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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Options For Warzones


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Like the title says. It makes no sense the way it works now. It took me a long time to get to try the new warzone because every time I queed I was thrown in Huttball or Voidstar. Imagine the uproar in the PVE community if they were forced into the same random mess and had to always play a flashpoint they didn't like? It's one of the biggest reasons you see people dropping out of Warzones. I can't blame them. Some of us want to be participating in a WAR, not an E-sport. Please give us the same option that the PVE game has. Thanks.
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This will only make the queues worse as the player base will spread out an only queue for what they like. Which isn't bad if you dont mind waiting 30 to 60 minutes between warzones.


I think they should make none rated warzones allow you to queue as a 8 man team or a single player. This way the match up system can put the pre-made 8 man teams together and the rest get mixed. Drop allowing 4 mans unless you put 4, 4 man teams together to make a match.

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This will only make the queues worse as the player base will spread out an only queue for what they like. Which isn't bad if you dont mind waiting 30 to 60 minutes between warzones.


Yes I would imagine that the wait time for Huttball will be sky high as that seems to be the least liked of all of them. But if they put in a system similiar to the PVE game, you will be able to checkmark the ones you like and the wait times won't be as bad. All I'm asking for is a system similiar to what PVE gets.

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Yes I would imagine that the wait time for Huttball will be sky high as that seems to be the least liked of all of them. But if they put in a system similiar to the PVE game, you will be able to checkmark the ones you like and the wait times won't be as bad. All I'm asking for is a system similiar to what PVE gets.


Sure. But if you 'uncheck' flashpoints, you don't black hole daily reward. So, if they would make it 'just liek pve' it would mean 'if you uncheck' you would get 1/4 reward that you get now for random que.

how does that sound?

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Sure. But if you 'uncheck' flashpoints, you don't black hole daily reward. So, if they would make it 'just liek pve' it would mean 'if you uncheck' you would get 1/4 reward that you get now for random que.

how does that sound?


Why would you uncheck a flashpoint when you're grinding coms?


All I can say is, there are multiple complaint threads on this forum that all boil down to players not getting to choose their warzones.

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Why would you uncheck a flashpoint when you're grinding coms?


All I can say is, there are multiple complaint threads on this forum that all boil down to players not getting to choose their warzones.


you wouldn't. but if you want it just like pve, then go with it to the end. if you check only some warzones, so not making it random for your self, you are accepting the fact, that you will not get full reward for this warzone. (comparing to pve group finder, instead of 140 comms max (plus votes) you would get 40 (5 comms per medal) if you win, or 24 (3 per medal) if loose... don't get me wrong, I want people who don't know how to play huttball not to que for huttball if it's possible.

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This will only make the queues worse as the player base will spread out an only queue for what they like. Which isn't bad if you dont mind waiting 30 to 60 minutes between warzones.
I can see this argument before the 2nd server consolidation, but I don't think it holds up anymore. I knew several people that just wanted to play huttball.


I totally agree with making it like PvE group finder for non-rated warzones, and no bonuses or daily completions if you opt out of any warzones. I don't think it matters for the weekly.

Edited by Fayme
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I would like to see this a lot but it may increase queue times for certain wz's.


Say you queue for Huttball and Void Star because those are you favorite wz's to play. Then you can check another option to throw you in all other wz's queue after x amount of time (5 or 10 minutes?) . This way you preferences with all other players are hopefully pooled together and your in your wz of choice, however in the end if they check the "all other boxes" then they would get thrown into a random.


Also as mentioned earlier if you go this route then your win will not count toward daily or weekly, choosing all by default would award appropriately.


Sure there are flaws with the above system, but its the only recommendation I have off the top of my head.


Honestly I love huttball, quickest game to win if played correctly, which means its the fastest way to grind comms.

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I would like to see this a lot but it may increase queue times for certain wz's.


Say you queue for Huttball and Void Star because those are you favorite wz's to play. Then you can check another option to throw you in all other wz's queue after x amount of time (5 or 10 minutes?) . This way you preferences with all other players are hopefully pooled together and your in your wz of choice, however in the end if they check the "all other boxes" then they would get thrown into a random.


Also as mentioned earlier if you go this route then your win will not count toward daily or weekly, choosing all by default would award appropriately.

Sure there are flaws with the above system, but its the only recommendation I have off the top of my head.


Honestly I love huttball, quickest game to win if played correctly, which means its the fastest way to grind comms.


I'm sorry but why should someone be penalized for being selective on warzones? I don't get penalized for being choosy on the flashpoints. Why should PVPers being treated differently?

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I'm sorry but why should someone be penalized for being selective on warzones? I don't get penalized for being choosy on the flashpoints. Why should PVPers being treated differently?


Umm, yes, you are.. The only reason to do fps is for the comms. If you chose only a few of them, then you won't get them. You only get the comms if you do the fp you will get randomly assigned to.

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Civil War / Hypergates only with stealthers

Huttball only with tanks, sorcs and stealthers

NC only with smash/powertech train


How nice... Do you really want it? Cuz i'm not! :rak_01:


Or make a separate queue for this "Options For Warzones". :p

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I cant believe people are actually comparing flashpoints and ops to a 10 minute warzone. As a poster above me pointed out, if we allow people to choose their warzones we'll see premades made specifically for the warzone they choose so they can farm comms. I hate AH and I'm not a big fan of huttball, but I'd rather bear with it for 10 minutes than put up with the nonsense that would come with warzone selection.
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I cant believe people are actually comparing flashpoints and ops to a 10 minute warzone. As a poster above me pointed out, if we allow people to choose their warzones we'll see premades made specifically for the warzone they choose so they can farm comms. I hate AH and I'm not a big fan of huttball, but I'd rather bear with it for 10 minutes than put up with the nonsense that would come with warzone selection.


