapter 1 and 2.

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Pause the trailer at 0:50


Is that the OLD Dread Guard / Hazmat gear that the shadow is wearing? Back when it was Ketchup and Mustard colors? I mean, even the trooper in back and the soundrel on the left are colors I think were changed long ago. If I'm right, then how long has Bioware been sitting on this stuff.... >.>

Edited by Voren_Kurn
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A lot of the characters in the video seemed to be wearing PvP armor (I know I saw the inquisitor Battlemaster armor there). I wonder just how much PvP is going to be required.


Well, I enjoy both styles of play but there had better be some PVP content in there considering that Ilum was originally designed as a PVP zone (aside from the daily areas) and this was supposed to include a revamp of that area. If it's PVE only I personally won't care but the forums will explode.

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Illum is a level 50 planet. Even if the event is scalable, unless there is a "protected path" to get you to the event, your character's "threat radius" would attract the attention of the NPCs. :cool:


I was afraid of that. I just hit 42, unless I do a massive grind, I won't hit 50 before the event ends. :mad:

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Illum is a level 50 planet. Even if the event is scalable, unless there is a "protected path" to get you to the event, your character's "threat radius" would attract the attention of the NPCs. :cool:

There already is. The speeder right outside the imperial base (I'm assuming the republic speeder is just as accessible) can take you directly to the western PvP area and you don't encounter any NPCs on your way there.

Edited by Screaming_Ziva
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This looks more than an event, as it looks more like an Ops with Bosses. If it is only going to be for 2 weeks, I find that disconcerting. This should be for at least a month so that guilds can Ops and fight the bosses together. All the time and effort put into this and it's only up for 2 weeks? What a waste. It's going to take people a few days just to figure thins stuff out. Allow more than 2 weeks Bioware.


I really hope this isn't a PVP only event. If it is...i'm very unhappy.


Furthermore, upon looking at the new armor. The design looks horrible. Yes, a Tron look is cool, but the actual armor you put it on is UGLY! WHy not allow the Tron look on what you are already wearing? Why can't Bioware design good armor? Dunce hats, cyborg, and 2 ft long spikes? Seriously? 90% of the armor in this game is ugly. Half the stuff that actually could look decent is only blue or green level, not mod-able. Why is it always some hogwash you cant COLOR THE WAY YOU WANT IT!!! Good armor would be: Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Darth Talon, Dark Side Luke, Ventress. Get the idea now? Yes, stuff that actually looks good.


Also, I found it strange that the video had a Sexual Content warning, yet there was none in the video. :confused:

Edited by DarthVengeant
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There already is. The speeder right outside the imperial base (I'm assuming the republic speeder is just as accessible) can take you directly to the western PvP area and you don't encounter any NPCs on your way there.


Unless they "enable" the PvP scaling of PvP levels 10-49, it will be next to impossible for lowbies. It will still be difficult for lowbies even if they do, due to the level of gear of many of the hardcore PvPers. We need, as usual, more information. :cool:

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