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Smash isn't that bad


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I remember when this game was coming out and was released. The idea of a Jugg/Guardian was to take hits, not have the capability of topping 1 mil damage in voidstar and civil war when theres no bubble stun to challenge them. and also being able to hit 7k - 8k with a bloodthirst activated (thats with 1214 expertise).


When stun bubble gets nerfed and if smash doesnt, i guarantee you will be seeing x3 the amount of complaints about smash, so nerfing it will be inevitable.


All you need is two smashers on a team, and you already know that the opposition is in trouble. ive seen a premade use a Power tech and 1 - 2 smasher combo. it was literally GRAPPLE/BURST and in less than 6 seconds, they were dead, myself included.


Ive also done an experiment with my friend where he activates crush and i purge the second i get it, my friend still gets 2 stacks for the damage boost. same with cc breaking choke straight away. Now imagine that in a warzone where you cant stare at your debuffs most of the time, you got close to no chance of purging before 3 - 4 stacks (which is when smash becomes very powerful).


People saying that smash isnt op are the smashers themselves to be honest. My guild has the best juggernaught ive ever seen in game and since smash got buffed, he's never done under 400k damage even vs a stun bubble team, and 400k is the bare minimum he could possibly do so far.

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Have you not seen the insane amounts of "nerf smash" threads?


I have no problem with smash 1v1. I can see that smash is easy to counter with a coordinated team of competent pvpers in rwz. I often outdo smashers/sweepers in the "biggest hit" stat (as meaningless as that is).


However, the fact is that the majority of pvp in this game takes place in normal, not ranked, warzones, and smash is undoubtedly unbalanced in this situation. A single smasher is only a problem for those too unaware to look out for someone flying through the air. Multiple smashers, though, are a problem. They don't need to worry about who to target (I'm a shadow, target priority is the #1 determinant of what I do in wzs) because they hit everyone in the crowd equally. This is a huge advantage. There's no need to spend any time considering the target as long as they're in a crowd, which occurs in every wz except huttball. Not to mention the fact that they can completely ignore crit and stack power on all their gear.


I appreciate the logic that you're trying to use above but "insane number of threads" doesn't impress me. There's a large number of posters on these boards that can be wrong and there's a large number of posters on these boards that have been wrong before and there's a large number of posters on these boards that are deliberately wrong. Just look at the "JJ is going to kill the new Star Wars" thread; so many objectively wrong idiots. As for your logic, you're using words like "undoubtedly" and "huge advantage" without demonstrating the results/proof of these advantages. Yes, smash hits hardest and it can be instant and aoe. That, in and of itself, is not an argument for smash being OP it's just a fact. Do smashers always top dps numbers? No. Do they always win 1v1? Heck no (but many many people in threads like this will and have said otherwise - again, lots of idiots). Do they usually outnumber every other class? Not according to the numbers I've seen. Does having a team full of smashers guarantee or assure victory? Heck no. I would wager that the teams with more sins/sorcs will usually win but I haven't crunched hard numbers. I -could- crunch numbers but haven't seen any actual proof that is worth refuting yet.

Edited by WaywardOne
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You guys must all be from the Bastion where you haven't figured out how to deal with Smash. The spec is an afterthought on PoT5 nowadays.



Thank you...this is really the issue. Some servers don't know how to play. I play many characters (50 Merc, 50 Guardian, 50 Vanguard) but my main is my DPS Guardian (so yes I am bias). When I PvP on him what I notice is that I do well for the first 2 or 3 engagements but then I become a focused target.


This is the real key to dealing with Smashers (Guardians and Jugs only) as they have only one true defensive cool down. This one ability is on a 3 min cool down. Furthermore with some basic team coordination you can take a smasher out of the fight for the most part.


Tip 1) Don't let him leap...then he can't trigger an instant crit on his Smash...THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. If you don't have stealth or a gap closer don't think you can take me 1vs1 or even 2vs1 because I will burst DPS you faster and harder (just the truth).


