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So lowbie PVP is fun...


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because there is no smash or bubblestun. Seems like an easy fix then for lvl 50 pvp. Right?


Both of these exist in lowbie PVP. People are just bad so you think it is fun because they don't know their classes or use their most annoying specs to the fullest. Any decent PVPer rolls over everyone in lowbies, so yes if you want easy games just twink a toon, stay at level 49 by leaving right before games end!!

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Both of these exist in lowbie PVP. People are just bad so you think it is fun because they don't know their classes or use their most annoying specs to the fullest. Any decent PVPer rolls over everyone in lowbies, so yes if you want easy games just twink a toon, stay at level 49 by leaving right before games end!!


not really. since lowbie is populated by levels 10-49, and stun bubble is fairly high into a bad spec tree (4th tier), you don't find many sages/sorcs with the capability/desire to stun-bubble.


guardians/juggs do tend to put out decent dmg, especially those in their 40s, so I assume they're focus/rage. I have more hp than most tanks, so it's hard to say how hard they're hitting in lowbie compared to 50s w/o parsing. it may be of interest (perhaps just an anomaly on my server?) that the sents/maras in lowbie are kind of a joke in comparison to the tanky AC. there are a few plausible reasons for that, however.

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because there is no smash or bubblestun. Seems like an easy fix then for lvl 50 pvp. Right?


thats not true ... but this is not problem in lowbie ... ppl just dont know how to pvp, tanks dont do protection, dps do 50k dmg, and 90% o healers ... they dont speak in chat, they dont know what is field respec and stealther is best for guarding etc ...


just terrible ...

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because there is no smash or bubblestun. Seems like an easy fix then for lvl 50 pvp. Right?


Oh there are plenty of smashers, they just don't hit ridiculously hard unless you come across one in the 40's, and even then they might hit 4k if they are well geared (most are not). I go high endurance when leveling though so 4k is meh to me when I waltz into a wz with 15k hp at level 25 lol.


But for the most part, yes, lowbies are much more fun/relaxing imo because there are way less annoying aspects that happen normally in 50's and because bubble stun is so high in the lightning tree you don't see many bubble stunners because hybrids just arn't feasible in lowbies unless you are 40+. I've been pretty much just leveling a bunch of alts and only doing the pvp daily on my main. Don't really have any interest in doing any extensive amount of 50 pvp till they fix smash/bubble stun (be nice if they fixed resolve to but I doubt that will ever happen).

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lowbies are not perfect, they have their own brand of OPness, mainly the 40+ OPs who can stun-lock/burst you to death through their opening rotation. That being said, i much prefer lowbie pvp. smash dmg is more reasonable, most people do not have their full set of stuns and bubble-stunning idiots dont have all their skills to be effective other than to stun.


Mainly there is more variety. When you join a lowbie wz, you'll see all classes spread out, different strategies, etc. Join a 50 wz, and all you see are mostly smashers (marauders mostly) and sorcs with the other classes sprinkled in.

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lowbies are not perfect, they have their own brand of OPness, mainly the 40+ OPs who can stun-lock/burst you to death through their opening rotation. That being said, i much prefer lowbie pvp. smash dmg is more reasonable, most people do not have their full set of stuns and bubble-stunning idiots dont have all their skills to be effective other than to stun.


Mainly there is more variety. When you join a lowbie wz, you'll see all classes spread out, different strategies, etc. Join a 50 wz, and all you see are mostly smashers (marauders mostly) and sorcs with the other classes sprinkled in.


You get unbalanced teams in lowbies as well. I have faced sniper/GS heavy teams, PT/VG heavy teams, warrior/knight heavy teams, its all random.

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No smashers, because annihilation is better for lowbie (for marauder), bubble stun to be good needs level 47 (so you have good healing and bubble stun), sins killer's hybrids need 48L too to be at full capacity.

that leaves us with PT pyro who are deadly on lowbie, but not so common for some reason, snipers who bolster nicely, and operatives who are rare to the bone. (and rep equivalents).


so no, lowbie is not fun. it's filled with baddies, ignorance, lack of intrest in winning (I'll get my exp any ways so why bother) and any teamplay.


only 2 kinds of people might enjoy it.

1. good players who like destroying single targets and to change the game course by them selves (which is an illusion, since it's only possible on lowbie as oponents are usualy bads)

2. bads with tunnel vision who can't see how bad they are and how their badness cost team score. (ignorance is a bliss right?)


ofcourse that's to be expected, as lowbie is a training ground, I don't expect anything else there and I'm not being an elitist, I'm just stating fact about that bracket.


oh, and premades on lowbies are more deadly. 4 coordinated dps with experience can win a warzone even with 4 ******* as team mates.

Edited by Atramar
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thats not true ... but this is not problem in lowbie ... ppl just dont know how to pvp, tanks dont do protection, dps do 50k dmg, and 90% o healers ... they dont speak in chat, they dont know what is field respec and stealther is best for guarding etc ...


just terrible ...


You're assuming that these are all new players, which is surely not true. Why would ppl twinking their 10th toon not know how to PvP?

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You're assuming that these are all new players, which is surely not true. Why would ppl twinking their 10th toon not know how to PvP?


At the same time, it doesn't mean there are not BAD players in 50 as well. Maybe they just have more abilities to spam randomly while not playing the objectives, but they are still there.


