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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Community Votes on Next Expanision or Update


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Greetings Community,


As a fan of Star Wars, and of SWTOR, I think that after the latest post for update 1.7 the community should step in. Unless EA and those working on SWTOR want to see this game go the way of the "DODO", I think the next update should be community driven. SWTOR should come up with a list of update features they were planning on doing, and let the community vote. As a multiple subscriber, the prestige grind update is unacceptable.


If you want to see a good example of the community helping to drive the content, and growing their player base, take a look at EVE. The CSM was a great way to link the community to the game. I'm not saying SWTOR should do the same thing, but obviously marketing and the dev team's minds have gone walk about. This is still a business and development costs are always a factor, but please save your lunch money to release something better than a half eaten sandwich.



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what do you want? a foundry like STO so the devs no longer have to put time in and make any real content? No thanks. If the community got to decide next update we'd end up with talking frogs dual wielding a lightsaber and a blaster. I say let the devs do their jobs, make suggestions and eventually you'll see what you want most added. Or you won't.
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Yeah...you're gonna wanna go smaller. They have a team dedicated to this, they aren't going to throw the brainstorming part at us let alone let us design an 'entire' expansion.


The most you'll hope for is maybe they'll ask us 'What Planet would we like to go to next', but that's about it.


Besides, the community have some terrible ideas and i'd rather BioWare do it than this forum...

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I think you're initialed to your opinion, but it doesn't make sense IMO.


Also even if the did this here are some of the major problems:

- Community consensus - Reading the forums from 10 minutes show you how wide and varied the interests are. Some people really want PvP improvements and nothing else, some people really want new Ops/Fps and nothing else, some people only want sandbox and role play stuff, some people don't want anything new until every single bug is fixed, some people desperately want SGRs, some people want desperately not to have SGRs, etc, ect.

- Technical issues - While granted a gaming community has a larger population of people that understand technological concerns, not everyone does. People say, why not do x, it's so easy, when in reality it could be a big technical challenge (example hood toggle).

- Disengaged - As it is the devs are very disengaged from the community. While I agree they need to be more engaged, you can't just go from what we have now to suddenly their our technology butlers. It needs to be a much more gradual process than that if it were to work.

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As I previously stated, SWTOR comes up with a list, and we vote on what we would like to see next. I never said that the Community makes up whatever they want and decide.


Please post serious responses, by reading the entire post before lighting it on fire.



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With respect . anything we came up with now and the dev's took on-board with them would take year to happen. be realistic the fans do not control the content . we JUST don t .


Your 100% right sadly


But ill still put my line in the sand


FULLY FUNCTIONAL and INTEGRATED Pazaak and Swoop Racing by Dec 31, 2013


or my account will be closed for good.


I think, considering it was the first requested item on the forums when they opened in Oct of 08, and remained the most requested item since then. Through closed beta, open beta, and launch and beyond.


Giveing them 24 months time from Launch is enough leeway and development period.


Id like a whole lot more that was promised to us in hype build up for game originally but this is my line in the sand.


If they can care so little for the fanbase that they can ignore the most requested content for 24 months after release, then ill wash my hands of SW:TOR, EA, the whole mess.


The Witcher 2 was just announced for 2014

Cyberpunk 2077 is coming sometime

Those 2 will definately take priority over SW:TOR and every other title out there because CDProjekt RED has EARNED my trust and loyalty

and there is a host of new MMORPGs coming.

Im sure I can go be disappointed with one of those titles to same degree


So thats my personal line in sand


But yeah, they didnt listen to us after asking what world we wanted next,

why would they listen to our demands here?


Yeah...you're gonna wanna go smaller. They have a team dedicated to this, they aren't going to throw the brainstorming part at us let alone let us design an 'entire' expansion.


The most you'll hope for is maybe they'll ask us 'What Planet would we like to go to next', but that's about it.


Besides, the community have some terrible ideas and i'd rather BioWare do it than this forum...


LOL, didnt we see that entire routine play out already?


They ask

we answer clearly

They announce Makeb

We look if Makeb was even listed by one poster (it wasnt)


Whats the old saying?

Fool me once shame on you

Fool me twice, shame on me.

Edited by Kalfear
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Let's say we go to a system where we "vote on features" to be implemented.


Who varifies the results of the vote?


How do we know that EAware won't use this system as an excuse to hide poor performance?


Also, as others have said above, do we really know what is feasible given the current state of the game?


All we as consumers of a service can do is voice what we would like to happen as far as what the service offers. It is up to EAware to listen. If they choose not to, and one doesn't like the results, (and if you are a subscriber) you can vote with your wallet. TBH, since we are now Freemium, the "wallet" option is pretty much taken off the table. As long as SWTOR gimps along on CS Shinies and pulls in some revenue, it will stay open.


