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I wouldn't consider Theron LS. Agreeing with him in some cases is DS.



For example, on Rakata Prime, electrocuting the Infinite Soldiers while they're still unconscious in order to prevent the Empire from gaining the data is a DS action. Also, on Yavin making the perimeter sensors give information on the Empire is a DS choice.



While I was still playing FA/Rishi/Yavin, Lana struck me as Empire LS - basically a patriot who will do whatever is needed to make the Empire safe but would stop short of anything overtly evil, along the lines of LS Imperial PCs... I kind of dismissed her obvious DS corruption as just something Bioware did to make her "look cool"... But it's clear from Ziost, what I've seen of KotFE, and what was said today at the livestream, that I was wrong. Worse than wrong, I think I was in denial.


Theron's pragmatism turns a little dark sometimes because he's Republic. If a knife in the dark will protect his some, so be it.


Just for the record, though:



It's not so the empire doesn't get their hands on the Revanites' Infinite soldiers, it's because they're tough to kill (remember the last boss of Manaan?), and Theron is like "You know, killing them in their sleep would make our jobs a hell of a lot easier." The LS option is much less LS/DS of the Force there as it is being honorable vs. not.




I think that between Yavin and Ziost, someone else started writing Lana, though. Her personality is completely changed. She's cold and indifferent on Ziost, even to characters that romanced her. And if she had any sense at all, she'd want to dissect the PLAYER'S brain (or Theron's for that matter), because Vitiate never managed to dominate the player. Surro was meat-puppeted just like everyone else.


It seems like whoever is writing her (or picked up the torch after Yavin) decided Lana was going to be just another myopic and moronic Sith. Perhaps it's a ham-fisted attempt to show Lana actually falling to the Dark Side because of the events on Ziost. Maybe it's her homeworld, and she lets her grief and rage consume her.

Edited by Diviciacus
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Why would anyone even complain about companions like Talos, Zenith or Scourge becoming SGR romance options? They weren't opposite-sex romance options and didn't state who they're attracted to. Bioware could do whatever they want with them


I don't think anyone would object to that, but if they made Doc/Corso/Malavai suddenly bisexual (which I think would be great) I wouldn't be surprised if people were mad. Because, you know, even if they never SEE it, they would be bothered that the possibility existed lol.

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I don't think anyone would object to that, but if they made Doc/Corso/Malavai suddenly bisexual (which I think would be great) I wouldn't be surprised if people were mad. Because, you know, even if they never SEE it, they would be bothered that the possibility existed lol.


Seeing as how we have Theron and Lana as bi, I was starting to feel it was less, upset about the possibility and more "Stick to what you originally made the character." Decide, same gender, opposite gender, both gender or none! Maybe some characters like Gault are meant to be with someone else.

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Theron's pragmatism turns a little dark sometimes because he's Republic. If a knife in the dark will protect his some, so be it.


Just for the record, though:



It's not so the empire doesn't get their hands on the Revanites' Infinite soldiers, it's because they're tough to kill (remember the last boss of Manaan?), and Theron is like "You know, killing them in their sleep would make our jobs a hell of a lot easier." The LS option is much less LS/DS of the Force there as it is being honorable vs. not.





Uh, no. It's specifically so that the Empire doesn't get their hands on the data.


Here, I tracked down a video:


If it wasn't that, I don't think Theron would have felt the need to send Lana away for the conversation. He would have suggested it in front of her, though I'm not sure what her reaction would have been.


For Imperials, on the other hand, Lana sends Theron away and specifically suggests you NOT electrocute the guys because she wants the data for the Empire. Which is the light side choice.




I think that between Yavin and Ziost, someone else started writing Lana, though. Her personality is completely changed. She's cold and indifferent on Ziost, even to characters that romanced her. And if she had any sense at all, she'd want to dissect the PLAYER'S brain (or Theron's for that matter), because Vitiate never managed to dominate the player. Surro was meat-puppeted just like everyone else.