What a load of bull. You have to deal with premades already who know these warzones inside and out. Changing it from random to one where we know what we are getting isn't going to change that.


I'm starting to wonder if the folks that are against this are just afraid of no longer having easy wins against players who don't want to be there.

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There needs to be some form of balance between the amount of options we are given and estimated sub-populations. Hence, the amount of options must be limited, I'm thinking three, or we'd get really long queue times.


1. Solo queue in the same queue as premades ON|OFF. Option only available between 6PM-11.59PM



Ideally I'd never solo queue with/against premades ever again but it's not reasonable to expect this at certain hours of the day. Personally I have very little respect for people who form good premades during the slow hours because they know from start that there's statistically no chance that the other team will be able to match their skill. That said, they have a right to play too and they would probably never get to do that if the option to avoid them was available at all hours.


2. Back-filling on-going games (Backfilling games will always results in atleast 60 warzone commendations) ON|OFF



Many games lack this option and I cannot understand how people have allowed it to be going on for this long. Playing a game where the outcome is decided long before you joined is as productive as trying to play a somewhat organized sport with/against your three year old son. It can have it's moments but they are not the moments you were looking for.


3.Veto one Warzone [Novare] [CW] [AH] [VS] [HB]



Allowing specific map picks would divide the population into too many sub-populations and allow people to, in a sense, exploit the system through warzone specific class/spec constellations. However, one veto could in many cases improve the overall experience because many of us have one warzone we really dislike and even if you love them equally you could end up in a scenario where you've had to play the same warzone three times in a row and just want something els in your next game

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I cant believe people are actually comparing flashpoints and ops to a 10 minute warzone. As a poster above me pointed out, if we allow people to choose their warzones we'll see premades made specifically for the warzone they choose so they can farm comms. I hate AH and I'm not a big fan of huttball, but I'd rather bear with it for 10 minutes than put up with the nonsense that would come with warzone selection.


I'd actually prefer it this way, now all the premades can play huttball together cleaning out the other wzs for everyone else.

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There needs to be some form of balance between the amount of options we are given and estimated sub-populations. Hence, the amount of options must be limited, I'm thinking three, or we'd get really long queue times.


1. Solo queue in the same queue as premades ON|OFF. Option only available between 6PM-11.59PM



Ideally I'd never solo queue with/against premades ever again but it's not reasonable to expect this at certain hours of the day. Personally I have very little respect for people who form good premades during the slow hours because they know from start that there's statistically no chance that the other team will be able to match their skill. That said, they have a right to play too and they would probably never get to do that if the option to avoid them was available at all hours.

First off, good post! The problem above you point out is playing a match that is guaranteed to be one sided from the start. There are other ways to address this problem besides segregating (or having an option to segregate) premade from solo. I have been in strong pugs that beat a weak premade. This is rare but it high lights the point that premade is not the problem as much as team strength.


An alternative option would be for BW to sometimes split up a premade if this is needed to make a more balanced match. I.e. you queue as a 4-man but some of the time BW breaks you into 2 and 2 or 1 and 3. Maybe in the same WZ, maybe in different.


Of course my idea above presupposes a match making algorithm that makes an effort to balance matches. (not currently the case).


TANGENT: I think many of the strong premades would play rated all of the time if BW fixed the RWZ system. We've been stuck with RWZ beta (preseason) for a very long time.

2. Back-filling on-going games (Backfilling games will always results in atleast 60 warzone commendations) ON|OFF




3.Veto one Warzone [Novare] [CW] [AH] [VS] [HB]



Allowing specific map picks would divide the population into too many sub-populations and allow people to, in a sense, exploit the system through warzone specific class/spec constellations. However, one veto could in many cases improve the overall experience because many of us have one warzone we really dislike and even if you love them equally you could end up in a scenario where you've had to play the same warzone three times in a row and just want something els in your next game


Very nice compromise between WZ control and the need to maintain a large player pool.

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I'd actually prefer it this way, now all the premades can play huttball together cleaning out the other wzs for everyone else.


Comm farmers arent going to play against other premades in huttball. They're going to play the warzones with the fewest premades for easier comms.

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What a load of bull. You have to deal with premades already who know these warzones inside and out. Changing it from random to one where we know what we are getting isn't going to change that.


I'm starting to wonder if the folks that are against this are just afraid of no longer having easy wins against players who don't want to be there.


I solo queue 80% of the time and we stand a chance (and frequently win) against premades because they have to keep a diverse enough team to play in all warzones. If you think you have a hard time now with premades, try when they're stacking classes for certain warzones.


As for your second comment, don't be naive. People who want easy wins are going to queue for warzones with the easiest competition.

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What a load of bull. You have to deal with premades already who know these warzones inside and out. Changing it from random to one where we know what we are getting isn't going to change that.


I'm starting to wonder if the folks that are against this are just afraid of no longer having easy wins against players who don't want to be there.


what stops you from going internet and learn them inside and out? lazyness? without random you will have premade made just for that one wz, and then you will be screwed...


if they don't want to be there.. why que... if you are really that bad at hutball and don't have a spot for 'pass ball' on skill bar, leave right after loading screen, no one will blame you.

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