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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Mega Ding!!!


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Just finished my 16th toon to 50, I now have all AC's. :eek:

My very first back in early access was a sniper, and I just finished with the scoundrel.

4 toons at max social, 3 in full campaign, 1 full rakata.

What can I say, I'm an altaholic. :p

Edited by Mowermanx
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People like you make me feel less crazy. I'm working on my Marauder (level 46) to give me all 8 classes at 50, and I very well may end up in your camp someday (already started my Sage, Sniper and Assassin).


Mega grats for a mega ding.

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Grats man!


I'm curious - after playing through all 8, which story did you enjoy the most? And which class had the most "fun" gameplay for you?


I just hit 50 on my Guardian today...my only other 50 is a Gunslinger, so I've got a long way to go!


(Preferred both the Smuggler story and gameplay over the Guardians.....)

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Thanks guys.


Grats man!


I'm curious - after playing through all 8, which story did you enjoy the most? And which class had the most "fun" gameplay for you?

Its hard to pick one, but I really enjoyed the warrior and agent stories, though special mention must be made to the female smuggler, whoever does the VO for this is just amazing, put so much life into the character it really felt like a new story I was playing.

Most fun gameplay wise has to be the merc, having mako from the start and tons of aoe goodness makes ploughing through mobs is such a breeze.


16 50s + 4 Social X - "Impressive. Most impressive."


What's your /played in total?

Is there a way to check it account wide? if not, ill go through them all and check soon.

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Just finished my 16th toon to 50, I now have all AC's. :eek:

My very first back in early access was a sniper, and I just finished with the scoundrel.

4 toons at max social, 3 in full campaign, 1 full rakata.

What can I say, I'm an altaholic. :p


Im at 12 characters & 7 50's I was actually going to try to achieve what you have done. I have both AC for inquisitor and knight. and then i have a bh a agent and consular , I got sick of that so im currently levelling up both AC for the warrior lvl for lvl. your effort is fantastic any tips?


I think my quickest 50 was somewhere between 5-7 days. 150-170 hours game time something like that. I just cant bring myself to see the trooper through though. the story just is not engaging enough for me. which was your least favorite to level up? as i mentioned mine has to be trooper and gunslinger (currently @ lvls 18 and 38)


anyway congrats on the megading. perhaps your the first :)

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