Tip 2) Watch my Buffs. What makes Smash Strong is a buff called Singularity. This buff increases the damage of Smash by 25% and stacks 4 times (ohh and this was nerfed back in 1.3 it used to be even more damage so yeah cry more guys). If I have 4 Stacks my next ability is going to be 1 of my 2 leaps, then global cool down, then SMASH.


This means that you should be stunning me after my short leap...or close to me to prevent my long leap


I hope these tips help those of you that are uninformed actually fight them instead of calling for a nerf

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I am an almost full EWH sage(1390 exp) and get leaped to force screamed for 4k, smashed for 7.5k and then vicious throw-ed for 5.5k. The highest i have been hit for was 8.3k, theres no way someone of my stats should be getting hit for that much from someone slightly better geared than me. I would understand the insane damage if it were only done to under-geared players. I know I'm a sage so will have no defence/armor but thats still ridiculous. One thing I think would help is to make the ticks from force crush slower than they do as when its cast on me and I instantly dispel they already have 2/3 stacks of singularity. Not to even mention ravage that can hit 10k plus if lucky. They have 4 attacks that do over 4k damage consistently and us sages have one and even then thats not always over 4k.
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I'm pretty sure they already nerfed the rage tree by 10% on the max dmg of smash, I could be wrong but there are ways to avoid the uber smash guys lol, Sins for instance pop force shroud when you see them jump when you see that *resist* and no health taken from your bar and the lulsmasher looks at you like "da*** hackz bro" spike and run.

Not only that but I do fine against those "monkeys" I do admit it's annoying to have mutiple in a match, but a single smasher becomes my primary target and I always try to force pull them away or stun them like crazy and make a note of it to the team allowing them the brief knowledge and watching a few quit at the mention or sight of the smasher.

moral of the story.

Just deal with it. I know it's not fun but when you do pound em down it's alot more rewarding right?:cool:

Beskoda-50 Sin

Idreddhen-50 Marauder

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"This is the real key to dealing with Smashers (Guardians and Jugs only) as they have only one true defensive cool down. This one ability is on a 3 min cool down. Furthermore with some basic team coordination you can take a smasher out of the fight for the most part."


Man, you said what I have been telling people on my server about smash guardians/juggs for a long time now.


Smash seems so much worse because of all the marauders/sentinels running that spec. And, they have a few more defensive cd's that, imo, allow for more survivability. I would love seeing a smash guardian/jugg on the other team any day, instead of a bunch of smash marauders/sentinels.

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Smash spec can reach big dps numbers cuz its requires pretty high skill cap of its players. Other dps'ers cannot reach such numbers cuz they are mostly all simply baddies and need stop cryin' on forum and L2P. :o


Smash with support and vs bads can be devastating, sure. Maybe even moreso than other classes. But look at the pvp records thread - there's a screenshot of a results board with 5 sorc heals (probably lots of bubble stuns in there) and 1 smasher vs a team with 4 smashers. Guess which smasher did 1.6million damage? The other four smashers with no heals? ~400k each. More than any other class smashers are forced to bunch up a bit and they got owned by the sorcs. Take the right situation and you can make any class look good. There's a scoundrel (not sniper) on my server that regulary tops damage and killing-blows/solo-kills. Put her amongst the best smashers and her total damage number is within 10-15% of them (but again - solo kills, single target damage and few deaths - saw this last night 600k dam vs 650-670k for the two top smashers). There are vanguards that routinely create numbers that top the best bis smashers - and sometimes they don't - so what? They're more of a ranged and relatively low risk class anyways. Where's the "over-powered"? Where's the "unbeatable"?

