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Why the hell are inquis/consulars so damn tanky?


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Err you got the math wrong bud. It increase speed BY 150% not TO 150%. Means they go 250% for 2 seconds. Means, if you go 30m per seconds they go 75m per second, meaning you'll be 90m away after 2 seconds. That's 3X out of range on most range abilities.


What annoys me more with sprint is that you can't root them and deny them on it. I guess it'd be a bit underpowered if it were like that.


And bubble needs fine tuning.


Haha actually until the very last patch you indeed could root it. I haven't played mine since bubble stun showed up, but it was a pretty pathetic class for a long time. Maybe they changed it, I used to have full WH and I could kite for a minute and a half only to get popped in 3 GCDs, or 1 if 2 people attacked me at the same time. The class just doesn't do any damage, and with DCDs that some classes get, for instance lolmara, a well played any AC should always beat a Sorc/Sage 1v1, or at least kill it even if you're getting 3v1ed.


I should know I have plenty of other classes lol. When I played my Sage I used to watch as everyone would always drop whoever they were attacking to go right after me no matter what. Now I do the very same thing, because the class is so hilariously squishy.

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To be fair, the OP is a commando, so I can understand his frustrations.


Heavy armor doesn't mean much when most attacks go through armor. Smashmonkeys get a hefty armor penetration boost and Rail Shot ignores 90% armor. A knockback doesn't mean much when the PT can still shoot you and slowly close the distance and the Marauder typically has a second leap.


From the perspective of the heavy artillery platform known as the commando, the ability for inquisitors to run really fast for a few seconds is basically simple envy. I'm sure sorc heals would love to have that interrupt-immunity bubble commandos get.

Edited by Zakmonster
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I think part of the illusion of greater survive-ability comes from:



Force stun

Force lift (instant lift if talented)

Instant heal

+5% inherent defense as sage

14 sec interrupt

Cone knockback

Force Slow

AOE root (from talents)

Bubble Stun


IF the sage is a great pvper they add in:

Knockdown grenades

Medpack / warzone medpack


Additionally they can spec into talents to get a 20% alacrity boost which can give them 7,500 heals in 1 sec or less casts.


Really the list goes on. I love playing sage and I think with everything they have to use they can come across as "tanky"

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In this thread: commando not realizing how broken his class is...thinks the 2500 paper-armor rating sage is an overpowered tank healer.


The only broken spec is gunnery with a rotation that can be shut down merely with interrupts, but combat medic and assault spec can perform well in pvp. Though assault spec commandos are literally a glass cannon and need to learn to kite as much as a healer does, their main rotation is uninterruptible, able to be fired on the move and 30m range. The only bane of my assault spec is ops, assassins, and snipers, and even ops and sins can be countered by simply dropping stealth scan on yourself. Snipers that you let outrange you are just gonna make life miserable but that's on you for not stepping 5m closer, or stepping back and making them move.

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To be honest im really really good at keeping my bubble up while im playing my scorc and I often Have had 100k heals in a PvP match wilsting the full tele tree just from absorbed damage. I don't care what anyone says with FS and my bubble im tankie as hell. With bubble up smashes hit for around 3.5 to 5k and up to 7.2k with no bubble for me personally. I don't agree with all the OP points but i will say for a light armor class im very hard to kill even as a non healer spec.


Whatever you say :)

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The only broken spec is gunnery with a rotation that can be shut down merely with interrupts.


Ok, i'll give you that one, but in return you give me;

The only broken spec is gunnery with a rotation that can be shut down merely with interrupts. Though I agree Sorcerers are completely broken altogether.
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Not too sure where you were taking this little rant but...


I have both a Heal spec Sorc and a Commando Trooper. Now

unless its a brutal dog piling where both of my toons would drop

like a prom date in seconds, I will still say that my Commando has

far more survivability than my Sorc and I bubble my *** off.


Now I get by here and there, but usually as soon the opposing team

witnesses me healing its a wrap and I end up in the aforementioned

dog piling scenario and its a fight to get out of harms way. I need my

burst of speed and my fleeting bubbles to keep alive and to keep healing.


You must have went up against a decent Sorc player who schooled you

in a little Inquisitor 101. But still... I PvP WAY more on my Commando

than I ever do my Sorc just because I get tired of the squishy.


Stop getting angry and ranting on about what needs to be taken away

from a class that busted your ego and learn what you need to counter

against all classes to win in PvP.


just throwing that out there....




beautiful poem

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Ok, i'll give you that one, but in return you give me;



Umm.. no.. sorcs are not broken in the least. They just require alot of space to operate effectively, and granted some maps prevent this (voidstar and hypergates you know i'm talking about you), some of the best DPS and healers I've seen are sages and sorcs. They just require areas that allow them to kite and LOS effectively, and they can do it easier than a commando can.

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In this thread: commando not realizing how broken his class is...thinks the 2500 paper-armor rating sage is an overpowered tank healer.


This. I sympathize with the commando point if view, but as the 1 class that can't reliably solo any other class (unless they're up against a poor player or there are other contributing factors), the commando player will inevitably find every other class over-powered in PvP. It's all relative, and commando happens to be the lowest on the PvP food chain by a wide margin. If it's any consolation, a sage/Sorc that was blown their cooldowns is pretty much dead if cornered.