That said; I do think sub-50 is worse balance wise You want to complain about scrappers/concealment from level 40-50? Go play one prior to level 40. lol


I've been recently leveling my Pub side toons. I think I am going to get them all to level 40 with capped comms along with the level 40 PvP armor already bought, and then I am going to augment the level 40 gear and keep it up to date since I about have all the crafting skills to 400 now, then it will be PvP with them each until they max out on ranked and regs. Debating on the last quest accept for a level 50 in sub-50 party along with getting a recruit set ready to go. Totally balanced BTW. Nothing to see here.

Edited by Technohic
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You're assuming that these are all new players, which is surely not true. Why would ppl twinking their 10th toon not know how to PvP?


Problem is you don't know who is player and who is newbie until end board. 2 people 500k dmg, 5 30k each and one healer.

ofcourse that is a lost game, since no one was calling incs (or coming to help if incs) and you were loosing node by node

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Problem is you don't know who is player and who is newbie until end board. 2 people 500k dmg, 5 30k each and one healer.

ofcourse that is a lost game, since no one was calling incs (or coming to help if incs) and you were loosing node by node


Whos doing 500k damage in lowbie?

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Whos doing 500k damage in lowbie?


it was a random number I typed in. but often I see my marauder (43) doing 400k-600k without even trying while most of team didn't (or barely) touched 50k

and generally you see 1,2 people very high in dps while all rest (on both teams) make impression they only used default attack for the whole game.

Edited by Atramar
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it was a random number I typed in. but often I see my marauder (43) doing 400k-600k without even trying while most of team didn't (or barely) touched 50k


If your 600k dmg were done on someone who wouldn't die because he was being healed from behind, then they didn't help the group much. What I'm trying to say is that overall dmg figures are not much of an indicator for WZ utility.

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If your 600k dmg were done on someone who wouldn't die because he was being healed from behind, then they didn't help the group much. What I'm trying to say is that overall dmg figures are not much of an indicator for WZ utility.


I know that, I was not babbling about high numbers, I was referring to the fact that some people feel stronger on lowbies since 75% people can't fight (so they are easy kills = people burst their ego = posting how under 50s are fun)


and no, my targets usually don't live long. since cleanses are not used, anni marauders hit more then smash monkeys.

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Most people don't care about the baddies in lowbies. Lowbie pvp is just simply less stressful. If you just want to BS and have some fun, go do lowbie pvp. Why? Because you don't spend 90% of the game *********** stunlocked or chain rooted/slowed and you don't get blasted for 6-7k every encounter. TTK isn't absurd and burst is reasonable. At most you'll see high 4k bursts and that's rare.
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Most people don't care about the baddies in lowbies. Lowbie pvp is just simply less stressful. If you just want to BS and have some fun, go do lowbie pvp. Why? Because you don't spend 90% of the game *********** stunlocked or chain rooted/slowed and you don't get blasted for 6-7k every encounter. TTK isn't absurd and burst is reasonable. At most you'll see high 4k bursts and that's rare.


how is it less stressful, when after you fought for a node, took it, first you want to guard, but there are 4 people on it, so you leave, 3 defenders left, 30 sec later when you fight on other node, you see all 3 of them ran away from node because defending is boring (and of course enemy capped it)? or my favourite, defender ran away from node, because he didn't want to die :D


huttball is a different story...

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how is it less stressful, when after you fought for a node, took it, first you want to guard, but there are 4 people on it, so you leave, 3 defenders left, 30 sec later when you fight on other node, you see all 3 of them ran away from node because defending is boring (and of course enemy capped it)? or my favourite, defender ran away from node, because he didn't want to die :D


huttball is a different story...


This crap happens in 50 pvp to. Whats your point? Baddies are bad, doesn't matter what level they are.

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Most people don't care about the baddies in lowbies. Lowbie pvp is just simply less stressful. If you just want to BS and have some fun, go do lowbie pvp. Why? Because you don't spend 90% of the game *********** stunlocked or chain rooted/slowed and you don't get blasted for 6-7k every encounter. TTK isn't absurd and burst is reasonable. At most you'll see high 4k bursts and that's rare.


Yeah, and in it's place? Healing is overpowered instead. Got more healers? You're going to win.

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that leaves us with PT pyro who are deadly on lowbie, but not so common for some reason


Why have only one blaster pistol when you can have two? Why use a blaster rifle when you can use an assault cannon? When the scoreboard comes up with the BH or Troop icon, many people (the less informed general pop) assume it was a Merc/Mando doing all that damage because hey, PT/VG are a tank class, right? :rolleyes:


On topic, I enjoy both lowbie pvp and 50 pvp. They almost feel like two different games in the same setting so it's refreshing to switch it up.

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At the same time, it doesn't mean there are not BAD players in 50 as well. Maybe they just have more abilities to spam randomly while not playing the objectives, but they are still there.


That said; I do think sub-50 is worse balance wise You want to complain about scrappers/concealment from level 40-50? Go play one prior to level 40. lol


I've been recently leveling my Pub side toons. I think I am going to get them all to level 40 with capped comms along with the level 40 PvP armor already bought, and then I am going to augment the level 40 gear and keep it up to date since I about have all the crafting skills to 400 now, then it will be PvP with them each until they max out on ranked and regs. Debating on the last quest accept for a level 50 in sub-50 party along with getting a recruit set ready to go. Totally balanced BTW. Nothing to see here.


Why even bother with recruit? My vanguard has a set of WH waiting to just go crazy in a lowbie WZ. You only get to do it once so you might as well enjoy it.

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