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Same gender romance discussion


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I would definitely not object to either Cytharat or Lemda Avesta returning, and having their romances expanded to match others in the game. Both interesting characters who were not given enough time in the game.


I sort of felt I only got half the story with Lemda... Though I haven't finished the Cytharat romance enough to comment on his.


(Only problem is, all of my ladies then went on to romance Lana... *sigh*)


I'm told Cytharat is male only. Is this not the case?


I wish Lemda was more. Personally, loved how it left off, kept hoping for more. It was more like a great start that didn't go anywhere. :/

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I'm told Cytharat is male only. Is this not the case?


I wish Lemda was more. Personally, loved how it left off, kept hoping for more. It was more like a great start that didn't go anywhere. :/


Recently I've found myself able to play male characters, something I hadn't been able to do for many years... So I have a couple... One for each faction, the Sith Marauder is currently in the middle of Cytharat's romance, while the Republic guy has finished Yavin, but has yet to move on to Ziost with Theron. (So yes, Cytharat is a male only romance.)


I was disappointed by how things ended with Lemda. You get a kiss in one of the very last interactions, and... you can complement her when speaking with the Chancellor? And her reaction is "Fine, you win. Here's my holofrequency, call it often". Then you get mail from her uncle... Who basically implies that Lemda misses you, without actually writing the words? And you never hear from her again. It's... ugh. Like it's missing half the story, half the context. It's awkwardly done. Which is why I'd like to see her make a reappearance in the game somehow.

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Recently I've found myself able to play male characters, something I hadn't been able to do for many years... So I have a couple... One for each faction, the Sith Marauder is currently in the middle of Cytharat's romance, while the Republic guy has finished Yavin, but has yet to move on to Ziost with Theron. (So yes, Cytharat is a male only romance.)


I was disappointed by how things ended with Lemda. You get a kiss in one of the very last interactions, and... you can complement her when speaking with the Chancellor? And her reaction is "Fine, you win. Here's my holofrequency, call it often". Then you get mail from her uncle... Who basically implies that Lemda misses you, without actually writing the words? And you never hear from her again. It's... ugh. Like it's missing half the story, half the context. It's awkwardly done. Which is why I'd like to see her make a reappearance in the game somehow.


It's those final words that I love so much too :) If it was just an "Okay. You win." May not have been memorable to me. It was the "Here's my holo-frequency, call it often." that made me go "Need more Lemda! Why did they hype her up and leave it at this?!"

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The only thing is, with Cytharet reappear at all, they would have to have him in an area that is not accessible to everyone - only those who chose the light side option at a particular point in the Empire Makeb questline for obvious reasons.


<my DS V SI did a LS choice there because he flirted - my DS SW didn't have the option to flirt with Cytharet because it was male only - so she made the DS choice <G>. <even though he was a lot more goodlooking than some of the males she WAS given flirt options for but didn't take because.... ewwww.

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The only thing is, with Cytharet reappear at all, they would have to have him in an area that is not accessible to everyone - only those who chose the light side option at a particular point in the Empire Makeb questline for obvious reasons.


That doesn't sound like a problem to be honest...in 1-50 there are few instances where some people (depending on their dialogue choice) can have a pretty important/major content that other people are missing..My SIth Warrior comes to mind:

on certain planet if you choose the aggressive option to attack(and not talk) your SW go and force choke them very fast...and that was important because it is a optional content that shows that your SW is actually a pretty powerful force user (First time picking that....previously I only seen her struggling with a door...and considering what JC does with some very very sturdy looking metal doors it is....pathetic really.

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That doesn't sound like a problem to be honest...in 1-50 there are few instances where some people (depending on their dialogue choice) can have a pretty important/major content that other people are missing..My SIth Warrior comes to mind:

on certain planet if you choose the aggressive option to attack(and not talk) your SW go and force choke them very fast...and that was important because it is a optional content that shows that your SW is actually a pretty powerful force user (First time picking that....previously I only seen her struggling with a door...and considering what JC does with some very very sturdy looking metal doors it is....pathetic really.


I will never forget the timbre of burgeoning dread in that Jedi's voice on Alderaan: "I... I've never seen someone kill like that... so quickly." It's been literally almost four years since I've heard it, too :p


I think the problem with Cytharat showing up again is that we no longer have self-contained class stories. Everyone saw him on Makeb. Everyone will be completing the same quests in KOTFE.


It's not like certain other NPC's from 1-50.




Like Overseer Tremel, who shows up with a shiny new bionic hand if you spare his life.



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I think the problem with Cytharat showing up again is that we no longer have self-contained class stories. Everyone saw him on Makeb. Everyone will be completing the same quests in KOTFE.


As long as he only appeared in instances available only to players who spared him, there wouldn't be any story issues. Or, if an instance could be coded so that if you spared him he's there; if not, it's an apprentice.

Edited by eartharioch
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Neither would I... my sniper would certainly visit Lord Cytharat's house on occasion. :D


Well, since they are making companions optional and they said past decisions will matter, they MIGHT be able to bring Lord Cytherat back, though that would of course be predicated on your past choices. Like for example, my mercenary will never see Lord Cytherat again. You know, what with him being left behind in a sealed room that filled up with lava.