So basically, you wanted Freemium model for SWTOR? Well EAware gave ya what ya wanted ( to all who wanted it ). Now, you have to live with the results.


At this point it's play or don't play ... doesn't matter as long as there is someone that will take your place plunking their coins in the CS slot machine. :cool:

Edited by Urael
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LOL, didnt we see that entire routine play out already?


They ask

we answer clearly

They announce Makeb

We look if Makeb was even listed by one poster (it wasnt)


Whats the old saying?

Fool me once shame on you

Fool me twice, shame on me.


YES! Makeb!!!! Wait.....what?!


It's sad they didn't treat our replies with any more weight than that...

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As a multiple subscriber, the prestige grind update is unacceptable.


Why exactly is a reputation system unacceptable? Its something new added to the game. Its not like its the only thing being added with 1.7. It gives you something else to do and more options on how to get your gear. You think having multiple subs entitles you to personalize updates?

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Why exactly is a reputation system unacceptable? Its something new added to the game. Its not like its the only thing being added with 1.7. It gives you something else to do and more options on how to get your gear. You think having multiple subs entitles you to personalize updates?


Simple, it doesn't do anything, if I want good gear for pve I do Hms and ops, PVP I do WZs, all the other gear is pretty much useless and cosmetic, so it does nothing, just add it to the Cartel market and be done with it.


Secondly, I pay for family members to play as well, and just so I've said this, go troll another poster :p, read the post, it says "COMMUNITY".



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Simple, it doesn't do anything, if I want good gear for pve I do Hms and ops, PVP I do WZs, all the other gear is pretty much useless and cosmetic, so it does nothing, just add it to the Cartel market and be done with it.


Secondly, I pay for family members to play as well, and just so I've said this, go troll another poster :p, read the post, it says "COMMUNITY".




It's optional content. Frankly I'm not sure what I think of it just yet as I haven't had a chance to test it. Though any attempt to shoehorn me into pvping with be met with a simple and honest grumpy cat reply. "NO."

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LOL, didnt we see that entire routine play out already?


They ask

we answer clearly

They announce Makeb

We look if Makeb was even listed by one poster (it wasnt)


Whats the old saying?

Fool me once shame on you

Fool me twice, shame on me.


People asked for more story content. Makeb is more story content. Maybe not the kind you want, but it is something that people asked for.

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just add it to the Cartel market and be done with it.


For the love of the Force, DON'T tell them to just add it to CM and be done with it. I understand that, at this point in the life of this game, the CM is the primary revenue generator, and, if the game is to continue, is a necessary evil. However, having the CM the only way to get new content would be the surest way to see me leave. Personally, I would love to see them expand the Legacy system. I am an admitted, and unrepentant, ALTalolic, and thought it was fantastic that I had found a game that rewards me for getting bored easily, and rolling up an new toon, just 'cause.


As to the original post, depending on implementation, it could work, but only in a limited fashion. Something along the lines of "The next patch is comming up. Here is what we have that is already included, and here are 'X' things that we have that could go into it. At the end of 'timeframe' the 1 (or 2) options with the most votes will be worked into the patch."


In order to keep the voting process simple, it should probably be something along the lines of each PAID subscription gets one vote for the option of their choice, and the subscriber has to have been a PAID subscriber for not less than 3 months, or paid in advance for a minimum of 3 months. My reasoning behind excluding the F2P from the voting process is, not because I don't value the opinions of our F2P friends, but rather I don't want some bozo out there creating up 50 different F2P accounts to get his preferance voted in.


Conversely, if they wish to allow F2P accounts to vote, they could implement a voting booth type object on, either the Faction homeworld, or the Fleet, of both, but that has a level restriction of say 40 to interact with it. Granted, people could probably PL a toon to 40 in under a day, don't know, never attempted to PL any of my characters, but this would show a certain amount of commitment to their beliefs, and I could respect that.


In either case, it should be restricted to 1 vote per account, and once your vote is cast you are locked out until the next vote is called.

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As I previously stated, SWTOR comes up with a list, and we vote on what we would like to see next. I never said that the Community makes up whatever they want and decide.

And in a fit of Aspergers, the community would ***** and moan over BW not simply giving us everything they have on the list.

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People asked for more story content. Makeb is more story content. Maybe not the kind you want, but it is something that people asked for.


Ummm they asked us POINT BLANK


"What is the next planet you want to see added to TOR"


Clear cut winner was Kasyyk (wookie world)

other mentionables were






and so many more


So they announced coming before end of 2012,



(not one person wrote Makeb to answer their thread question)


Please stop trying to spin the answers given


MY ANSWER was direct on point reply to person saying (as shown below)


The most you'll hope for is maybe they'll ask us 'What Planet would we like to go to next', but that's about it.