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Umm.. no.. sorcs are not broken in the least. They just require alot of space to operate effectively, and granted some maps prevent this (voidstar and hypergates you know i'm talking about you), some of the best DPS and healers I've seen are sages and sorcs. They just require areas that allow them to kite and LOS effectively, and they can do it easier than a commando can.


this is true


however i dont feel its fair that we need the length of a football field to be affect vs a melee...


not while snipers can sit in one spot with there 8349 cooldowns and immunities and light kids up


nope i gotta kite for an hour letting my 300 tick of affliction every 3 seconds really do some work

Edited by wwkingms
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this is true


however i dont feel its fair that we need the length of a football field to be affect vs a melee...


not while snipers can sit in one spot with there 8349 cooldowns and immunities and light kids up


nope i gotta kite for an hour letting my 300 tick of affliction every 3 seconds really do some work


Might be where you are going wrong, best DPS sage in my guild beat my arse like a drum just using mind crush and project, and kiting me with force speed. Even told me in mumble I was making a big mistake coming after him. He was right, and did it in the space around the node in civil war, about the area of middle in hypergates, but without the dozen or so people clustered together, and with a few obstacles to LOS when he needed it. Needless to say, it was a brutal lesson in how effective a clothie can be when allowed to dictate a battle.

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I play both Commando and Sorc, Commandos are squishy if they sit there and be a turret. Sorcs are squishy if they sit there like a turret. I tended to have a lot more survivability on the commando than the sorc, compared to the Sorc who was being guarded. The main thing sorc has on the commando for survival is force speed and the instant self heal on any spec. Where Commandos do get a instant heal, but they have to spec into it. And no **** dodge button.
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Might be where you are going wrong, best DPS sage in my guild beat my arse like a drum just using mind crush and project, and kiting me with force speed. Even told me in mumble I was making a big mistake coming after him. He was right, and did it in the space around the node in civil war, about the area of middle in hypergates, but without the dozen or so people clustered together, and with a few obstacles to LOS when he needed it. Needless to say, it was a brutal lesson in how effective a clothie can be when allowed to dictate a battle.


I have had the same experience when facing exceptional Sorcs/Sages. Exceptional ones are really impossible to do anything against. Unfortunately, as seen in this thread, 99.9% Sorcs/Sages are horrendous players that sit there or backpedal while you burst them down. The ones that constantly LoS you while CCing you and using all their tools as their team peels you off of them and bursts you down, are complete gods. They can literally chain CC you and kite you around forever.

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I play both Commando and Sorc, Commandos are squishy if they sit there and be a turret. Sorcs are squishy if they sit there like a turret. I tended to have a lot more survivability on the commando than the sorc, compared to the Sorc who was being guarded. The main thing sorc has on the commando for survival is force speed and the instant self heal on any spec. Where Commandos do get a instant heal, but they have to spec into it. And no **** dodge button.


commando also has to sacrifice a 30% damage bonus to rail shot in order to achieve that instant heal.

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The only broken spec is gunnery with a rotation that can be shut down merely with interrupts, but combat medic and assault spec can perform well in pvp. Though assault spec commandos are literally a glass cannon and need to learn to kite as much as a healer does, their main rotation is uninterruptible, able to be fired on the move and 30m range. The only bane of my assault spec is ops, assassins, and snipers, and even ops and sins can be countered by simply dropping stealth scan on yourself. Snipers that you let outrange you are just gonna make life miserable but that's on you for not stepping 5m closer, or stepping back and making them move.


without spamming power shot assault merc dps is laughable and to spam power shot for procs they have to be standing still. if you're just constantly running around as pyro merc you will get scoreboard damage from dots, but your actual damage is below par.


it's the same as a pyro pt running around ignoring flame burst. except their railshot does a good bit more damage.

Edited by cultivatedmass
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Just my two cents here. I have a 38 Vanguard and a 39 Sorc. I find that the Vangaurd (defensively specced) can take a metric crapton of damage and hold off 3-4 attackers for several minutes if I play it right. The sorc on the other hand spends more time in the spawn area than in the battlefield because he loses about 30% health every time he's hit, meaning that if I get anywhere near anyone at all, I get insta-gibbed. That's WITH the bubble specced to take more damage and blind players after it bursts.


That's just been my experience with the two classes thus far. I'm not saying anybody's right or wrong, just that that's my experience - take it for what it's worth.

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The only time I'm tanky on my Sorc is if I have a Juggernaut in my guild premade for the Intercede + Taunt combo whenever I take focus fire (which is often).


But most teams know how to separate a tank and healer anyway. That or they just send a Pyrotech or Lethality Agent after me since Sorcs have no way to cleanse Tech based DoTs. Actually, Bounty Hunters and Imperial Agents in general Hard Counter Sorcs in so many ways it isn't even funny.

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Ummm lol the only damage reduction sorcs get is barrier once that's down they get hit harder than any other class. Sorcs are definitly amazing healers but they need the sprint if they want to live and half the time if you go to run away a team mate gets killed. They aren't tanky they just are all around the best healer and 1 healer should be able to out heal 1 guy even though 1 good dps can kill any healer.
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They're very squishy. Problem is you're speaking from a commando perspective. A commando's TTK anything is measured in 5 minute increments. Hopefully that'll change in 1.7.
Not likely. Looks like the focus will be on defensive abilties and not so much, if at all, increased output.
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