It seems like whoever is writing her (or picked up the torch after Yavin) decided Lana was going to be just another myopic and moronic Sith. Perhaps it's a ham-fisted attempt to show Lana actually falling to the Dark Side because of the events on Ziost. Maybe it's her homeworld, and she lets her grief and rage consume her.


I am not sure - Lana's a rather new Minister of Sith Intelligence, and she has her hands full. She takes her duty to the Empire very seriously, and given the way the romance ends on Ziost for Imperial LIs, while she still has feelings for the PC (regardless of faction, I'd say, but I've not finished Ziost with a Pub Lanamancer yet) the Empire takes precedence over her love life.


However, yes the Jedi Brain incident is (I thought) quite out of character for her - she's been intelligent and pragmatic in her approach to things prior to that point... There's no way they actually needed that Jedi to experiment on, because there was a plethora of other people who had been possessed as well, including force users on both sides. There was no need for her to broach the subject right in front of her love interest (who could even be a Republic hero).


Anyway, Lana's skin is pretty pale, and her eyes are DS yellow, and her hair looks a bit washed out colour wise (though that colour of hair exists all on it's own, taken with the other two things)... we're supposed to think she's got a case of DS corruption to begin with (a mild one? How far down the dark side do you need to be to start showing? I noticed an eye colour change at Dark I but that's as low as I've ever gone).

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That last choice can be explained away just as easily as poor writing to give the player another LS/DS choice. :p


I'd like to think so... However - what follows are spoilers for Lana's romance with a LS Republic character.



I just finished Ziost with my LS Republic Lanamancer, and the result of choosing the light side option regarding the Jedi is an acrimonious ending.


Unless there's an in game mail that settles things on a better note (which hasn't arrived yet or something), Lana is extremely upset/angry at the PC. Upon choosing the LS option, she says "You may have killed us all." and "I hope you're happy." Not good signs for the relationship, and I take it that basically ends things with the republic PC, since there doesn't appear to be any contact with her after that. Unlike the Imp PC who sees her again on the Fleet, and has a nice conversation that ends with the L word spoken by Lana to the Imp PC.



I am now rather depressed about Lana. :( I really don't think Bioware is going to give us a chance to redeem her... So unless they offer us other options, some of us lady loving ladies (particularly Lightsiders) are going to be out of luck in KotFE. :mad:


Oh and one other thing I wanted to talk about now I've done both romances... There's a mite bit of double standards going on...



Lana calls the Imp!Lanamancer PC "my love" at the end, but Theron doesn't do likewise for the Rep!Theronmancer. Both romances have kisses, though.



Next on my agenda is to finish Imp side with my male character (a very gay lightside Sith Marauder).

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I am now rather depressed about Lana. :( I really don't think Bioware is going to give us a chance to redeem her... So unless they offer us other options, some of us lady loving ladies (particularly Lightsiders) are going to be out of luck in KotFE.


Light Side female or we riot :p


Though if our only options are, let's say, Lana, Senya and... Oh, I don't know, Vaylin? As an example, and they're all Dark Side, i'm going to have to just accept it and run through 1 to 50 with a DS character because I am not missing out on this a second (third?) time.


People can get their panties in a twist all they want about SGR, it's something Bioware is known for and their name brings with it a sense of inclusion that I now expect. I'm not asking for every single character to be SGR, but just... A couple of options. That would be nice.

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I am just seeing this for the first time so if i am saying something already said then i am sorry for restating, but i really want to put out an opinion on the matter. I think all companions that have romance have been set to only work with opposite sex. so would it not be easy to just turn that off? Make it so the possibility is there. Then every person can chose to do romance with what ever toon based on the point that the toon is romance-able. It just seems that would be easiest way to fix it. Just cause i wouldn't have male toons flirt with male toons doesn't mean it shouldn't be an option. Now i know this is going to sound weird but i think since some of use have leveled toons and while doing that we maxed affection with companions that were not romance-able cause of no SGR option i would not mind if you could make a reset option with a companion so that i could level affection again with the option that would then exist. Edited by Nuverious
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I'd like to think so... However - what follows are spoilers for Lana's romance with a LS Republic character.