YOUR ANSWER IS SPIN that had nothing to do with statement that was being responded to.


Thats one of the biggest issues around here,

To much spin and not enough direct on topic speech!


EA has their own PR dept and they can spin their own statements with out a small but vocal portion of community doing it for them.


And in a fit of Aspergers, the community would ***** and moan over BW not simply giving us everything they have on the list.


And if that happened, then you could **** and moan about them doing so.


But we haven't seen that happen yet so really you don't know for a fact that would happen.


I been here since day 1 of forums and the biggest issues (most consistantly spoken about by a non political group agenda) since the forums opened are:


Pazaak (not currently in game)

Swoop Racing (not currently in game)

Barbershop (not currently in game)

non linear Space combat (not currently in game)

Open World RVR (ala DAoC style) (not currently in game)

Housing (not currently in game)

Arena combat (not currently in game)

chat bubbles (gawd I hate this one but its been asked for allot) (not currently in game)

Enforced RP Server naming (not currently in game)

and more (not currently in game)


So while you might be right that the people would complain anyways.

I think its only fair EA actually deliver what was asked for first, before you go ahead and negatively typecast the community reaction for content addition that has not happened yet.


Personally I think the only way any of the items I listed above would be reacted to negatively would be if they were added through the cartel market as additional costs to subscribers.


Barring that however, I dont think the bulk of the subscribers would whimper much less do what your doing currently, if the long requested content was added finally.

Edited by Kalfear
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It's just too bad this game will continue to limp along until it gets tossed in the dumpster :(


What's worse is I am now making a conscience effort to stay away from EA games period


Either way, Community Voting was just a thought.



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Simple, it doesn't do anything, if I want good gear for pve I do Hms and ops, PVP I do WZs, all the other gear is pretty much useless and cosmetic, so it does nothing, just add it to the Cartel market and be done with it.


Secondly, I pay for family members to play as well, and just so I've said this, go troll another poster :p, read the post, it says "COMMUNITY".




sure it does. it gives collectors something to work for. some people like collecting titles and pets and different looking gear. This appeals to those players. Should PVPers get no additional warzones because some people hate to PVP? Some people like reputation systems and will enjoy partaking in one. sorry its not your cup of tea. If you don't like it, don't play it.


again, the 4 subs you pay for does not give you the right to dictate what content updates we get.

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sure it does. it gives collectors something to work for. some people like collecting titles and pets and different looking gear. This appeals to those players. Should PVPers get no additional warzones because some people hate to PVP? Some people like reputation systems and will enjoy partaking in one. sorry its not your cup of tea. If you don't like it, don't play it.


again, the 4 subs you pay for does not give you the right to dictate what content updates we get.


You must be purposefully trolling because you have no idea what you are talking about. I never said 4 subs, remember reading is fundamental :p

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You must be purposefully trolling because you have no idea what you are talking about. I never said 4 subs, remember reading is fundamental :p


/sigh. way to focus on 1 unimportant aspect of my post.


ok. you're right, you didn't give a number, I just used a number based on the average size of a family. You are missing the point. my 1 sub, your multiple subs, that other guys 10 subs don't give any of us the right to demand personalized content. And no, i do not know a guy that has 10 subs. just an arbitrary example to illustrate my point.


I'm not arguing your main point. Its great for the community to have a say in what new content gets released. I was merely pointing out that content that you don't enjoy is not necessarily bad content, regardless of how many subs you pay for.

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/sigh. way to focus on 1 unimportant aspect of my post.


ok. you're right, you didn't give a number, I just used a number based on the average size of a family. You are missing the point. my 1 sub, your multiple subs, that other guys 10 subs don't give any of us the right to demand personalized content. And no, i do not know a guy that has 10 subs. just an arbitrary example to illustrate my point.


I'm not arguing your main point. Its great for the community to have a say in what new content gets released. I was merely pointing out that content that you don't enjoy is not necessarily bad content, regardless of how many subs you pay for.


My point is that it isn't content when you have to repeat the same things you are already doing just to level up reputation.


Granted they are adding more dailies for specific factions or whatever, but that's a days worth of new content.


Cosmetic Gear should not be a highlight of a release, nor a days worth of content. As I previously posted, great your adding new stuff, but it's not really much of anything, "half eaten sandwich". Hold off until there is actual substance to an update. For me, my opinion mind you, it just seems that update 1.8 will be "Now My Pants Are Blue", pink colored pants available soon on the CM.


I have already pre-ordered "Rise of the Hutt Cartel", so I'm still going to play, I'm just reacting to yet another, my opinion mind you, poor decision from EA.


If you are going to release updates as content every 4 - 6 months, I don't remember the actual cycle they quoted, but the content should be repeatable and playable at least half way through to the next cycle. Don't you think?



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