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Smash with support and vs bads can be devastating, sure. Maybe even moreso than other classes. But look at the pvp records thread - there's a screenshot of a results board with 5 sorc heals (probably lots of bubble stuns in there) and 1 smasher vs a team with 4 smashers. Guess which smasher did 1.6million damage? The other four smashers with no heals? ~400k each. More than any other class smashers are forced to bunch up a bit and they got owned by the sorcs. Take the right situation and you can make any class look good. There's a scoundrel (not sniper) on my server that regulary tops damage and killing-blows/solo-kills. Put her amongst the best smashers and her total damage number is within 10-15% of them (but again - solo kills, single target damage and few deaths - saw this last night 600k dam vs 650-670k for the two top smashers). There are vanguards that routinely create numbers that top the best bis smashers - and sometimes they don't - so what? They're more of a ranged and relatively low risk class anyways. Where's the "over-powered"? Where's the "unbeatable"?


Wait, if you give a dps class the highest damage mitigation, highest damage and more defensive cool down than any other class...then no counter attacks and gap closers that class becomes the lowest risk class, and the most OP one.

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Wait, if you give a dps class the highest damage mitigation, highest damage and more defensive cool down than any other class...then no counter attacks and gap closers that class becomes the lowest risk class, and the most OP one.


You're just repeating lies - pretty sure you don't know what you're talking about. So yea, nerf operatives.

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I am an almost full EWH sage(1390 exp) and get leaped to force screamed for 4k, smashed for 7.5k and then vicious throw-ed for 5.5k. The highest i have been hit for was 8.3k, theres no way someone of my stats should be getting hit for that much from someone slightly better geared than me. I would understand the insane damage if it were only done to under-geared players. I know I'm a sage so will have no defence/armor but thats still ridiculous. One thing I think would help is to make the ticks from force crush slower than they do as when its cast on me and I instantly dispel they already have 2/3 stacks of singularity. Not to even mention ravage that can hit 10k plus if lucky. They have 4 attacks that do over 4k damage consistently and us sages have one and even then thats not always over 4k.


Wow, that must be that new 0/31/31 spec I have heard about. :rolleyes: As has been much discussed, the BiS smasher user stacks all power/surge. That makes it awfully had for the smasher to crit the force scream, ravage, and vicious throw to go with his smash. The statistical chance of it happening is so slim it is boggling.

I expect part of the reason nothing seems to be done about smash, is the rampant misinformation that people like you spread about the spec.

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I am an almost full EWH sage(1390 exp) and get leaped to force screamed for 4k, smashed for 7.5k and then vicious throw-ed for 5.5k. The highest i have been hit for was 8.3k, theres no way someone of my stats should be getting hit for that much from someone slightly better geared than me. I would understand the insane damage if it were only done to under-geared players. I know I'm a sage so will have no defence/armor but thats still ridiculous. One thing I think would help is to make the ticks from force crush slower than they do as when its cast on me and I instantly dispel they already have 2/3 stacks of singularity. Not to even mention ravage that can hit 10k plus if lucky. They have 4 attacks that do over 4k damage consistently and us sages have one and even then thats not always over 4k.


man, those smash numbers get bigger and bigger every time someone posts about it:rolleyes:

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Wow, that must be that new 0/31/31 spec I have heard about. :rolleyes: As has been much discussed, the BiS smasher user stacks all power/surge. That makes it awfully had for the smasher to crit the force scream, ravage, and vicious throw to go with his smash. The statistical chance of it happening is so slim it is boggling.

I expect part of the reason nothing seems to be done about smash, is the rampant misinformation that people like you spread about the spec.

Just because it is hard does not mean it doesn't happen. The average smasher has about 23% crit chance if im not mistaken so nearly 1 in 4 of their attacks will crit. So it doesnt make it "awfully hard" to crit. It has happened to me many times. Also vicious throw has an extra 15% to crit so that would make it just under 40% so even more likely. And yeah i said ravage will do 10k if they are LUCKY, i never said it did it all the time. And even base it does more than any sage attack.