As for everyone doing the same story, it's still no different with companions than it is now... My Kira is not your Kira even though they may (or may not if I use a customization) look the same. So, just because Lord Cytherat is dead in my playthough doesn't mean he has to be in yours. Just like if my marauder finally gets fed up with Quinn and decapitates him with her axes (please let the rumors they will allow this to be true) that doesn't mean you can't have Quinn with you.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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That doesn't sound like a problem to be honest...in 1-50 there are few instances where some people (depending on their dialogue choice) can have a pretty important/major content that other people are missing..My SIth Warrior comes to mind:

on certain planet if you choose the aggressive option to attack(and not talk) your SW go and force choke them very fast...and that was important because it is a optional content that shows that your SW is actually a pretty powerful force user (First time picking that....previously I only seen her struggling with a door...and considering what JC does with some very very sturdy looking metal doors it is....pathetic really.


They dumped and forgot characters who could maybe die even back in the original Class stories, like Yuon Par - I doubt Cytharat stands a chance in the "one size fits all" story era, especially since he was two expansions ago.

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Yup. only thing that "differs" for the different classes in SOR is the mini-quest on Rishi. The factions both get nearly the same story as well.


The flirts are pretty much the same cross-faction.


Darn it. I was really hoping they tweaked the flirts to fit the class. They worked really well for my smuggler. My Knight... Yeah, not gonna flirt with a Sith, so I wasn't sure.

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Ehh ''one size fits all story'', as nicely as it describes the type of story in just a few words seem a bit....offensive to be honest...

...and more importantly I don't see it as a bad thing...I love Dragon age (that certainly includes DA2)/Mass effect (with certain exceptions) and....Jade empire and they are all ''one size fits all'' kind of story:)

...hmm I seem to be forgetting some important game....ah well...


About Lana Beniko's romance with different character....she only needs to react differently outside of the romance (tho it is always nice if there are few different lines thrown in there)...and the rest will be done by the player's own imagination (maybe I used the wrong word here). You know if she say: ""Well it certainly is impressive that you made it this far'' to my BH it will be very different than if she say the exact same line to my SI/ or even SW...

And lastly - let's give them a chance to surprise us. October is almost here and if we already start to prejudice ourselves with such ''doom and gloom' talk already well....we will certainly be disappointed however good the expansion is:)

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Ehh ''one size fits all story'', as nicely as it describes the type of story in just a few words seem a bit....offensive to be honest...

...and more importantly I don't see it as a bad thing...I love Dragon age (that certainly includes DA2)/Mass effect (with certain exceptions) and....Jade empire and they are all ''one size fits all'' kind of story:)

...hmm I seem to be forgetting some important game....ah well...


I spotted more story differences between Origins in DA:O then classes on Makeb, for all the talk of "it won't feel the same for levelling different characters to 55". I'll admit to be overly wary for KotFE, especially since I can't think of a game time-skip that didn't end up feeling like the writers didn't know how to resolve storylines, so they jumped ahead 6 years or so and said "oh, that stuff worked itself out off-screen. Go do these new quests instead - your JC doesn't need to root out the Emperor's Children anymore. Trust us, you and Kira had an awesome cross-story team-up to hunt them down... we might do a blog-story about it."

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Considering the Star Wars books are significantly increasing the number of gay characters, I'm hopeful that TOR will follow the same route.


Then again, wouldn't be the first time TOR's dropped the ball.


Well, considering the Shadow of Revan expansion there is no reason that Lana (and random male), at least, won't be bi....tho if she go ''The Emperor was clouding my mind and now that I am thinking clearly ''thanks but no thanks'' '' will be one hell of a twist:))

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Considering the Star Wars books are significantly increasing the number of gay characters, I'm hopeful that TOR will follow the same route.


Then again, wouldn't be the first time TOR's dropped the ball.


It also seem to imply the Imperials really don't care for the LGBT life style, going by that linked article. So, those thinking both sides of the faction line were tolerant, may be wrong.

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Huh....did I dream you replying something else?

Anyway: ofcourse....as I said - what a surprise it will be!

....not a nice one mind you but....:)


It also seem to imply the Imperials really don't care for the LGBT life style, going by that linked article. So, those thinking both sides of the faction line were tolerant, may be wrong.


Neither of your statements make any sense, and are, in fact, not a little irksome.


Saelinne, if Lana is indeed bi, it's not something that's going to go away, but why does the notion of a bi being *ahem* "cured" make you smile?


SithKoriandr, that article may've been written at 4AM with a flaming hangover, despite Earth dictatorships' history with this issue, I seriously doubt the SW counterparts have cared a damn who gets it on with whom.


But, if the article is trying to put LGBT in as positive a light as possible, then they may want to hint that an evil Empire might not care for it, as proof of its general goodness and positiveness.

Edited by sentientomega
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It also seem to imply the Imperials really don't care for the LGBT life style, going by that linked article. So, those thinking both sides of the faction line were tolerant, may be wrong.


I haven't read the novel they're talking about, yet, but I did read Lords of the Sith... The imperial characters didn't seem to have a problem with Delian Mors, except for one unlikeable fellow who didn't like her because she was (paraphrasing here) "hedonistic, lazy, and soft" (and because he was ambitious and wanted her job).



But we find out that she's just been adrift and directionless since the death of her wife in an accident.



When we actually get to see her point of view, we get a much more nuanced look. She's probably my favourite of the minor characters in that book.


So, despite the implications of the article, I don't think the Imps have a problem with non-heterosexual sexualities. I guess I'll have to read Aftermath and find out if I'm right here.

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Considering the Star Wars books are significantly increasing the number of gay characters, I'm hopeful that TOR will follow the same route.

There's not really much room to increase tho from what it looks. I thought Vailyn was gonna be a companion but at this point it's rather clear she's gonna be the main "sexy villaness". Lana is confirmed companion so that only leaves Senya as potential 2nd SGR companion.


There's more options on the male front but I doubt they would make it uneven against female options, so the number is likely restricted to 2 max as well.

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