I just finished Ziost with my LS Republic Lanamancer, and the result of choosing the light side option regarding the Jedi is an acrimonious ending.


Unless there's an in game mail that settles things on a better note (which hasn't arrived yet or something), Lana is extremely upset/angry at the PC. Upon choosing the LS option, she says "You may have killed us all." and "I hope you're happy." Not good signs for the relationship, and I take it that basically ends things with the republic PC, since there doesn't appear to be any contact with her after that. Unlike the Imp PC who sees her again on the Fleet, and has a nice conversation that ends with the L word spoken by Lana to the Imp PC.



I am now rather depressed about Lana. :( I really don't think Bioware is going to give us a chance to redeem her... So unless they offer us other options, some of us lady loving ladies (particularly Lightsiders) are going to be out of luck in KotFE. :mad:


Oh and one other thing I wanted to talk about now I've done both romances... There's a mite bit of double standards going on...



Lana calls the Imp!Lanamancer PC "my love" at the end, but Theron doesn't do likewise for the Rep!Theronmancer. Both romances have kisses, though.



Next on my agenda is to finish Imp side with my male character (a very gay lightside Sith Marauder).


I noticed that too. Lana saying my love. However, I'm not sure the LS choice at the end effects Lana. It didn't effect her with my LS Inquisitor (well, my Inquisitor did kill the spy).


I think that end scene is just based on what side you're on. If you romance Lana on a Rep, you still end the scene with Theron and you get another option to flirt with him (this is why I say flirt options does not mean the characters are flirting with you :p)


I haven't gotten to it yet, but I will see if my Agent who will flirt with Theron will get a chance at the end to flirt with Lana again (won't take it, like I didn't with Theron).

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I am just seeing this for the first time so if i am saying something already said then i am sorry for restating, but i really want to put out an opinion on the matter. I think all companions that have romance have been set to only work with opposite sex. so would it not be easy to just turn that off? Make it so the possibility is there. Then every person can chose to do romance with what ever toon based on the point that the toon is romance-able. It just seems that would be easiest way to fix it. Just cause i wouldn't have male toons flirt with male toons doesn't mean it shouldn't be an option. Now i know this is going to sound weird but i think since some of use have leveled toons and while doing that we maxed affection with companions that were not romance-able cause of no SGR option i would not mind if you could make a reset option with a companion so that i could level affection again with the option that would then exist.


So, your suggestion is make all companions bi?

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I am just seeing this for the first time so if i am saying something already said then i am sorry for restating, but i really want to put out an opinion on the matter. I think all companions that have romance have been set to only work with opposite sex. so would it not be easy to just turn that off? Make it so the possibility is there. Then every person can chose to do romance with what ever toon based on the point that the toon is romance-able. It just seems that would be easiest way to fix it. Just cause i wouldn't have male toons flirt with male toons doesn't mean it shouldn't be an option. Now i know this is going to sound weird but i think since some of use have leveled toons and while doing that we maxed affection with companions that were not romance-able cause of no SGR option i would not mind if you could make a reset option with a companion so that i could level affection again with the option that would then exist.


I believe some romances are with specific gender in mind so that won't work...though it will work for some.... But DA 2 kind of approach to romance will work with new romances and I am all for it....they will probably not go for playersexual romances but....:) And please include the friend/rival system from DA 2:)....ok dreaming went too far.../sigh


Btw Lana appear to have level 1 DS corruption (only yellow eyes as far as I can see).