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man, those smash numbers get bigger and bigger every time someone posts about it:rolleyes:

Ill post some of my combat log then:


[19:47:12.800] [@Asevenx] [@Trithorn] [smash {807801743998976}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (7317* kinetic {836045448940873}) <7317>

[19:51:27.294] [@Rhagnok] [@Trithorn] [smash {807801743998976}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (6528* kinetic {836045448940873} (795 absorbed {836045448945511})) <6528>

[20:11:24.588] [@Boboro] [@Trithorn] [smash {807801743998976}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (7378* kinetic {836045448940873}) <7378>

[22:40:15.324] [@Crenshi] [@Trithorn] [smash {807801743998976}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (6786* kinetic {836045448940873}) <6786>

[15:24:45.391] [@Vallia] [@Trithorn] [smash {807801743998976}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (6802* kinetic {836045448940873} (2424 absorbed {836045448945511})) <6802>


So i'm not actually lying at all as there is proof^^. There were plenty more but I thought i'd only take a few. I used more than one to prove it happens consistently to me. True there are the lowly 4k smashes but about 65% of all the smashes on my logs are around 6k.


And heres a couple of force screams too:

[19:52:05.440] [@Rhagnok] [@Trithorn] [Force Scream {998270658674688}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (4642* kinetic {836045448940873}) <4642>

[16:09:34.281] [@Juniblex] [@Trithorn] [Force Scream {998270658674688}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (4318* kinetic {836045448940873}) <4318>

[00:28:54.519] [@Rommer] [@Trithorn] [Force Scream {998270658674688}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (4149* kinetic {836045448940873}) <4149>

and to prove they was rage specced:

[16:13:53.303] [@Juniblex] [@Trithorn] [smash {807801743998976}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (6107* kinetic {836045448940873}) <6107>

[00:28:53.066] [@Rommer] [@Trithorn] [smash {807801743998976}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (6221* kinetic {836045448940873}) <6221>


And i'll include vicious throw too:

[20:11:30.736] [@Caffo] [@Trithorn] [Vicious Throw {2145542322782208}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (5966* energy {836045448940874}) <5966>

[21:50:19.005] [@Plukoon] [@Trithorn] [Vicious Throw {2145542322782208}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (6087* energy {836045448940874}) <6087>

[19:03:23.804] [@Trexlikiu] [@Trithorn] [Vicious Throw {2145542322782208}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (5054* energy {836045448940874}) <5054>

[20:30:46.722] [@Pluto] [@Trithorn] [Vicious Throw {2145542322782208}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (6015* energy {836045448940874}) <6015>


Again to prove they were all smashers:

[20:12:41.527] [@Caffo] [@Trithorn] [smash {807801743998976}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (6473* kinetic {836045448940873}) <4855>

[21:51:30.168] [@Plukoon] [@Trithorn] [smash {807801743998976}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (6488* kinetic {836045448940873} (3937 absorbed {836045448945511})) <6488>

[19:09:30.987] [@Trexlikiu] [@Trithorn] [smash {807801743998976}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (6431* kinetic {836045448940873}) <6431>

[20:34:23.487] [@Pluto] [@Trithorn] [smash {807801743998976}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (6590* kinetic {836045448940873} (1890 absorbed {836045448945511})) <6590>

Please try and call me a liar now.

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People need to realize that smash spec is not as severely overpowered as people say it is. With some simple warzone awareness, a group could realize that the jugg that's placed himself between 4-5 enemies is actually guaranteed to die if those targets would just turn and attack him.


The weakness of this spec needs to be exploited, and it is that the smasher is constantly putting himself in harms way surrounded by multiple enemies, and before you know it, you don't have a smash problem anymore.


A melee class would not complain about ranged damage without actually trying to close the gap and fight the range and stop him from free casting. The advantage ranged has is that they can place themselves somewhere in range of their healers but out of range of the enemy dps.


Stop complaining about a spec that is really not that powerful; it hits hard but that's required since if they can't do damage quickly they won't do any at all since they're dead so soon. People suggesting 3-5 different changes to the spec don't understand how the spec works... nerf it and no one will play it, whats the point of that?


problem is not 1 smasher jumping into a group, it is 3-4 smashers jumping in at the same time to a single target or group and smashing = target dead/group dead or almost.


Just try it...you don't even have to be at lvl 50 where you get the stupid high smash numbers. For the lolz grouped with 3 other guardians, I was level 25, one lvl 15, one 30, one 32. We would just use target of target to always jump to the same target (we tried to make sure the target was next to others, or in a group). 4 leaps (damage) + 4 sweeps (damage) most of the time that target was dead and the targets around were dead or close to it.

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problem is not 1 smasher jumping into a group, it is 3-4 smashers jumping in at the same time to a single target or group and smashing = target dead/group dead or almost.



Dude, problem is not 1 sin/operative jumped from nowhere on you when you defend node/door, problem is 3-4 sins/operatives jumping on you from nowhere when you defend nodes.


So, nerf operatives! :o

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Smash with support and vs bads can be devastating, sure. Maybe even moreso than other classes. But look at the pvp records thread - there's a screenshot of a results board with 5 sorc heals (probably lots of bubble stuns in there) and 1 smasher vs a team with 4 smashers. Guess which smasher did 1.6million damage? The other four smashers with no heals? ~400k each. More than any other class smashers are forced to bunch up a bit and they got owned by the sorcs. Take the right situation and you can make any class look good. There's a scoundrel (not sniper) on my server that regulary tops damage and killing-blows/solo-kills. Put her amongst the best smashers and her total damage number is within 10-15% of them (but again - solo kills, single target damage and few deaths - saw this last night 600k dam vs 650-670k for the two top smashers). There are vanguards that routinely create numbers that top the best bis smashers - and sometimes they don't - so what? They're more of a ranged and relatively low risk class anyways. Where's the "over-powered"? Where's the "unbeatable"?


Indeed, form Shii-cho, according Lore, was always great versus multiply weak enemies:




As Shii-Cho was effectively an experimental combat form, and was created prior to the emergeance of Dark Jedi and Sith Lords, it did not address the issue of lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat, and was quickly replaced by Form II: Makashi.


Shii-Cho swordplay was simplistic and raw. In the hands of a master, the bladework was described as "like watching water flow over the falls.


Shii-Cho was specialized towards engaging multiple opponents, the wide, sweeping motions being ideally suited towards attacking numerous adversaries. However, Form I was not as useful against single opponents, as such enemies had complete mobility and could find a weakness in Shii-Cho's comparatively clumsy bladework



And its logic work fine on regular warzones, where are plenty bads and bad sorcs/mercs. Form I weak for 1 vs 1 (compared with Juyo, Ataru, Makashi) and weak vs blaster fire (compared with Soresu).

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Dude, problem is not 1 sin/operative jumped from nowhere on you when you defend node/door, problem is 3-4 sins/operatives jumping on you from nowhere when you defend nodes.


So, nerf operatives! :o


Except sins / operatives can't do 7k+ AoE damage. They can completely ruin someones day but not an entire group.

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Except sins / operatives can't do 7k+ AoE damage. They can completely ruin someones day but not an entire group.


Who cares about aoe, if both defenders of node/door are dead and its capped? Every wz (except Huttball) is one BIG figth on one place and second small fight in other place.


You tell us about BIG fight with all these smashers, but second figth no less important also. And for this fight if you see runnning smashers on you, you can call inc, get help and win this fight.


But when you get 3-4 sins from nowhere on you, you lost it before you call inc.

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The thing with smashers is that they are a one trick poney. I know its been said way too many times but I think it bares repeating. A single smasher isn't scary. In fact, i've beaten fully geared smashers from Lethal Dose 50 (Min/Maxed pug que premaders on my server) as a gunnery commando wielding a rifle in 1v1. That said, I had all of my cooldowns, he was missing some of his, and I think he was arrogant or not trying fully. However they are hardly godmode. Here are a couple of pointers on how to "deal" with them as an opeartive or commando, can't give advice for the other classes because I don't play them.