Edit: SithKoriandr - that will not be making the companions bi....well it can (if they confess to like/have liked(?) the opposite gender of the romancing PC), but as DA2 it will all remind a mystery...well unless they confess ofcourse:))

Edited by Saelinne
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I believe some romances are with specific gender in mind so that won't work...though it will work for some.... But DA 2 kind of approach to romance will work with new romances and I am all for it....they will probably not go for playersexual romances but....:) And please include the friend/rival system from DA 2:)....ok dreaming went too far.../sigh


Btw Lana appear to have level 1 DS corruption (only yellow eyes as far as I can see).


Edit: SithKoriandr - that will not be making the companions bi....well it can (if they confess to like/have liked(?) the opposite gender of the romancing PC), but as DA2 it will all remind a mystery...well unless they confess ofcourse:))


Well, it does if they go for either gender. Or playersexual which is just lazy. What they need to do is make characters that are og/sg/either gender. People may not get the companion they want...the og only will likely lose out on some sg and vice versa, but it would be a good way to go.


Of course, isn't this all a bit moot now? We're losing our companions. Lana is becoming a companion and she's romanceable by either gender. One of the males is likely romanceable by either gender as well. So it is now in game. Unless it's not about getting it into the game anymore, but rather, now trying to get the devs to go through old content and make it happen from level 1?


Could it be, this is the reason we're basically getting companions through a terminal and not along with the storyline, so they put in new companions who are flirtable with all genders, the player can even go straight to 60 and have it from the start of their game.

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Could it be, this is the reason we're basically getting companions through a terminal and not along with the storyline, so they put in new companions who are flirtable with all genders, the player can even go straight to 60 and have it from the start of their game.


....it seems I have missed quite alot of new info and so I will not guess/try to comment on something I don't know, but let me ask you (mainly because I have never understood why the ''hate'' for playersexial/herosexual romances): why do you dislike the idea?

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....it seems I have missed quite alot of new info and so I will not guess/try to comment on something I don't know, but let me ask you (mainly because I have never understood why the ''hate'' for playersexial/herosexual romances): why do you dislike the idea?


Well, if they did it, I wouldn't stop playing the game. So it's not like it's some OMG UGH. I just prefer they come up with an idea for the NPC and go with it. Then the player gets to react to it. For a game based on choices, what's wrong with the idea of the choices of one's preference for their character? You choose to make your character sg or og then you just limited some choices with who to romance.


Yes, yes, og at the point isn't really limited. I don't think there's a strictly sg romance in the game yet (not sure of the pureblood sith, but I really don't care for pb's face tentacles, sooo, was never going to try, though I don't recall any flirt options either on my Inquisitor).


I think you get better characterization if the character is decided how they're going to be from the beginning, and the players can react to it.


Now, what I do wish they would do, is allow players to flirt regardless. Almost every flirt option seems to be tied to "yup, they like me." they need flirt options that go "sorry, you're not my type." Maybe even get you repeated chances. Maybe they change their mind, maybe they never do and you're left weeping, but why they don't allow you to just flirt, I have no idea. My character flirting shouldn't mean the NPC is attracted. It should mean, my character is attracted to them :p Or in the case of all smugglers...just the way they are!

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Well, if they did it, I wouldn't stop playing the game. So it's not like it's some OMG UGH. I just prefer they come up with an idea for the NPC and go with it. Then the player gets to react to it. For a game based on choices, what's wrong with the idea of the choices of one's preference for their character? You choose to make your character sg or og then you just limited some choices with who to romance.


Yes, yes, og at the point isn't really limited. I don't think there's a strictly og romance in the game yet (not sure of the pureblood sith, but I really don't care for pb's face tentacles, sooo, was never going to try, though I don't recall any flirt options either on my Inquisitor).


I think you get better characterization if the character is decided how they're going to be from the beginning, and the players can react to it.


Now, what I do wish they would do, is allow players to flirt regardless. Almost every flirt option seems to be tied to "yup, they like me." they need flirt options that go "sorry, you're not my type." Maybe even get you repeated chances. Maybe they change their mind, maybe they never do and you're left weeping, but why they don't allow you to just flirt, I have no idea. My character flirting shouldn't mean the NPC is attracted. It should mean, my character is attracted to them :p Or in the case of all smugglers...just the way they are!