Commando: (I use gunnery spec)

Cryo as soon as he leaps you. This requires some finesee and field awareness but if done correctly will save your hide. Fire one grav, stock strike, move 5 meters sideways. Apply sticky nade, fire another grav, concussive round. He is now 20+ meters away and you probably have a FA proc. Fire FA + demo + bolt. Move while firing the second two. Just as he closes into melee range turn on shield + stim. Facetank for the rest of the fight. Most smashers are too stupid to find their interrupt button and I have yet to meet one that will survive a full gunnery rotation after eating that opener I described.


Operative: (I use lethality spec)

assuming you see him from stealth before he sees you, this fight is a joke. Drop into cover at 30 meters and apply dots. Spam snipe as he approaches. Once he is in 10m range he will leap. Debilitate, shiv, weakening blast, cloaking screen (only needed vs more geared ones). If at any point he managed to apply force crush, use evasion to negate it. By this point he has half health, no shockwave charges yet, and can't see you. Feel free to do your opening rotation or just /slap him from stealth a few times as he bleeds out.


assuming he leaps to you with full smash charges, you can still win. You probably won't catch him in time to avoid the first smash, but as soon as you eat it, flash nade him and start healing. More often then not he will break the flash nade and try to start building charges again. In case of force crush, use evasion, in case of choke, breaker + interrupt. As soon as that happens, debilitate and run for distance. Get 15+ meters away and go into cover. Apply dots. Drop an orbital on yourself as he closes. His 10m leap doesn't interrupt casts so more often then not you will get your orbital off. Most smashers are too stupid to not sit in the 7-10k aoe of the orbital and by this point he only has 1 of his 2 shockwave stack generators available. Its a winnable situation especially if you have a stim + medpack.

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Smash warriors and marauders are presently the most OP class in this game and not by a small margin either. It really is a shame that bioware has allowed this crap to go on for this long.


I've recently leveled a full war hero sorc. I can honsetly say all the QQing i've read about sorcs getting destroyed by smashers is spot on. The fight is actually quite funny as there really is very little a sorc can do to counter them short of being forced into running hybrid bubblestun specs.


These are the issues from a sorcs perspective.


All warriors have access to a 10 - 30m leap. Obliterate is a 0 - 10m leap. This leaves ZERO room to kite. There is no "safe" zone where you can skillfully position yourself so that you maintain a ranged advantage. Why obliterate is not a 4m ability is really kind of silly.


All leaps have a root mechanic which totally destroy the sorcs ability to kite. Giving melee classes the ability to root targets is a serious oversight on biowares behalf. A better way of handling leaps is to give a very short duration speed boost upon leaping so that they can atleast catch up and slow the target. This is atleast fair. Rooting a sorc allows melee to do massive damage to the sorc in a very short space of time. In the case of smash, the damage is usually unrecoverable.


Finally, All the warrior abilities hit massively harder than anything a sorc can churn out. This makes it absolutely imperative that the sorc maintain a ranged advantage which is impossible given all of the above.

Edited by JackNader
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Commando: (I use gunnery spec)

Cryo as soon as he leaps you. This requires some finesee and field awareness but if done correctly will save your hide. Fire one grav, stock strike, move 5 meters sideways. Apply sticky nade, fire another grav, concussive round. He is now 20+ meters away and you probably have a FA proc. Fire FA + demo + bolt. Move while firing the second two. Just as he closes into melee range turn on shield + stim. Facetank for the rest of the fight. Most smashers are too stupid to find their interrupt button and I have yet to meet one that will survive a full gunnery rotation after eating that opener I described.

You assume he won't interrupt any of you 3 channeled abilities, which you cast 5 times at 1.5 seconds each...or use a CC break...and that all of your defensive cooldowns are reset? Maybe in 1 fight out of 20 this will work...but not on average...not even close.

Edited by TUXs
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