:) Pretty much how it was in DA: Inquisition...ahh good times....

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:) Pretty much how it was in DA: Inquisition...ahh good times....


While I appreciate the nuance and personality of the DA:I characters, I think there is something different in an MMORPG that alters what the best approach is. Because there are different companions for each class, and there are so many classes, different alignments, etc. AND because you generally spend more time in an MMO than in something that is a single player experience, (I mean, I've played the same two characters since launch... which was what, 4 years ago?) the best way to do this is to just have all the romance options playersexual.


The messed up part of this whole thing (for both people who don't want SGR and the reluctance of the developers to do something significant about it like retrofit old companions as SGRs) is that it doesn't affect players who don't want SGR - they literally don't even have to know it exists.

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Yes, yes, og at the point isn't really limited. I don't think there's a strictly sg romance in the game yet (not sure of the pureblood sith, but I really don't care for pb's face tentacles, sooo, was never going to try, though I don't recall any flirt options either on my Inquisitor).


You do. You must not have been looking too hard, the flirt is in the very first conversation you have in person with your team on Makeb.


However, I do know of at least one person who selected it thinking it was to flirt with Katha Niar and then was like "ewww I flirted with a guy!!" in general. It was quite amusing and disturbing at the same time to watch his reaction.


I'm still a little sore I didn't get to flirt with Katha Niar... *sigh* Stupid segregated same gender romances... A lesson Bioware obviously didn't learn - since they've effectively repeated the mistake in SoR. You don't get any closure/ending with your LI if you're the opposite faction. I don't know about Imp/Theron yet, but LS Rep/Lana get nothing but a broken heart. (How else are you supposed to interpret acrimonious words and then nothing?)


(My guess for Imp/Theron is they get nada too, but at least their last words with Theron aren't antagonistic, unless they chose the DS option for the Jedi... I know he'd be upset by that.)


Sorry, sorry... Still trying to get over this.



I think you get better characterization if the character is decided how they're going to be from the beginning, and the players can react to it.


I disagree. It can be done right. The reason it never seems to be done right is a combination of the writers ability (or lack of), budgetary restraints ("how many lines of dialogue/what animations/how many hours for the VA" and "how much money"), and time limits/deadlines.


Any writer worth their salt is familiar with handling "what ifs". Sometimes characters are developed without a clear idea of their sexuality. Sometimes characters surprise us down the track by making a choice we never would have imagined for them in the beginning. Because being a writer means being open to all possibilities.


Now, what I do wish they would do, is allow players to flirt regardless. Almost every flirt option seems to be tied to "yup, they like me." they need flirt options that go "sorry, you're not my type." Maybe even get you repeated chances. Maybe they change their mind, maybe they never do and you're left weeping, but why they don't allow you to just flirt, I have no idea. My character flirting shouldn't mean the NPC is attracted. It should mean, my character is attracted to them :p Or in the case of all smugglers...just the way they are!


Because, of course, it means it'll mostly be same gender PCs who are left with the weeping.[/sarcasm]


In case you hadn't noticed, even the heterosexual LIs are playersexual to a point. If they were going to include rejected flirts as dialogue, they'd have to make the LIs a heck of a lot more picky.

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Have only made it through the Makeb series Imp side one time so far, my Imps tend to get neglected after class story finishes. Guess I'm just Rep side more :p So it's been awhile since I played it and memory's a bit fuzzy.


I like to think it's less they hate you (Theron and Lana on the opposite side of things) and more that the game writers were to lazy to put in one more scene and decided to end it with your fraction's character.

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look all i did was give a simple answer. to have them pick each romance-able companion and say this 1 is straight, this 1 gay, this 1 bi seems harder to figure especially if you like a companion and want to see the same gender relation ship with that 1 but nope it can't happen. As for SGR in a game should it be a very complicated thing? it is your personal story so if you never flirt with them then they not flirting back. seems easier to me. I mean these npc's ain't real. i don't expect them to be offended whether i want sgr or not.
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look all i did was give a simple answer. to have them pick each romance-able companion and say this 1 is straight, this 1 gay, this 1 bi seems harder to figure especially if you like a companion and want to see the same gender relation ship with that 1 but nope it can't happen. As for SGR in a game should it be a very complicated thing? it is your personal story so if you never flirt with them then they not flirting back. seems easier to me. I mean these npc's ain't real. i don't expect them to be offended whether i want sgr or not.


I actually don't see what's hard about going "Okay this one is this, this one this and that one this." It's not like it wouldn't leave everyone going "awwww" since, there'd be sg ones, that some people wouldn't get to romance (well, unless they were willing to you know, OMG, make a character that could some how be in a relationship with said character).

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Here's why playersexual would have been best for swtor: The game universe doesn't have any gender issues.


No characters are limited to class by gender (as they are race). No characters are treated differently (other than flirt options) based on gender. There is no in-game way to tell what an NPCs preference is other than by not getting flirt options (it's never discussed). The only way to tell is to talk with other players and realize that "hey, only male characters can flirty/romance this npc" or "hey, only female chars can flirt/romance this other npc". And for 1-50, that just happened to work out that only OGR options were available.


Unlike gender, race is an issue in the game world (on the imp side, at least). There are several scenes where Imp npcs treat characters differently due to race (generally aliens v. humans, which includes cyborgs and nominally Sith), and at least one NPC has a different romance mini-arc based on whether or not the character is or is not an alien.


To people complaining about playersexual in a game where gender isn't an issue: would it be just as ok for the writers to decide that an NPC doesn't like certain skin colors? How would you like it if you played a black human female charcter and you didn't get any flirt options with a black male npc but found out that white female characters did because the writer's vision of that NPC was that he had a thing for white chicks? What if you had to be a white female with blond hair?


These are all realistic things in the real world, but we're playing in a game world with a limited number of NPCs with whom we can interact (through dialog, at least). Given that we players don't have many options, does it really make sense for the writers to add arbitrary (i.e., not part of the game world) limitations based on one or more of the few variables that make up our characters?


Also, for people arguing that non-playersexual is better, deeper writing: Does it make sense that an NPC would be just as likely to flirt/romance a character of his or her race as with a cybernetic baboon as long as it was the "right" gender? E.g., should Ashara be just as likely to choose a male BT 4 Cathar (in skimpy cybernetic gear) as a male Togruta and completely ignore a female Togruta? Just sayin.


Edit: BTW, this mainly applies to games that aren't [easily] moddable, like swtor. Other BW games, like BG, KOTOR, and DA were easily moddable, so if players "disagreed" with the writer's "vision" and wanted to try out something beyond what was shipped, they could. That makes a lot of difference.

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In theory I prefer set sexualities but in practice that normally means getting the short end of the stick and not just by a small amount; we end up with peanuts. So if playersexual/herosexual/everyone's bi is the only way to rectify this, then I say do it.


All I can say about the current state of the game is that not being able to play a gay character from 1-50 sucks. I'm playing an agent at the moment (which is only my second character) and I'm literally about to give up. The game is throwing females at him every 5 minutes (it's way worse than with my JK) and while flirt options for women don't bother me normally, it's a painful reminder that the options aren't there for guys too... at all.


Just got Vector and he's super sweet (if a bit weird) but nothing's gonna come of that. Theron's great but waiting until 55 for a few flirts is no way to play the game; especially when I keep hearing that IA is the best story.


I'll sub until KOTFE and see what happens but if SGR is just for new companions for 5 levels, I'll probably play though that and quit until a lot more of the chapters are out so I can get a complete story. This isn't just about romance; you can't even be an openly gay character pre-50 regardless of whether romances are available or not because you can't even flirt. This isn't even taking into account the fact that the game *makes* your character straight like it did on Tatooine with the defector girl who I ended up holding hands with in the final goodbye despite not taking a single flirt option.


I apologise for the rant. I thought I knew what I was getting myself into but I didn't realise how much it would bother me until I finally started playing because there are all these moments when you know you're missing out like when you speak to Vector on the ship for the first time and he talks about expanding his horizons, I just know that there was a flirt option there for a female and I haven't even looked it up yet and there are tons of moments like this.


Seriously, sorry. I'll stop now :cool:

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Just got Vector and he's super sweet (if a bit weird) but nothing's gonna come of that. Theron's great but waiting until 55 for a few flirts is no way to play the game; especially when I keep hearing that IA is the best story.


I feel for you, deeply. My first character was IA and when I got Vector I was like omg omg what a cutie...wait a minute...I can no have him? Damn! I roleplayed my guy being secretly in love with Vector and then giving up on this unrequieted love and going for Theron...and btw Theron broke his heart like he does for every Imp.


Seriously. I have always been for player-sexuality. I'm not going for a long explanations about this, but it IS an easy and cost-effective way to give everyone a fair chance. It is not same as being a bi-sexual. These are not people. They are imaginary characters. I beta-tested Ser Gilmore-mod for DAO, and he is player-sexual. I still think it was a brilliant way to do him. After that came DA2 and again, I was all for the characters being what you want them to be in your game. My gay-Anders being hetero in someone elses game doesn't bother me a bit.


I think people who are against player-sexual characters feel themselves threatened. The idea makes them insecure. They live in world where things are right or wrong, and there is a right way to do, well, everything. Everything that threatens this duality makes them nervous. Why would they others resist something that wouldn't even be in their game if they don't do the effort and choose it to be? So what if my gay-man and your hetero-woman would get the same romance from Vector? What it would take away from you? You can make Jaesa LS or DS. This doesn't seem to bother anyone. No one cares that her character can be this or that, dependind what you choose her to be. But in this matter, suddenly characters are written in stone. Is sexuality THIS much of a problem to people? Why do I even ask when I live and work among people who are adults but say they want to vomit when they see two men kissing.

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I think people who are against player-sexual characters feel themselves threatened. The idea makes them insecure.

I disagree. I think that many people are against playersexual characters because those characters are so often poorly written -- that is, the character seems less like a living and three-dimensional person than a cardboard cutout.


If you've gone through the entire thread, you'll have noticed that a number of those advocating against playersexual companions in TOR are themselves part of the LGBT community. IMO, posters for whom the "ick" factor is a problem are likely to advocate for the complete absence of any SGR options at all rather than debate the relative merits of playersexual vs. Kinsey scale NPCs.


My personal preference in a perfect world would be for each character to have its own individual sexual orientation, and for there to be a range of gender/orientation combinations such that every PC would have multiple romance options that appealed to them. In the real world, this approach typically leaves some groups with far fewer options than others, so I see playersexual NPCs as a reasonable (although hardly ideal) alternative that allows some level of choice for each PC.

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My personal preference in a perfect world would be for each character to have its own individual sexual orientation, and for there to be a range of gender/orientation combinations such that every PC would have multiple romance options that appealed to them. In the real world, this approach typically leaves some groups with far fewer options than others, so I see playersexual NPCs as a reasonable (although hardly ideal) alternative that allows some level of choice for each PC.


I think some of the issue is also gender disparity. Every single female companion currently in the game is romanceable by men. LS Jaesa is kind of not, but she can agree to marry a male PC and bear his children even though she doesn't have a romance track per se. More classes than not also have only one female companion.


There are a few male companions, on the other hand, who are not romanceable and could easily be gay: Zenith, Talos, Rusk, Scourge. Pierce can be a friend with benefits to a lady warrior, but it's not hard to imagine him being bisexual and preferring a fully fledged relationship only with men.

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